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张鹭  宋佳玲  管芸芸 《阅读》2006,(10):48-48
假如我是地球我想对人类说让千年裸露的荒山结束烈日的煎熬假如我是地球我想对人类说让松鼠有美丽的家园让小鸟来这搭窝筑巢If I were the earth,I would say to the mankind, “Let the bare and deserted mountains not bear the suffering from the burning sun.”If I were the earth, I would say to the mankind, “Let the squirrel own its beautiful home; Let the bird build its nest on my chest.”难度系数:☆☆假如我是地球$海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@张鹭 $海门实验学校小学部五(1)班@宋佳玲 $海门实验学校@管芸芸…  相似文献   

When it is raining and Sun shines, I come out in the blue sky; I am the Rainbow which makes you smile, I am the Rainbow which makes you smile. My seven colors are treat to eyes, I am the Rainbow which makes you smile.雨过天晴熏碧空如洗熏七我我我彩是是出是让让现多你你在么微微湛赏笑笑蓝心的的的悦彩彩天目虹虹空熏。,;我是让你微笑的彩虹。我是让你微笑的彩虹…  相似文献   

小蓓 《阅读》2014,(35):39-39
<正>老师:这儿有两只鸟,一只是燕子,一只是麻雀。谁能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀吗?学生:我指不出,但我知道答案。老师:请告诉我们。学生:燕子旁边的就是麻雀,麻雀旁边的就是燕子。Teacher:Here are two birds.One is a swallow,the other is a sparrow.Now who can tell us which is which?Student:I cannot point out but I know the answer.  相似文献   

徐小红 《阅读》2022,(29):20-23+48
<正>一只小白鹅正在水塘里嬉戏。他的妈妈白鹅大婶说:“孩子,你已经游得很好了,可以去前面的湖泊找伙伴们玩耍啦!”于是,小白鹅高高兴兴地朝着他向往已久的湖泊游去。I can swim well.我游泳游得很好。I couldn’t swim in the big lake before.之前,我不能在大湖里游泳。Can I swim in the big lake now? Of course, I can!我现在能在大湖里游泳吗?当然了,我可以!  相似文献   

1I won’t buyyour story.我才不信你那一套。这句话表示对对方话语的怀疑,不屑一顾,对经常说大话的人,你可以用这句话。A:I went to the USA last month.B:Er...A:I will go to England next month.B:Stop!I won’t buy your story.1I’ll be the judge of that!我自会判断。意思是“我自己心中有数”,比如很多人对一件事众说纷纭,而你已经心中有数。A:I think it is a good idea.B:Yes,it sounds nice.C:No,no,it will do no good for us.D:OK,stop.I’ll be the judge of that.I know that from A to Z.我一清二楚。我从A到Z…  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(39):45-45
<正>妈妈:How are you going to make your tree?孩子:I will make the tree out of playdough.And then I will cover the tree with leaves.妈妈:Good idea!What about your house?孩子:I want to use wooden sticks and playdough.妈妈:你打算怎么制作树木呢?孩子:我想用橡皮泥制作树,然后用树叶覆盖树。  相似文献   

馨文 《阅读》2022,(Z5):22-25+64
<正>I’m walking down the street in the morning.I see a one-yuan coin on the ground.I decide to take it to the Lost & Found Office.I look up and find a big blue sign at the corner.There are pink letters of Lost & Found on it.And there is a picture of a gift on it too.  相似文献   

吴永奇 《阅读》2014,(Z6):75-75
<正>Most people have their own favorite sport.And I like swimming best.When I am swimming in the pool,I feel very happy.I look like a lovely fish in the water.I will join the training course(培训班) this summer.I will learn frog style and free style from my swimming coach(教练).I believe I can swim better at that time.  相似文献   

I'm a Happy Bee     
I'm a little happy bee; I'm the son of the sun; I'm the daughter of the flowers. My smile is on the children's face; My honey is in the old men's beard. I can pick up the moon; I can pick up the stars. I'm a little happy bee.  相似文献   

张玉仙 《阅读》2014,(35):43-43
<正>I have a good friend,who is he?Guess!Books!I like reading books very much.Sometimes I read books in the garden,sometimes I read books under the tree.Different books have different stories.In the book,I see a lot of pictures,people and words.I learn a lot from books.It’s interesting.Do you think so?  相似文献   

陈凯  施燕 《阅读》2008,(6):46-47
Today is Tree-planting Day. My parents and I are very busy. Look, we are planting a young tree in the garden. Dad is digging a hole in the ground; Mum is putting the tree in the hole and patting down the soil; I'm watering the tree.  相似文献   

李蓓 《阅读》2014,(15):37-37
<正>老师:你能用"鸡蛋"一词造句吗?学生:可以,我昨天吃了一块蛋糕。老师:那"鸡蛋"在哪呢?学生:在蛋糕里。Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word egg?Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday.Teacher:Then where is the egg?Student:In the cake,sir.  相似文献   

Go Fishing     
赵蔚瑜 《阅读》2007,(2):46-46
One day,my mother and I went to Suzhou Park. When seeing the fishpond(鱼塘), I got excited. We rented a fishing-rod(鱼竿) and bought a little fish food. I asked my mother to hold the fishing worm(鱼饵). We went closer to the riverbank and sat on the stones beside it. At first,I put some bait on the fishhook(鱼钩). After that, I threw the fishing-line(鱼线) into the water. What I could do then was waiting for the fish. Some times I thought the fish had took the bait. But the fish were so clever that they ate up(吃光) the delicious fishing worm and swam away quickly.  相似文献   

我泪眼模糊 想抢住你倾诉 可是怅然回望 却不知你在何处 秋风秋雨中 只有我独自踌躇 也许你已经 扬帆而去 有海鸥陪你 四海周游 留下我 荒野中享受 无尽的孤独…… Eyes vague teans dnms desining tohold you i think of the past sadly I can find you nouwhene Alone I healtate in the autumn wind and nain Saileed out to nain Sailed out to sea you my love have Accompanled by seagulld you hnavel anound the wonld leaving me hene to enjoy the endless solltude of the windenness无…  相似文献   

A New House     
徐浩然 《阅读》2014,(Z3):74-74
<正>I have a new house.There are two bedrooms.One is for my parents,the other is for me.There is a bed in my bedroom.The bed is verybeautiful.And there are three dolls on my bed.I love dolls very much.There is a photo on the wall.Near the window there is a desk.On the  相似文献   

徐小红 《阅读》2012,(12):37
1.I’m just looking.我就看看。This is a great response(回答)to"Can I help you find any-thing?"when you are not sure what you want to buy.2.Where are your fitting rooms?试衣间在哪儿?Ask the salesperson(营业员)this question if you want to tryon(试穿)something before you buy it.3.Does this come in other colors?有其他颜色的吗?Not everybody likes the same color.Ask a salesperson this ifyou find  相似文献   

A Happy Day     
夏钰霄 《阅读》2014,(19):43-43
<正>It was the May Day holiday last week.My parents and I had a camping trip in Shuanghu Park.That was wonderful!We put a tent,a pot,a stove,a blanket and some nice food in the car.Ten minutes later,we were in the park.I saw many flowers and trees.The rivers were clean,the grass was green.Near  相似文献   

Summer is Coming     
陆奕翎 《阅读》2014,(Z6):72-72
<正>My favorite season is summer.There are three reasons.First,summer is the best time for swimming.I like swimming very much.In summer,I often go swimming with my friends in the swimming pool.Second,I can enjoy ice creams and cold drinks in summer.What is more,there are so many fruits in summer,such as watermelon,litchi and pineapple.Third,in summer,I also have a long summer holiday,so I have lots of free time to do whatever I want.That’s wonderful!  相似文献   

肖研鑫 《阅读》2016,(Z2):79
My winter holiday is often colorful.In the morning,I go to thebookshop and read books.I can learn a lot from it.In the afternoon,I domy homework.Sometimes I help my mother do some housework.I alsoplay games with my friends.When I am free,I will surf the Internet.Ithink it’s a good way to study and relax.During the Spring FestivalI also visit my relatives and get a lot of  相似文献   

陈佳美 《阅读》2014,(Z3):76-77
<正>I have a big and happy family.At weekends,I often read books,sometimes I go on an outing.I have a lovely sister,she often goes skateboarding in the park.My mother likes to go for a  相似文献   

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