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Workplace learning is considered an effective strategy for the development of vocation, career and professional identity. Dual training programs, in which learning at a vocational school and learning at work in a company are combined, are seen as strong carriers for skill formation processes. In this study we explore workplace learning in dual training programs in Dutch higher professional education. To gain an understanding of these learning environments and processes, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in seven sectors. The findings show substantial differences in learning environments between and within sectors. However, cooperation between school and practice is minimal in all of the cases. Although students develop personal and job-related competencies that are useful for daily work routines, they acquire hardly any profound theoretical knowledge at the workplace. School fails to direct workplace learning. Given the considerable share of workplace learning in dual training programs, and the demands to higher professional education graduates in terms of being able to solve complex problems and develop new knowledge during their career as reflective practitioners, it is important that these shortcomings are resolved. More promising alternatives for workplace learning environments and questions for further research to improve workplace learning in higher professional education are discussed.  相似文献   

工作场所学习作为一种有别于传统"学校本位教育"的学习方式,发生在工作场所之中,其内涵经历了知识技能观、交互观、过程观和混合观四个阶段的发展演化。伴随新媒体技术在工作场所中的应用与普及,工作场所学习的内涵发生了新的变化:工作学习一体化、集体知识群建共享、工作学习内容生成而非预设等。知识生成视角下的工作场所学习是工作场所学习的高级形式,它的提出是以知识生成隐喻为基础,强调集体知识库的生成、虚实结合的协作交流与分享、学习者之间的交流与互动。学习元平台作为一种能够支持协同创建、内容生成以及语义关联的知识社区,可以支持虚实结合的工作场所学习方式,实现知识与技能获得、参与工作任务、知识系统化生成三个阶段的学习。  相似文献   

This article explores the effect of classroom-workplace collaborations on student learning. Drawing on two case studies, I explore how classroom-workplace collaborations help us to teach professional genres. I examine how they replicate workplace activity and convey features of workplace genres and how they serve as transitional experiences for students. I also examine students' reactions to the feedback they received during the projects.  相似文献   

王晖 《北京大学教育评论》2019,17(1):52-61,187-188
《普罗塔戈拉》记叙了年轻的苏格拉底初始登上公共教育舞台,通过挑战普罗塔戈拉从而宣称一种新的教育方案的故事。澄清普罗塔戈拉与苏格拉底的教育之争,可以进一步探究苏格拉底教育理念的背景与发端。普罗塔戈拉对德性教育进行世俗化的改造,他用"技艺知识"取代了内在的德性,用修辞术和法律取代了统治的智慧和正义。苏格拉底试图重建人们对内在德性的追求,他的教育建立在"整全知识"和"美德即知识"的假设上,他一方面为公民塑造了有利于"节制"的"知识神话",另一方面鼓励智慧者"勇敢"地热爱智慧、追求智慧。由此,苏格拉底的哲学教育是通过"整全知识"统合"节制"与"勇敢"的教育,他提醒人是追求美好的动物,但人必须节制而勇敢地忍受着追求美好过程中注定的艰难与失败。  相似文献   

中华民族历史悠久,中国文化源远流长。历代文人墨客留下了众多的千古传诵的诗歌,其内容不仅包含了一定的人生哲理,有些诗句还蕴含着丰富的生物学知识,现撷取几首,略加生物学释义。  相似文献   

This study explores teacher professional learning within the workplace context of a science department community. Workplace learning is considered in terms of the construction and flow of information about science, pedagogy and the relationships of science to the wider community. Implications for establishing sound conditions for teacher workplace learning are also considered, particularly the importance of trust.  相似文献   

学科教学知识:教师专业知识的新视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师专业知识发展是教师专业发展的重要内容之一。“运用隐性专业知识显性化的方法将大大促进教师的专业发展。”①教育研究者与一线教师理解这个研究结论有一个前提条件:他们知道教师的专业知识是什么。然而,教师的专业知识是指什么?这恰恰是一个多数的教育研究者与一线教师难  相似文献   

An accountability model for addressing contemporary issues in the development and operation of on-campus practicum laboratories is presented. A case illustration provides an example of the model's potential use. Implications for counselor education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing body of research and policy focused on ??older workers?? is attempting to address perceived concerns that older workers?? skills are declining, along with their participation in employment and in employment-related learning opportunities. The discussion here seeks to contribute to this research. Its focus is the learning of older professional workers, about comparatively little has been published. The article presents research conducted in Canada involving 60 personal interviews with older Certified Management Accountants (CMAs). This qualitative study was designed to understand older professionals?? participation in learning through their reports not only of when, how and why they participated in specific learning activities, but also through their stories of practice and work, their understandings of knowledge, and how they view themselves as knowers and as knowledge workers. The findings showed that older CMA professionals appeared to position themselves deliberately as knowers, performing particular knowledge orientations aligned with their work priorities, and to resent external provisions for and assessments of their ??learning??. Four orientations appeared most prominently, which are here described as ??consolidating??, ??outreaching??, ??re-positioning??, and ??disengaging??. The concluding section argues that far from withdrawing from learning, these older professionals are particularly strategic in what, when and how they engage. In fact most are astute in employing diverse strategies and resources in knowledge development, according to the knowledge orientation they adopt in their practice. These understandings may suggest ways to more effectively recognise and support older professionals?? learning in organizations and professional associations.  相似文献   

在现实教师教育实践中,受客观主义知识观影响,教师专业化知识基础中存在知识的功利化、占有化、权威化和去生活化等问题。要改变这种状况,需要转变知识观,将默会知识作为教师专业化知识基础的新向度,重视教师默会知识的建构。建构的基本理念有:尊重教师的默会知识,重新诠释“掌握知识”的内涵,养成教师通过默会知识发现问题的意识并重新认识学徒制在教师专业化成长中的作用。  相似文献   

当代知识理论以其与教学设计的密切关系和对知识种类与价值的新认识,成为教学设计的新基础。当代知识理论将程序性知识、本土知识、隐性知识、个人的知识等都纳入教学设计的视野,其基础性作用表现在:拓展教学设计的内容和价值,扩大教学设计的目标,突破教学设计的方法论局限,拓宽教学评价设计的领域,促进教学设计研究的发展。  相似文献   

Students first learning to program in any procedural language face the often difficult task of translating solution processes, which they are familiar with, into a form that is bug‐free from a computer standpoint. One element of the differences between the novice and the expert programmer is that the expert already has a set of mappings that allow him or her to translate common solution patterns. This article examines some of the most basic patterns and suggests that students be taught how to recognize them and translate them into code. It is argued that the patterns and the code requirements are similar across a whole range of imperative languages including C, Pascal, Basic, and Cobol.  相似文献   

智能时代下工作任务的变化对技术技能型人才的知识结构提出了新的要求,以工作知识为知识论基础的职业教育课程已无法满足新的时代背景对专业人才的需求。以深厚的基本理论知识为基础、灵活的工作情境分析与判断为核心、熟练的规范操作与权变创新为表征、崇高的职业理想和道德为追求的专业知识成为职业教育课程的知识论基础的新发展。由此,职业教育课程需要从理论知识的培养、具体工作情境的融入、现代学徒制的开展三个方面进行革新。  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically analyze how the concept of negative knowledge contributes to the understanding of professionals’ expert practice and learning. Negative knowledge is experientially acquired knowledge about what is wrong and what is to be avoided during performance in a given work situation. In terms of its theoretical foundation, the concept relates to constructivist theorization and metacognition. Building on existing conceptions of negative knowledge, we systematically relate the concept to research on expertise and learning from errors. The concept of negative knowledge augments existing theories of professional knowledge by emphasizing knowing about what to avoid as part of experts’ effective actions. During routine actions, negative knowledge enhances professionals’ certainty of how to proceed and increases the efficacy through the avoidance of impasses and suboptimal problem-solving strategies. Quality and depth of reflective processes after actions are related to the development of negative knowledge. The potential of negative knowledge for the investigation of professional learning is discussed through reference to recent empirical work. Re-submitted for publication in: Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education.  相似文献   

学校教育的实践情境是教师专业生活的基本场景。在这一场景中,教师的专业活动依赖一定的知识基础,即“教师知识”。教师知识在很大程度上是通过对经验的反思与重构而积累起来,体现出很强的实践性,又被称为“缄默知识”。在这种意义上,教师知识是一种来自专业生活场景的实践智慧。通过教育叙事可以有效彰显这种实践智慧,从而促进教师之间的智慧分享,达到专业发展的目的。  相似文献   

古村镇在当代中国社会的"再发现"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集中讨论了当前中国社会出现的关注古村镇的社会性热潮.在指出古村镇热潮的全球化、都市化发展之大背景的同时,分析了古村镇在当前中国社会中得以"再发现"的意义,以及古村镇之被赋予的历史与文化价值.古村镇的热潮及其相关的社会文化动向,反映了都市居民对于"乡土中国"的眷恋,意味着现当代中国社会对于"传统"的某种回归,以及对于文化"故乡"的重新认同.此外,还对古村镇在当前的新农村建设运动中以及在旅游开发中所面临的一些问题进行了论述,并指出了古村镇同时也作为现代村镇可能会发生的变迁及其机制.  相似文献   

The manager's dilemmas and options in resolving the emerging latent intergenerational conflict in the contemporary knowledge‐rich workplace is the main topic that has been addressed in this paper. First, we have identified the antecedents leading to the polarization in task requirements between the subcultures of 20+ year‐old and 40+ year‐old employees. Second, we have reviewed the social and environmental factors that contribute to the retained distinctiveness of the “cool” subculture of the 20+ Next Generation employees in the contemporary workplace. Third, we have identified the polarization of the two generational subcultures along the six independent dimensions proposed by Hofstede (1998). Finally, we have recommended a differentiated and integrated method for today's manager to be implemented in managing these two distinct subcultures.  相似文献   

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