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蓄意歧义在言语交际中占有重要地位,它巧妙地对所传达的信息进行刻意曲解,以达到特定的交际意图。从顺应理论、合作原则、礼貌原则和面子策略四个角度分析蓄意歧义的语用内涵,阐明了蓄意歧义是一种动机性很强的语言的处理运用,是有效的言语交际策略,它揭示了语言使用的动态过程,并在不同层面对语言作出选择,旨在引导语言使用者树立全面、辩证的语言观;通过有策略地运用蓄意歧义,提高言语交际能力。  相似文献   

英语歧义现象浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
语言交际中的歧义现象是普遍的。英语的歧义现象在使语言活泼、生动有趣的同时,也给交际带来困难。本从语音、词汇、语法、语义和化等五个方面对英语歧义现象进行了分析。  相似文献   

李健 《绥化学院学报》2005,25(3):136-138
歧义在英语中的客观存在是不容忽视的。歧义指“一个语言项目(包括词、句等)或一个语篇(一首诗,一段叙事。一则广告)具有两个或多于两个含义的语言现象”。本文将主要从交际效应的角度出发,把交际过程中出现的歧义现象分为蓄意歧义(intentional ambiguity)和无意歧义(unintentional ambiguity),并分别结合教学实践加以分析举例。  相似文献   

歧义,指一个表达方式含有两种或几种可能的解释。英语中歧义现象比比皆是,这常常给语言交际带来困难,所以一般情况下,使用语言应尽量避免产生歧义。但是,某些特定条件下,对歧义的巧妙运用可以产生意想不到的表达效果,例如,我们可以利用它来生成幽默。  相似文献   

任何语言在交际中都会产生歧义,本文就英语在交际中产生歧义的原因作一初步的探讨。  相似文献   

消极歧义是指妨碍有效交际的歧义,是一种语法病句。而积极歧义则不然,它不但不妨碍交际,而且能够提高交际效果,是语言运用中的积极现象。人们利用积极歧义,常常可以收到令人意想不到的表达效果。一.借助歧义,摆脱困境。明代  相似文献   

语言是人类最重要的交际工具。在语言交际的过程中,歧义的产生是一种必然的现象。在语言交际过程中,说话人在语用过程中的表现也是多种多样的,说话人的选材不当,伴随符号的使用不当以及说话人的交际意图不明,再加上听话人信息接收和理解的失误,听话人在交际时心理状况和主观意图及语境的不恰当等,都会产生歧义。  相似文献   

蓄意歧义是一种独特的语言艺术,为语言研究提供了新的语料,它体现了语音、词汇、语法、语用等规则。通过分析言语交际过程中产生的蓄意歧义现象及其制造的不同效果,可以促进语言使用者更好地了解整个语言体系,以及包含语用学、词汇学、语音学和语法在内的语言体系分支之间的关系。  相似文献   

歧义是语言本身及语言交际中普遍存在的现象。歧义所表现出的不确定性,常常成为干涉外语学习者听力理解的羁绊。了解歧义的特征和一般规律,学会辩识歧义的基本方法,有助于学习者听力理解中的语义推断。  相似文献   

论语境对歧义的消解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本运用语境理论,论析了一定言语交际中词义存在的多重性及其歧义的产生,揭示了言语交际环境中歧义的消解不仅要借助语言内上下而且要借助语言外情景。  相似文献   

现代性视域中的"身体写作"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代性是一个含义颇多、歧义丛生因此显得极为暖昧的概念。一般情况下,我们喜欢把它简化为两种,即“启蒙/社会现代性”和“审美/化现代性”,这实际是对现代性概念多元性、复杂性的掩盖。在多元的现代性中,“野蛮主义潜藏于现代性的核心”,并且在九十年代以来中国学的“身体写作”中鲜明地表露出来。在现代性视角的观照下,身体写作的成就与缺失清晰可辨,这为众生藉此走近人性、生活的真相,去贴切感悟意义复制世界对生命积习已久的尘封,提供了一个绝佳的契机和切人口。  相似文献   

The ambiguous meaning of the concept of life is considered by recalling along with Hannah Arendt the old distinction between zoé and bios. Life as bios is the life of someone and always intrinsically relational and worldly, thus bound to the existence of a world. The first question for life as bios being not happiness, but meaning. Life as zoé, as bare life — sacred to the credo of our time and constituting the silent premise underlying much social theory and philosophy — in turn must be defended in its own name and for the sake of happiness against everything that is durable and limits its growth and fertility and therefore it includes deafness to the question of meaning and destruction of the world, that is, of the conditions of human existence as bios. In order to help the preservation of a human life, the question of meaning has to be heard and the world has to be taken seriously. Accordingly, education should not so much orient itself towards the acquisition of the value of (bare) life, but above all help to avoid the time and space in which the question of meaning arises be occupied.  相似文献   

动词是致歧能力最强的词类,在各类歧义源中,动词源引发歧义的比重较大,因而影响也较大。多义动词项的致歧过程比较复杂,动词项也会在语义特征上显示出多重性特征;单义动词项致歧可称为语义特征致歧,其多个语义特征在句法结构中共现便可能引发歧义。  相似文献   

“ほと、くらぃ(ぐらぃ)和ほかリ”三词均为表示数量与程度的副助词,在一定语境下可以相互替换使用,但在大多数情况下是不可替换的,各自具有其独特的含义。“くらぃ(ぐらぃ)”主要表示大约、不太确切的笼统之数量和可容忍的较低之程度,且带有“轻视、轻蔑”之语气,被称之为高雅的模糊含蓄的表达方式;“ほと”含有“大约”之意,主要是一种更为客气、含蓄的语言习惯性的表达方式,多用于表示时间之量。表数量时,重在表达数量之多,程度之高;“ほかリ”是比较陈旧的用词,具有一种郑重之语感,表量时,重在表达数量之少,表程度时,多用于比喻夸张。  相似文献   

歧义现象在自然语言中十分常见,而认知语境有助于歧义的辨别与消解。本文从关联理论视角下的认知语境出发,探讨了认知语境对歧义句意义选择的影响和制约。本文认为,利用认知语境来研究语言的多义现象,能取得解释力更强的效果。  相似文献   

模糊语言学研究在我国方兴未艾,有一些问题尚待解决,本基于查德的模糊集合论,提出模糊词义的定义,即词的标志范圈界限不明确,并从主客体与语言符号三方互动、词义的本质、语言与思堆的关系、言语交际的需要几方面进一步分析词义模糊性的产生原因。  相似文献   

歧义结构单义项的认知理解频率往往是不平衡的。从语言认知角度分析单义项的认知理解频率,并根据这种频率的高低排出优势选择顺序,即意义优选。语言结构的意义要被认知和接受,至少要受到三个方面的制约:在句法上要“合法”,在语义上要“合理”,在语用上要“合用”。考察歧义结构每一个单义项的“三合”程度,就能分析出它们认知频率的对比情况,排出优选顺序。通过对大量歧义实例的考察和分析,句法、语义和语用三个方面可作为优选意义的理论分析途径。  相似文献   

采用现代逻辑及数值分析方法分析了“秃头”一词的模糊性 ,揭示了“秃头悖论”产生的根源 ,进而提出了如何解决“秃头悖论”的问题。  相似文献   

Nine- and twelve-year-old children named target words which were preceded by sentences ending in words having more than one meaning. Sentences biased the ambiguous word toward its dominant (more frequent) or subordinate (less frequent) meaning. Targets were related to the same meaning as that biased by the sentence, the other meaning, or were unrelated. Targets were presented 0, 300, or 700 ms following the sentence. For both ages, dominant sentences facilitated responses only to the contextually appropriate target. However, subordinate sentences led to facilitation of the appropriate meaning only for the younger group. Older children showed greater facilitation for the inappropriate (but more common) meaning. These results indicate that younger children are more sensitive to the sentence context in which an ambiguous word appears, while the processing of the older children is determined more by the relative frequencies of the words meanings.  相似文献   

Students’ talk about identity presents a challenge to teachers and researchers, as its social meaning is often ambiguous and indeterminate. This article adapts the concept of transgressive semiotics, originally developed in relation to linguistic landscapes, to explore moments when unexpected uses of language, involving some mismatch of speaker, utterance, and intention, were taken up in ways that offered profound insight into issues of racial identification and belonging in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Close analysis of interactional, observational, and interview data from a linguistic ethnographic study of a high school science classroom in southern Arizona shows that students monitored their own and others’ talk for out-of-place utterances, including stylized speech, errors, and gaffes. Students used these semiotic transgressions as opportunities to give voice to their lived experience of being Mexican in a social context characterized by widespread monitoring and surveillance.  相似文献   

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