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企业家精神与经济增长——奥地利学派的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立在新古典生产函数基础上的主流经济增长理论忽视了企业家精神在经济增长中的作用,不能对经济增长的过程和实现机制做出合理的解释。奥地利学派经济学关于企业家过程的理论为经济增长的动态机制提供了一个微观基础,尤其是柯兹纳的企业家理论解释了企业家机会和经济增长的真正源泉。沿着奥地利学派的这一理论逻辑,我们可以为经济增长指明一条有利于企业家精神成长的制度路径。  相似文献   

促进以创业带动就业是我国就业战略的一项重要内容。通过建立广义线性模型,对经济增长、要素价格这两个因素之于创业人数以及创业带动就业人数的影响的实证研究发现,经济增长对增加创业人数和促进创业带动就业均有积极的正面作用,而实际租房价格、实际职工工资和实际贷款利率等要素价格变动与创业人数或创业带动就业人数均呈反向关系。因此,要充分发挥创业带动就业的效应,不仅要继续保持国民经济的稳定快速发展,还要采取多种措施减轻企业的要素成本压力。  相似文献   

制度对经济增长的效应可区分为直接效应和通过微观生产要素所产生的间接效应,利用我国29个省市区1995~2007年的面板数据,考查制度对经济增长的作用途径。制度对中国经济增长的贡献被低估,其不仅作为一种生产要素直接影响经济增长,还通过影响资本与劳动配置效率间接作用于经济增长;中国经济的增长是依靠制度要素投入增加的"效率型"模式,但制度对东部地区经济增长的作用已日趋衰减,下一步制度改革的重点应放在中西部地区的自由经济环境建设与要素配置效率的改善方面。  相似文献   

对学校效能理论的起源及发展,学校效能的内涵、特征及功能等问题进行梳理,在此基础上提出以学校效能理论为基础,构建职校效能理论,评价职业学校效能的观点。认为将学校效能理论应用于职业学校评价,研究职业学校教育净影响所产生的增值情况,对于科学分析、评价职业学校具有重要意义。  相似文献   

学校文化建设:一种专业的视角   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着教育改革的不断深化,学校文化已成为当下人们关注的热点之一.如何建设学校文化,如何理解、提炼与表达学校文化,已成为每所学校现实而又具体的问题.本文针对当前学校文化热中出现的种种问题,试图以一种学校文化建设的专业视角,探讨学校文化应"如何理解"、"如何提炼"、"如何表达"这三个核心问题,旨在提供一种研究思路.  相似文献   

高职学生的技能共享涉及到职业教育中的所有技能。社会需求的产业化供给导致高职技能培养与学生就业、创业方向的关联性存在着较为显著的差异。传统行业中的成功经验共享为高职学生提供了技能共享的创业思路,可以围绕着研发、生产、服务、合作四种途径或模式实施技能共享,但这也引起了共享方式、服务群体、网络平台等方面的一系列变化。从共享的角度思考职业教育发展之路,将为校企合作、产学研相结合等高职培养模式改革及创业教育效果的提升开辟一条新的思路。  相似文献   

This article builds on the recent Special Interest issue of this journal on ‘Philosophy for Children in Transition’ (2011) and the way that the debate about philosophy in schools has now shifted to whether or not it ought to be a compulsory part of the curriculum. This article puts the spotlight on Catholic schools in order to present a different argument in favour of introducing compulsory philosophy lessons into the curriculum. It is explained that in faith schools, such as Catholic ones, there is an additional need or imperative to have compulsory philosophy as part of the curriculum. This is because it serves as an effective way of avoiding the inherent dangers of confessional education, particularly the indoctrination challenge. It is argued that Catholic schools also have some intriguing theological reasons that can be used to justify the inclusion of compulsory philosophy in the school curriculum. It is proposed that when it comes to philosophy in schools there is a distinctive Catholic school perspective. As part of this it is explained why Catholic schools, perhaps more than others, need philosophy to be a compulsory part of the curriculum.  相似文献   

As a growing number of schools and districts are found to be underperforming under the requirements of NCLB, school and district administrators are increasingly searching for research-based whole school improvement programs, including comprehensive school reform (CSR) models and education service providers (ESPs), in order to create dramatic changes and improvements within schools. Limited available research on the effectiveness of these models constrains what education consumers know about how a model will meet the unique needs of a particular school. This article reviews the experience of practitioners who have been through the selection and implementation process of whole school improvement models in order to identify emerging themes that education consumers embarking on this process should consider. During the qualitative data collection process for three Comprehensive School Reform Quality (CSRQ) Center reports, CSRQ staff held phone conversations with school and district administrators. The researchers analyzed 86 of these conversations and grouped them into similar topic areas. Common themes emerged for both the selection process and the implementation of whole school improvement models.  相似文献   

学校文化评价——一个新的研究视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校文化评价是指在一定的学校文化价值观的指导下,运用科学的手段,系统、全面地收集、整理、处理和分析学校文化相关信息,对学校文化做出价值判断的过程。学校文化评价具有理论和现实意义,但在实践中却没有得到应有的重视,存在着理论研究比较薄弱、评价标准不明确、评价目标不清晰、尚未形成科学的评价体系、缺乏专业的学校文化评价机构、专业评价人员和学校自我评价意识不强等问题。针对这样的局面,应主要从以下四个方面着手构建学校文化评价:构建明确的评价目标、构建体现本校特色的个性化评价体系、构建评价与发展相结合的评价实施机制以及构建以发展为目的的评价反馈机制。  相似文献   

注重学校自我评估:英国教育督导评估的新走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,英国在组织外部力量进行严格学校教育督导的同时,逐渐增强了对系统的学校自我评价的重视程度,强调学校要充分利用国家教育政策、法律法规发展自我评价机制来提高教育质量。2005年3月,英国教育标准局(Office For Standards In Education,简称OFSTED)颁布新督导  相似文献   

创业教育生态体系建设是当前国际创业教育理论与实践普遍关注的热点问题。我国创业教育生态体系建设要树立以全球(Global)、全民(All)和终身(Lifelong)为外驱力,以互补性(Complementary)、整体性(Holistic)和可持续性(Sustainable)为内应力的"GALCHS"创业教育生态发展观念,破解学校创业教育"生态位"角色缺失、政策因子缺位、创业教育生态系统运行基础薄弱等难题,推进创业教育生态系统萌芽、发育并进入"稳态"。  相似文献   

生态视角是研究复杂体的基本原则,而复杂体是真正的生命体。因而,采用生态视角审视学校教育,实际上是回归教育的生命立场,其核心是充分尊重学生的自我发展。尊重学生的自我发展,需要允许学生自由生长。在基础教育中,即实现儿童的基础性、自主性和个性化的生长。为此,需要营造儿童自由生长的自然生态,包括实施以培养成功学习者为导向的绿色生命教育,创建以童梦飞扬为核心的校园文化,以及建构以终身发展为参照的生态评价等。  相似文献   

中小学教育研究,有一个视角的选择问题。一般而言,学校乐于将基础教育热点作为研究的对象。教育热点是在特定时空内引起教育领域普遍关注的问题,如双语教学、学校课程开发、研究性学习、校本教科研、数字化校园构建等。关键是学校在研究这些热点时,是否考虑了研究的基础,具备了研究这一热点的条件?是否思考了研究的价值追求?前者涉及学校教育研究热点的底线问题,后者涉及学校教育研究热点需要达成的高度问题。 学校教育研究必须守住底线,分析普适性热点在学校是否具备特适性条件,做  相似文献   

文化对民族精神具有强大的涵养与培育作用,文化涵育是弘扬和培育民族精神的有效途径。经济全球化背景下,高校应以科学的理论武装学生、以优秀传统文化涵养学生、以文艺精品感染学生、以外国文明的科学成分发展学生、以形式多样的校园文化充实学生、以自然科学的有效资源教育学生,促进大学生民族精神的文化涵育。  相似文献   

School counselors, when serving as consultants and assuming consultee roles, can contribute significantly to the well-being of gifted students at all school levels. This article summarizes pertinent current training of school counselors, social and emotional concerns of gifted children and adolescents, and the practice of consultation as it relates to school counseling. In addition, brief narratives describe consultations related to peer relations, underachievement, college and career decisions, assistance to classroom teachers and parents, small-group work, potential misdiagnosis, alternative and affective curriculum, and diversity.  相似文献   

School Leaving: A Longitudinal Perspective Including Neighborhood Effects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using 1970 and 1980 census data from 202 tracts in the Chicago metropolitan region, we examine whether neighborhoods influence the likelihood of high school graduation for a cohort of African-American children followed from 1966 to 1993. Neighborhood-level variables included percent living below poverty and percent in white-collar occupations. We test for the possible direct, indirect, and interactive effects of these neighborhood indicators on the likelihood of school dropout. Our examination found the advantage of living in a neighborhood characterized by a high percentage of residents who work in white-collar occupations. Male adolescents who lived in a middle-class neighborhood were more likely to graduate from high school, even with family background, early school performance, adolescent family supervision, and adolescent marijuana use controlled. These findings are consistent with findings from three other studies. However, living in a poverty census tract did not seem to influence the likelihood of high school graduation or school leaving over and above the impact of family and individual characteristics. There also were no neighborhood effects for females.  相似文献   

相对于创业企业“生存”而言,创业失败造成大学生创业者心理扭曲甚至放弃生命等问题并未得到教育家的足够重视,导致大学生无法接受失败、创业资源浪费等诸多社会矛盾.大学创业教育不应仅关注创业企业的生存,更应关注创业者的“生存”,并将两者综合起来,形成更加完整的创业教育体系.基于创业失败学习视角的创业课程,可以帮助大学生增强对创业失败的理解与接受,提高大学生管理创业失败负面情绪的能力,并学会从创业失败中学习.  相似文献   

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