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李元洛 《寻根》2001,(6):16-17
岳武穆壮怀激烈的《满江红》,是一曲豪气干云的英雄颂,一阕哀声动地的悲怆曲,也是一道时间的风沙永远无法侵蚀的诗之丰碑。然而,这首名词的作究竟是谁,竟然引起了一场众说纷纭的争论。首先提出怀疑这首诗为伪作的,是近代学余锡嘉。他在《四库提要辨证》卷23“岳武穆遗”条下,提出两点理由:一是此词最早见于明代嘉靖十五年(1536年)徐阶所编之《岳武穆遗》,徐  相似文献   

鱼禾 《寻根》2009,(5):138-141
最早知道河南新密市南部超化这个小镇,是从朋友邓国锋的文章中。那时他在超化镇当书记,曾为重修超化寺写赋,其中有句“稻绿平畴,芦苇披拂”,用以述说超化的自然环境,令我过目难忘。超化镇建于北魏,以佛教名刹超化寺名,超化寺则借由佛教梵语“超凡化度,脱俗绝尘”而名。而最令我神往的,是超化“吹歌”。  相似文献   

靳欣 《寻根》2008,(6):100-107
《霓裳羽衣曲》是唐代的燕乐大曲,是唐代宫廷乐舞的代表作,其系列分别为霓裳羽衣歌、霓裳羽衣曲、霓裳羽衣舞,是一部具有深远影响的音乐作品。所谓“大曲”,往往是歌、乐、舞三位一体,是歌唱、器乐、舞蹈连缀融合的综合艺术。大曲不仅是唐代燕乐的顶峰,而且是整个燕乐系统在形式结构上的最高发展。  相似文献   

秦声 天水,是秦人的发祥地之一.在秦一统天下的过程中,与之息息相伴的,不仅仪是战马,是厮杀,还有音乐! 此音乐者,乃秦声也. 秦声,是经华夏民族音乐和西陲一带的狄音乐杂糅结合而成的,这和秦地所处的位置也有着千丝万缕的联系.  相似文献   

《Cultural Trends》1990,2(7):20-45

In February 1996, an expert delegation from UNESCO visited Lijiang, southwest Yunnan Province of China for the assessment of the city's application for the World Cultural Heritage entry. Old architectures, historical streets and crisscross streams winding through them shape the old town of Lijiang and are the most important elements that the expert board planned to evaluate. Unfortunately, the visit coincided with a great earthquake of the region, Many new buildings fell down and roads were badly broken. But to their surprise, experts found that the old town was not destroyed as seriously as they expected. Wails of old houses and shops collapsed or damaged to some extents, but their structures stood still and maintained original forms. Ironically, some new, modern buildings that were at odds with the overall appearance of the old town collapsed. In the old town, roads remained intact and streams continued to flow as usual. Experts therefore asserted that with adequate restoration, historic, artistic and scientific values of the old town of Lijiang would not disappear and the application was still valid. In the end of 1997, Lijiang was approved to enter the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.  相似文献   

鲍鹏山 《寻根》2001,(5):25-30
“元康之英”过后,有作为的便是东晋末年刘宋初年的陶渊明。从汉末至西晋,除了短暂的建安时期外,知识分子走的是一条为保命而不断退却的路。他们放弃了道德,放弃了正义,放弃了良心,最后甚至放弃了是非判断力,放弃了现实感受力(如果还有感受力就往死里喝酒),他们仅想退守活命的一隅,就是这样,也很难逃脱被屠杀的命运。而官场的肮脏险恶倒着实教育了他们:“密网裁而鱼骇,宏罗制而鸟惊。彼达人之善觉,乃逃禄而归耕。”(陶渊明《感士不遇赋》)他们恍然大悟,终于“鸟倦飞。  相似文献   

陈建生 《寻根》2001,(2):96-99
杜牧《阿房宫赋》云:“渭流涨腻,弃脂水也。”虽说夸张,但也多少反映了古代妇女,尤其是上层社会的妇女使用脂粉的普遍性。  相似文献   

The annual"Majie Storytellers' Gathering"held in Yangzhuang Town,Baofeng County,HenanProvince, claims a unique niche in the history ofChina's cultural development.On the 15~(th)day ofthe first month of the Chinese lunar year,folkstorytellers and balladeers from across the countrygather here to demonstrate what they do best.The entire performance site stretches for a lengthof 4 kilometers,bringing in audiences of morethan 100,000.Local farmers say there are three versionsabout the origin of this grand get-together.Some  相似文献   

<正>They already spent half a lifetime researching and promoting Chinese traditional music, and continue to do so today: Frank Kouwenhoven, a Dutch journalist, m...  相似文献   

The starting point for this article is the author's 1994 study of the museums and galleries' market, By Popular Demand. The article sets out to look at some of the key findings and track any developments in the 10 years since its publication. The article examines both quantitative and qualitative evidence from national (rather than local or regional) data. The subject matter covered includes the old questions of how many visits are made to UK museums and galleries each year, who visits and why do they visit. This is a period only partly impacted upon by the policy initiatives of New Labour, notably free admission to the national museums and galleries and the Renaissance in the Regions programme. The author demonstrates that, at best, the total number of visits grew only a little and those who visit became more middle class and more middle aged rather more than the population did itself in these years. Museums and galleries might maintain their audiences but they were not expanding them or broadening their social appeal. This alone was sufficient justification for New Labour's policies, the early stages of which seem to have been successful.  相似文献   

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