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This article addresses the challenge of reclaiming higher education (HE) as a public good for building effective democracies. We use Bernstein’s model of pedagogic rights and Fraser’s model of social justice to develop a normative framework for discussing how universities in unequal societies might mitigate social injustice. Referring to recent student protests in South Africa, we show the extent of student anger and frustration at the misrecognition they experience due to the reproduction of colonial hierarchies at postcolonial universities. The article is an attempt to respond to students’ calls about ‘black pain’, ‘black debt’ and for the ‘decolonisation’ of South African universities. In particular, we focus on theories of recognition and how these are being played out in the current South African HE context. Our aim is not to critique student politics, but to understand the position and heed the cry of the subaltern student. We deliberate on what an adequate response, framed within a model of pedagogic rights, might be from those who teach in and manage universities. We note some impediments to implementing this response and conclude by asserting the importance of working with a politics of recognition and representation as well as redistribution.  相似文献   

While the role of financial considerations in higher education student dropout is being recognized increasingly, the dominant international literature fails to reflect the extent of socio-economic deprivation among students in countries where many people live below the poverty datum line. This article draws on a study of student retention and graduate destination at seven HE institutions in South Africa, focusing on the University of the Western Cape which caters for a large proportion of impoverished students. The study found many students left before completing a qualification because they were too poor to stay. A model of student departure is presented which draws on the very influential work of Vincent Tinto but also allows for greater emphasis than he did on students’ ability to pay (real or perceptual) and demarcates the times in the academic calendar when finances present their greatest challenge to retention. The model also invites consideration of the national and international factors which impact on the social/economic/political milieu in which students’ persist-or-depart decisions are made.  相似文献   

Student protests in sub-Saharan Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses the question whether educational institutions will in the future become the arenas of social struggle in the African countries as other avenues of dissent become progressively closed. The paper first provides a brief outline of the social and economic context in the African countries in order to cast student political activism in the wider picture of the rapidly deteriorating conditions. Such an outline is deemed necessary to understand the genesis of student protests, and in particular, how school-based concerns (e.g., about declining educational standards) can escalate, providing the embryonic elements for the articulation of more widely-based social and economic questions which have no other avenue of expression in increasingly closed and repressive political regimes. The vicious circle of student action and predictable government reaction (e.g., repeated closures of educational institutions) which further contributes to the decline in the quality of education is then discussed. Finally, the paper touches on the problems of rising violence in student demonstrations, the solidarity which seems to be emerging between students and other social groups in some countries, and the potential implications for the struggles for democracy and political pluralism in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper was to review the contribution of private institutions to higher education in Africa and use Monash South Africa as a case study. A literature search was conducted to gain perspective on the current situation with respect to private higher education institutions in Africa and how they are perceived in relation to public higher education institutions.

In comparison with public higher education institutions, private higher education institutions in Africa were successful in four areas: ? Widening access to higher education in the continent

? Improving the quality of education

? Improving student experience

? Increasing the recognition and marketability of their degrees

However, private higher education institutions in Africa have failed in two areas: ? Reducing the costs of higher education in Africa

? Assisting with retention of skilled human capital in African countries.

In fact, private higher education institutions in Africa, have exacerbated the two situations above.

Monash South Africa was the first foreign university to be established in South Africa and one of over 100 private universities in the continent. As a campus of Monash University in Africa, it has seen a steady growth with over 3,500 students in the past 10 years of its existence. Like other private institutions, the campus was successful in the four areas above and also fails in the area of costs and assisting in retention of skilled staff in Africa. The campus has been successful in blending its private provider status with a public purpose mandate by offering degrees in social science, business and economics, information technology and health sciences.  相似文献   

Using teaching as a labour process, this paper shows how teachers' work is controlled by the state. By using data collected from the Lebowa bantustan in South Africa, the analysis focuses on structural/material constraints on teachers' work; how scientific management has been transferred from industrial corporations to South African black schools as a post-1976 reform strategy, to bring control over teachers and students at a time when the system of education of blacks was characterised by massive student and teacher protests. However, contradictory developments emerged whereby teachers responded and resisted these controls in a variety of ways in different work contexts. Since the research was conducted in the late 1980's, the paper seeks to discuss how widespread scientific management ideas are in the post-apartheid era.  相似文献   

以1994年废除种族隔离政策为分水岭,南非的高等学校分类体系经历了由分化到整合的治理逻辑变迁。1994年之前,南非政府以学生人种、教育属性、语言文化等为维度,将全国高等学校强行区隔,多轨运作,分而治之。1994年之后,南非新政府开始调整高等学校分类体系,以高校学术职能为中心,整合教育资源,致力于促进普通教育与职业教育的融汇贯通。南非的高等学校分类变迁史表明,高校分类必须尊重教育自身的发展规律,坚持政府在高等教育发展中的主导地位,同时保持不同类型高校的特色化、差异化发展。  相似文献   


New voices emerging in the global South are contesting the academy’s elitist and exclusionary ethos by disrupting the normalcy of coloniality. Concerns raised by the student protests of 2015 and 2016 have challenged the higher education sector to rethink its traditional teaching, learning, and assessment practices in response to student calls for decolonised and transformative curricula. This paper explores the ‘voice’ of the marginalised, who dare to ‘speak’ in authentic and provocative ways to call the university to action. We pose the questions: are alternative voices enough to inspire institutional change if traditional hierarchies of power remain intact? What does this mean for the collective project of re-imagining a university that carries a promise of social inclusion and social justice? What are the implications for academic development (AD) work, which finds itself on the margins, in service of mainstream (and dominant) epistemic and pedagogic practices? Using reflective narratives, and drawing on decolonial scholarship, this study explores a group process involved in curriculum change work at a university in South Africa. It raises challenges for AD and its role in the current context of change.  相似文献   

In 2011 the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa was promulgated. This framework proposes the establishment of teaching schools to strengthen pre-service teacher education. This study arises from this initiative. A generic qualitative study was undertaken to explore the views of research participants from selected teacher education institutions and schools in South Africa on the potential of teaching schools to enable student teacher learning for the teaching profession. The key findings are that teaching schools can potentially make a distinctive contribution towards enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession through student teachers experiencing good teaching in a model environment and through coordinating experiences in coursework and at the school. The discussion of the findings points to the distinctive potentialities of teaching schools for strengthening teacher education. The notion of hybridity and third space is invoked as a heuristic to shed light on the developing of a true collaborative relationship between the teacher education institution and the teaching school for enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):466-484

Student academic success is an important issue in South African (SA) higher education (HE). The transition from school to HE is a critical time that a student must successfully negotiate in order ultimately to succeed at university. Tinto (1993) identified the first phase of the transition process as the separation phase during which the student starts the move away from the originating environment toward becoming integrated into the institutional community. Orientation programmes have traditionally been one way in which institutions have tried to assist students in adapting to the new environment. Orientation sessions have however not always had the practical effect of improving student success. This article reports back on a newly designed “true to life” extended orientation programme that was implemented during January 2008. The success of the programme was evaluated using student feedback and by tracking the academic performance of the students. After tracking student academic performance the performance of the students who took part in the orientation programme was compared with the academic results of those who did not attend. The extended orientation programme seemed to have positively contributed towards student success.  相似文献   


The South African student movements collectively referred to as #Fallism or #MustFall were more than resistance to fee increases. They were, and continue to be, movements targeting multiple institutions of Western coloniality and globalisation in tertiary education to establish economic and social equity, placing #Fallism within the broader global backlash against neoliberalism, neoconservativism, and Westernisation. This article makes three core claims: (1) modes of domination in globalisation are multi-institutional, thus alter-globalisation movements are also multi-institutional, (2) The goals of #Fallism in South Africa were, in part, related to alter-globalisation, and (3) #Fallism should be considered as a multi-institutional, alter-globalisation movement.  相似文献   

Comparative Education (CE) in Teacher Education (ITE) receives little attention in the literature, and this attention is mainly focussed on its decline in Western Countries. This article highlights, however, that it is not declining to the same extent in some countries in Asia, Eastern Europe and in South Africa. The study, upon which the article is based, explores a completely neglected aspect of CE in ITE – the perceptions of student teachers studying CE. The research was conducted among student primary teachers in Ireland and South Africa. Even though some similarities emerge, their perceptions are mainly divergent. It is in the analysis of this divergence, however, that a rich picture of student perceptions emerges. The main findings are: the Irish students knew much less about CE than their South African counterparts, and their main motivation for studying CE was to enable them to work abroad, whereas the South African students wanted to learn about other systems of education in order to improve Education in South Africa. Other findings concerning the extent to which CE is considered to enable student teachers to improve their teaching, are interesting and these are considered in the discussion section.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the expansion of student numbers in higher education (HE) in Germany. The quantitative sources indicate a constant increase in student numbers in the 1990s, but show that this growth was uneven and differentiated. The paper discusses a number of factors that influenced the increases in student numbers since the early 1990s, including the opening up and restructuring of HE in eastern Germany, and the strong increases in female participation and in the number of international students. Growth has been particularly significant in certain subject areas, as well as at Fachhochschulen and at private HE institutions. Current developments regarding the introduction of tuition fees and changing structures regarding access to HE are outlined, and their impact on the future expansion of HE is discussed.  相似文献   


The values of higher education (HE) are undergoing a disruptive shift. How the rising cost of higher education is being shared between the student and society is driving many of the changes within HE. External pressures on institutions of higher education include reduced public funding, wider student participation and increased competition. These external pressures are influencing the current environment within HE. Academic capitalism encourages institutions to focus on efficiencies and outcomes. Administrators are increasing in numbers and in influence. Students in HE have more choice and are viewed as customers instead of apprentice learners. These collective changes are influencing faculty employment, working conditions, and teaching practices. Institutions are turning to a tiered faculty system. Academic work is being unbundled as paraprofessionals develop and deliver classes. Tenure’s influence is dwindling and an increasing number of faculty are hired as contingent employees. This article will address the external pressures and changing expectations of universities in Australia, the UK and US, and how changing values are influencing faculty, staff utilization and teaching practices.  相似文献   


The international mobility of institutions, staff, students and knowledge resources such as books and study materials has usually been studied separately. This paper, for the first time, brings these different forms of knowledge mobilities together. Through a historical analysis of South African higher education alongside results from a quantitative survey of academic staff in three international branch campuses in South Africa, the paper suggests three things. First, it points to the importance of regional education hubs in the global South and their role in South–South staff and student mobilities. Second, it points to the importance of reading these mobilities as outcomes of historically attuned policymaking – educational, migratory and political. Finally, the paper points to the theoretical possibilities that arise by bringing institutional, staff, student and knowledge resource mobilities in place and suggests new avenues for further research.  相似文献   

This article explores the possibility that the recent #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall student protests at South African universities may be partially underpinned by grief over a dying essentialist assemblage in the wake of the 2012 Marikana massacre – which saw the assemblage severed from the State Apparatus in a way that spelled its doom. Particular focus falls on how the related protests mirror the grief stages identified by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and the article concludes by reflecting on possible post-structural curricular interventions that may help to stabilize university operations in the country.  相似文献   

This article draws on quantitative and qualitative data from two institutions to compare the student experience of those with and without bursary awards. Using the student life cycle model, the article examines the ways in which bursaries impact on the student experience before they enter the institution, in the early weeks of their studies and as they progress through their programmes. At these two institutions, students with bursaries were more likely to be retained and to perform well during the first year than those without bursaries. The study found that bursaries can ease financial pressures during their transition to higher education (HE) and that institution‐specific bursaries can affect students’ perceptions of an institution and their commitment to succeed. After 2006, those institutions wishing to charge variable fees will be required to provide bursary support for low‐income students. The findings from this article suggest that HE providers should consider the timing of the bursary payments and the implicit message the bursary sends to applicants if they want to ensure that their bursaries have a positive impact on the student experience.  相似文献   

The assessment of teaching quality has been high on the agenda of higher education institutions in South Africa since the beginning of the momentous transformation of that society and the attendant relatively sudden changes in the student constituencies served by those institutions. The University of Natal has accepted the need to recognise and reward quality in teaching, and since 1994 has implemented a new route to academic promotion through teaching, based on committee evaluation of a candidate's teaching portfolio. In this paper, the process of development and the actual model of the assessment of quality in teaching, including the evaluation criteria used in assessing teaching portfolios, is explored, described and evaluated. The successes and the problems inherent in the system are highlighted, and suggestions are made with respect to possible reconsiderations. Finally, the possibilities for generalising the model for use in other institutions are explored.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increase in the Higher Education (HE) options (in terms of both courses and institutions) available to students in the UK. Given that the choice of institution and field of study are crucial for students’ future careers, we investigated how attributes of the institutions and courses determine students’ choices, and how they interact with student characteristics. Data on graduates with a STEM background, who started a course in 2010/11 in an English HE institution, was analysed using a conditional logit model. The research demonstrated that an institution’s prestige, degree subject area and distance from home play an important role in students’ choices. Furthermore, distance from home to the HE institution is a potential barrier to fair access, as socio-economically deprived students may have less choice if they are not able to travel as far.  相似文献   

Trends suggest that business practices and private sector ideas and values are increasingly permeating public funded higher education institutions world-wide. The impact of business practices and values on higher education policy and practice is discernible in the growing dominance of global privatisation, quasi-marketisation and new managerialism in the higher education sector. However, reactions of different role players and responses of higher learning institutions to these external demands have varied according to local conditions and institutional types. This article contributes to the debate on the increasing permeation of business practices and private sector ideas and values on higher education in South Africa after apartheid using the case study of the University of Pretoria. It begins with the review of debates on higher education on this topic in general, and then moves on to analyse these debates in South Africa using the resource dependence theory and structuralism as conceptual frames. It argues that: (i) the increasing marketisation and quasi-marketisation in higher education and training could be attributed to the influence of neo-liberalism and new managerialism; (ii) changes in higher education provision, policy and practice in South Africa need to be understood in terms of marketisation and quasi-marketisation rather than in terms of privatisation; (iii) although the influence of these external forces is unlikely to be reversed, provision, policies and practices must be tempered by imperatives of redress and equity in South Africa; and (iv) the case study of the University of Pretoria reported here is used as an example of the extent to which institutions are becoming entrepreneurial.  相似文献   

Following the birth of South Africa's democracy there has been an increasing number of foreign students entering the country. In the main, students from a very unstable African continent see South African tertiary institutions as a beacon of hope in achieving academic capital. Due to their monetary value, foreign students are welcomed into educational institutions, creating the perception that foreigners are academically and socially included. However, spatial access is not necessarily synonymous with inclusion. This article captures the experiences of inclusion, exclusion and marginalisation of a cohort of African international students at a private higher education institution in Johannesburg, South Africa. The study argues that the nature of educational inclusion is more multi-faceted than bi-directional with issues of power, overtly or subtly affecting student experience. Students’ constructs of inclusion extend beyond formal acceptance and presence in lecture venues, to experiences of marginalisation, exclusion and alienation by both staff and peers. These experiences reinforce the students’ vulnerability in terms of academic success as well as social acceptance. Management teams at educational institutions have the responsibility to provide adequate support to foreign students who view themselves as ‘strangers in a new world?…?’  相似文献   

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