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This study examined the occurrence of color in dissertations and theses produced at the Pennsylvania State University over a nine year period. Since the most common preservation method for dissertations and theses is monochromatic microfilming, traditional treatment may result in a loss of information encoded in color in these resources. Results indicate a significant increase in the use of color over the time period studied. Variations in the amount of color use by discipline were also observed. Implications related to monochromatic microfilming and recommendations for long term preservation are discussed.  相似文献   

以儿科、外科、内科、放射、口腔5个学科发文最多的10位专家为研究对象,对这些高产作者在中文期刊和SCI期刊发表论文的情况进行对比分析。数据显示:1)2000—2012年,本研究的目标作者在SCI收录期刊发表论文的数量低于万方数据库,国内科学领域主要的学术交流平台仍是中文期刊。2)目标作者在SCI收录期刊发表论文呈逐年上升趋势,而我国的中文期刊发表的论文,在2006年进入平台期,随后呈下降趋势。2012年,5个学科SCI论文与中文期刊论文篇数基本相等。3)目标作者的SCI论文的被引频次中37.96%为国内作者引用。4)与中国科技论文外流整体情况比较,医学优秀论文外流更为严重。  相似文献   

林业类科技核心期刊文献引用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面、深入分析文献引用对林业类科技核心期刊质量的影响,通过资料分析,采用数理统计方法,选择同一层次的5家林业类科技核心期刊,对其2014年全年的参考文献的引用情况(篇均引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文的时效性、期刊自引率)进行统计和分析.结果表明:5家期刊参考文献的引用情况不尽相同,篇均引文量需要提高;参考文献来源类型主要是期刊;语种以中文为主,其次是英文,其他语种引用比较少;参考文献时效性和期刊自引率控制较为合理,但有提升空间.通过统计数据分析,希望期刊编辑重视刊发文章引文的各项指标,从而提高刊发文章质量.  相似文献   

Given the thousands of theses and dissertations (TDs) that are produced each year, and their role in advancing their disciplines, it is well worth disseminating them as widely as possible. A great leap forward in increasing TD distribution has been the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) movement. ETD information in catalogs provides valuable basic access, especially when bibliographic records are contributed to large databases. While these bibliographic records can be created automatically by harvesting author-supplied metadata from ETDs, for fuller access, cataloger mediation is needed to remove errors and numeric entities; plus name authority control. Fullest access entails subject analysis.  相似文献   

来源于学位论文的稿件在学术期刊的投稿中占较大比例.阐述学位论文被数据库收录的现状与必要性,总结国内外出版界对学位论文再发表的各种观点,对学术期刊编辑如何正确应对源于数据库学位论文投稿中的学术不端行为提出建议.  相似文献   

乔艳春 《编辑学报》2014,26(1):16-18
分析博硕士学位论文的上网入库和再发表牵涉到的一系列相关问题。认为:根据《著作权法》对公开发表的界定,博硕士论文答辩后的缴存或者商业性开发是公开发表,但是对博硕士论文的合理使用以及授权并不是出版,其再发表不适用"一次用尽"原则;博硕士研究生应积极配合公益缴存以及合法机构的商业性开发;为充分发挥博硕士学位论文的学术价值,应鼓励其再发表。  相似文献   

This study investigates the decay and half-life of online citations cited in four open access journals published between 2000 and 2009. A total of 1158 online citations cited in 1086 research articles published in two science and social science journals spanning a period of 10 years (2000–2009) were extracted. Study found that 24.58% (267 out of 1086) of articles had online citations and these articles contained a substantially very less number of online citations (2.98%) compared to previous study results. 30.56% (26% in Science and 52.73% in Social Science) of online citations were not accessible and remaining 69.44% of online citations were still accessible. The ‘HTTP 404 error message-page not found’ was the overwhelming message encountered and represented 67.79% of all HTTP message. Domains associated with .ac and .net had higher successful access rates while .org and .com/.co had lowest successful access rates. The half-life of online citations was computed to be approximately 11.5 years and 9.07 years in Science and Social science journal articles respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigates the decay and half-life of online citations cited in four open access journals published between 2000 and 2009. A total of 1158 online citations cited in 1086 research articles published in two science and social science journals spanning a period of 10 years (2000–2009) were extracted. Study found that 24.58% (267 out of 1086) of articles had online citations and these articles contained a substantially very less number of online citations (2.98%) compared to previous study results. 30.56% (26% in Science and 52.73% in Social Science) of online citations were not accessible and remaining 69.44% of online citations were still accessible. The ‘HTTP 404 error message-page not found’ was the overwhelming message encountered and represented 67.79% of all HTTP message. Domains associated with .ac and .net had higher successful access rates while .org and .com/.co had lowest successful access rates. The half-life of online citations was computed to be approximately 11.5 years and 9.07 years in Science and Social science journal articles respectively.  相似文献   

分析科技期刊论文被引分布的规律,从文章类型、选题方向、学科特点、作者及其机构、基金项目5个方面探讨高被引论文的主要特征.认为科技期刊编辑应加强组约及刊发综述性学术论文,及时跟踪报道学科研究热点与发展前沿,关注重点团队及培养核心作者群,关注并分析论文的实际内容,注意栏目设置与专题出版,提升期刊文献的显示度及检索的便利性,以期为编辑在组稿策划、宣传推广及寻求高被引作者等方面提供参考,不断提升期刊的学术质量与学术影响力.  相似文献   

穆刚 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):543-544
对科技期刊参考文献日语方面的问题进行分析,并指出如何处理;同时介绍了一些带有技巧性的方法,以便不太精通日语的编辑发现科技期刊日语参考文献中的差错.  相似文献   

对《中国核心期刊引证报告》(2012年版)公布的17种口腔医学核心期刊创刊以来刊登的被引次数≥40的论文(共计305篇)的期刊分布、论文合作情况、作者分布、机构分布、基金资助及学科分布等进行了分析,为科技期刊编辑部的选题策划、审稿组稿提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the status of digitization in 30 Nigerian university libraries with a view to identifying the status, progress, prospects and challenges to digitize library materials and form the basis of providing a roadmap to successful execution of digitization projects. The study assessed the status of digitization of past question papers, theses and dissertations in Nigerian university libraries from May to September 2006 through a self-administered questionnaire, site visits and interviews. It was found that, though there are automation services in those universities, there is no digitization of these materials mentioned in the surveyed institutions. The major obstacles militating against digitizing in the university libraries include lack of funds, lack of appropriate facilities, lack of skilled manpower and lack of constant electricity supply. Respondents were anxious to have the services to commence because of their importance in facilitating teaching, learning and research.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the status of digitization in 30 Nigerian university libraries with a view to identifying the status, progress, prospects and challenges to digitize library materials and form the basis of providing a roadmap to successful execution of digitization projects. The study assessed the status of digitization of past question papers, theses and dissertations in Nigerian university libraries from May to September 2006 through a self-administered questionnaire, site visits and interviews. It was found that, though there are automation services in those universities, there is no digitization of these materials mentioned in the surveyed institutions. The major obstacles militating against digitizing in the university libraries include lack of funds, lack of appropriate facilities, lack of skilled manpower and lack of constant electricity supply. Respondents were anxious to have the services to commence because of their importance in facilitating teaching, learning and research.  相似文献   

文章以中国学术期刊网络出版总库为信息源,对19种图书情报核心期刊进行统计,以≥70被引频次的高被引论文501篇为研究样本,从被引文献的年代分布、被引频次、著者、机构、来源期刊、地区分布以及研究主题等方面进行分析研究,旨在揭示图书情报学高被引文献全面而详细的信息,为图书情报工作人员开展学术研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Using 17 open-access journals published without interruption between 2000 and 2004 in the field of library and information science, this study compares the pattern of cited/citing hyperlinked references of Web-based scholarly electronic articles under various citation ranges in terms of language, file format, source and top-level domain. While the patterns of cited references were manually examined by counting the live hyperlinked-cited references, the patterns of citing references were examined by using the cited by tag in Google Scholar. The analysis indicates that although language, top-level domain, and file format of citations did not differ significantly for articles under different citation ranges, sources of citation differed significantly for articles in different citation ranges. Articles with fewer citations mostly cite less-scholarly sources such as Web pages, whereas articles with a higher number of citations mostly cite scholarly sources such as journal articles, etc. The findings suggest that 8 out of 17 OA journals in LIS have significant research impact in the scholarly communication process.  相似文献   

比较我国9种煤矿开采类核心期刊在WoS数据库中的被引率,并统计分析其高被引论文的作者和机构分布、基金论文比及关键词频次,提出了提升煤矿开采类期刊国际影响力的策略.认为煤炭科技期刊编辑部需用国际化的眼光吸纳优秀作者资源和优质稿源,充分发挥国家重点实验室的作用,关注国家煤炭行业的发展前沿,重视以煤炭行业的可持续发展为导向,并注重期刊的中英文双语种呈现形式.  相似文献   

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