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We offer a theoretical and ecological argument for the preparation of citizens in U.S. public schools. This democratic education draws legitimacy from the concern of the nations founders for a populace educated to govern itself. We also emphasize the need for new democratic skills and knowledge in the face of today’s challenges, and our responsibility to prepare the young for the 21st century. A critique of the current school reform movement is provided because of its undemocratic nature. We issue a call for the transformation to democratic schools. We specifically argue that current efforts at reform are maintaining historical inequities, while also depriving those that enjoy social and economic advantages of the education needed to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. The democratic education proposed is based on three goals: citizenship preparation, inclusion, and an optimum learning environment. Seven well established principles of democracy and their relationship to schooling are presented. These include; the nature of authority, inclusiveness, equal availability of the understanding required for deliberating the most serious challenges to democracy and livability, equal access to centers of political decision-making, guaranteed inalienable rights, equality, and universal access to an optimum learning environment. We offer a fundamentally different approach to educational reform: calling for a reassessment of the role of public schools in a democracy that recognizes the importance of citizenship preparation, and a “bottom up” reform model that starts in the classroom and can be implemented by individual teachers.  相似文献   

Drawing from some of the insights on the democratic condition made by Alexis de Tocqueville, this article examines critically the reasons given for inclusive education and the motives behind its growing popularity in western industrialised countries. In particular, we consider the supposed benefits of democratisation and equality that proponents of inclusive schooling usually claim. After summarising the benefits that advocates of inclusive education have articulated, we give a brief sketch of Tocqueville’s analysis of democratic societies. His observations have demonstrated that democratisation and equality are not necessarily healthy impulses in a democratic society because they have the propensity to smother individual freedom and dissent from commonly held opinions. Accordingly, we argue that the very claims of democratisation and equality are inherently problematic and are potentially inimical to individuals’ ability to judge independently. In other words, we argue that democratisation and equality are not necessarily compatible with liberty. We conclude, then, that an educational system that does not prioritise and protect intellectual development for sake of inclusion can only exacerbate these deleterious democratic tendencies. We also assert that inclusive policies reflect the relentless pursuit of equality that democratic peoples exhibit to their own disadvantage.  相似文献   

In 2003 the Ethiopian education system experienced wide-ranging reform that touches every aspect of the system. This reform is called TESO (Teacher Education System Overhaul). Designed to address educational problems in Ethiopia, TESO introduced significant structural changes and promised to bring a ‘paradigm shift’ in the Ethiopian educational system by engaging teacher education in changing society and promoting democratic, practical, and problem-solving education. This paper examines, through an analysis of the TESO document and an examination of the views of teacher educators, TESO’s assumptions, mission and the coherence among the various components of TESO. It also reveals gaps and discrepancies between TESO’s mission, its reform process, and strategies. The promise and assumptions of TESO are challenged by considering extant realities in Ethiopian schools and evidence from literature on effective teacher education programs and educational reform. The paper reflects on how, by giving priority to equity, TESO compromises on some elements of effective teacher education programs. It is indicated that TESO has been a welcome addition to the Ethiopian education system as it addresses elements that had previously been missing from the system, such as, outlining directions to teacher education, devoting longer duration for practicum, and heeding seriously to the professional preparation of teachers. At the same time, it is contended that the imbalance among program components, its permeability to ill-prepared students and the contradiction between program rhetoric and strategy and reform processes, as described by teacher educators, could be stumbling blocks which prevent TESO from fulfilling its promises.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore how democratic community is manifest in schools in Korea. It also tries to examine how leadership, specifically transformational leadership, functions in shaping a democratic community within a school. Toward this aim, we have conducted a case study of two religious high schools in Korea. Based on the findings from the schools, we have discussed five aspects related to democratic community and transformational leadership. When school principals’ leadership has transformational characteristics and consistency over the years, the leaders’ mission and vision become shared values among the school members. The shared vision and cultural values make democratic systems work effectively. This article includes implications for educational policy and practice.
Susan PrintyEmail:

Based on the research of new educational inequality in the minority regions of present day China, this article points out the importance of educational equality principle in government’s decision making and suggests that it should give top priority to ethnic minorities when distributing education resources, to develop their compulsory education and broaden their opportunities to enter into postcompulsory education by the “differentiated but equal” principle. Perfect education policies and mechanism and lifelong education system are also pivotal for the attainment of the goal of educational equality. Translated from Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities, 2005:2  相似文献   


This articles identifies four issues whose resolution will shape the future of American elementary and secondary education. These are as follows. (1) Will the principle of decentralised control prevail over the seemingly inexorable tendency to consolidate power at the centre? (2) Will continuing emphasis on mass education obscure increasing demands to improve quality and raise achievement levels? (3) Will schools advance equality of educational opportunity, or reproduce inequalities inherent in the society? (4) Will schools integrate culturally heterogeneous populations at the expense of legitimate expressions of ethnic cultures? This article shows how these issues mirror ambiguities underlying American democratic principles, and offers some comparisons to conditions of education in Europe.  相似文献   

Rethinking accountability in a knowledge society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition between schools combined with test-based accountability to hold schools accountable for predetermined knowledge standards have become a common solution in educational change efforts to improve the performance of educational systems around the world. This is happening as family and community social capital declines in most parts of developed world. Increased competition and individualism are not necessarily beneficial to creating social capital in schools and their communities. This article argues that: (1) the evidence remains controversial that test-based accountability policies improve the quality and efficiency of public education; (2) the current practice of determining educational performance by using primarily standardized knowledge tests as the main means of accountability is not a necessary condition for much needed educational improvement; and (3) there is growing evidence that increased high-stakes testing is restricting students’ conceptual learning, engaging in creative action and understanding innovation, all of which are essential elements of contemporary schooling in a knowledge society. Finland is used as an example to suggest that educational change should rather contribute to increasing networking and social capital in schools and in their communities through building trust and strengthening collective responsibilities within and between schools. This would create better prospects of worthwhile lifelong learning in and out of schools. Based on this analysis, the article concludes that education policies should be directed at promoting more intelligent forms of accountability to meet external accountability demands and to encourage cooperation rather than competition among students, teachers and schools.  相似文献   

特罗的大众化理论中的教育公平观及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,我国对美著名教育社会学家马丁·特罗的高等教育发展阶段理论颇为关注,而对包含其中的教育公平的思想则较少论及。实际上,对教育公平问题的分析构成了其大众化理论研究的重要视角,本文主要探讨马丁·特罗对大众高等教育阶段教育公平问题的深刻而富创见的研究,文章最后分析了高等教育大众化与教育公平的两难选择及其对中国走大众化之路的启示。  相似文献   

For years, increased use of ICT in education and training has been part of the Danish education policy, and the number of computers in schools and the actual use of ICT have grown. At the same time, school leaders’ and teachers’ pedagogical paradigm in primary and lower secondary schools seems to be changing from a lifelong learning paradigm (focussed on student-centred, active, and autonomous leaning) to a more traditional paradigm (focussed on curriculum-centred teaching and instructions). The aim of this paper is to describe this development in relation to the way ICT is used as well as to changes in educational policy. Beck and Beck-Gerrnsheim (2002) theory about ‘institutionalized individualization’ as characteristic of the reflexive society serves as a theoretical framework for better understanding the observed changes.  相似文献   

Inclusive education in South Africa has not been promoted as simply one more option for education but as an educational strategy that can contribute to a democratic society. After the end of the Apartheid era the new democratic government committed itself to the transformation of education and key policy documents and legislation stress the principle of education as a basic human right as enshrined in the Constitution. White Paper 6: Special Needs Education, building an inclusive education and training system (2001) provides a framework for systemic change for the development of inclusive education. As a philosophy, the concept of inclusive education in the South African context embraces the democratic values of equality and human rights and the recognition of diversity. Research however indicates that multifaceted societal changes, encompassing educational reforms and contextual changes, including the management of diversity in schools, have had a negative impact on the implementation of inclusive education. After ten year of democracy, the enduring tension between changing the structure of education and changing the process of education is still influencing progress. Enhancing the recognition and acceptance of the basic rights of all South African children to be accommodated in inclusive school communities therefore remains a challenge.  相似文献   

The article considers how young people in Swiss schools are taught about the history and background of the Holocaust within the wider perspective of human rights education, as an important basis for education concerning democratic citizenship. Given the country’s specific history, for decades the Holocaust was not a matter of great interest in Swiss schools, or a topic that pupils often learned about as a part of their own history. Recently, however, sensitivity about historical incidents and the processes of the Third Reich has increased. Holocaust education has also become more important in the context of Swiss state institutional policy and non-governmental initiatives and has also become an issue in schools. This article includes an overview of relevant Swiss history and the current political situation, and a review of Swiss educational policies and especially of activities related to Holocaust remembrance and human rights education.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):162-168
Increased participation and success in education for disabled people will improve their social inclusion and benefit society in general. In this article Louca‐Mai Wilson discusses Disability Rights Commission research on education and its implications for policy and practice. Research findings are considered in relation to the need for the voices of young disabled people to be heard in research, policy and planning. A key finding was that young disabled people want to be regarded and treated as equal to their peers, with the same rights of access and educational opportunity. But schools and educational establishments vary in their willingness and capacity to address and remove existing access barriers. Inclusion is a key issue for many young disabled people; many feel isolated at school and college and often have lower expectations about their future than their non‐disabled peers. Inclusive practice and participation are key to ensuring that disability equality in education is achieved.  相似文献   

In recent years, much research has documented the benefits of parent involvement and offered strategies on how educators can encourage parents’ participation in their children’s education. While the literature has brought much needed attention to school-family relationships, little is known about parents who are activists for educational improvement beyond their own children’s schooling and who concern themselves with district policymaking and governance. This article offers a portrait of one African American mother who is an education activist in Boston, Massachusetts. Drawing on social movement and Black feminist theories, the portrait documents how and why she has devoted her life to educational reform and equity with an emphasis on racial equality. The article concludes with a discussion of two possible factors that contribute to the making of an education activist: the development of a political racial identity and educators’ support for education activism.  相似文献   

The distinguished US philosopher Elizabeth Anderson, who teaches at the University of Michigan, answers questions put to her by John White about educational aspects of her work in moral and political philosophy. She begins by describing her indebtedness to Dewey in his views on developing students’ capacities for intelligent enquiry and as citizens in a democracy. She elaborates on this in her emphasis on children learning fraternally together with others of diverse class, racial and ethnic backgrounds. She also discusses the control of education, looking at the role of the state and other political authorities in education, the charter school movement and home schooling. Well‐known for her views on democratic equality (as distinct from equality of fortune) and on an adequacy criterion of fairness, she shows how these ideas apply to education for a democratic society. This takes her into critical discussions of equality of educational opportunity, education as a positional good, and the rich variety of educational aims fitting a democracy of equals. Anderson has also written about the errors of theistic religion as well as two award‐winning recent books on the imperative of social integration and on the authoritarian powers of employers. Developing these thoughts in an educational direction, she writes here about religious and moral education, problems with assimilationist and multicultural approaches to schooling, and preparation for work as an educational aim.  相似文献   

全纳教育、全纳学校、全纳社会   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
全纳教育是一个全新的教育理念 ,也是国际教育研究的一个新领域。全纳教育的理念需要全纳学校来实践 ,因而全纳学校是不同于以往的普通学校和特殊学校、也不同于后来的一体化学校 ,它是一种新型的教育模式 ,在教育、社会、经济方面均具有极大意义。全纳教育理念和全纳学校实践的目的是要促进形成一种追求社会公正、机会平等和民主参与的全纳社会。为此 ,在现存社会中对阻碍这种追求的任何障碍都应该加以确认、质疑和消除。全纳教育的理念指导我们实施全纳学校 ,全纳学校的实践促使我们走向全纳社会。  相似文献   

In this essay, Leonard Waks reconsiders the issue of the public character of charter schools, that is, schools funded through public taxation but operated by non‐state organizations such as nonprofit and for‐profit educational corporations and nongovernmental public interest organizations. Using John Dewey's conception of a democratic public as a framework, Waks examines the following questions: (1) Are schools chartered and funded by government, but operated by nonprofit nongovernmental organizations, ever appropriate instruments of a democratic public? (2) If so, what criteria might distinguish those that are appropriate from those that are not? (3) How might public education be re‐institutionalized so as to include the charter schools that are appropriate? Waks concludes that Dewey's theory of democratic publics can play a useful role in thinking about how to balance the democratic benefits of charter schools for the various subcommunities of our society with the democratic requirement of broad public discourse and intergroup education.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This article explores the 'second chance' myth that surrounds the role of adult education in society. This myth apparently offers all citizens an equal chance to access educational opportunities to improve their life chances. I argue that recent developments in educational policy-making are increasingly shaped by neoliberal discourses that adapt adult education principles, such as lifelong learning and emancipation, for its own economic and political logic. This has important implications for adult education, especially equality of opportunity and social inclusion.  相似文献   

Integration of individuals categorized as having special educational needs in mainstream schools has become a dominant policy in many countries. Changes in recent years in the field traditionally called "special education" have significantly influenced the education of deaf and hard of hearing individuals. The movements against segregation and toward integration and, more recently, inclusion, have created the conditions for educational changes, not only in mainstreaming but in special education. The article brings to light the views and experiences of deaf and hard of hearing people as students at special schools and mainstream schools, in order to compare the two systems from the viewpoints of those involved and to explore the possible implications of these views and experiences for the development of the educational system in Cyprus regarding inclusive education. Particular attention is given to improvement of the education of deaf and hard of hearing children.  相似文献   

This special issue is introduced. The issue draws together a selection of articles uniting theoretical and field research dealing with the notion of inclusive education and the challenges encountered in the policy-making and implementation processes. These articles represent diverse, multifaceted theoretical, disciplinary and methodological approaches to inclusion. Throughout the issue, inclusion is seen as a guiding principle, helping to accomplish quality Education for All (EFA)—education systems that benefit from diversity, aiming to build a more just, democratic society. This special issue is devoted to the theme of the 48th International Conference of Education, “Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future” (Geneva, 25–28 November, 2008).
Clementina AcedoEmail:

Clementina Acedo   (Venezuela) is director of the International Bureau of Education IBE-UNESCO. She holds a Ph.D. in International and Comparative Education and a master’s degrees in Philosophy and International Development Education from Stanford University. She was a professor in the Department of Administrative and Policy Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Previously she has worked for the World Bank. She is the author of several articles and other works on international educational policy; teacher education systems, secondary education reform, and curriculum development in various countries.  相似文献   

菲律宾历任政府都十分重视实现教育平等和公正,促进教育公平被视为民主政治的核心内容。菲律宾的教育公平是指任何人都享有平等的、与其兴趣和能力相适应的受教育机会,而不因其社会背景、经济条件、种族、文化和个人情况不同而有所区别。促进教育公平就是要清除阻碍,让每个人都享有学习知识、培养个性、融入社会、顺利就业的受教育机会。  相似文献   

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