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我的新的一天注定从一个酸楚的发现开始,我看见那个六岁大的儿子扭住我的杜鹃花丛的一大枝。我刚刚跑出去,他就把它给折下来,问我:“今天,我能把这个带到学校吗?”他挥挥我的手,我便打发他My day began on a decidedly sour note when I saw mysix-year-oldwrestling with a limb of my azalea bush.By the timeI got outside,he’d broken it.“Can I take this to school today?”he asked.With a wave of my hand,I sent him off.Iturned my back so he wouldn’t see the tearsgathering in my eyes.I loved that azaleabush.I tou…  相似文献   

Can you play the guitar?【情景对话】Wang:What can I do for you?Maria:I want to join the clubs.Wang:OK,what clubs do you want to join?Maria:I want to join the swimming club.Wang:Why do you want to join the club?Maria:Because I like swimming.Wang:你需要我帮忙吗?Maria:我想加入俱乐部。  相似文献   

First thing in the US,adjust to thetime difference. ——来美第一件事:调时差。 I need to put it in the cloak-room. ——我需要把这寄放在寄存处。 Do you need a cart to carry it? ——你需要一辆手推车吗? Where can I ask for domestic  相似文献   

mind[词义用法]1. vt. 介意; 反对I don’t mind cold weather.我并不在乎冷天气。Would you mind opening the window? 你能为我把那窗子打开吗?  相似文献   

同学们: 现在我们将要探讨的是第十一单元,它的语言目标是客气的邀请和请求许可。语法项目是复习一般将来时和一般过去时。请看: -Could you take out the trash? -Sure。-Could I borrow the car?意"我能借这辆车吗?" -Sorry,but I need it.I have to go to a meeting. Could you please take out the trash?意"请把垃  相似文献   

wife:Dear,look at our sheet! It's too dirty. Would you like to wash it now? Husband:I don't think it's necessary. We can turn the sheet over. Is that all right? Wife:How lazy you are! I tell you the truth,I turned it over last week.妻子:亲爱的,看看咱们的床单,太脏了。你现在去洗洗床单,好吗?丈夫:我认为没必要。我们可以把床单翻过来,你说呢?  相似文献   

tweezers['twiz(?)z]n.夹子,镊子A:Do you have a pair of tweezers?I have a splinter in my toe. 你有夹子吗?我的脚趾里有碎片B:Here,Let me help you get it out. 来,我来帮你把它弄出来sign up['sain'(?)p]加入,签署A:Why didn't you sign up for the basketball team this year? 你怎么没加入今年的篮球队? B:I just don't have the time. 我挤不出时间  相似文献   

I.Where is the winner?Customer:This lobster's only got one claw. Waiter:I guess he's been lost in a fight,sir. Customer:Well,bring me the winner. 胜者在哪里?顾客:这只龙虾只有一只爪子。侍者:我猜应该是在打架时弄丢的,先生。顾客:那样的话,请把那只胜者请来吧。  相似文献   

take far此动词词组解释为“把…看作”或“把…误认为,把…误以为”。动词take 后面跟一个表示人或物的名词或代名词。例如:I took what she saidfor the truth.我以为她所说的是实情。What do you take me for?你把我看成什么人了?又如:From his manners of speaking,I took him  相似文献   

1.I haven’tcleaned out the refrigerator yet.我还没清理冰箱呢。2.Have you watered the plants yet?你浇过花草吗?3.Have you ever been to Beijing?Yes,I have been there twice.你去过北京吗?是的,我去过两次。  相似文献   

1.A.This kind of apple sells well. B.Will you sell me your bike? [译文]A.这种苹果畅销。B.把你的自行车卖给我,好吗? [说明]A句中的sell为不及物动词,但表达被动意义。B句中的sell为及物动词。2.A.This is the same book as I have lost. B.This is the same book that I have lost. [译文]A.这本书和我丢失的那本书完全一样。B.这就是我丢失的那本书。  相似文献   

今天小刺猬要测测大家的IQ,看谁能最快猜出我说的是什么?Ihave five letters.Fourlettersare the sam e as(和……相同)m ouse,and fourlettersare the sam e ashorse.W hatam I?聪明的你猜到了吗?如果没猜到就拿起画笔,把带有●的部分涂上brow n,把带有★的部分涂上red,把带有  相似文献   

我贫穷吗?我富裕吗?两个幼小的孩子给了我答案———They crowded inside the storm door —two children in ragged outgrown coats.“Any old papers, lady?”I was busy. I wanted to say no —until I looked down at their feet.Thin little sandals(凉鞋), wet with sleet(冰雪).“Come in and I蒺ll make you a cup of hot cocoa.”There was no conversation. Their soggy(浸水) sandals left marks upon the hearthstone. I served them cocoa and toast(烤面包)with jam to fight a-gainst the cold outside. Then I went b…  相似文献   

In the way和on the way是极为常见的两个短语,如何灵活运用在具体的语境中呢? 1.in the way 这个短语常指“在道上”,有妨碍、阻拦的意思.如: 1)She can't do her dance because the table is in the way.Can you help me move it? 桌子挡住了路,她不能跳舞了.你能帮忙移开吗? 2)You just arranged matters so that no one was in the way. 你把一切都安排好了,这样就不会有人挡道了. 3)I knew what got in the way of success,and I planned for it. 我知道通往成功的道路上会遇到什么,我也计划好了.  相似文献   

(1) A: You pay for the supper and I will treat you to a movie. OK? B: It’s a deal. A:你付晚饭钱,我请你看电影,怎么样?B:一言为定!(2) A: Now I will tell you the new theory I have established. B: I’m all ears. A:现在我要告诉你我新建立的理论。B:我洗耳恭听。口语充电  相似文献   

One,two,three,four,five,Once I caught a fish alive.Six,seven,eight,nine,ten,Then I let it go again.Why did you let it go?Because it bit my finger so.Which finger did it bite?This little finger on the right.一、二、三、四、五,我抓到了一条活鱼。六、七、八、九、十,我把鱼儿放走。为何要把鱼儿放走?它咬了我的手指。鱼儿咬了你的哪个手指?它咬了我右手的小拇指。我抓到了一条鱼@文华…  相似文献   

正夏日的微风和阳光都糅合着纯粹馥郁的季节清香,天地间温柔氤氲一片,一瓣小小的思念,在心尖留下一个淡红色的影子,心绪也在这季节中,变得温暖而敞亮。Do you have a map?Because I just keep losing in your eyes.你有地图吗?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。  相似文献   

你有没有上学迟到过的经历?如果与外国朋友交往中迟到了,你应该怎样表达你的歉意并说明情况呢?这里给大家推荐最经常说的十句话。1.I’m sorry for being late.抱歉我迟到了。2.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.抱歉让你久等了。3.Sorry,I’m late again.I’ll make it up to you.Dinner is on me.How’s that?抱歉,我又迟到了。我会补偿你的。晚餐我请,怎么样?4.Sorry,I didn’t catch the bus./I missed the bus.抱歉,我没赶上公交车。/我错过了公交车。5.Sorry,I hit rush hour traffic.抱歉,我碰上交通的高峰期。6.Sorry,I o…  相似文献   

英语口语中常用一般疑问句的否定形式表达某些意思。1.对问题提出反问,译作"难道……?"Didn't I set you free from the jar?难道不是我把你从坛子里放出来的吗?  相似文献   

[英语原文] Boy:Isn't the principal(校长)a dummy(傻瓜)? Girl:Do you know who I am ? Boy:No. Girl:I am the principal' s daughter. Boy:And do you know who I am? Girl:No. Boy:Thank goodness. [汉语翻译] 男孩儿:那个校长难道不是傻瓜吗? 女孩儿:你知道我是谁吗? 男孩儿:不知道. 女孩儿:我是校长的女儿. 男孩儿:你知道我是谁吗? 女孩儿:不知道. 男孩儿:谢天谢地.  相似文献   

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