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The acquisition of conditioned taste aversion was assessed relative to five control procedures. That is, forward conditioning using multiple-trial, brief-duration taste CSs and weak USs over a 30-min CS-US delay was compared to backward, CS alone, US alone, sham CS and sham US, and random control procedures. The outcome supported an associative conditioning interpretation of the learned aversion. While there were no differences between the various control procedures, all were different from the forward conditioning group. The argument was made that some of the distinctive associative and nonassociative phenomena attributed to taste aversion conditioning (but not seen in the present study) may in part be due to the duration and intensity of both the CS and US events.  相似文献   

Male Japanese quail learned to approach a light that predicted visual exposure to a female quail. In Experiment 1, duration of visual exposure to the female did not systematically affect the speed or strength of conditioning. Introduction of an omission contingency for approach to the light after acquisition did not suppress conditioned approach relative to the performance of yoked controls. In Experiment 2, males learned to approach a light that predicted visual exposure to a female despite an omission contingency for approach in effect during acquisition. Experimental males were not slower to acquire the approach response under an omission contingency than were yoked controls. The findings indicate strong Pavlovian control of sexual conditioned approach in Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Schedules of reinforcement typically produce reliable patterns of behaviour, and one factor that can cause deviations from these normally reliable patterns is schizotypy. Low scorers on the unusual experiences subscale of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences performed as expected on a yoked random-ratio (RR), random-interval (RI) schedule of reinforcement, with significantly higher rates of responding on the RR schedule than in the RI schedule. However, high scorers in UE showed no such differences between response rates between the RR and RI schedules. In addition, contingency awareness scores were high, and did not differ in low UE scorers for both types of schedule, whilst awareness scores differed significantly between the schedules in high UE scorers, with more awareness of the RR schedule than the RI one. These results suggest that, as well as being unable to differentiate between the RR and RI schedules in terms of response rates, high UE scorers are also unable to verbally describe the RI schedule parameters.  相似文献   

In two experiments, participants inspected and drank a series of drinks, half of which contained sugar and half unpalatable Tween20 (tween). Each sugar and tween drink had a particular flavor and color. Following this training, the flavors of the sugar drinks were assigned higher hedonic evaluations than were those of the tween drinks, even though the participants did not reliably report which flavors had been present in the sugar and tween drinks during training. Moreover, the evaluative conditioning of the flavors was unaffected by whether or not the colors alone had been pretrained to predict the presence of sugar or tween in the drinks. In accord with Baeyens, Eelen, van den Bergh, and Crombez (1990), we conclude that flavor-evaluative conditioning is not mediated by contingency learning.  相似文献   

The aim of the four present experiments was to explore how different schedules of reinforcement influence schedule-induced behavior, their impact on evaluative ratings given to conditioned stimuli associated with each schedule through evaluative conditioning, and the transfer of these evaluations through derived stimulus networks. Experiment 1 compared two contrasting response reinforcement rules (variable ratio [VR], variable interval [VI]). Experiment 2 varied the response to reinforcement rule between two schedules but equated the outcome to response rate (differential reinforcement of high rate [DRH] vs. VR). Experiment 3 compared molar and molecular aspects of contingencies of reinforcement (tandem VIVR vs. tandem VRVI). Finally, Experiment 4 employed schedules that induced low rates of responding to determine whether, under these circumstances, responses were more sensitive to the molecular aspects of a schedule (differential reinforcement of low rate [DRL] vs. VI). The findings suggest that the transfer of evaluative functions is determined mainly by differences in response rate between the schedules and the molar aspects of the schedules. However, when neither schedule was based on a strong response reinforcement rule, the transfer of evaluative judgments came under the control of the molecular aspects of the schedule.  相似文献   


Students’ capacity for making evaluative judgements of their own work is widely acknowledged as central to their learning within programmes as well as being vital to their subsequent professional practice. In higher education literature, the act of evaluative judgement is usually portrayed as a process of deliberative, analytical reasoning requiring student agency and objectivity, typically scaffolded by points of reference such as explicit criteria, rubrics or exemplars. This article challenges this common portrayal of judgement by drawing attention to research from outside higher education on the role of unconscious factors in judgement and decision-making. Drawing from the field of heuristics and bias studies, the article outlines six unconscious factors that have the potential to distort students’ analytical judgement of their work. A recent challenge to the heuristics and bias approach that radically repositions the place of reasoning in judgement is also considered. Since these unconscious factors have received scant attention in higher education literature, the purpose of this article is to draw attention to them, to identify the challenges they pose to current understandings of evaluative judgement, and to outline their implications for enhancing assessment practice.  相似文献   

民俗摄影的“韵”之美指的是民俗摄影所体现出来的文化内涵和神圣意味;“余韵”之美则指的是这种神圣意味或文化内涵的留存和在当下社会中的缺失,“余韵”之美事实上是一种对现代社会的批判,是一种挽歌式的美。  相似文献   

课堂教学评价一直受到教育决策者、研究者和教师的关注。梳理国内外课堂教学评价的研究成果,预测课堂教学评价发展的方向,以促进课堂教学评价的研究与实践。  相似文献   

平淡自然乃是我国文艺审美的主流,苏轼受先贤尤其是受司空图的启发,结合他的创作体会,提出了“味外之味”的审美追求,并在文艺创作中加以运用,创作了具有“味外之味”的新文体和陶诗。  相似文献   

In the first four experiments, it was found that aversions to saccharin solution produced by contingent poisoning were similar regardless of whether the rats had been trained under the test deprivation or under a different deprivation; the two deprivation states used were thirst and satiety. In Experiment 5, rats were poisoned after drinking grape juice while hungry or poisoned after drinking milk while thirsty, but they were not poisoned after grape-thirst or milk-hunger combinations. In abstract terms, poisoning occurred after AX and BY stimulus combinations, but did not occur after AY and BX combinations. There was some learning under these discrimination conditions.  相似文献   


Model-based instruction offers numerous benefits to students, including increased content knowledge and critical thinking. This study explored the differences in the knowledge outcomes and reasoning processes employed by undergraduate students in an introductory biology lab as they constructed, revised, and simulated a computational model of a prokaryotic gene regulatory system. We analysed post-lesson conceptual models (n?=?335) and audio-recorded small group discussions (n?=?10) of students that either constructed and revised a computational model and then investigated a pre-constructed computational model or only investigated a pre-constructed computational model to determine the impact of constructing and revising a computational model. No significant differences were found between the mental models of students who constructed and revised a computational model and those who only simulated a pre-constructed computational model. However, this study demonstrated that constructing and revising a model before simulating it offered additional benefits to students by fostering deeper cognitive reasoning processes. Constructing and revising a model elicited more explanatory and evaluative reasoning and prompted students to discuss the underlying mechanisms of the biological system.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effect of response-outcome relations on human ratings of causal efficacy and demonstrated that such efficacy ratings transfer to novel situations through derived stimulus relations. Causal efficacy ratings were higher, and probability of an outcome given a response was lower, for a differential reinforcement of high rate schedule than for either a differential reinforcement of low rate schedule (Experiment 1) or a variable interval schedule (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, we employed schedules that were equated for outcome probability and noted that ratings of causal efficacy and the rate of response were higher on a variable ratio than on a variable interval schedule. For participants in all three experiments, causal efficacy ratings transferred to the stimulus present during each schedule and generalized to novel stimuli through derived relations. The results corroborate the view that schedules are a determinant of both response rates and causal efficacy ratings. In addition, the novel demonstration of a mechanism of generalization of these ratings via derived relations has clinical implications.  相似文献   

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