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"结构与行动"是社会学经典的二元对立难题,教育社会学发展过程也存在"结构与行动"维度的分歧。从教育社会学的发展历史来看,结构功能论、冲突论和解释论、批判教育学分别呈现出"强结构-弱行动"倾向和"强行动-弱结构"倾向,表现为教育社会学发展过程中"结构与行动"维度的理论分歧。随着学科的发展和教育问题的日益复杂,融合"结构与行动"的研究取向应受到重视。  相似文献   

社会学方法论的二元对立困境主要表现在三个方面:整体论和个体论的对立、行动和结构的对立、微观和宏观的对立。社会资本理论反对整体论或个体论在本体论意义上的先在性,强调关系的首要地位,从而摆脱了整体论和个体论的桎梏;它既承认社会结构的制约性又承认个人行动的能动性,克服了两者之间的对立状态;社会资本理论把社会资本区分为微观、中观和宏观三个分析层次,强调它们之间的连续性,防止了社会学宏观理论和微观分析之间的脱节。  相似文献   

结构与行动是社会学理论中的基本研究范式,也是一个长期存在的二元困境。高校青年自组织的发展目前也面临着相同的困境,受结构性和主体性两方面因素影响。因此,超越结构与行动的对立关系,建立结构与行动整合统一的新思维,形成解决高校青年自组织目前困境的结构化路径至关重要。  相似文献   

中国扶贫历程中的个人与社会——社会互构论的诠释理路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与社会学基础理论存在二元对立一样,作为社会学分文学科之一的贫困理论研究也呈现出个体主义范式与社会结构范式的二元对立.与此对应,中国扶贫实践也明显分野为个体主义扶贫范式和社会结构扶贫范式,这两种范式分别代表了中国扶贫历程的两个阶段.以社会互构论为理论原则,中国扶贫应该更强调个人与社会的双重参与、多元互动和制度之间的衔接.  相似文献   

林南的社会资本理论从理性选择出发,在行动与结构的互动、微观与宏观的连接、个体与整体的同构中,建立了强调差别、选择和建构,突出实践、社会网络和制度场域的具有鲜明观点的社会资本理论,突破了社会学方法论的二元对立困境,为社会学研究开辟了新的途径,成为一个新的解释范式。  相似文献   

以现代社会学困境为背景,简要阐述了法国著名当代社会学家皮埃尔.布迪厄社会实践理论产生的背景、社会实践理论及其重要概念的内涵与关系,认为布迪厄的社会实践理论超越了现代社会学的方法论危机——二元对立思维的困境,为我们摆脱社会学领域内的各种对立,进行社会研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

古典社会学社会结构理论中只包含制度结构、关系结构。现代社会学在克服主观与客观、微观与宏观二元对立中,发展出惯习意象结构,把建构社会结构的基础引到人类知识和身体存在的本体论深度,这是对学术分类体系的超越,使社会结构从宏观的、客观的和结构的制约性的走向与微观的、主观的和能动性的有机融合。  相似文献   

作者运用A.J.格雷马斯符号矩阵理论分析周大新的中篇小说《银饰》的叙述结构,赋予了小说新的解读视角。符号矩阵理论从《银饰》中抽象出四个语义素,组成六对二元对立关系,来阐释小说的深层结构,每一对二元对立关系推动另一对二元对立关系产生与发展,从而完成小说的叙述。该理论构架了《银饰》的立体叙述结构,使每个二元对立都有广阔叙述空间,同时它也为分析小说的意义提供了不同的视角,也有助于对小说艺术性和深刻性的把握与理解。  相似文献   

作为传统翻译理论最基础的一对概念,归化/异化翻译策略的二元对立一直是传统翻译研究的中心话题。通过分析归化/异化二元对立的局限性,本文试图从操纵理论的角度对这一二元对立进行结构和超越。与传统的归化/异化二元对立相比,操纵理论具有更强的描写性,更强的解释力和更广阔的研究空间。  相似文献   

本文运用人类学的理论,对河西宝卷中二元对立的人物形象和狂欢性特点做了解构。河西宝卷通过二元对立和狂欢性这两种结构方式,张扬了女性对自我价值与自由的追求,这种追求恰是对以儒家文化为中心的精英文化的颠覆与反叛。  相似文献   

本文首先对意识和群体意识进行了较为简略的综述,然后分别运用迪尔凯姆的"社会事实"、韦伯的"社会行为"和吉登斯的"社会结构"等社会学理论对温州社会进行了分析研究,试图从中探讨出温州人的群体意识中的问题,最后,通过社会学的理论为其指出改正的方向。  相似文献   

Evidence from large-scale studies of primary and secondary students’ technology practices at school over the last decade show disparities in student practices and suggest that schools need to do more to cater for all students. Research that explores the influence of social and cultural factors may be useful for understanding such inequality in student practice. Bourdieu’s theory of practice [(1977). Outline of a Theory of Practice. London: Cambridge University Press] is proposed as an example of a sociological theory that can be adopted in educational technology research to move towards understanding the wider complexities of technology practice. To encourage discourse and application of Bourdieu’s sociology in the field of educational technology research, this paper provides an introduction to the theory, a review of its application in research of primary and secondary students’ technology practice and relevant conceptual work. The paper presents a conceptual framework based on Bourdieu’s theory that has been developed through two recent studies, and review of empirical and conceptual works and invites its application in future research so that it can be critiqued and further developed.  相似文献   

This review essay evaluates Karl Maton's Knowledge and Knowers: Towards a Realist Sociology of Education as a recent examination of the sociological causes and effects of education in the tradition of the French social theorist Pierre Bourdieu and the British educational sociologist Basil Bernstein. Maton's book synthesizes the scholarship of Bourdieu and Bernstein and complements their work with “discoveries” from the world of systemic functional linguistics to produce a new “realist sociology of education.” It does so by means of Legitimation Code Theory, defined as a “toolkit” to analyze knowledge construction in cultural fields, especially education. The authors of this review essay take a polyphonic approach in assessing this ambitious synthesis, offering four perspectives on Maton's book. Brian Barrett provides a Bernsteinian perspective; Dan Schubert approaches the book from his grounding in Bourdieu; and Susan Hood contributes a view from systemic functional linguistics. Michael Grenfell weaves these three perspectives together and provides introductory and concluding reflections. They aim, through their combined expertise, to use Maton's book as an occasion to take stock of the state of the field of sociology of education generally and to reflect on the questions: What is its nature and what type of knowledge does it express? To what uses may it be set and what is its place within the larger project of educational theory?  相似文献   

Understanding teachers’ pedagogical choice provides a new insight into the influences on student achievement. This paper presents a sociological framework developed from the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Anthony Giddens that identify the complex social interactions which surround teacher’s work. The framework examines teachers’ potential to act knowledgeably and intentionally and how this action also leads to unintended consequences of those actions. This is important, as both the intentional action and the associated unintended consequences affect the teacher’s classroom practice and the learning of students. Application of the framework to examine the influences on teachers’ pedagogical choice is presented through two school case studies from Victoria, Australia. The environment that encourages teachers to actively review their teaching practice is revealed. It was through reflective collaborative discussions that teachers reviewed their current classroom practices and trial or implement different pedagogies to enhance the learning of young people in their classrooms.  相似文献   

林本 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(4):104-106
布迪厄为后现代女性主义研究者提供了反思社会学和惯习等学术理念和社会学方法,试图通过对朱迪斯.邑特勒的性别表演理论的解读和释疑来发掘布迪厄对女性主义社会学的贡献。  相似文献   

客观主义与主观主义似乎一直是社会科学领域无法调和的两个极端,在人类学理论中,这二者就表现为“结构”与“能动性”的对立,由此引发了许多学术争论。为了寻找这二者的契合点,以便在它们之间建立起辩证关系,布迪厄著《实践理论大纲》一书,使用并发展了“惯习”“场域”“实践”和“能动者”等术语,建立起了一套实践理论。萨林斯也是实践理论的代表人物,他著《历史之岛》提出了实践的变化会以一个不同的方式带来系统变迁的模式,从而把二者还原成认知问题、既有的认知图式和偶然发生的事件之间的结构关系问题.提出了“并接结构”等概念进行阐述。  相似文献   


This article presents Bourdieu’s theory of practice as a tool for exploring school students’ technology practice in empirical research. The authors provide educational technology researchers with an accessible introduction to the theory of practice. They then detail the conceptual, methodological and analytic application of the theory of practice in two educational technology studies. The application of the theory in the two studies highlights the potential of the sociological framing for informing a robust critical research agenda and understanding the circumstances that can contribute to digital inequalities. Practically, knowledge gained through theoretically informed research is critical for researchers, governments, schools and teachers in working to overcome digital inequalities.  相似文献   

从布迪厄场域理论角度来看,我国英语语言教学存在着很大问题。英语语言教学者应在深入理解布迪厄场域理论的基础上,整理分析英语语言教学的各个层次、各种不同的场域,特别是将主要进行技能训练、理解感知等类型的课程教学环节与知识传授型课程教学环节区分开来,以明确教学目的,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

经典现代化理论的局限性及其重要启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经典现代化理论是不同领域、不同学科的学者关于现代化研究的理论成果的统称。它涉及五大领域,即政治学、经济学、社会学、人文心理学、制度学。它的局限性表现为:西方中心主义的意识形态偏见;一元单线的历史观;过于强调人的工具理性,忽视人的价值理性;等。认真研究经典现代化理论对我国现代化建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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