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On the evening of Nov. 5th, 2008, in the Golden Hall of Beijing Hotel, NE.TIGER raised the curtain on CHINA FASHION WEEK for the seventh successive year. As the architect of Chinese-inspired Fashion, NE.TIGER continued on last year's theme of "The national beauty in China's national dress". The 2009 collection took as its theme "the national beauty captured in Hua Fu", presenting an embodiment of the quest for renaissance and innovation of Chinese luxury expressed by the words of NE-TIGER founder Mr. Zhang Zhifeng: "infused by a single source, integrating a world of styles……  相似文献   

"The Red Flag Is Flying: Thematic Painting of China in the 20th Century'is a research and publication project sponsored by the National Publication Fund and published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House. It is the result of several decades of art research and five years of collection and compilation by the author Cheng Lvsheng. The book includes nearly 4,000 thematic painting works by up to 1, 500 Chinese painters.  相似文献   

At a special sale on the collection of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge held in Paris on February 25, in spite of repeated negotiations from the Chinese Government and strong protests from the Chinese people, Christie's, a world-famous auction giant, auctioned the rat head and rabbit head which were looted from China's royal garden"Yuanmingyuan" in 1860 by the British and French Allied Forces. The two bronze heads were eventually sold for 14 million euro each. This shameful sale has again triggered out reflections on the restitution of cultural property looted or stolen from China.  相似文献   

Highlights of the FestivalWith more than 80 exhibitions and 8000 displays, this photography festival is larger in scale than the previous ones, focusing on the artistic personality of photographers to create a diversified atmosphere and demonstrate a harmonious artistic flavor. One of the highlights of the festival is the photo collection of nearly 350 pieces taken by 30 photographers and brought to the exhibition by 15 photographers from Contact Press Images led by its president Mr. Robert …  相似文献   

The "Misty Rain Building"is a century-old famous restaurant in Yangzhou City. It is the proud owner of the "Flowery March"tablet granted by a Qing Emperor. Boss of the restaurant Uncle Xu enjoys a good reputation in the culinary community in Yangzhou.  相似文献   

The clock collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing is based on the court collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It consists of clocks by countries in East and West over the past 300 years or so and significantly contributes to the world's clock collection.  相似文献   

The newly-built Daqing Municipal Library, opened on April 23, the World Book and Copyright Day, boasts a collection of 2 million copies and many valuable classics. Its 24- hour self-service library has ushered in a brand new era of"pleasant reading'for local residents in Daqing.  相似文献   

In the beginning of 2009, a photo exhibition entitled "Memories of Hutong" was held in the office building of the Ministry of Culture. The photos on display are shot by Lu Baohua,a 77-year-old retired ernployee of the ministry.  相似文献   

"Bodhi is actually not in the form of tree while a bright mirror is not a material object. Since there is nothing physical in the world, how can they catch the dust?" This poem, written by senior monk Hui Neng in the early Tang Dynasty [618 - 907], revealed the profundity of Buddhism and helped facilitate social evolution of the time.  相似文献   

"Birds Perching at Winter Sweet" is an exquisite embroidery work, The work features a vigorous and straight trunk of the winter sweet, shone by plum blossoms and with a pair of birds perching at the branches. The embroidered work was based on one of the ink paintings by Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty [960-1127] which is now collected in the Palace Museum in Taipei. The emperor is an accomplished artist skilled in painting and calligraphy.  相似文献   

"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains",by Wang Ximeng, Northern Song Dynasty"A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains"by Wang Ximeng, Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127), is a landscape paintingmasterpiece of ancient China. It is now part of the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing. Color on silk, the hand scroll is 1191.5cm long and 51.5cm wide.Wang was one of the most renowned palace painters of the time. He became  相似文献   

On the occasion of the International Museum Day on May 18, the Ten Best Museum Exhibitions of the Year were released, a competition sponsored by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China and co-organized by Chinae Museum Association, Xi'an Municipality and China Heritage News. The exhibition "Buddhist Sculpture Masterpieces of Ancient China" by the Capital Museum in Beijing won the "Best Production " award.  相似文献   

Printing painting usually refers to varieties of painting printed on wood, stone, linoleum, copper and zinc blocks carved by knife or etched by chemicals. China is generally recognized as the inventor of printing painting, but for quite a long time, it has had a poor market for print painting trade, with only few collectors dedicated to for this type of painting. In recent years, with print paintings by master artists gaining outstanding performance in the international market, values of original print painting have begun to be recognized in China's collection market.  相似文献   

Eight visual art exhibitions highlighted the Festival of China last October, the largest Chinese cultural exchange event ever taking place in America, including three terracotta warriors excavated in Xi'an, a sculpture and installation exhibition planned by renowned Chinese curator Prof. Fan Di'an, a cloth and patchwork display entitled "Chinese Red"designed by famous Hong Kong artist Ye Jintian, a fashion exhibition entitled "New China Fashion" co-planned by overseas Chinese designers Tan Yanyu and Wang Weiwei, and the firework show entitled "Tornado" by Cai Guoqiang. Among them, the most significant are the two mural works created by Prof. Sun Jingbo from Central Academy of Fine Arts.  相似文献   

On June 6, Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to release its new book “Evaluation and Research: Habitat Setting of Qujiang New Area” at Overseas Chinese Art Gallery in Xi'an. This book is the second collection of View Point Series of Qujiang Cultural Tourism planned and compiled by Qujiang Institute of Cultural Tourism (QICT), following its first collection “Cultural and Historic Theme Attractions in China: Case Study and Analysis of Tourist Behaviors”.  相似文献   

"Comprenenszvely aeepening reform"is a key phase in China in 2014. Structural reform in culture constitutes an important aspect of the comprehensive reform in economy, politics, culture, society and ecology. The Implementation Plan on Deepening Structural Reform in the Cultural Sector, recently approved by the central government, marks a milestone in China's new campaign of market-oriented reform and heralds a new round of cultural restructuring. The curtain has raised and a significant reform is about to kick off.  相似文献   

In conjunction with the Year of Russia, a largest-scale exchange event that Russia has ever organized in China, the Chinese edition of "Beijing: My Childhood Hometown" will be released soon in China by Oriental Press. The author N. A. Speshnev is a renowned sinologist, translator and professor with the Department of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg State University in Russia.  相似文献   

When elegant images of Chinese porcelain and the huge character of "Cha", meaning "tea", were shown in the hi-tech scroll of Chinese ink painting at the opening gala of the Beijing Olympic Games, the global audience seemed overwhelmed by the brilliant history of Chinese ancient civilization as represented by the miraculous Silk Road through which tea and porcelain accounted for major exports of the Central Kingdom. Recognized as a symbol of Chinese culture, the art of tea has been demonstrated at the Olympic opening ceremony and in the Olympic Village for the first time in history.  相似文献   

The huge portrait of Deng Xiaoping, respected as the "chief architect of China's reform and opening up", is a landmark standina in the downtown of Shenzhen, the first city embarking on the road to reform and opening up in the late 1970s. In the end of last year, a miniature replica of this famous portrait was installed, accompanied by the slogan "adhering to the Party's fundamental guideline for at least 100 years", in the courtyard of the National Art Museum of China.  相似文献   

The Palace Museum, built on the site of the Forbidden City in Beijing, has a collection of some 80,000 study objects, including writing brushes, ink sticks, ink slabs and paper.Many of them are high-quality ink sticks made during the Ming and Qing dynasties [1368-1911). These ink sticks are categorized into such types as imperial ink sticks [made by court workshops], tribute ink sticks [presented to emperors by local officials], ink sticks made by workshops in Huizhou, ink sticks made by elite scholars, ink stick sets and colored ink sticks.  相似文献   

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