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Contradictory values in the Swedish doctoral education system are analysed through an interview and survey study of different academic disciplines: female-dominated, mixed and male-dominated. The focus is directed towards how the selected disciplines conduct application and selection processes in doctoral education and special attention is given to values regarding doctoral ideals, what a successful thesis should be like, how gender balance or imbalance is explained, and how activities aiming at gender equality are carried out. In the findings of this study, some specific patterns that show gendered discipline cultures in relation to doctoral education are apparent. The analysis shows an unclear or ambivalent view on gender and gender equality work in doctoral educations. In many of the issues investigated, essentialist views on gender emerge and a focus on gender differences is evident. The implicit assumption is that men and women are different and contribute to the discipline in disparate ways. The effectiveness of gender-specific doctoral strategies and to what extent gender equality work is viewed as a support strategy for women only, is discussed.  相似文献   

社会性别主流化:中国妇女就业立法新阶段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着“社会性别”在主流理论中的认同,社会性别主流化在操作层面也进行了有益的探索。妇女平等就业权是实现男女平等,提高妇女地位的先决条件。用社会性别视角分析中国妇女就业立法现状,对深入了解社会性别主流化进程以及国家对男女平等就业权的法律保护具有重大意义。  相似文献   

基于2009年"职场环境和两性职业发展状况"的网络调查数据,采用统计描述的方法,对职业领域性别平等的现实状况以及从业者在职场中的感受和愿望的差异进行实证研究。主要结论是:1.男女平等在我国职业领域取得了进步,但两性在就业的行业、职务、收入水平和发展机会方面仍存在明显差异。2.对于职场中性别生存和发展状况的感受和认识,在性别之间存在明显的差异,在不同年龄、不同受教育程度、不同收入水平的群体中也存在差异;女性在职场中的边缘状况与其愿望之间存在着正相关性;传统的性别刻板印象在人们给性别职业角色定位时依然发挥着框架和模板的作用。这些因素对职业领域的性别平等产生影响。  相似文献   

性别平等是人们关注已久的话题,倡导性别公平不仅应该关注男女两性生理性别上的平等,而且应该关注两性社会性别上的平等。生理性别是先天的,社会性别却是后天的,是文化赋予的。文章通过对俐侎人的生育习俗进行分析,发现"男女有别"、"男尊女卑"的现象从婴儿刚出生就开始体现。当地的生育观和社会性别观是由于文化使然导致的,从而制约了女童的发展。承认差异,关注弱势群体,突破传统文化的枷锁是实现两性平等的必经之路。  相似文献   

随着两性平权意识的广泛传播,妇女参政已经成为国际化的潮流。虽然我国自解放以来就倡导男女平等,但几千年传承下来的男尊女卑观念根深蒂固,妇女的社会政治地位、接近政治资源的渠道,以及对政策的影响力远不及男性。当前中国要走向国际化、构建和谐社会呼唤妇女参政,推进社会主义市场经济亟待妇女参政,重构公正先进的性别文化亦期待妇女政治参与。  相似文献   

要积极而有效地促进男女平等的实现,制止家庭暴力的发生是关键之关键。对男女体格的分析、社会观念的思考以及从社会的基本细胞家庭入手,男性先行一步是家庭和谐的必须。从男性做起,用主观能动的学习提高男性认知,使其正确认识男女平等,尊重女性,以此有效地预防家庭暴力,建立起和睦家庭,实现夫妻的和谐平等,从而实现全社会的男女平等。  相似文献   

Islam underlines equality between women and men regarding their spiritual and intellectual potential. However, given interpretations of religious texts are often availed to suppress women in most Muslim societies, with serious implications for gender equality in the domestic and the professional spheres. This article draws on data from a study of Muslim women academics from three Malaysian universities to highlight the impact of dominant discourses on these women’s professional lives and their perceptions of gender equality, and discusses its implications for their professional journeys. The article argues that the feudal patriarchal structures of most Muslim societies, reinforced by vested interpretations of religious texts, validate a powerful discourse of male authority which contributes to the perception that submitting to male authority is a Muslim woman’s religious obligation. The seductive power of these discourses couched in religious authority influences the terms of their professional engagement and their conceptualisations and understanding of gender equality.  相似文献   

We explore the ideology associated with gender equality that despite primary schools and initial teacher education (ITE) institutions doing all they can to recruit men into primary education, a huge gender imbalance still exists. We frame our study around the notions of gender equality and professional responsibility. Using a multi-case study approach, this inquiry examined views of men and women from 12 English primary schools and one ITE institution regarding the cause and effect of gender bias. Findings show a differentially large gender gap in the sample schools and that there is good practice where schools are successful in attracting and retaining men teachers. Implications of these findings suggest that leaders in primary schools need to take a more active role to help change and shape the perceptions of men teachers in education. We conclude that leaders also need to help close the teacher gender gap in schools and ITE institutions through collaborative dialogue.  相似文献   

社会性别的法律分析方法要求充分考虑女性和男性面对的不同社会现实,分析法律规定对女性和男性的不同影响,尤其是可能给女性带来的负面影响,进而修改法律,以期实现男女之间的真正平等。我国现行婚姻法规定夫妻在家庭中地位平等,但自社会性别视角观察,夫妻关系法中有些规定仍然存在着性别盲点,缺乏社会性别意识,其实施的结果并不能真正使女性获得与男性完全平等的法律保护,有必要对相关立法予以完善。  相似文献   

This article examines whether age, work-related, and family-related predictors explain differences in the academic advancement of women and men in Iceland. Survey data were analyzed by binary logistic regression. The findings put that women climb the academic career ladder at a slower pace than men. This finding puts one of the widely known excuses for the underrepresentation of women in full professor positions into jeopardy, namely that this is because of family responsibilities. Work-related variables explain some of the gender differences. The study shows that as promotion is slower among women, even if family-related variables are not negatively affecting the odds, the academic pipeline is leaking despite Iceland's reputation for being at the forefront where gender equality issues are concerned.  相似文献   

尽管《镜花缘》构建了一个看似“女尊男卑”的女儿国,也表达了保护女性、反对缠足等有一定进步性的思想,但并没有真正达到“男女平等”的思想深度.李汝珍在《镜花缘》中描绘的那个“女尊男卑”的女儿国,其实传达的也是一种“男女不平等”的思想,其本质是对“男权”的镜像表达,是男权意识下的古代男性文人对“男权”的一种呼应.  相似文献   

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (2000?2015) are clearly embedded in South Africa's education policy documents. However, they are not adequately infused into the curriculum. This article focuses specifically on the third Millennium Development Goal (MDG) ? promoting gender equality and empowering women ? and the need to place this curriculum content at the centre and not on the periphery, to achieve its goal. Qualitative document research was used to explore the extent to which South Africa's curriculum-making has promoted gender equality and the empowerment of women during the promotion of the 2000–2015 MDGs. The findings of this research show potential intersections of poverty, age and worldviews with gender; a stronger focus on human rights values; and concrete strategies to combat unhealthy sexual behaviour. However, the curriculum continues to be saturated with negative perspectives and binary perceptions of gender. There is also a lack of attention to the world of work. The assumption underlying this seems to be that gender equality and the empowerment of women are unattainable or that they are unimportant. This article concludes by underlining the need for the curriculum to be a genuine agent of change, which necessitates a new gender discourse in curriculum-making.  相似文献   

Concepts of gender equity are changing and the necessity of actively developing a fairer gender balance is now enshrined in the Gender Equality Legislation implemented in 2007 that required public bodies to positively promote equality. This study examines, from the perspectives of educators, their understandings of gendered inequalities in teaching and the issues that they raise for the profession. Overall, respondents did not see the numerical domination of women as a problem but instead they saw the benefits of maintaining the diversity of the teaching profession, since all pupils could benefit from the range of interests and attributes offered by both women and men. Respondents were both embracing and disputing popular discourses about the gender balance in teaching but argued strongly that there should be no discriminatory barriers to the profession. It is concluded that a policy approach to gender equality should address the material and social disadvantage experienced by those working in female‐dominated professions like teaching and this would ensure people would be enabled to exercise gendered preferences without penalties or unfair advantages in income or status.  相似文献   

A review of Swedish educational policy and educational research indicates that labour market considerations have had a high visibility. Straight routes through the educational system have been laid out in order to equalise and make the system more efficient. Empirical studies show that women's strategies to combine education, work and family often resulted in ‘winding tracks’ through education. Predominant research models tend to adjust to the ‘straight roads’ of educational policy while women's winding routes have been set aside. The current Swedish goal of equality between men and women gives work and parenthood the same weight for both sexes. This article discusses whether this goal could set a challenging framework for a research agenda where more gender‐sensitive methodologies are developed as well as gender‐sensitive concepts, upgrading women's knowledge, experiences and values.  相似文献   

《Curriculum Journal》2013,24(2):209-229

The role of education and training historically was to prepare men and women for different roles beyond schooling. Despite equality legislation in 1975, designed to secure wider opportunities for women in society and in the workplace, progress towards achieving equality in employment–with the exception of entry into the lower levels of some professions–has been slow and traditional patterns of occu‐ pational segregation remain. Traditional attitudes and expectations have proved diffi‐ cult to change. This is reflected in the participation rates of men and women in vocational education and training programmes currently on offer to young people.

The compulsory education system has seen the removal of structural barriers to equality and access to all subjects has provided girls with the opportunity to achieve well and outperform boys even in non‐traditional subjects such as maths, science and technology. Disappointingly, however, academic gains have not been marked by wider vocational choice within and beyond schooling where stereotyping in option, subject, training and employment decisions is still overt.

In this article, we use the examples of Part 1 GNVQs, further education, Modern Apprenticeships and National Traineeships to illustrate the current extent of stereo‐ typing and segregation in vocational education and training. We argue that it is of par‐ ticular concern that these recent policy initiatives reinforce rather than challenge stereotyping and that 25 years after the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA), vocational education and training provide young people with narrow and segregated routeways while delivering to industry limited and gender‐based pools of talent. We recognize that young people, women particularly, are disadvantaged as a result, and their poten‐ tial for career development and economic independence is reduced.

We argue that gender stereotyping is a barrier to equality which should be addressed in all new education and training policy development, such as the review of the National Curriculum, and should be included in government policy direction to vocational education and training providers. We use the example of TVEI to show how good practice can be promoted in education and training in schools and we identify and recommend the use of good practice strategies in vocational education and training, particularly the positive action provisions of the SDA.  相似文献   

When politicians discuss Italy's position in terms of achieving equality between men and women, the school environment is rarely called into question or mentioned. This is despite the fact that gender inequality remains a prominent feature of the Italian education system. The reason for this failure to perceive the problem, and the consequent lack of investment in policies for gender equality in education, derives from a massive misunderstanding: school is perceived by the public and the political class as one of the few environments within the highly sexist Italian social fabric in which equality has been achieved. On closer examination, however, it is clear that the Italian school is merely the image of a sexist society which in turn acts as the driving force for a traditional and stereotypical view of male and female roles. This article will discuss this perspective and investigate three areas of education that are problematic in gender terms: gendered educational choices; sexist stereotypes transmitted through textbooks; and the lack of adequate training for teachers.  相似文献   

从女性主义诗学到性别诗学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
女性主义诗学向性别诗学的转变是女性主义理论发展的必然趋势,但是在女性的主体、身份及身体与权利的诸多方面仍然存在着许许多多的问题,它们对从女性主义诗学向性别诗学转变的方向起着巨大的影响力,因此,在女性的主体、身份及身体与权利的问题未解决之前,性别诗学的建立也只能是另一种性别不平等对话的开始。  相似文献   

South African institutions still confront gendered inequalities, irrespective of transformative national policies, compounded by the absence of a national gender equality policy for higher education. We therefore explore the potential of the capabilities approach (CA) to inform policy formation and argue for the development of a policy for higher education institutions based on opportunities for valuable functionings as the informational basis for gender equality. Using one university as our case study, data from 38 interviews with female and male students were analysed as part of a longitudinal study on Gender, Empowerment, Agency and Higher Education. The data reveal which opportunities these women and men find important for their personal development and directly and indirectly for gender equality. We conclude by discussing the implications of the data for stimulating public dialogues towards formulating a capabilities-based gender equality policy, as well as reflecting on the broader contributions the CA brings to policy development.  相似文献   

以凯里学院为例,结合女性学、教育学和体育学的相关理论知识审视普通高校体育教育教学体系,研究发现体育教材内容、师生课堂互动以及校园体育文化各个方面存在性别偏见和两性不平等现象,并提出推进两性平等的体育教育改革措施,以期为实现性别平等的体育教育探索有效的策略和方法,更为加快推进体育教育的民主化进程提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

This article examines the employment and placement in the working life of Finnish higher education graduates (i.e. graduates from universities and polytechnics), focusing on gender equality. It reports a study on gender segregation in higher education and working life, considered in relation to Nordic gender equality policies. The data were gathered via a questionnaire administered to graduates in business and administration (n?=?1067) and in technology (n?=?1087), three years after their graduation. The results showed that men were able to secure permanent and full-time employment more often than women, and men achieved better correspondence between their degree and their employment. However, gender divergence manifested differently in polytechnics and universities; thus a higher (Master’s) university degree seemed to have a compensating influence on the effect of gender. Despite Nordic equality policies, female and male graduates were placed in the labour market according to tendences of gender segregation.  相似文献   

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