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17世纪初,英国人开始一批一批地越过大西洋,到美国定居。这些移民中的大多数人是从英格兰南部和东南部来的,到了美国后仍然讲英格兰南部的那种英语。为了适应交际的需要,他们  相似文献   

1.lookonthebrightside.要看光明面。这句话表现的是一种积极乐观的人生态度。美国人常用这句话来劝勉为事苦恼的人。相似的说法还有Everycloudhasasilverlining.(祸中有福,不好的事情终有结束)A:Whysoblue?B:Janestoodmeupyesterday.A:It’soneofthosethings.Lookonthebrightside.B:Whatbrightside?A:Yousavedmoneybynoteatingoutandgoingtothemovieswithher.A:为什么闷闷不乐呢?B:珍昨天晾了我一天。A:那是常有的事。要看好的一面啊。B:什么好的一面?A:你省下了和她吃饭看电影的钱。2.Makeyourselfathome.就当是在自己家。makesom…  相似文献   

One of the earliest American reeducation programs designed for the transformation of political attitudes and the inculcation of American democratic ideals among Germans came into being shortly before the end of the Second World War. Initiated by the Special Projects Division of the War Department in 1944, this top secret experiment in reeducation brought together a group of university professors, including philosopher Thomas Vernon Smith from the University of Chicago, at selected prisoner‐of‐war camps in Rhode Island and Virginia. Consistent with his faculty colleagues. Smith drew heavily from the liberal arts tradition and classical humanism to teach his German charges about the plausibility of the “democratic way of life. “ The relatively brief initial foray by Smith into the reeducation of Germans under captivity revealed American aspirations and democratic ideals for the new German citizen of the post war era, elements of which subsequently reappeared in the activities of American Military Government on German soil. Not the least significant in this endeavor was the formation of a German citizenry supportive of American interests, a foundational goal of the Special Projects combining reform idealism with “Realpolitik”.  相似文献   

Financial uncertainty and projections of changing enrollment patterns of students are forcing community colleges into positions of maximum flexibility. As a result, they continue a trend of increased reliance on part‐time instructors to deliver their services. This trend is noted by full‐time faculty as cause for alarm. Allegations of poorer quality instruction provided by part‐time instructors cannot be documented. However, it is clear that part‐time employee practices in the areas of selection, orientation, evaluation, and development need dramatic improvement. Implications of this research point to the need for college administrators to reexamine management procedures with regard to part‐time faculty.  相似文献   

Currently influential educational theories emphasize a causal and linear relationship among memory self‐efficacy, psychological well‐being, and memory performance. That model, however, does not consider an important mediating variable: the adaptability of the aging self. This collective study of four cases (four Korean American older adults) was conducted to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the interrelationships among these variables, with the expectation that useful insights might be gained through the in‐depth study of specific cases. Each case showed a unique pattern of the interplay of these cognitive and affective variables. The findings suggest that perceptions of memory functioning and psychological well‐being are mitigated by the adaptability of the aging self, rather than being directly related to the experiences of age‐related losses or to actual memory perfor‐  相似文献   

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