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瑜伽训练与高职院校女生身心健康塑造的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑜伽是古老而有效的健身方式,目前我国有些高职正在把瑜伽引入到学校生活中来。文章通过分析我院高职瑜伽训练中心的统计数据,证明了瑜伽训练对高职女生身心健康起到了重大作用。为更多高职学校引入瑜伽训练提供了统计和分析依据,具有明显的现实意义。  相似文献   

Testing statistical hypotheses introduces new vocabulary, concepts and a way of thinking that some students might initially find difficult. We provide a simple case that can be used in class as a gentle introduction to the ideas and procedures of hypothesis testing.  相似文献   

针对农科“生物统计学”教学中存在的问题,对农科“生物统计学”课程的教学内容和教学方法进行了改革,使之既能够避开高等数学知识,又不失统计学本身的思想性和严密性;既能够满足现代农业和生物科学研究对统计方法和运用计算机处理数据能力的要求,又能够适应农科学生高等数学学得不够深入的实际情况。改革措施包括精简授课内容、舍弃数学证明和公式推导、加强统计学概念直观含义和统计方法背后逻辑的介绍、按试验设计方法组织统计方法教学、结合统计学原理介绍SPSS统计软件、增加案例教学等。  相似文献   

阐述随机变量在《概率论与数理统计》中的重要作用,随机变量的引入,可以通过随机变量(作为函数)取值(或取值范围)相同给出事件的一种规范表示,从而数学分析的方法和手段在《概率论与数理统计》中得以充分利用,从随机变量所隐含的不确定性过渡到确定的分析和计算。  相似文献   

生物统计学多媒体教学的探索与实践   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
多媒体教学是现代化教学的主要形式之一。在生物统计学教学中应用多媒体能将抽象、难懂的统计概念和公式变得直观、形象,教学质量和教学效果得到了极大地提高。多媒体课件的研制和应用是多媒体教学的主要任务:统计分析软件的介绍有助于学生全面掌握统计学知识和熟练应用各种统计方法解决实际问题;无纸化考试和教考分离是生物统计学考试改革的发展方向。生物统计学多媒体教学必须在教师的精心准备和学生的积极参与下才能获得预期的效果。  相似文献   

介绍了托业桥考试,应用定量和定性相结合的研究方法对2009年6月在兰州石化职业技术学院的试点考试情况进行统计分析和问卷调查,统计结果表明:托业桥考试作为测定技能类的职业认定测试,在学生中有相当的认可度.最后讨论了该考试对高职英语教学评价体系的启示.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Breastcancerisoneofthemostmalignantdiseases,especiallyforwomen.Anearlydetectioncansavelives,achievedbyearlydetectionwithmammograms.Itisanintensivetaskfortheradiologistbecausemultiplereadingsofasinglemammogramarenecessaryinordertoincre…  相似文献   

The theory that schools can promote the progress of pupils so as to overcome the influence of family, community and individual attributes, underpins British studies of school effectiveness. Measures of value added have been developed as sophisticated ways of analysing potential school effects. Desmond Nuttall played a key role in adapting the statistical technique of multilevel modelling to the issue of value added. In this paper we provide a general introduction to three topics and describe three, as yet, unresolved issues: whether value added results are stable over time; whether schools have differential results for different pupil groups; and whether the contextual features of a school exert a powerful influence on its performance.  相似文献   

数理类基础课是工科院校各专业的重要公共基础课,其特点是学时数多、授课面广,是后续课程学习的基础.由于学生对这些课程的认识不够,导致其对课程学习的动力不足、兴趣不高,学习效果不佳.鉴于此,以"数理基础课概论"为切入点,深度融合基础课和专业课教学内容;以"混合式教学模式"为抓手,深度融合基础课和现代教育技术;以"成绩统计分...  相似文献   

概念图在数学教学中应用的实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念图作为一种有效组织和表征知识的工具,在一些欧美国家已成为了比较盛行的一种教学形式,而在国内却在近几年才开始有学者进行介绍、引进并试图在教学中应用。本文通过在理论成面上深入挖掘概念图与认知思维的内涵关系,进而对在此基础上的结合数学课程开展的概念图教学形式进行探讨与总结,并对概念图在教学过程中的实践效果进行量化分析,以期将来在更广大范围内推广应用,推动基础教育课程改革向深度发展。  相似文献   

应用数理统计是在应用型研究生培养中起到重要作用的数学课程,目前迫切需要构建便于教师教学、学生自学并注重工科应用的教材."大工程观"和建构理论是对应用数理统计教材改革的理论基础.新模式下的教材,应由理论为主转为以应用为主;应使教材中的知识模块化,使得教材宜于教学并便于自学;应增加统计思想的历史介绍和应加大统计软件的学习和应用.  相似文献   

结构方程模型及其在数学教育研究中的一个案例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结构方程模型(SEM)是基于变量的协方差矩阵来分析变量间关系的一种统计方法,它融合了因素分析和路径分析两种统计技术,主要特色是能在估计结构关系时有效控制测量误差的影响,尤其是在测量工具编制上更具有独特的贡献。以编制初中生数学信念量表的具体案例,说明结构方程模型这种方法在教育心理研究中的应用。  相似文献   

The term ‘high-dimensional’ refers to the case where the number of unknown parameters to be estimated, p, is of much larger order than the number of observations, n, that is p ? n. Since traditional statistical methods assume many observations and a few unknown variables, they can not cope up with the situations when p ? n. In this article, we study a statistical method, called the ‘Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator’ (LASSO), that has got much attention in solving high-dimensional problems. In particular, we consider the LASSO for high-dimensional linear regression models. We aim to provide an introduction of the LASSO method as a constrained quadratic programming problem, and we discuss the convex optimization based approach to solve the LASSO problem. We also illustrate applications of LASSO method using a simulated and a real data examples.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化的迅速发展和城镇人口的不断增加,给公共交通管理与建设提出新的挑战。将丰富的地理信息、(实时)交通信息、人口分布统计信息、社会经济信息等以及最新的地理信息系统(GIS)技术引入公交管理与规划中,并以建筑物或居民区为选址设站与路线规划的研究对象,能大大提高公交管理和规划的智能化与精细化水平,更好地适应公交规划、建设和管理的发展需要,提高公交系统设计的人性化水平。从城市公交查询管理系统建立的必要性出发,分析了基于组件式地理信息系统技术的公交查询管理系统的设计,探讨了关键技术的实现,并总结概括该系统的创新技术特点。  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is a group of statistical methods that has great potential for analyzing the vast amounts of web server-log data to understand student learning from hyperlinked information resources. In this methodological paper we provide an introduction to cluster analysis for educational technology researchers and illustrate its use through two examples of mining click-stream server-log data that reflects student use of online learning environments. Cluster analysis can be used to help researchers develop profiles that are grounded in learner activity??like sequence for accessing tasks and information, or time spent engaged in a given activity or examining resources??during a learning session. The examples in this paper illustrate the use of a hierarchical clustering method (Ward??s clustering) and a non-hierarchical clustering method (k-Means clustering) to analyze characteristics of learning behavior while learners engage in a problem-solving activity in an online learning environment. A discussion of advantages and limitations of using cluster analysis as a data mining technique in educational technology research concludes the article.  相似文献   

In this digital ITEMS module, Nikole Gregg and Dr. Brian Leventhal discuss strategies to ensure data visualizations achieve graphical excellence. Data visualizations are commonly used by measurement professionals to communicate results to examinees, the public, educators, and other stakeholders. To do so effectively, it is important that these visualizations communicate data efficiently and accurately. These visualizations can achieve graphical excellence when they simultaneously display data effectively, efficiently, and accurately. Unfortunately, measurement and statistical software default graphics typically fail to uphold these standards and are therefore not suitable for publication or presentation to the public. To illustrate best practices, the instructors provide an introduction to the graphical template language in SAS and show how elementary components can be used to make efficient, effective, and accurate graphics for a variety of audiences. The module contains audio-narrated slides, embedded illustrative videos, quiz questions with diagnostic feedback, a glossary, sample SAS code, and other learning resources.  相似文献   

潜在语义分析:原理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潜在语义分析(LSA)是关于知识归纳和知识表征的新理论,也是利用大型本语料库及统计计算方法提取和表征词汇语境意义的一种理论和方法,然而在实际应用中存在着一定的局限性,缺乏人类用来构建和应用经验知识的认知能力。建设大型语料库和提供在线语篇理解加工模式会将进一步促进LSA研究。  相似文献   

文学经典译介事业的兴衰,决定于是否具备体系性和体制性的文化战略自觉。文学经典的译介不仅仅是经典作品文本本身的翻译,还是一个具有“经学”外延结构的体系性译介工程,作为国家文化建设不可或缺的一部分,需要获得体制性的有力支持,只有翻译的学科化才能保证文学经典译介成为国家文化建设管理体制内的常态配置。  相似文献   

有效的教学导入是提高课堂教学效率、达成学习目标的重要手段.它可以使学生明确学习目标,引发思考,激发学习兴趣,提高学习积极性与课堂学习效果.生物教学有多种形式的导入,本文总结了几种常用的方法,并通过课堂教学实例进行说明,同时总结了新导入方法.  相似文献   

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