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北宋徽宗朝,精湛考究的钱币铸造工艺和独创一格的书体形式得到空前的发展。徽宗精妙的钱文设计,唯美的书法艺术,将中国钱币文化推向了巅峰。徽宗之瘦金“御书钱”,于方寸间把书法艺术的态势和神韵发挥到极致,使钱币斐然生色,格调高雅!他独具匠心的书法风格创新出楷书书体中新的风貌,其具“铁划银勾”之美誉的“瘦金体”所表现出的卓有建树的书法艺术在宋代书坛独领风骚。  相似文献   

Pigeons categorized binomial samples. One of two “coins” was tossed on each trial, and birds learned to infer from observing the outcomes which of the two equally likely coins had been tossed. Outcomes (“heads” or “tails”) appeared as successively presented red or green center keys. Coin R was biased in favor of red, and coin G was similarly biased in favor of green. A categorization consisted of a choice of a left or right side key and was reinforced with food if it was to the key (left for coin R and right for coin G) corresponding to the coin that produced that trial’s sample. Coin bias and minimum sample size required for reinforcement were experimentally manipulated. When sample size was greatest (n=8), categorizing a sample as having been produced by coin R tended to undermatch the probability that the sample was produced by coin R. When sample size was smallest (n=1), categorizing a sample overmatched, provided that the context did not include other trials with large samples. This context effect reconciles an otherwise inconsistent literature on intuitive statistical inference in pigeons but suggests a new and difficult goal for research-the general clarification of the effects of sampling context on inference.  相似文献   

硬币代替小面额纸币流通给人们带来许多方便,同时也带来了一些问题。银行等一些特殊部门要对大量的硬币进行高效的处理,如计数、清分、辨伪、包装等,以使其再流通;无人售票车、投币电话等需要对硬币进行实时识别。随着假币的出现,在线辨伪成为一个急需解决的问题。提出了一种实用的应用电涡流传感器来辨别真伪硬币的方法。  相似文献   

Oliver and Soundararajan have recently discovered an unexpected bias in the distribution of prime numbers. Interestingly, the authors embarked on this research after hearing about a counter-intuitive result obtained upon comparison of two elementary coin tossing experiments. This article describes these experiments and presents both numerical and analytical methods for exploring the source of inspiration for their research. Elaboration of such key motivations or themes provides a way of bringing the excitement of recent mathematical discoveries to the undergraduate classroom.  相似文献   

北宋中后期四川铁钱币值的变化,主要受到两个因素的影响:即铁线成为交子的准备金及陕西地区铸造铁线的冲击。由于交子发行额度的变化以及陕西铁线的不断贬值,四川铁线的币值不断波动,宋政府采用暂停铸造铁线、禁止陕西铁钱进入四川流通以及稳定交子发行数额的措施,使四川钱钱的币值在北宋中后期仍然基本得到稳定。  相似文献   

清代实行的是银钱并举的双本位货币制度,银钱比价作为货币问题的核心,是所有经济社会矛盾的焦点。银钱比价的演变也受制于多方面的因素,其影响更是涉及到经济社会的各个层面。1901-1911年作为清末较为特殊的政治时期,国际和国内政治、经济环境的变化对银钱比价的波动变化产生了极大的影响。  相似文献   

Pigeons categorized binomial samples produced by two complementary random processes. Samples were 1, 2, 4, or 8 successively presented outcomes (vertical or horizontal lines) of, in effect, tossing one of two equally likely coins. One coin (A) was biased in favor of vertical, and the other coin (B) was similarly biased in favor of horizontal. Choosing red or green stimuli presented after each sample was reinforced with food if coin A or coin B had been tossed, respectively. In that sense, choosing red or green was logically analogous to inferring that the statistical evidence reflected tossing of coin A or coin B, respectively. The statistical diagnosticity of a sample, the relative likelihood of its having been produced by a particular coin, equaled, except for sampling fluctuation, the relative frequency of reinforcement of a particular color given that sample, and was experimentally varied by the bias on the coins and by sample size. All the variables that affect optimal, formal inference about binomial samples also affected intuitive inference. But inferences were very suboptimal: “undermatching” was obtained in part due to control of categorization by the sequential structure of binomial samples. These results reveal limitations of optimality theories for animal decision making in the face of uncertainty when observations in samples are presented successively. On the other hand, they are generally compatible with molecular analyses of instrumental learning which assign an important role to the local temporal organization of events preceding reinforcement. Most generally, they show that maladaptive control over intuitive statistical inference by a variable upon which optimal performance does not depend is neither a uniquely human phenomenon nor dependent upon linguistic strategies.  相似文献   

清前期为平抑市场上铜钱价格,清政府采取如下措施:一,增加铸币量.二,增加铸铜的主要原料供应;购铜资金主要动用关税、芦、盐课税;而购铜行为又屡经变化.康熙开海后还购洋铜以弥补滇铜不足.三,处理阻碍铜钱流通中的私铸及毁钱制器等问题.随着市场铜钱量的增加,到乾隆中期以后,已改变了钱贵银贱的局面.此后,清朝政府的重心已不是平抑钱价,而改为平抑银价了.  相似文献   

微贮玉米秸杆饲料具有成本低 ,适口性好 ,效益高 ,材料来源广 ,保存期长等多种优点。洲秸杆经过微贮处理其营养成分含量有明显的提高 ,其中粗蛋白质含量提高了 32 .1% ,粗脂肪含量提高了 5 1% ,将其应用于奶牛补饲 ,是一种提高秸杆养畜效益的好途径 ,可将奶牛的产乳量提高10 %以上。  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss at length a combinatorial problem which has been of historic interest. It has appeared as a puzzle in several different versions with varying degrees of difficulty. It can be simply stated as follows: We are given a number of coins which are otherwise identical except that there may be at most one fake coin among them which is either slightly heavier or slightly lighter than the other genuine coins. Using only a two-pan weighing balance, we must devise a weighing scheme to identify the counterfeit coin and determine whether it is heavier or lighter (or declare that all coins are normal). We construct both sequential and non-sequential (that is, simultaneously declared) weighing plans for any given number of coins containing at most one fake coin using the minimum number of weighings needed.  相似文献   

随机变量的统计规律是一个复杂的概念。通过对典型实例的分析研究,揭示出一维离散型随机变量的形成过程及其变化规律。具体描述了样本点与随机变量之间的对应关系及事件与随机变量取值之间的等价关系,得出掷硬币正面出现的“总次数”近似服从正态分布,据此可刻划“掷硬币正面出现”这一随机现象的统计规律性.  相似文献   

钱纹砖兴起于西汉中晚期,是画像砖墓中一种常见的纹饰。钱纹砖内容形式多样,常与升仙避邪的图像或花纹组合,表达了人们避邪除祟、富贵吉祥的愿望,也是社会经济日益发达所产生的追求财富的社会风气的体现。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to gain an insight into novice teachers’ diverse experiences. The study is conducted among nine beginning teachers in upper secondary school in Norway, and the research instrument was semi structured interviews. The main findings indicate that there are two sides of the coin of being a new teacher, positive as well as less positive aspects. The beginning teachers want to be recognised as who they are, new to the job, and on the other hand, they want to be accepted as fully qualified teachers. The two contradictory perceptions of themselves as professionals represent two sides of the same coin.  相似文献   

晚清私铸与政治腐败   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私铸的泛滥是与政治腐败相互影响的。私铸现象的严重,这与官钱铸局的腐败,地方政府的腐败有莫大的关联。晚清更是如此,政治上的腐败因素一直对私铸的泛滥起着推波助澜的作用,比如"局私"的普遍化、官铜的流失、胥吏的包庇、官查不严等等。  相似文献   

论陈璧的经济思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈璧作为清末思想性与实践性相结合的平衡型人物、中央政府的重要官员,其经济思想集中体现在三个方面:一、体恤商艰。他制订有利于当商、钱商的经济政策,取缔官方勒费的陋规,倡导官助商办,努力营造良好的金融秩序。二、重工、重农。重工思想主要是倡办工艺局,教导女工倡办纺织;重农思想集中体现为创办农务学堂。三、整顿铜币。陈璧于光绪三十二年受命出都考察各地铜币厂,在此基础上制订“划一章程十六条”,酌量归并各厂,确定铸造铜币的数目,主旨是解决各省“多铸争销之弊”。整顿铜币之余,陈璧还主张加强对与铜币紧密关联的银币、纸币等的监督管理。总之,陈璧的经济思想最集中地体现在上述三个方面,其中体恤商艰思想反映了他顺应时代潮流的改革派特征,重工、重农思想折射出其务实、进取特征,而整顿铜币则流露出加强中央集权的倾向性。  相似文献   

辽朝商业研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在辽朝建立之前以及辽朝统治时期。内陆亚洲地区的部族交易的典型方式是以货易货。辽朝的契丹统治象同时期内亚地区其它游牧民族一样非常珍视纺织品.甚至在钱币流通之后.纺织品.特别是丝绸仍然可以替代钱币。国内贸易局限于以物易物,主要交易产品由畜牧产品如牲畜、皮毛以及金属如铁、银、金和铜构成。辽朝所遵遁的中原传统的商业政策.更倾向于对商业的督导和调控.而非对国家生产和贸易的直接参与.  相似文献   

《泉志》是我国现存最早的钱币学著作,其在钱币学史上的地位和意义,犹如《集古录》、《金石录》在金石学上的意义,成为钱币学的奠基之作。  相似文献   

Assuming a coin is fair is common place in introductory statistical education. This article offers three approaches to test if a coin is fair. The approaches lend themselves to straightforward simulation studies that can enrich student understanding of joint probability and sample size requirements. Simulation studies comparing the relative merits of the three, or potential other, approaches are an example of problem‐based learning.  相似文献   

夹锡钱是宋代铸造和流通的一种特殊的钱币。一般认为,夹锡钱是徽宗时期为解决钱币外流和财政困难而铸造、推行的货币。事实上,不仅徽宗时期,而且太宗、神宗、高宗、孝宗时期都曾铸造和流通夹锡钱。  相似文献   

对于中国历史上铜铸币流通领域长期存在的短陌钱现象,本文从流通领域铜铸币质地差异广泛存在的事实出发。由贱金属货币(铜铸币)内部的价值与价格的矛盾入手,指出短陌的本质是货币贬值。而且这种货币贬值在形式上很有特色,与贵金属货币或纸币的通货膨胀有明显不同,即有钱陌比率的不同,又体现着劣币驱逐良币的格莱申法则的作用,也是货币由实价货币向名目货币过渡的一种形式。  相似文献   

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