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"三教统筹"是20世纪80年代以来由政府发起和推动的农村教育综合改革的标志内容和主要途径,成为20多年来国家(政府)改革农村教育的政策工具。"三教统筹"政策的成效不足主要表现在两个方面:一是农村三种教育(基础教育、职业教育和成人教育)各自没有得到很好的发展;二是三种教育之间的结构不合理,尤其是职业教育和成人教育不能满足农村社会发展需要。这说明"三教统筹"政策的目标达成度低,也说明农村教育综合改革的成效不足。对"三教统筹"从政策要素各方面考察,其属于"软性政策",这也在一定程度上注定了"三教统筹"政策的成效不足之必然性。  相似文献   

1861~2010年美国高等工程教育课程政策嬗变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高等工程教育从初创至今已经有100多年的历史,其间经历过几次课程政策的变革。美国高等工程教育的课程政策在不断调试,先后出现重工程技术教育、重基础科学研究、重通识教育及回归工程的特征。这些课程政策的嬗变反映出不同历史时期美国高等工程教育的目标和面貌,从中可以看出美国高等教育的发展方向,也可为我国高等工程教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高校“形势与政策”课程教学现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"形势与政策"课是对大学生进行形势与政策教育的主渠道和主阵地,是高校落实思想政治教育的主要载体和平台。当前,高校"形势与政策"教育取得阶段性效果和成绩,同时又面临诸多难题和困境。坚持课程改革和创新的大方向,采取合理、有效的对策,开创"形势与政策"课程教学新局面,提高其教学实效,已成当务之急。  相似文献   

"形势与政策"课程是一门德育课程,也是一门必修课程,更是一门理论课程。加强"形势与政策"课程建设,必须要有学科意识,要以思想政治教育、马克思主义基本原理和马克思主义中国化研究等二级学科的相关研究成果、研究方法和研究思路来指导课程建设,以提高该课程的科学品位和教学水平。  相似文献   

政策文本是在特定语境中以复杂的方式编码而成的,要对其深度解读,需要以复杂的方式解码,将文本回归至具体语境。课程政策文本的分析,可从社会宏观语境、历史语境、相关政策语境、国际语境、文本生产的直接语境(制定过程)等维度切入。基于这一视角的研究,既需要宏观历史研究,旨在探索课程政策的共同变革动力;也需要个案研究,旨在探索成功的课程政策制定所需的应然语境。  相似文献   

政策文本是在特定语境中以复杂的方式编码而成的,要对其深度解读,需要以复杂的方式解码,将文本回归至具体语境。课程政策文本的分析,可从社会宏观语境、历史语境、相关政策语境、国际语境、文本生产的直接语境(制定过程)等维度切入。基于这一视角的研究,既需要宏观历史研究,旨在探索课程政策的共同变革动力;也需要个案研究,旨在探索成功的课程政策制定所需的应然语境。  相似文献   

新加坡在保持优质基础教育继续发展的同时,也为解决基础教育领域存在的不均衡发展问题而采取了一系列的努力和措施.本文分析了新加坡教育的投入与质量保障政策、校群和校群督导政策和弱势群体扶助政策,并联系我国基础教育的现状,对均衡发展政策进行了思考和建议.  相似文献   

增强高校“形势与政策”课程教学实效性的路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"形势与政策"课程是高校对大学生进行形势与政策教育的主渠道、主阵地。由于思想认识不到位、教学管理不规范、师资力量不充足、教学方法缺乏创新,其教学实效性尚有待增强。要通过立足建设,规范管理,创新观念,形成合力,切实增强高校"形势与政策"课程的教学实效性。  相似文献   

香港中小学课程教材政策处在不断变革之中,其主要原因一方面是时代驱动,融入国家发展大局,迫切需要加强国民教育;另一方面是问题驱动,完善教育制度体系,需要优化课程教材。政策变革的举措主要包括四个方面:以国民教育统领课程目标,助力香港青少年建立国家观念;以总体国家安全观统筹一体化课程设置,将爱国主义思想贯穿基础教育全过程;以加强行政管控力度为出发点,不断优化教材管理手段;以培养爱国爱港教师为旨归,提升教师职业使命感。构建完善的、符合教育需求的课程教材体系是香港基础教育的发展趋势,要实现这一发展趋势,关键在于在治理方位上构建与“一国两制”相适应的课程教材体系,提升对课程教材的规划管理能力,发挥好社团组织的教育治理功能,优化教材管理制度。  相似文献   

试论我国民族教育政策的时代转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新的时代环境和条件,国家民族教育政策关照的重点正在发生着深刻的变化。文章对民族教育政策取得的成就及当前民族教育政策环境进行深入分析后认为,民族教育政策正在进行着新的时代转向,政策支持的重点将由"硬件"转到"软件";政策执行中,将由政策"强制"转到政策"认同";政策取向上,由"倾斜"政策向"特殊"政策过渡。  相似文献   


The articles in this special issue include different perspectives on comparative policy studies with an aim to understand transnational education policies in relation to the logic of national educational systems and to grasp the ongoing reframing of teacher identity and teaching as a result of the policy activities of ‘new’ and coordinated international actors. This special issue aims to contribute to a continued qualified investigation in curriculum issues at the various levels within the public education system, as well as in the international policy movements, affecting public education differently in different nations. A ‘comparative curriculum research’ inspired by theories and methods from comparative education might be helpful in this endeavour.  相似文献   

我国新世纪以来的基础教育课程政策赋予了学校一定的课程开发权,但整体来看效果不尽如人意。而近年来京、沪、浙等地在课程政策方面进行了一些探索,推动了学校层面的课程改革,涌现出了一批有影响的课程改革先进学校。他们调整地方课程计划、协调课程运行、改革评价方式、扩大学校的课程权限,协同建设学校课程资源等,为学校课程改革提供了空间支持、权力支持、资源支持、能力支持和方向引领。这表明地方课程管理的政策供给是制约学校课程改革的重要因素。地方课程政策推动学校课程改革,要赋予学校课程建设的权力和空间,对学校课程权限的规定要具体、明确,要规范地方的课程管理行为。应制定和颁布国家课程管理指南、地方课程管理指南和学校课程管理指南。  相似文献   

Market principles now dominate the education and social policies of many Anglophone countries, including Australia, but articulate differentially within specific contexts. Existing historical legacies, local economic and social conditions, and geographical settings interact with federal and state funding and transport policies to shape the nature of regional education markets and the choices families make in a rural school market in Australia. Through two school case studies, this article explores the effects of policy shifts on parental choice and student movement within a regional Victorian community. Informed by policy sociology, the article views the policy as a dynamic, often ad hoc process with contradictory effects. It indicates how an ensemble of federal and state funding and conveyancing policies enable some schools to develop marketing practices that reconstruct the local education market to their advantage through the introduction of transport and flexi-boarding policies. It demonstrates that education markets are not confined to urban settings and that while choice is not a new phenomenon in this rural area, federal and state funding and transport policies have reconfigured local markets and intensified the market work undertaken by schools and parents with, in this instance, unequal effects on the provision of schooling in a rural region.  相似文献   

The inclusion of the climate change topic in the curriculum of school subjects in Singapore was pivotal, such that it positioned the discourse squarely in the structure of Singapore's education system. In an examination of the intersections and disjoints between state policies on climate change against the programmatic curriculum, results showed that there is no strong policy curriculum that mandates how climate change should be learned in Singapore, even though it is present in several school subjects. The topic is included in school subjects through the initiative of subject disciplinary specialists and middle managers of the education ministry. This exemplar has implications on how climate change education policy and practice can be shaped elsewhere.  相似文献   

课程改革预期目标偏离,表现为预期目标被架空、预期目标被替换、预期目标减损性走样以及预期目标创生性拓展。课程改革政策制定中的利益博弈、课程改革政策的决策主体、课程改革政策的执行过程等,无不影响和制约着课程改革预期目标的实现。要调控预期目标的偏离,必须加强课程改革政策研究,有效控制政策偏差。为此,课程改革政策要尽量照顾各方利益,提升课程改革决策主体的决策能力和决策水平,保持课程改革政策执行的灵活性和创造性。  相似文献   

Radical curriculum policy transformations are emerging as a key strategy of universities across different countries as they move to strengthen their competitive position in a global knowledge era. This paper puts forward a “global case study” research agenda in the under-researched area of university curriculum policy. The particular curriculum policies to be investigated point to potentially new forms of liberal education, and they resonate in varying degrees with contemporary patterns in Europe as well as longer standing patterns in the United States. This research agenda stands to make a unique contribution with its “whole curriculum” approach to: the examination of the relationship between curriculum content, pedagogy and assessment; the tracking of curriculum policy borrowing across different jurisdictions extending between global and local levels; and the investigation of historical antecedents of contemporary curriculum policy patterns. In particular, the proposed agenda features a rare combination of spatial and temporal dimensions of university curriculum policy flows. This research agenda will provide a strong empirical evidence base for extending theory building about university curriculum policy development, as well as policy “learning” for policy makers, practitioners and scholars – globally.  相似文献   

This article investigates how learning outcomes, a concept inspired by an Anglo-Saxon curriculum approach, are expressed in policy documents, with an emphasis on expectations articulated to teachers. Developments in education policy for the last two decades reflect a widespread expansion of learning outcome orientation in curricula and assessment in most of the modern world. These developments have led to changes in how education is governed and practised, and this makes it necessary to form critical concepts to understand how curricula are formed and functioned today. The research questions of the study are: How is learning outcome-oriented policy defined in key policy documents and what are the implications of these policies for the teaching profession? The topic is investigated through a document content analysis of key policy documents. A complex picture of teachers emerges in which they are to be both controlled and autonomous. The study also identifies a strong belief in ‘alignment between teachers’ competences and practices and students’ life opportunities. The findings indicate that the policies move back and forth between different parameters for describing teachers and teaching, and as such, teachers must be able to adapt as chameleons in the context of each policy.  相似文献   

全纳教师教育是全纳教育的重要支撑和保障,关乎全纳教育实现的进程和质量。目前全纳教师教育面临着政策、课程和方法上的困境和挑战,政策的制定和实施缺乏多方教育利益相关者的协调、合作与统一,课程呈现出开发单一、实施不畅的现状,而实施全纳教师教育的方法更是需要全方位考量和融合所有影响因素。为了更好更快地促进全纳教育的发展,全纳教师教育要以政策、课程和方法三位一体,施行政策引导、课程塑造、方法实践的路径,全力提升教师教育的全纳能力。  相似文献   

Discourse approaches in education policy analysis have gained prominence in the last decade. However, though the literature on policy discourses is growing, different conceptions of the ‘discursive’ dimension and its potential for empirical analysis related to the field of curriculum policy have not yet been fully researched. To address this gap in education policy research, this article explores the framework of discursive institutionalism. Using background and foreground ideas and coordinative and communicative discourses on three analytically distinct levels, this article proposes and discusses a framework for empirically analysing, explaining and understanding education reforms on the transnational and local levels. The introduced conceptual framework represents an integration of discursive institutionalism (DI) and curriculum theory (CT) to provide a more multifaceted set of concepts to explore the lending and borrowing of transnational education policies and their application at both national and local levels. These concepts have been applied as analytical tools in a research study on the most recent curriculum reform in Sweden, and they may serve as an example of how different ideas, discourses and levels can be distinguished in research studies to maintain the complexity of education reforms.  相似文献   

个人的成长或组织的工作几乎都与政府的教育政策有关,并且或多或少地受教育政策的影响和制约。教育政策从近处看可能关系到一个教育机构的成败兴衰,从长远来看,则关乎国家民族的兴盛或衰落。我国的教育发展过程是教育政策不断变迁的历史过程,也是教育政策研究不断完善的过程。  相似文献   

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