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The authors used structural equation modeling to examine the contribution of supervisees' supervisory relationship levels to therapeutic alliance (TA) scores with their clients in practicum. Results showed that supervisory relationship scores positively contributed to the TA. Client and counselor ratings of the TA also differed.  相似文献   

行政监督制度是中国封建社会政治制度的一个主要内容,具有稳定封建制度政治结构的作用。文章介绍了“台”、“谏”制度的形成、发展和机构的演变过程,认为应当加强对中国监察制度的研究,借鉴其得失,以期完善社会主义民主及社会主义法制。  相似文献   

回顾党内监督体制的发展历史,可以揭示党内监督体制中存在的不足。学习和借鉴西方国家政党监督的经验,可以丰富和发展党内监督体制建设的理论,但要防止盲目追求西方的价值的倾向发生。  相似文献   

The authors explored whether supervisor and supervisee self‐ratings of mindfulness (N = 72 supervision pairs) predicted perceptions of the supervisory relationship and session dynamics. Only supervisor self‐ratings of mindfulness predicted their own ratings of the supervisory relationship and session dynamics.  相似文献   

文章论述了纪检监察工作的思想方法和工作方法 ,阐明了创新思想观念、监督机制和工作方法的理论依据和实践路径  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国教育恢复了督导制度,这是我国教育事业的发展和教育改革的需要,教育督导制度随着教育体制改革的深入而逐步完善。国际教育督导的重点是督学,与之不同,具有中国特色的社会主义督导制度的主要特点是"督政"与"督学"相结合。  相似文献   

回顾、分析党内监督体制的历史发展,揭示现行党内监督体制存在的主要问题,并在此基础上探索改革、完善党的内监督体制的途径和措施;警示在改革、完善过程中,注意学习、借鉴西方国家政党监督的有益经验,用改革的精神进一步丰富和发展党内监督体制建设的理论,切实防止盲目追求民主“价值”倾向的发生。  相似文献   

We developed and tested a mediation model depicting relationships among supervisor multicultural competence, the supervisory working alliance, supervisee counseling self‐efficacy, and supervisee satisfaction with supervision. Results of structural equation modeling showed that supervisor multicultural competence was related to the supervisory working alliance and that alliance, in turn, was related to supervisee satisfaction with supervision.  相似文献   

计算机监测系统的实现及抗干扰措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一个实例,介绍了一种计算机监测系统的构成。在此系统中,采用了汇编语言和C语言,详细分析了软件中C语言与汇编语言的接口方法和技能,并对系统的抗干扰问题进行了一些研究。  相似文献   

在保障学校教育质量及其评估方面,英格兰居世界领先地位。本文对近期英格兰学校督导体系的调整和改革作了概括性介绍,以期对我国学校的督导改革有所裨益。  相似文献   

The relationship between supervisory identity development and supervisory experience, counseling experience, and training in supervision was examined for Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) members. Analyses indicated that supervisory experience and training were related to supervisory identity development, whilst counseling experience was not. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the importance of supervisor credentials.  相似文献   

The authors explored the connection between the facilitative conditions present within the supervisory relationship, the therapeutic relationship, and client outcomes. A correlational research design was used with a sample of 55 counselors‐in‐training and 88 clients. Results indicated a significant positive relationship between the therapeutic relationship and client outcomes and a significant negative relationship between the supervisory relationship and client outcomes.  相似文献   

新形势下,我国监督机制存在以下缺陷:监督意识淡薄;监督体制不顺;监督权受制约;监督法规不健全等等。对此,我们应从以下几方面创新我国的监督机制:狠抓“三个代表”教育工作,提高监督意识;理顺监督体制,提高监督效率;监督权脱离执行权,确保监督机构的独立性和权威性;健全监督法制,严格实行依法监管;完善监督体系,形成监督的整体合力。  相似文献   

Supervision is a critical component of initial training and continuing professional development for applied psychology practitioners, and effective supervision is significantly related to the quality of the relationship between supervisor and supervisee. The core task of supervision is to engage in a relational process that provides containing and security, thus facilitating professional growth through reflection on experience. Two key arguments are proposed in this paper: (i) models that support theory-to-practice connections are essential for both supervisees and supervisors and (ii) models informed by psychological theory that place relating and reflecting at the heart of the supervisory process promote practitioner development and effective outcomes for clients. One model – the Relational Model of Supervision for Applied Psychology Practice (RMSAPP) – is outlined, and the systemic, psychodynamic and attachment lenses privileged within it are explored. The paper concludes with the strengths and challenges of the model, along with suggestions for future research directions.  相似文献   

司法实践中,对检察机关批准逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人,侦查机关在执行逮捕后变更为取保候审的情况时有发生。现行刑事诉讼法规定捕后变更强制措施不需经原批准逮捕机关的核准,只需通知即可。立法上的缺陷和司法操作上的随意性,使捕后变更强制措施处于无人监督的局面,影响了逮捕的严肃性,因此必须在完善立法的同时,建立切实可行的捕后变更强制措施的监督机制,提高司法公信力,维护法律权威性。  相似文献   

为了解研究生师生关系的异化问题,对近年来学者从不同角度对研究生师生关系异化的文献进行梳理,发现研究生师生关系异化主要表现为师生关系的紧张化、功利化和冷漠化。而教育体制的不足、研究生功利的学习态度和研究生导师的利益追求因素是造成研究生师生关系异化的重要原因。因此,调整师生结构比例,培养学生自主的学习态度以及优化研究生导师的评价机制成为矫正研究生师生异化关系的重要路径。  相似文献   

胡斌 《培训与研究》2007,24(7):39-40
孙中山在提出三民主义政治学说时,对监察思想作了很多阐述。他的监察思想是他的民权主义理论乃至整个三民主义学说的一个重要组成部分。其主要思想包括监察权属于治权的思想,监察权即弹劾权的思想,监察权应独立行使的思想和设置监察机构的主张。  相似文献   

阐述了现代远程教育质量的内涵及其质量监控的原则,并提出了实施质量监控的有效措施。  相似文献   

临床心理督导,是提升心理健康专业人员工作能力的必要手段,也是解决职业化问题的必然路径。本文在对临床心理督导的概念内涵进行分析的基础上,梳理了心理督导的发展脉络,介绍了当前心理督导的主要的几种理论模式以及操作实施的过程,并对心理督导中的伦理道德问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Although it is widely agreed that there is no universally accepted definition for school climate, most professionals ground it in shared beliefs, values, and attitudes reflecting the quality and character of life in schools. In this article, we review and analyze measures accessible to school personnel charged with documenting and monitoring school climate. We document core features of four scientifically sound and comprehensive measures of school climate. We believe our work serves as a selective consumer's guide for school personnel engaged in important levels of decision-making related to monitoring and improving the quality and character of interactions that represent academic and behavior standards in schools.  相似文献   

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