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近年来,我国多所高校率先全面实施了博士研究生的招生"申请—考核"制,逐步构建了招生全流程的制度,逐步建立完善了分级负责、尊重学术的高效、科学、公平治理体系和综合考核、侧重志趣的人才选拔指标体系,充分发挥专业自主性,选拔最具培养潜力的优秀生源。  相似文献   

“申请‐考核”制是国际上博士生招生的通用方式,也是我国博士生招生改革的明确要求。本文从博士研究生“申请‐考核”制的国内外现状、基本模式的思考与构建和实际工作中的探索实践等几个方面进行分析、阐释,以期能为有关高校建立符合自身特色的“申请‐考核”制度提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

针对近年来部分高校试行的博士招生“申请—考核”制度存在对考生资格规定不合理,对博导资格要求过高,申请条件制定缺乏科学依据,考核制度和内容不够科学,相关机制不健全以及“新瓶装旧酒”等问题,认为国家应加强对其改革的宏观指导,社会各界要为其提供诚信和法治支持环境,各培养单位要认真领会改革精神,采取科学的举措来完善整个制度、运行机制和内容标准。  相似文献   

深化博士生考试招生制度改革是保障博士生培养质量的重要前提.本研究采用"研究生满意度调查"数据,实证考察了"申请-考核"制与博士生培养质量的关联性.研究结果表明:"申请-考核"制入学的博士生在学期间学术能力与通用能力提升更高,在运用倾向得分匹配消除了样本自选择问题后,结论依然成立;个体努力程度在申请考核生的学术能力与通用能力提升方面起到了部分中介作用,即"申请-考核"制不仅挑选出更加具有学术能力和通用能力潜质的申请人,也挑选出更加努力的申请人.为此,我国应充分发挥"申请-考核"制在选拔高素质博士生过程中的重要作用,提高"申请-考核"制的内部信度,探索建立申请材料结构化数据的核验与评分系统.  相似文献   

陈亮 《辽宁教育研究》2014,(12):107-111
博士招生"申请——考核"制是我国近年来研究生招生制度改革的一大亮点。但在试行过程中引发了社会各界的广泛质疑。当下,迫切需要我们思考制度中的价值取向与程序正义。基于对博士招生"申请——考核"制的内容拷问,以公平正义的视角审视其出现的利益纠葛,从完善制度的准入制标准、合理规约导师招生权、拓宽招考监督与申诉路径及创建多元利益主体的正义程序四个方面来跨越与突破现实障碍。  相似文献   

博士招生"申请-考核"制是对中国传统的博士普通招考制度的变革。在实践与完善的过程中,该制度表现出了渐进式改革的特征。在"申请-考核"制实践中,各高校在维护招考公平的前提下,更加重视考察学生的学术能力与综合素养,力图招收学术能力与综合素养并优的博士生,提高"申请-考核"制招生的效益,实现公平与效益的平衡。招生只是博士生培养的初始环节,各高校应以招生制度改革为契机,在确保招生过程有效益的公平前提下深化培养制度变革,注重发挥导师在博士生培养中的关键性作用,切实提升博士生培养质量。  相似文献   

博士生“申请—考核”制招生主要包括个人申请、资格审查、材料评议、综合考核、科学录取等五个环节。和传统的普通招考方式相比,博士生“申请—考核”制招生过程中导师拥有的自主权更大。主要针对博士生“申请—考核”制招生过程管理中导师自主权发挥激励与约束机制开展研究,通过文献查阅和问卷调查等方式研究分析国内部分高校博士生申请考核制招生案例,就如何更好地规范和发挥导师自主权提出思考和建议,以期对进一步健全和优化博士生“申请—考核”招生选拔机制提供参考价值。  相似文献   

本研究调研了美国、英国为代表的国家高校面试现状,从招生的面试方式、问题设计等方面进行系统性、深入性调查研究,结合我国特别是天津大学新近实施的博士招生"申请-审核"制的现状,为该制度的重要组成部分——"面试"过程提供了若干实施建议。  相似文献   

研究生录取制度之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究生录取制度关系到我国高等教育在高层次上的发展。本文从分析现有研究生考试录取方式的弊端出发,建议试行一些实际可行的具体方案,如一般考试与特别录取相结合;分阶段考试,基础课资格制,专业课专家制等。这样即能使考研配合大学课程的安排,不冲击专业课教学,又有助于刻苦学习、综合发展的学生及有一定实践经验的社会考生和特别优秀人才的录取,保障了高等教育质量,维护了人才选拔的公正性。  相似文献   

学术活动的反思与大学制度的重建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现行大学制度的功利导向、行政泛化,是导致学者"以学术为生"并使其异化的诱因。大学制度的重建首先是价值的重构。大学只有从自身的学术使命出发,确立对学术本体的追求,才能完善教师管理制度,引导教师逐渐达到"以学术为业"的境界,实现"为大学"和"为教师"的双赢。  相似文献   

Journal entries submitted by thirteen Doctor of Education students as a course requirement were analysed in order to explore the nature and content of their reflection and the effectiveness of journal writing in facilitating student learning. The findings confirm that journal writing encourages students to engage cognitively and reflectively with course concepts and content and to make connections between their academic learning and their personal/professional experience. Marked individual differences in response styles were apparent and these impacted on the learning outcomes reported by students. An ‘analytic’ approach to journal writing helps students to clarify, organise, evaluate and personalise ideas, an ‘extracting’ approach provides a useful record of ideas and issues, and an ‘affective’ approach encourages freedom of expression and self‐evaluation. Students who adopt a ‘course‐feedback’ style, however, receive little benefit from the activity. Suggestions are made for improving the effectiveness of student journals as a learning technique.  相似文献   

我国博士生培养机制优化:招生制度与课程设置的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国博士生招生制度和课程设置中存在的问题影响着博士生培养质量。从国外高校博士生招生制度与课程设置的经验中发现.我国高校必须以"科学研究"为价值取向.通过统筹考虑博士生招生制度与课程设置,来优化博士生培养机制。  相似文献   

高校招生考试制度在整个教育体系乃至整个社会体系中肩负了十分重要的使命,为社会各界所关注.自80年代以来,全国各地都在不断研究与探索高校招生考试制度的改革与完善,上海因其特殊的社会经济和高等教育地位而在全国的改革中具有一定的先导性.本文对上海高校招生考试制度改革的历程作了一番整体的梳理,对其得失作出了初步的评价,进而提出了改革构想:凸现高校与考生的主体地位,转变高考职能,建立起"多元考试、自主招生、独立录取"的多层次、多规格的高校招生考试制度.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, key school system  (KSS) in basic education has contributed to teaching quality and the development of some schools. However, at the same time it brings about many serious problems such as failure to attain educational objective, being away from the goal of education equity, arising students  mental or emotional problems, lack of moral education, vicious competition among schools and so on. It can be said that the present educational problems are tied closely to KSS . As a result, this paper attempts to do a deep reflection on it to promote the education reform of China.  相似文献   

博士生发表制度现已成为一个颇受争议和关注的议题.本研究引入"内卷化"概念,试图解释博士生发表制度运行时"有数量增长而无实质创新"的现象.具体而言,博士生发表制度的目标指向本为提升培养质量,但在制度执行环节却出现诸多偏差,具体表征为"为发表而发表"的目标替代、"不发表就出局"的资源竞争、"利益联结强化制度合法性"的路径依赖以及"论文数量繁荣并未带来学术创新"的功能锁定四方面.透析"内卷化"的形成机理不难发现,博士生发表制度作为一种评价制度,其评价标准的"数字崇拜"消解了学术本真,评价主体的"权力让渡"弱化了培养责任,评价结果的"高度关涉"催生了内卷乱象.为突破"内卷化"困境,推进博士生发表制度回归学术本真,培养单位需构建多元评价体系,提升博士生发表制度的内在张力;加强科研发表指导,落实培养单位对博士生培养的主体责任;淡化"淘汰"色彩,以分流退出机制提升培养质量.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the usefulness of three different approaches to facilitating reflexivity and a critical awareness of emerging academic identities for doctoral students. This paper stems from a longitudinal research project entitled The Next Generation of Social Scientists, which was conducted across three research-intensive British universities and based at the University of Oxford. The research examined how doctoral students in a range of social science disciplines develop (or do not develop) notions of ‘academic’ identity as they move along the doctoral trajectory and into academic positions. In what follows we describe how three different data collection tools – weekly logs, interviews and a card-sorting activity – were used to encourage doctoral students to consider the process of constructing academic identities more actively and self-reflectively. We then consider how the use of these tools at two workshops further revealed how they can be utilised by academic developers to explore the needs of doctoral students and improve the support in place for this student group.  相似文献   

Over the next two decades, effective enrollment management is going to be critical to the future of tuition/enrollment-dependent colleges and universities, especially in states where the number of high-school graduates is expected to decline by 30–40% (WICHE, 1984). This paper outlines the conceptual framework, design, and implementation plan for building a decision-support system (DSS) for enrollment management at the college level in a private, comprehensive university. It begins with a brief overview of the DSS as a concept, the computer-hardware environment, and the fourth-generation software tools used to implement the system (Briggs, 1982; Goetz, 1982; Moore and Greenwood, 1984). Research designs and application-development strategies are reviewed to illustrate the potential of the DSS approach to enrollment management.Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Portland, April 28–May 1, 1985.  相似文献   

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