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The work of teacher education during student teaching typically takes place in two distinct “spaces”: placement sites and college/university settings. The program featured in this article is structured in ways that clearly mark out those two spaces. Yet this configuration led our university supervisors, whose work primarily took place in the field, to feel like “outsiders.” To redress this concern, a third learning space was incorporated into our student teaching seminar. We suggest that “third spaces” in combination with return-to-campus courses not only mitigates the peripherality of university supervisors, but also amplifies the influence of a teacher preparation program.  相似文献   

By examining the role of conflict in learning how to “be” a skateboarder at a skate park in the United States, this article illustrates how conflicts constitute key aspects of learning and teaching within communities of practice. Specifically, this article demonstrates how the practices of “snaking” and “heckling” are used by a group of skateboarders to learn and teach spatially appropriate behavior as well as social and ideological norms regarding class and gender. In doing so, this article builds upon and critiques the concept of community of practice used within many sociocultural theories of learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore students’ conceptions of context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning). The students participated in a u-learning exercise using PDAs equipped with RFID readers. The data were collected from individual interviews with each of the students by a trained researcher, and the responses of the interviewees were further analyzed using the phenomenographic method. The analysis revealed five categories of conceptions of u-learning, including “u-learning as the application of technology,” “u-learning as a platform for attaining information,” “u-learning as a timely guide,” “u-learning as increase of knowledge” and “u-learning as active learning.” There conceptions are viewed as a hierarchy, from less advanced to more sophisticated. An in-depth analysis of the students’ conceptions of learning indicated that students held multiple conceptions of u-learning. This study further suggests that inquiry practices (such as allowing open-ended exploration for the learning topic) should be addressed in u-learning activities, as these practices may foster more sophisticated conceptions of u-learning.  相似文献   

古代的"课程"是指学生根据考课目标而自我安排的学习规程。清代广东书院存在着两种课程模式,一种为应付科举而设置,一种为崇尚经史古学而设置。这一差异导致了"无课程"与"有课程"之书院的分野,展现了两类书院不同的教学风格,进而导致不同的教学效果:"无课程"书院注重围绕科举内容进行考课,这导致书院生徒不能潜心做学问,而有追求科名等沽名钓誉之行为;"有课程"之书院注重经史教学,强调学问的经世致用,进而保障生徒的自主学习,体现出对传统教育本真的回归,这是晚清书院改革的精髓所在。  相似文献   

In spite of advances in course design software and experience with online offerings, the question of how web-based education affects teaching and learning remains largely unanswered, and the terrain of online learning remains largely unmapped. In this paper, through the stories of 10 faculties of education and one computer science instructor in Ontario, we map out a small piece of the frontier of web-based course delivery and plot a course for future exploration. We argue that most existing offerings take the form of a Lone Ranger or Greenhorn approach but that there is a need to move toward a strategic institutional Wagon Train approach that consolidates and integrates support for online teaching and learning. We argue, as well, that failures in online instruction cannot simply be attributed to improper instruction or inappropriate course design. Rather, at least part of the problem locates in the ways in which conversation is structured in the online environment.  相似文献   

In order to promote the reform of blending teaching in colleges and universities under the background of“Internet +”and solve the problems in traditional classroom teaching,through the introduction of“Internet +”intelligent teaching tools,the principles of blending teaching reform in colleges and universities under the background of“Internet +”,the blending teaching reform ideas and approaches of“Internet +”intelligent teaching tools are formed. The research results show that the integration of“Internet +”intelligent teaching tools and blended teaching changes the traditional teaching mode and improves the efficiency of teaching and learning so that the quality needs of college personnel training can be better met.  相似文献   

“形”、“神”和“形神之辨”是古典中国哲学的一对重要范畴和一个重要论题。其原义是用来对人体生命结构的哲学概括,同时也推衍于艺术、文学、建筑以及医学、武术等领域。随着国学热的兴起,学界对绘画、中医、养生、武术等领域的形神关系多有论述,但似乎尚未提升到文化哲学的高度。“‘形神统一’文化生命结构”这一概念的提出和论证,意在从哲学的视角揭示古典中国哲学“形神之辨”的文化哲学精义,对于当今的文化建设具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   

The editors of this special section have focused on a theme that is both old and new. Research on help seeking has a long history and a strong theory pointing out that help seeking is an important academic strategy of self-regulation that facilitates learning. It is a new topic to consider in the context of broadened learning environments, increased opportunities provided by technology and multiple forms of social interactions available in new learning environments. I’ll consider the special section from a self-regulated learning research perspective and focus my remarks on three themes: (a) “How does help seeking help?”, (b) “adaptiveness of strategic help seeking”, and (c) “help seeking in pairs and teams”.  相似文献   

The potential of the Internet for Education has been enthusiastically reported by many. It is clear, though, that science educators need to be prepared and supported in order to adopt it, as is the case with any innovation. But first they should be motivated; and one way to do this is by letting them experience the benefits of the innovation in their own learning. By showing them appropriate uses, no matter how modest, in teacher preparation courses, we can motivate and influence future science teachers; they, like any teachers, tend to model what is taught by example. This paper describes one use of the Web in support of learning in a course in Chemistry Methods for pre-service teachers at Université de Montréal. Designed as a weekly, it is a site meant to be an integral, if not central, part of the course. In addition to permanent access to links and course outline, course notes and information relevant to each class were posted every week. An assignment involving a treasure hunt on the Web is also described.  相似文献   

As part of a program of research on the feasibility and utility of automated training devices, teaching machines, for perceptual-motor skills, a comparative study has been made of human operators and computer-simulated learning-machines learning a high order tracking task under a variety of conditions.One outcome of this study has been to suggest, through the similarity of learning phenomena shown by men and machines, that there are important characteristics of learning which may be divorced from the particular physical realisation of a learning device, and hence are entirely conditioned by the learning environment. This has practical implications for training and for the evaluation of training devices, since a general theory of learning phenomena may be developed and standard learning artifacts may be used in the optimization of training techniques.This paper analyses training as a control problem in the state-space of the adaption-automaton of the trainee, and develops a strategy for training based upon the epistemological problems of the trainee. A specific feedback training controller for a class of tracking skills is then outlined and its behaviour investigated theoretically and experimentally. Finally, a major experiment involving the training of both humans and learning machines under a variety of conditions is described and analysed.  相似文献   

Educational designers often develop a ‘powerful learning environment’ that is subsequently implemented by teachers. Due to a lack of cooperation with teachers they may receive limited feedback on the quality of their design and the way it is implemented. This study focuses on teachers’ perceptions of a Dutch innovative learning environment called the “Second Phase”, as well as their desires and their dis/satisfaction with this environment. The results show that teachers are reserved about student autonomy and productive learning. Perceptions and desires are related to their individual approaches to teaching. The findings provide useful feedback for designers and a starting point to intensify their cooperation with teachers.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to discuss how active student learning is possible with the aid of a CAI package for a subject such as Strength of Materials. Multimedia is the latest innovation that can be utilized to improve learning. In this study, multimedia components such as hypertext, sound, graphics, video, and animation are implemented in a CAI package. These capabilities can capture students' attention, and can also illustrate the application of knowledge to real world problems more effectively than traditional teaching methods. The other features of this package include guided examples, theory, and application tests. Guided examples show the students problem solving techniques, and provide feedback according to their responses. The theory and application tests enable the teacher to gauge the students' understanding of the subject matter. Students who do well in the theory test are eligible to attempt the application test, which poses real-world engineering problems. The lesson that can be concluded from this study is that students' problem solving skills can be improved with the aid of CAI which emphasizes anchored instructions. However, to achieve maximum benefit, students also need to possess independent learning skills.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reflect on our experience with an experimental inquiry component within a teacher education program in a large urban city on the West Coast of the United States. This learning space, which is referred to as “Inquiry,” promotes the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge through reflection and dialogue. We highlight how this inquiry-oriented process enabled preservice teachers to reflect on and dialogue about existing ideals of social justice and equity with regard to teaching diverse learners. This process acknowledges that alternative learning spaces in teacher education programs that address ways of observing, questioning, and inventing may well be a valuable strategy in the development of social justice educators. While the process is a valuable one, we offer a critical analysis of our own processes. In particular, we discuss the need for the creation and implementation of strategies that help pre-service teachers build their capacity to teach in diverse urban classrooms.  相似文献   

Informed by the latest research on how people learn, effective teachers address both aspects of the teaching–learning equation—they engage students in the course material by implementing best teaching practices and they prepare students for learning by sharing best learning practices. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of student‐centered learning practices on students’ perceptions of their ability to learn, specifically in a large enrollment, introductory food science and human nutrition course. Featured student‐centered learning practices included required assignments, optional study tools, and supplemental learning resources. A mixed method survey instrument with 5‐point Likert scales and qualitative, open‐ended questions was used to determine students’ (1) use of optional study tools and supplemental learning resources; (2) perceptions as to the quality and impact of required assignments, optional study tools, and supplemental learning resources to enhance their ability to learn; (3) perceptions as to the usefulness of required assignments, optional study tools, and supplemental learning resources to help them perform better in this course; and (4) overall satisfaction, as a learner, in this course. Overall, students identified study guides (developed using Bloom's taxonomy action verbs) (Mean = 4.34), microthemes (Mean = 4.27), and quizzes (Mean = 4.11) as the most beneficial resources to enhance their learning of the course material. Overall, 85% of students said they were extremely or very satisfied as learners in the course and nearly 75% of the students said the student‐centered learning practices should be offered to future FSHN 101 students.  相似文献   

This study explored 130 secondary school students’ conceptions of learning using an open-ended task, analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Students’ reality of learning comprised two separate spheres, ideal learning and school learning, which rarely interacted. Generally, students commented more about school than ideal learning. Factor analysis of learning conception categories revealed separate “grand” categories for each sphere and some shared ones. Strikingly, students held complex, deeper conceptions of ideal learning (as self-interest/curiosity, understanding, and knowledge acquisition), but these were separate from their conceptions of school learning as merely the minimal, surface compliance necessary to survive the system by “satisficing” [Simon, H. A. (1955). A behavioral model of rational choice. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 69(1), 99–118] – satisfying and sufficing – the teachers (grades, task completion, and active class participation). Theoretical and educational implications were discussed regarding classroom instruction to heighten educators’ awareness of students’ thinking about learning.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study comparing the originality, the length, the number of neologisms and the syntactic complexity of fairy tales created with “Storyline” and “Associations Pyramid.” Both methods were developed to enhance children's language abilities and their creative thinking. One hundred twenty eight 5-year-old children were asked to tell stories using either the “Storyline” (SL) or the “Associations Pyramid” (AP) method during four routine class activities. Participants worked in 14 groups, five participants per group. The results showed that stories developed with SL and AP methods are comparably original, however more original than stories developed individually.  相似文献   

This study investigates the dialogic processes involved in how teachers talk about their students and what consequences their ways of talking (i.e., “narratives”) may have for their guidance. We take a sociocultural perspective on learning as transformation of students’ subjectivity. Teaching, as a process of guiding and facilitating learning, cannot be effective if the teacher does not actively seek how the student perceives and understands reality. We borrow and adapt from Bakhtin (1999) four narrative ways of talking about others: objectivizing, subjectivizing, problematizing and finalizing. The presence of these narratives in web discussion postings of our pre-service teachers about the Latino children they worked with in a community center are analyzed. We then compare their ways of talking about children with print- and web-based discussions about children made by in-service teachers, model teachers and our pre-service teachers in a school-based practicum. Using mixed quantitative and qualitative methodologies, we found an overwhelming predominance of objectivizing and finalizing in our pre-service teachers’ narratives about the children with whom they work that seems to define a certain pedagogical regime that we call here “teaching imaginary children/students.” This “way of talking” about children seems to be characterized by unchecked speculations guiding instruction that are not tested by finding out from the children themselves how they understand the instruction and the world. These speculations, in turn, can lead to a dogmatic approach towards children.  相似文献   

精品课程网络教学资源的开发与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
精品课程网络教学资源的设计和开发应遵循系统性、完整性、标准化、实用性、协作共建等原则。其资源建设内容主要包括素材库、教学支撑系统和学习工具以及其他电子文档。在网络教学资源开发与应用过程中,要坚持总体规划、分布实施,通过建立完善的动态资源建设机制和监测机制确保精品课程具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

大学功能的发展绝非由单一功能走向多元功能的线性过程,而是有其内在逻辑可资遵循。在大学视域中,教学、学术研究、传承文化与服务社会等概念蕴含着丰富的内容,存在着较大的解释和理解空间。如果不在一个逻辑框架下进行解读就会造成对这些概念理解上的歧义、偏差与泛化,最终误读了"大学"。学术性教学与学术研究是大学之"体",传承文化与服务社会是大学之"用",体用不二、有机融合,是大学功能延伸的内在逻辑。大学应专注于提高学术性教学与学术研究的品质,通过学术性教学与学术研究培养具有高深学问、品德高尚和批判精神的专业人才,同时实现文化的传承与创新、选择与批判,以服务社会的发展。  相似文献   

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