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This study explored the mediating effects of students’ perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm on the relation between students’ initial interest and their situational interest at the end of the semester. Students’ motivation for affiliation with their teacher and with peers was also measured to allow for potential associations between these variables and the students’ perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. In path analysis, data from 455 undergraduates showed that perceptions of teacher enthusiasm and of peer enthusiasm had direct associations with two kinds of situational interest, both hold and catch interest. Also, the relations between initial interest and both hold and catch interest were mediated by perceptions of peer enthusiasm but not teacher enthusiasm. Students’ affiliative motivation with the teacher and peers had direct effects on their perceptions of teacher and peer enthusiasm. This study contributes to clarifying the importance of contextual factors as well as students’ own individual variables in understanding the mechanisms by which students’ interest in a course develops and is maintained throughout the semester.  相似文献   

教师一定要遵循理工类院校学生的心理、生理的发展规律和特点,把培养学生的兴趣放在首位,这样才能让学生在学习音乐的过程中感受到音乐的魅力,也有利于培养学生的学习兴趣,进而提高学生学习的积极性。总之,兴趣是最好的老师,只有让学生喜欢音乐,爱学音乐鉴赏这门课,才能充分发挥其自主性、能动性和积极性,从而自发地去学习各种知识。  相似文献   

语文教学承担着德育、智育、美育等多重育人任务。构建“德美一体”的语文教学模式,就是充分利用健康向上、包含丰富道德底蕴的文学作品,以及社会生活、文化中美好的事物来启发、诱导、熏陶学生对美好、高尚品德的向往和追求。把关育与德育相结合,把做人的道理蕴涵在具体可感的形象中,用美引善、以美诱善,使学生产生对可贵品质的敬仰、亲近、向往的情感。教师通过创设充满审美愉悦的课堂氛围激趣引思,借助美术、音乐等艺术形式丰富文学内涵,使学生在接受精神审美,享受审美带来的愉悦的同时,活跃思维,提升兴趣,使德育、智育、美育互相渗透、互相促进、协调发展。这种模式既是对提升教学有效性的有益尝试,也是对落实语文学科“文道统一”的本质的积极实践。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。教师只有了解影响学生学习兴趣的因素,以及兴趣与教学之间的关系,才能有效地帮助学生学习,激起他们的学习兴趣。  相似文献   

This paper examines students’ achievement and interest and the extent to which they are predicted by teacher knowledge and motivation. Student achievement and interest are both considered desirable outcomes of school instruction. Teacher pedagogical content knowledge has been identified a major predictor of student achievement in previous research, whereas teacher motivation is considered a decisive factor influencing students’ interest. So far, however, most research either focused on knowledge or motivation (both on the students’ as well as the teachers’ side), rarely investigating them together or examining the instructional mechanisms through which the supposed effects of teacher knowledge and motivation are facilitated. In the present study, N = 77 physics teachers and their classes in Germany and Switzerland are investigated utilizing a multi‐method approach in combining data obtained from test‐instruments (teacher pedagogical content knowledge, student achievement) and questionnaires (teacher motivation, student interest, student perceived enthusiastic teaching) as well as videotaped instruction (cognitive activation rated by observers). Multi‐level structural equation modeling was used to support the assumptions that teacher pedagogical content knowledge positively predicted students’ achievement; the effect was mediated by cognitive activation. Teachers’ motivation predicted students’ interest which was mediated by enthusiastic teaching as perceived by students. Neither did teacher pedagogical content knowledge predict students’ interest, nor teacher motivation students’ achievement. This implies that in order to improve students’ cognitive as well as affective outcomes, both teachers’ knowledge but also their motivation need to be considered. © 2016 The Authors. Journal of Research in Science Teaching Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 54:586–614, 2017  相似文献   

在英语泛读教学中,培养学生学习英语的兴趣至关重要。泛读是一门实践课,教学是双向活动,只有激发学生学习英语的兴趣,才能调动其主观能动性,提高泛读教学的效果。  相似文献   

The research focuses on Estonian university students’ emerging teacher identity and their interest in becoming teachers. Five hundred and sixty‐five first, third and fifth year students participated in the survey. The results suggest that pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education and clear motives for studying are significant indicators of teacher potential. Pedagogical reasons for entering teacher education or the teaching profession and the wish to function as a change agent in the society were related to academic self‐efficacy beliefs and the belief that the teacher expertise is mainly pedagogical in nature. However, at the point in their studies at which the students are able to choose their masters programme and entry into teacher education, their likelihood of choosing teacher education remains low, indicating that there is a need to develop pedagogical content, study counselling and career guidance services to encourage students’ continued interest in and entry to teacher education and the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Teacher self-efficacy and teacher interest are two key facets of teacher motivation that are important for high-quality teaching. Little is known about the relative strength of the effects of teacher self-efficacy and interest on teaching quality when compared with one another. We extend previous research on teacher motivation by examining the relations linking mathematics teacher self-efficacy and interest with several relevant dimensions of teaching quality as perceived by teachers and students. Participants were 84 mathematics teachers (61.2% female) and their students (1718 students; 48.5% girls). Based on doubly latent multilevel models, we found that teacher-reported self-efficacy in instruction was positively related to teacher-reported cognitive activation, classroom management, and emotional support in mathematics classrooms. Teacher-reported educational interest showed positive associations with both student- and teacher-perceived emotional support. Future research is advised to focus more strongly on the unique relations between different teachers’ motivational characteristics and relevant dimensions of teaching quality.  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。一个成功的英语教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,通过用灵活多样的教学方法、组织学生参加实践活动来加强对学生学习英语的兴趣的培养,让学生变兴趣为参与实践的动力,并在漫长的教学过程中始终保持这种兴趣,为语言实践活动提供源源不断的动力。  相似文献   

The subjects of this research were 776 pupils from grade three to grade six in Shandong Province, China. This study examined the influence of teacher support on students’ reading engagement, and the mediating variables between those two factors, as measured by the perception of teachers’ support scale, reading engagement scale, reading interest scale and Chinese academic self-concept scale. Results showed that the reading engagement of primary school students who lived in urban areas was significantly greater than that of students in rural areas. Moreover, teacher support positively influenced primary school students’ reading engagement, and reading interest had a mediating effect on teacher support and reading engagement, whereas the Chinese academic self-concept did not mediate such relations. However, Chinese academic self-concept completely mediated the relationship between teacher support and reading interest, such that there was a specific sequential effect between teacher support and reading engagement that formed an intermediating chain.  相似文献   

Interest is important for successful student learning, but little is known about the developmental dynamics between interest and social support in classrooms. Based on the stage-environment fit theory, this study investigated the interrelation of developmental changes in student class-level interest and perceived teacher support in mathematics classes over one school year after the students transitioned to secondary school. We also examined how teacher-reported enthusiasm was related to these changes. Data of 1000 students (53.6% male) and their classroom teachers (N = 42), who were surveyed at the beginning of Grades 5 and 6, were analyzed. The results showed a significant decline in class-level mathematics interest and perceived teacher support. Teacher-reported enthusiasm buffered the decline in class-level mathematics interest. When including bidirectional relationships between perceived teacher support and the students’ interest, perceived class-level teacher support in Grade 5 positively predicted the change in student interest and, thus, buffered the decline.  相似文献   

The study sought to explore whether interactional teacher characteristics such as social congruence, subject-matter expertise, and cognitive congruence increase situational interest in students. Correlational and path analyses were conducted on a sample of 498 polytechnic students to assess potential differences in situational interest based on these three teacher characteristics and how well these characteristics predicted situational interest. Results revealed that students supported by teachers who scored high on these characteristics reported significantly higher levels of situational interest. Cognitive congruence was the most significant predictor of situational interest. Overall, the findings suggest that teachers play an influential role in increasing students’ situational interest in the active-learning classroom.  相似文献   

少数民族学生英语教学中,教师要培养和保持少数民族学生学习英语的兴趣,应该重视入门教育,打好基础;充分研究教材,认真备课,在各教学环节中增加趣味性;注重建立新型师生关系,重视师生情感交流,培养兴趣;开展内容广泛、形式多样的英语课外活动。  相似文献   

During the last decade there has been on-going discussions about students’ declining interest and low achievement in science. One of the reasons suggested for this decline is that teachers and students have different frames of reference, whereby teachers sometimes communicate science in the classroom in a way that is not accessible to the students. There is a lack of research investigating the effects of coteaching with senior students in science in upper secondary schools. To improve teaching and to narrow the gap between teachers’ and students’ different frames of references, this study investigates how an experienced chemistry teacher gains and refines her pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) by cooperating with two grade 12 students (age 18) as coteachers. The teacher and the two coteachers coplanned, cotaught and coevaluated lessons in chemical bonding in a grade 10 upper secondary class. Findings indicate that the coteachers contributed with their own learning experiences to help the teacher understand how students perceive difficult concepts. In such way, the coteachers were mediating between the teacher and the students, thus bridging the gap between the teacher and the students’ frames of references. The teachers’ PCK was refined which in turn lead to improved teaching strategies.  相似文献   

兴趣是学生认识世界,渴求知识和探索真理的最好驱动力。激发兴趣,对于初中生学好科学尤为重要。认为优化问题的设置、教学情境的创设是激发学生学习兴趣的有效途径,而师生情感的培育是实施兴趣教学的前提条件。  相似文献   

兴趣是最好的老师。如何激发学生学习的兴趣是每一位老师面临的一个重要课题。数学,因其学科的特点,让很多学生对数学没有兴趣,觉得数学枯燥乏味。那么,激发学生学习数学的兴趣则对每一位数学教师提出一个更高、更难的要求,是每个数学教师教学工作中的关键,是数学教学中的永恒话题。有兴趣才有动力,有兴趣才会有良好的学习效果,才会使学生的逻辑思维能力不断发展提高。  相似文献   

高中政治新课程课堂教学必须致力于激发和保持学生的主动性和积极性。为此一要奏好"源泉曲",提高课堂参与率,关注学生的最近发展区,创设有效教学情境,激发和保持学生学习的兴趣和动机,从而使学生"想学习";二要奏好"主题曲",提高学生的元学习能力,加强思维训练,培养学生收集处理信息的能力和团结合作的能力,从而使学生"会学习"。三要奏好"保障曲",培养健康的学习情感以及良好性格特征和意志品质,从而使学生"爱学习"。  相似文献   


Based on Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership, it was assumed that the teacher style required for effective student learning in the classroom depends on the favorableness of the situation for teaching (favorableness is defined in terms of ease of exercising influence). A person-oriented teacher was expected to be more effective than a task-oriented teacher in a situation of intermediate favorableness. A task-oriented teacher was expected to be more effective in an unfavorable situation. In support of these predictions, eighth-grade male students in a situation of intermediate favorableness rated the person-oriented teacher more positively than the task-oriented teacher in terms of effectiveness, encouragement, interest, and how much they learned. In an unfavorable situation, the opposite pattern occurred: students rated the task-oriented teacher more positively than the person-oriented teacher. Results on a performance test at the end of the lesson, though not significant, were in the predicted direction that paralleled the results on students' impression ratings. The implications of these results for teacher education were considered.  相似文献   

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