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曾力子  管机灵 《海外英语》2022,(10):113-114+117
互文性在文学翻译中的研究比较盛行,用于大学英语写作教学的互文性研究尚少,互文性的丰富内涵给写作教学带来了一定的契机,通过将隐形文本放大凸显呈现以实现写作教学目的。同时,通过生成的写作文本、文本文化、学科交织范式可以实现对互文性理论的补充与反构。  相似文献   

曾力子  管机灵 《海外英语》2022,(12):102-103+126
互文性在文学翻译中的研究比较盛行,用于大学英语写作教学的互文性研究尚少,互文性的丰富内涵给写作教学带来了一定的契机,通过将隐形文本放大凸显呈现以实现写作教学目的。同时,通过生成的写作文本、文本文化、学科交织范式可以实现对互文性理论的补充与反构。  相似文献   

以互文性理论概述为出发点,分析了高校英语写作教学的现状,并从注重范文的分析讲解、鼓励学生搜集写作素材和做好写作教学评写结合等方面,对基于互文性理论的高校英语写作教学方法进行了探究,以期为提高高校英语写作水平提供参考价值。  相似文献   

根据广告语篇自身特点,可归纳出广告语三个互文性特征:具体、体裁和媒介互文性,并用实例进行了分析。  相似文献   

根据广告语篇自身特点,可归纳出广告语三个互文性特征:具体、体裁和媒介互文性,并用实例进行了分析。  相似文献   

互文性是所有语篇的特征,招聘广告作为一种寄生语篇,也是互文性的产物。文章运用互文性理论,分析了招聘广告中三种互文性的表现形式(细节互文性、体裁互文性和文化互文性)以及它们的功能,揭示了互文性理论对招聘广告创作的意义。  相似文献   

广告语篇的互文性探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据广告语篇自身的特点,提出广告语篇的互文性特征包括具体互文性、体裁互文性和媒介互文性等三个方面,并以例证对之进行了具体的探讨和分析。  相似文献   

曹玲 《新课程研究》2009,(3):184-185
互文性是指某一文本与它的前文本之门的相互联系,此概念大量地应用于广告中。本文基于广告语篇及其互文性现象,从三个方面分析了互文性在广告中的应用,即具体互文性、体裁互文性和媒介互文性。  相似文献   

Genre一词来源于法语,可译为体裁亦可译为语类。体裁研究在话语研究中独辟蹊径,开创了一个崭新的研究领域。本文以1985年Hasan和Halliday提出的体裁结构潜势理论为基础,提出了一个综合的分析框架,分析法语广告中的体裁互文性现象,本文阐明了体裁互文性现象如何使广告语篇以面目全非的语篇结构取得意料之外的效果,却仍然滞留于广告体裁的情理之中,从而对当前体裁的研究做一点补充,也对法语广告文本写作和创新起到指导作用。  相似文献   

广告英语语篇以无比的开放性和包容力综合运用各种体裁特征,其互文性特征尤为突出。从具体互文性和体裁互文性两角度对广告英语语篇互文性进行分析.探讨广告英语如何利用互文性,以获得最强烈的审美效果和受众的心理认同.充分实现广告的劝诱功能.从而最大限度地实现其推销并传递美的感受的交际目的。  相似文献   

文与人的关系,在是亦不是之间,是一个悖论.悖论的一面是文如其人,文章是人写的,作者的认识评价思想感情总要在作品中表现出来.悖论的另一面是文不如其人,中国古代的文化人都以代圣贤立言为己任,但社会的黑暗不公又迫使他们随波逐流;文与人又存在着固定与变化、单一与杂多的关系.文章最能体现作者人格的是其格调境界与语言.  相似文献   

解读戴维·洛奇作品中的二元结构与文化冲突   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洛奇的校园小说《换位》、《小世界》和《美好的工作》均存在两条平行开展的叙事线索,也即“二元结构”,这种结构方式的利用有利于表现其作品的文化冲突主题。文章正是以小说采用的二元结构为契入点,从文化角度分析了洛奇作品中所展现的各种文化冲突与融合,从而挖掘其作品的更深层的意义。  相似文献   

本文从巴特的《写作的零度》开始,认为巴特提出的“零度写作”是科技时代理性对文学创作进行渗透的结果。从表面上看,“零度写作”拒绝了传统文学中的虚拟式写作和命令式写作,拒绝表现意义,但这种完全没有情感的、完全理性的机械式写作实际上已把文学推向科学理性的思维范畴中,因而丧失了文学本身的存在价值。在科技时代里,文学仍然要以探寻人的存在意义和价值为己任,因此,作家要当心科学理性的陷阱,保持“本心”而拒绝“机心”。  相似文献   

Very few empirical studies have investigated programmes in which doctoral students act as peer facilitators in faculty writing groups. We report on the development of a centrally delivered doctoral student writing programme in which twenty student participants were mentored and provided with the resources to initiate their own faculty-based doctoral writing groups. ‘Legitimate peripheral participation’ was used as a conceptual lens to interpret the data collected during the establishment and evaluation of the programme. All student participants in the preparatory training course, which was developed in consultation with postgraduate students and research supervisors, went on to become doctoral writing peer facilitators of peer writing groups. Insights from seven of these showed how a well-structured and supportive programme harnessed the benefits of peer learning by bringing personal rewards to participants and building institutional capacity around doctoral research writing literacies.  相似文献   

Rebecca Woodard 《Literacy》2019,53(4):236-244
This qualitative case study documents a secondary English teacher's making, writing and teaching. The focal teacher engaged in diverse making practices – including composing, crafting and digital fabrication. She also participated in a National Writing Project (NWP) Summer Institute that focused on both teacher writing and digital composing. Data include observations at this NWP Project Summer Institute and in the focal teacher's English classroom, as well as interviews and artefact collection related to her making practices. The findings describe how this teacher's making mattered for her understandings of writing and for her teaching (or not). The case offers insights into why it may be important to cultivate educator making, as well as potential tensions between experiencing making and incorporating it into writing pedagogy. Ultimately, it contributes to writing research interested in examining how various forms of production and making are enmeshed.  相似文献   

This article documents the authors' modification and implementation of anti-racist writing workshop (ARWW) practices in the context of an online, drop-in writing club, Pens Out. We sought to understand how teens perceive writing practices that are not white-normed — specifically, centring relationships instead of prizing individuality, embedding choice instead of replicating one authorial view and observing writerly craft instead of errors. As white-identifying educators and researchers, we engaged in practitioner inquiry to understand how programme participants who live in a predominately white region experience these practices. We asked: How do attendees understand and describe experiences with writing workshop pedagogies that seek to de-centre whiteness? This question has become increasingly important as politicians in the United States restrict anti-racist educational practices and content. We used conventional content analysis to observe themes across five participants' semi-structured interviews. Findings indicated that participants' relationships with each other produced inspiration and reciprocity, writing expectations from inside and outside the club affected choice and risk taking, and observing craft multimodally encouraged sharing and reciprocity. What we discovered can help teachers and leaders of K12 writing workshops implement ARWW practices and increase allyship while discussing and questioning hegemonic ideals in K12 schooling.  相似文献   

合作写作--元认知支持应用于作文教学的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国学者Fiona Yarrow和Keith J.Topping创立的配对写作模式,是一种非常灵活的结构性合作写作体系,它以整合元认知和社会互动的方法支持学生的写作发展。其中,带有元认知支持的配对写作流程图,不仅能有效地提高学生的写作成绩,而且能激发写作兴趣,增强自信心及自我效能感,培养协作精神。因此,该研究具有较高的理论意义和实践价值,是一项极具创新的作文教改实验,值得我们研究与借鉴。  相似文献   


Universities’ performance indicators for scholarly outputs depend on academics having productive and sustainable writing behaviours. Research shows that writing programmes can increase research output, but less is known about which writing processes are productive. A project was initiated at a university which widened access to writing support to include staff who were not included in these performance targets, but who might be in the future. Following a writing for publication workshop, 36 academics were offered a place at a structured writing retreat. The evaluation aimed to increase our understanding of participants’ perceptions of their writing skills and processes before and after the retreat using a transactional model. We found that participants’ perceptions of their writing abilities were greater than their perceptions of their ability to employ effective writing practices. Both scores improved after the retreat. This finding confirms that a structured writing retreat provides an environment and structure for academics to practise effective writing. It enhances self-belief in the processes and skills required to produce output. Widening access to writing support for academics is essential for success in performance-based systems. Writing support must provide opportunities for academics to develop strong performance beliefs by practising writing skills and productive and sustainable writing processes.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a Community of Writers creative writing project where 25 primary school pupils from lower socio‐economic backgrounds took part in creative writing workshops over a 2‐week period at a higher education institution. Using practitioner enquiry and discourse analysis, this paper views identity as participation in ‘figured worlds’ and highlights the relationship between the children's creative writing outputs and their shifting identities (Holland et al., 1998 ). A case is made that children's authentic creative writing can be nurtured by a community that promotes intertextuality and ‘hybridity’ (Bakhtin, 1981 ) as well as balancing pedagogical ‘structure’ and ‘freedom’ (Davies et al., 2012 ) in order to provide textual space for writers to enact different identities. At a time when the global figuring power of performativity (Ball, 2003 ) actively restricts the ways in which teachers and children interact, this paper also presents an informed argument for the value of school–university research partnerships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of students' use of writing strategies in light of their English writing achievements in Taiwan. This research used a cognitive approach to examine the process of writing. Forty student writers (including 20 low and 20 high achievers) in Taiwan participated in this study. Strategies used for writing by high and low achievers as revealed by a concurrent think-aloud protocol and immediate retrospective interviews with students were investigated, analysed, and compared. Results indicated that compared to low-achieving student writers, high-achieving student writers were more aware of and focused more on formulating their position statement in planning, generating text, and revising and editing their text, such as changing the meaning and fixing grammatical and spelling errors during their review. The findings are discussed in light of writing strategies and implications for writing pedagogy and teacher education.  相似文献   

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