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My Hobby     
钱靓 《阅读》2011,(10):45
Do you know the musical instrument of violin? Do you hear the voice of violin?A violin has four strings, it looks like a guitar.But do not mix it up with (和……混淆) a guitar. A guitar has  相似文献   

张玉仙 《阅读》2014,(35):43-43
<正>I have a good friend,who is he?Guess!Books!I like reading books very much.Sometimes I read books in the garden,sometimes I read books under the tree.Different books have different stories.In the book,I see a lot of pictures,people and words.I learn a lot from books.It’s interesting.Do you think so?  相似文献   

Do you like flowers? I likeflowers very much. I know many flow-ers. They are roses, sunflowers, carna-tions, forget - me - nots, violets, liliesand so on. I want to tell you I likelilies best.Its flowers are big and white. Itsleaves are long and green. Every day Isay good morning to it. Everyevening I water the flowers. Weare good friends now.Would you like to see myflowers? Come to my home.Flowers$常州市新北区龙虎塘中心小学四(2)班@高春桃…  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is held every four years. The Athens(雅典) 2004 Olympic Games was really a great celebration! Do you know how many gold medals China has got in Athens in the 28th Olympic Games? -- China won 32 gold medals and got the second place among the participant countries!The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. Let's expect that China will get more medals!Do you know moreabout the Olym picG am es? Send us what-ever you collected.记得给我们来信,分享你的收集成果哦…  相似文献   

The author of this article used sport sociology and sport comparative methods to study the difference " of mass sport between China and Japan. The author considers that, in the development of mass sports, China and Japan once jiontly built the oriental system of health culture by way of mutual learning and communication. After the World WarⅡ, physical culture in Japan made progress both with great rapidity and in wide scope. In the nineties, China has ushered in a new period of reform and opening to the outside and worked out "Programme for National Physical Training" (PFNPT). Japan pushes forward its mass sports through legislation, while China position its PFNPT in activities of "engineering moden".Japan has had Sufficient funds,sport fields and other facilities available which China could not afford.  相似文献   

王语宣 《阅读》2014,(43):43-43
<正>We can see many bikes and cars on the street every day.Do you know the traffic rules?I’m happy to tell you about the traffic rules.When we want to cross the street,we must look at the traffic lights.There are three colors of traffic lights,red,green and yellow.Red means  相似文献   

Let's Read!     
鲁文睿 《阅读》2022,(36):24-25
<正>Do you have difficulties (困难) in reading a word correctly(正确地)?Today,let’s learn how to pronounce(发音)!Things we need:colour paper,marker pen,glue,scissors,paper cups,knife.How to make one:Step 1.Decorate(装饰) the paper cups.Step 2.Make some strips and roll them.Step 3.Make two eyes,a cockscomb and a mouth,then stick them on the cup.  相似文献   

邹中娥 《阅读》2015,(14):34-37
阅读提示很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸,他想要把他的女儿(daughter)嫁给世界上最棒的小伙子(the best man in the world)。但是,谁才是世界上最棒的小伙子呢?是太阳(sun)?是云(cloud)?是风(wind)?还是墙(wall)?Let’t read this story together!1I am a mouse father.I want to marry my daughter to the best man in the world.Who is the best man in the world?Oh!The sun!He must be the best man in the world.  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

spider蜘蛛 Do you know rhat there are many more kinds of inseets on the earth than any other kind of living ereature(生物)?It’5 hard to im吧ine(难以想象),but 95%of all the animal speeies(种类)on rhe earth are inseets!over(超过)one而llion speeies have been diseovered(被发现)by seientists,and they think that tliere might be(可能有)TEN times thar many! All inseets must have: ·three body part。一a head,thorax,and abdomen(头,胸,腹) 犷扣从二几加沁... 勿令 ·six jointed legs(六条有关节的腿) …  相似文献   

Centrai to the inquiry is an investigation of the relationship between sport, gender and society in the modern world and in cultures with contrasting ideologies, values and experiences. Dissimilarities and similarities of the four nations, China, Japan, USA and the former USSR’s ways to ensure their international success are examined in this study in order to iocate the features, if any, peculiar to China in its rise to prominence in international sport. As we move into the twenty-first century. the changes in social, poiitical,economic and culturai aspects will certainly affect the policies and strategies of sports, and the systems of administration, training and coaches preparation. China would lead the world in women’s sport when the new century comes for its sound climate in society.  相似文献   

I have many hobbies, such as surfing the Internet, reading, swimming and watching TV, but surfing the Internet is my favourite. I like surfing the Internet for three reasons. First, Internet introduce me to a new world. It takes me to all parts of the world. Second, in the past years,most of my knowledge has come from my teachers, but by surfing the Internet, I have learned more about science, life, and society. Third Internet serves as a bridge to the whole world.In fact, surfing the I…  相似文献   

Everyone knows the main purpose of learning foreign language is tounderstand the world,and the development of other countries.So anewspaper is like a window for us to see the world around us.Through thiswindow we can quickly know what is happening overseas.But Chinese students,often several years study of English language,oftencomplain that English newspapers are more difficult to understand than li-terary works.This may sound incredible to native speakers of English.butit is the true situation among Chinese students because of their ignorance of  相似文献   

A father and two children were watching "The World of Animals". Suddenly(突然), the father asked, "What kind of animal can give you not only(不仅) the meat to eat, but also(而且) the leather(皮革) to wear?" They both thought for a while and answered together, "It's you, Father!"The World of Animals@俊亚…  相似文献   

Snow in Winter     
丁瑞阳 《阅读》2015,(Z2):73
Which season is it?Guess!Yes,you’re right.It’s winter.Look,a group of lovely snowflakes(雪花)are falling down slowly from the sky.They are lying on the ground quietly.The trees,the roads are all white now.It turns into a white world.  相似文献   

陈强 《阅读》2010,(5):34-35
A man walked slowly when it was raining hard. Someone thought it was strange and asked the man why he didn't walkfaster. What's the use of walking faster· It's raining ahead, too, answered the man quietly.想一想: Do you go without an umbrella slower or faster when it is raining·  相似文献   

One evening MrBlack was driving inthe country and look-ing fora small hotel. When he saw an old woman on theside of the road , he stopped his car and said to the oldwom an,“Iwant to go to the Sun Hotel.Do you know it?”“Yes ,” the old woman answered , “Iwillshow you theway .” She got in Mr Black’s car, and they drove abouttwelve miles. When they came to a small house , the oldwoman said, “Stop here.”Mr Black stopped and lookedat the house . “But this isn'ta hotel,”he said. “No…  相似文献   

My Home     
白天 《阅读》2015,(14):46
Look!This is my home.This is the living room.It’s nice and clean.You can see a sofa,a fridge,a TV.There are all kinds of foods in the fridge.There are five toy dogs on the TV.This is my bedroom.It’s nice and clean too.You can see a window,a desk,a bed and a map of the world.On the desk,there are some books,because I like reading books.Under the bed,there is a basketball and a football,because I like sports.On the bed,there’s a toy dog.It’s very cute.  相似文献   

陈佳慧 《阅读》2014,(38):44
I often buy some bottles of water.After drinking,I like to collect the bottle caps(瓶盖).These bottle caps are useful.What can we do?We can make some bottle cap pictures.Let me show you.I prepare seven yellow caps and  相似文献   

柚子 《阅读》2023,(68):34-37
<正>What can you see in the sky in the daytime? The Sun!It’s one part of the solar system.The solar system is a family. It includes the sun and everything orbits around it. They are the eight planets,their moons and so on. Let’s have an amazing adventure through our solar system.  相似文献   

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