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在上个世纪90年代的文学景观中,新生代作家以个人化写作的叙事方式,表现他们对于小说与“存在”关系的理解。他们以在边缘处叙述的写作姿态,固定式内聚焦的视角,在强烈的带有个体经验与个体记忆的主观化色彩浓厚的故事中,从特定角度对当下社会和当下个体的生命真实和存在真实进行了多方位的描述和表现,言说了自我对现实的思考,完成了对文学与现实关系的理解。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代社会生活存在的多样化决定了文学存在的多样性。“个人化写作”是20世纪90年代小说创作最重要的关键词。个性化在文化多元化背景下的扩张,使欲望化书写成为90年代作家在表达现实生活时无法逃避的书写对象之一。都市环境为充满欲望的“个人化写作”提供了活跃的舞台。“性”、“钱”和“时尚”成为都市和都市小说中最具诱惑力的字眼。  相似文献   

本文以当代西方后现代哲学为理论基础,探讨了在全球化的后现代语境中,中国文坛知识分子在继承和扬弃后现代主义中所表现出来的创作思维和叙述话语。文章在论述中以作家及其作品中所表露的人性、性爱和欲望等具体意象为论述焦点,旨在通过当今知识分子在观察世界的新认识观念、突破语言已有习俗成规、解构传统二元对立和文本的戏拟性反讽式描述,揭示“新生代”作为一个继先锋派余绪在90年代崛起的群体,在世纪末的后现代语境与中国文学融合的新走向。  相似文献   

马华新生代作家作为马华文坛的生力军,以其鲜明的个人化解构历史叙事挑战、颠覆了马华文学传统的宏大历史叙事,重构了一种非主流的民间化个人野史。文章立足于作品解读,试图从重构民间化、个人化的历史真实,否定历史叙事再现历史真相的可能性两个层面深入探讨马华新生代作家的后现代历史叙事观。  相似文献   

:“个人化”写作是九十年代小说创作中的一种显目现象。它既区别于其他创作现象 ,也不等同于“私人化”写作 ,有其自身的显著特征和独特意义 ,已引起文艺界的普遍关注。本文试图从上述几方面作出浅薄的评析。  相似文献   

后新时期小说呈现出"个人化"与"伪个人化"这两种截然不同的精神品质:个人化品质是指通过个人化生命经验的书写表现出具有普遍意义的生命境遇,并融入"个人化"的视角和"个人化"的思考;伪个人化品质则是指以个人化的名义关注和书写现实自我,漠视作为整体的人类和世界,漠视历史和人性。二者的根本区别体现于书写个人经验、私人空间的最终目标是否以之为手段通往对整个世界、人类的生命关怀。  相似文献   

朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。主体自我的确立铸造了诗歌个人化的灵魂。感觉思维方式的新异敞开了个体心灵的律动。语言形式的狂欢宣泄了个体独特的生存体验。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,受西方女权运动的影响,我国文坛出现了一批书写个人的女性作家。她们不写宏大的叙事,淡化历史,特别关注个人的生活状态和发展状况,这样的作家作品,我们称其为个人化写作或者私人化写作。陈染就是这一时期的代表作家,她的作品有一些鲜明的印记:强烈的女性自我意识;浓郁的孤独感;自我之恋;对理想爱情的找寻与迷茫、希望和绝望。  相似文献   

近年来女性作家的个人化写作引起了广泛的关注与争议 ,它为我们的文学注入了新的生机与活力 ,但不可否认的是仍存在着一些缺陷和不足。本文旨在探讨女性作家们对其个性化写作在认识、理解和具体写作上存在的几个误区。  相似文献   

市场中国个人化写作的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场中国的个人化叙事起初有诗性方向,后来被现实生存的反诗性冲动所扭转,它们不断排除宏大历史并降低人性高度,由最初对抗理性思考而坠落至对生命自由的歪曲,个人生存被简单等同于不为历史承担责任的庸常生活,以至演变成一种伪个人化的类型化公共写作.  相似文献   

Various claims have been made for the usefulness of dialogue journal writing for improving the writing of less proficient users of English such as deaf writers of English or speakers of English as a second language. However, the bulk of the research has focussed on either student attitudes towards writing or very limited samples of student writing. In a one year project involving the exchange of dialogue journals between 204 pairs of deaf and hearing students in 10 public school districts, the authors sought to evaluate the utility of dialogue journals for improving the writing skills of the deaf writers. The age of the correspondents ranged from 10 to 18 years old in grades 4 through 12. Among the deaf writers, the average hearing loss was 89 dB in the better ear with a range of from 45 dB to 120 dB. The journal entries of 153 of the deaf students were evaluated for both changes in content and syntactic complexity. When the pair of writers maintained a relationship over time, there was an improvement in the quality of the writing of the deaf student and a change in the nature of the contents of the deaf student's entries. Results suggest that for some young deaf writers an exchange of dialogue journals with hearing peers can both improve the writing skills of the deaf writer and develop a relationship between the correspondents. Suggestions for implementing such a program are included.  相似文献   

作文教学是语文教育改革的重点和难点。当今作文教学改革的一大趋势就是走向个性化。本文根据个性化作文教学主体性、真实性、独特性、民主性、创造性的特点 ,提出了几点具体的实施策略  相似文献   

在20世纪90年代诗歌写作语境中,个人写作成为一种具有独立自我意识的写作姿态,在诸多因素所造就的多元话语时代坚持"话语差异".差异成就了诗歌写作新的独立品格,从而确立个人写作在90年代的特殊意义.但是,在背离传统言说方式而力求有所突破的同时,个人写作可能蕴涵了它本身的缺陷,尤其是可能形成某种自我封闭、自我表现、远离社会与大众的极端化倾向.  相似文献   

We studied the processes involved in synthesis writing, focusing on planning, editing and self-regulation strategies. The aims of the study were a) to analyse the temporal distribution of cognitive strategies and self-regulation across the different phases of writing, b) to identify different writing approaches (i.e., profiles), and c) to establish the relationship between writing behavior and writing performance. Twenty-seven humanities students, who were 23 years of age on average, were asked to produce a synthesis. The methodology combined videotaped observations, a think aloud protocol, and an assessment of writing performance, and specific instruments were constructed to collect the data. Algorithms were also calculated to determine the transitions between different types of writing behavior. Results showed that the nature, frequency, and duration of planning, editing, and self-regulation strategies varied according to the phase (prewriting or writing), and the most remarkable changes occurred in the final period of writing. Moreover, although the college students’ functioning generally reflected a novice approach, there were significant differences between the three writer profiles we found, namely precise transcriber, active reviser, and spontaneous writer. Finally, writing performance was positively and significantly correlated with writing strategies such as taking notes and reading drafts.  相似文献   

Writing is a complex task. Its development depends in large part on changes that occur in children’s strategic behavior, knowledge, and motivation. In the present study, the effectiveness of an instructional model, Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), designed to foster development in each of these areas, was examined. Adding a peer support component to SRSD instruction to facilitate maintenance and generalization was also examined. Struggling, third grade writers, the majority of whom were minority students attending schools that served primarily low-income families, received SRSD instruction focused primarily on learning writing strategies and knowledge for planning and composing stories and persuasive essays. These students wrote longer, more complete, and qualitatively better papers for both of these genres than peers in the comparison condition (Writers’ Workshop). These effects were maintained over time for story writing and generalized to a third uninstructed genre, informative writing. SRSD instruction boosted students’ knowledge about writing as well. The peer support component augmented SRSD instruction by increasing students’ knowledge of planning and enhancing generalization to informative and narrative writing. In contrast, self-efficacy for writing was not influenced by either SRSD condition (with or without peer support).  相似文献   

婚外恋现象作为社会问题和学题材在改革开放后的新时期受到了极为广泛,深入地关注和探讨,作家们对此的传达经历了一个由避到突围,再到正视乃至放逐的过程,并呈现出不同的层次、水平和倾向;既有对五四反封建传统的继承,又有在新的历史条件下对婚姻伦理现状的反思,更有对未来明婚姻的探讨,表现出强烈的当代性,同时不仅对当代学创作产生了相当的影响,而且也为科学地探讨婚外恋问题打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

先锋小说表现出作家写作视角的平视化特征,即作家,叙述人,人物,读者之间是近于平等的关系,他既不教育,启发他人,也不需要别人来评判,而只是客观地展示故事本身。这种写作视角的平视化是通过叙述视角的局部化,叙述干预的运用及客观,冷漠的叙述来实现的。  相似文献   

This New Zealand‐based article reports on an analysis of data gathered over two years from upper primary school students on their attitudes to writing and writing instruction and their beliefs about their self‐efficacy as developing writers. Responses from 449 students in five diverse schools are included. Through an online survey administered at the beginning and end of each of the two years, students responded to a range of mostly closed questions. Conclusions (including student comments) were made about students' likes, dislikes and preferences as developing writers. Levels of association between their attitudes and gender and between their attitudes and proficiency levels were explored. Conclusions were also made about how student attitudes affect teacher practice.  相似文献   

Writing like writers in the classroom: free writing and formal constraint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers how ‘free writing’, derived from the automatic writing of the surrealists, can be used with students in writing poetry in order to emulate the successful practice of established writers. The paper considers how form can be taught, specifically line breaks and stanza breaks, both in relation to free writing and in relation to drafting, and argues that drafting should be considered an extension of the creative act of writing rather than as something which is done afterwards ‘to’ preexisting work.  相似文献   

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