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补习教育购买者、提供者和教育产品构成一个稳定的补习教育系统,网络可以从这3个方面对补习教育作出一定的补充和规范。相关案例说明,基于网络的补习教育是促进补习教育和谐发展的一种有效形式。  相似文献   

民国时期我国职业补习教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代以来,随着“西学东渐”。职业补习教育作为一种教育形式传入我国,经过职业教育提倡者的探索,渐渐形成了适合中国国情的职业补习教育制度,文章从职业补习教育内涵、制度、类型、课程、编制、管理和师资等几方面对民国时期职业补习教育的基本情况和相关问题进行了评述,以期能对相关研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

刘玉成 《广西教育》2013,(34):10-11
校外补习教育主要指中小学生参与的学校正规教育之外的课程辅导或补习活动,它是中小学学校教育的一种补充。虽然到目前为止,补习教育存在的合理性还有待商榷,但其火爆的背后必定有其成功的缘由,本文试图通过透析校外补习教育的兴盛阐述我国当前中小学学校教育存在的不足。  相似文献   

沈光烈先生是我国早期对职业补习教育论述最多的人,他关于职业补习教育的意义,职业补习教育的需要,职业补习教育的内容,职业补习学校的教材,职业补习教育的师资,职业补习学校的学生管理,职业补习教育的具体操作等方面的论述,对当前的职业教育仍然具有启发及指导意义。  相似文献   

补习教育不陌生也不可忽视,补习教育在家庭教育支出中占一定比例。而政府往往对补习教育进行管制并不提倡。但补习教育活动却一天天蓬勃起来。为全面认识补习教育以制定有效的教育政策,我们有必要探究如下问题:补习教育到底有没有市场,人们需要的是什么样的补习教育?城乡间地区间补习教育有无差异?政府应如何调整对待补习教育的政策?  相似文献   

补习教育被称为"影子教育",伴随着正规教育而生。近年来,很多人从补习教育中尝到了其带来的巨大利益,闽地区的补习教育越来越泛滥。调查显示,闽地区的补习班及补习教育存在较多弊端,因此,针对闽地区补习教育的特点,从资金、经营、监管等角度,对闽地区的补习教育现状和营销前瞻性进行深入探讨思考。  相似文献   

学生及家长的补习需求决定了补习教育的市场。当补习教育的需求旺盛时,必然刺激补习教育市场的发展。通过分析湘潭市中小学生的补习需求,了解目前补习教育的需求动机及原因,为建立健康和谐的补习教育提供科学的建议。  相似文献   

近代职业补习教育的理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在简要介绍民国时期职业补习教育研究著作的出版情况之后,对民国学者关于职业补习教育的研究成果进行梳理,认为他们的研究主要集中在三个方面:职业补习教育是一种怎样的教育,为什么要办理职业补习教育;如何设置并组织职业补习教育的教育教学;职业补习教育采取哪种入学制度,如何加强与职业界之联络。他们丰富的理论见解对今天的教育发展有重要启示。  相似文献   

围绕"补习教育"体系对于学校教育和家庭的影响,不同的人站在不同的角度有着激烈的争论。本文通过文献研究发现,补习教育的支持者往往是自由主义者,他们普遍坚持家长拥有对子女的教育选择权;而补习教育的反对者则往往是教育机会平等的支持者,认为补习教育使得家长陷入"囚徒困境",并对教育机会平等分布产生影响。而实证研究的成果无疑对于收敛两者间的争论富有效果。补习教育是否应该进行,会受到关于补习教育效果和代价的实证研究成果的影响。最后,文章还探讨了补习教育研究的政策意义。  相似文献   

补习教育是当前普遍存在的一种教育现象,也是一个不可忽视的社会现象。从结构功能理论视角可以全面客观地认识补习教育存在和发展的合理性,能够对补习教育相伴而生的问题进行科学统筹。  相似文献   

This article is a review of experiments comparing the effectiveness of human tutoring, computer tutoring, and no tutoring. “No tutoring” refers to instruction that teaches the same content without tutoring. The computer tutoring systems were divided by their granularity of the user interface interaction into answer-based, step-based, and substep-based tutoring systems. Most intelligent tutoring systems have step-based or substep-based granularities of interaction, whereas most other tutoring systems (often called CAI, CBT, or CAL systems) have answer-based user interfaces. It is widely believed as the granularity of tutoring decreases, the effectiveness increases. In particular, when compared to No tutoring, the effect sizes of answer-based tutoring systems, intelligent tutoring systems, and adult human tutors are believed to be d = 0.3, 1.0, and 2.0 respectively. This review did not confirm these beliefs. Instead, it found that the effect size of human tutoring was much lower: d = 0.79. Moreover, the effect size of intelligent tutoring systems was 0.76, so they are nearly as effective as human tutoring.  相似文献   

Private supplementary tutoring has long existed in Bangladesh, as elsewhere in the world, but in recent decades has become much more visible. Much tutoring “shadows” or reproduces formal schooling as fee-based academic teaching outside school hours. This paper focuses on school factors that shape demand for private supplementary tutoring in English at the secondary level, drawing on data gained from both quantitative and qualitative methods. The paper is especially concerned with urban and rural variations, noting that rates of tutoring are greater in urban areas but that many factors converge to create similarities. Private tutoring in English is highly demanded because English is a compulsory course; and in addition to being a subject in its own right, it assists in the learning of other subjects. While private tutoring may support the academic learning of some pupils, it also has problematic dimensions. As such, the spread of tutoring across urban and rural areas is not necessarily to be welcomed.  相似文献   

为了促进学生个性化发展、提升教育公平,基于学生的异质性提供个性化辅导成为学者们探讨的热点问题。为了解一对一在线辅导这种政府提供的个性化教育公共服务是如何促进不同背景学生的个性化学习,该文针对北京某区2471名学生辅导产生的16820条对话数据,分析不同成绩学生在线辅导行为差异,并对辅导主题和师生情感分布进行组间比较分析。结果表明:在线行为中,学生参与辅导的次数和难度与其学习成绩相关;不同成绩组学生的辅导次数与难度均存在差异性;通过对辅导高频知识点的分析,发现不同成绩组学生辅导知识点具有相似性,同时也存在一定知识点广度和深度的群体差异;在情感维度发现,不同绩效背景群体没有显著差异,且师生参与辅导的正面情感密度远远高于负面情感,表明师生对参与一对一辅导整体持有积极、肯定的情感。  相似文献   

In the academic literature, private supplementary tutoring is widely known as shadow education, in part because it is commonly indistinct and because much of its content mimics that in mainstream schooling. Around the world, shadow education has become an important part of students' lives and in some places it diminishes the body that it mimics. This paper builds on studies that have focused on relationships between schooling and shadow education. The paper uses the conceptual lens of privatisation-by-default, and employs qualitative methods to understand the roles of both government and private schools in promoting tutoring in West Bengal, India. It finds that substantial proportions of shadow education emanate from and are fostered by school systems. On the one hand private tutoring as a form of privatisation-by-default gives freedom of choice, but on the other hand it limits choice. Further, school-bred tutoring can have a negative backwash on school systems. As such, private supplementary tutoring is not just a neutral shadow but affects the body that it imitates. The study recommends researchers to look back at schools to gain a deeper understanding of private supplementary tutoring.  相似文献   

"双减"政策的有效落实需要精准识别学生选择参与课外补习的深层原因,研究我国中小学生首次参与课外补习时间能够为疏解家长和学生的课外补习需求提供实证依据。本文基于2017中国教育财政家庭调查(CIEFR-HS 2017)数据,采用生存分析的方法,对我国中小学生首次参与课外补习时间进行了刻画,探讨了家庭社会经济背景对学生首次参与课外补习时间的影响。研究发现:(1)我国中小学生大多数参加过课外补习,且许多学生在较低年级就参加了课外补习。(2)我国中小学生首次参与学科类课外补习时间明显早于兴趣类课外补习,随着年级的升高这一差异更为凸显。(3)城乡地区和不同阶层家庭的学生首次参与课外补习时间存在显著差异,但这种差异随着学段的上升而逐渐缩小。(4)家庭社会经济背景对学生首次参与课外补习时间有显著正影响,家庭社会经济背景越好的学生首次参与学科类和兴趣类课外补习时间均越早,但这种差异随着学生学段的上升而减小。"双减"政策背景下,建议政府进一步提高学校教育质量和校内课后服务品质,更好满足家长和学生对个性化教育的需求;重点照顾弱势阶层家庭,为学习成绩较差的弱势阶层学生提供校内学业辅导帮助;引导家长理性选择课...  相似文献   

陶敏 《高校教育管理》2012,6(3):69-72,77
根据学业指导的发展程度,美国高等教育经历了前学业指导、初级学业指导和现代学业指导3个阶段,其操作模式又可分为诊疗型模式和发展型模式.美国学业指导体系根据形式发展,逐渐给予了有特殊需求的学生足够的关注与尊重,其中对国际学生、有转专业意向学生、首代大学生以及女性的学业指导对我国高等教育有一定的启发意义,中国的学业指导制度虽出现了各种萌芽并有了一定的初期发展,但总体状况并不尽如人意.中美学业指导差距的根本原因在于美国文化崇尚个性,尊重个体,而中国高等教育中学生的主体地位并不突出.通过比较发现美国学业指导变迁对我国具有一定启示:转变教育观念,树立学生的主体地位;探索适合中国国情的学业指导模式;挑选部分学业指导工作已有一定基础的高校,加强投入,展开试点工作;做好学业指导与就业指导的统筹规划.  相似文献   

With the increasing attention on improving student achievement, private tutoring has been expanding rapidly worldwide. However, the evidence on the effect of private tutoring is inconclusive for education researchers and policy makers. Employing a comprehensive dataset collected from China in 2010, this study tries to identify the effect of private tutoring on student achievement in the National College Entrance Exam (NCEE) of China. This study finds that private tutoring has mixed and heterogeneous effects on mathematics, Chinese language, and English language respectively and on the NCEE total score. The average effect of private tutoring is not significant, but it may have a significant and positive effect on urban students with lower achievement or in schools with certain quality. Students from schools with more educational inputs are more likely to benefit from private tutoring.  相似文献   

Learners are usually provided with support devices because they find it difficult to learn from multimedia presentations. A key question, with no clear answer so far, is how best to present these support devices. One possibility is to insert them intothe multimedia presentation (canned support), while another is to have a human agent provide them (human tutoring). Human tutoring poses potential advantages: it uses spoken modality, displays non-verbal cues and implies social interaction. However, there is mixed evidence regarding these supposed advantages, and prior research comparing human and computer support presents problems. Our goal was to explore whether the advantages of human tutoring actually exist while avoiding the problems of prior research. In one experiment, participants learned Geology from a multimedia presentation including one of three forms of support: human tutoring, canned support or no support. After viewing the presentation, participants solved retention and transfer tests. Results revealed that participants in the human tutoring condition outperformed those in the other two conditions, who did not differ from each other. This means that human tutoring is advantageous, a fact that has implications in the design of support devices in multimedia learning.  相似文献   

This investigation presents a DFPN (Dynamic Fuzzy Petri Net) model to increase the flexibility of the tutoring agent's behaviour and thus provide a learning content structure for a lecture course. The tutoring agent is a software assistant for a single user, who may be an expert in an e-Learning course. Based on each learner's behaviour, the tutoring agent derives a different learning content structure, and then maps it onto a SCORM activity tree structure. SCORM is the most widely accepted standard e-Learning application. However, it is too complex to enable the lecturers to apply SCORM Sequencing and Navigation in developing a course. Accordingly, this investigation applies DFPN to provide a graphical editing interface, to enable the tutoring agent to help each learner reach his (or her) learning target.  相似文献   

同伴教学对大学英语学生认知、交际和情感发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不少研究证明同伴教学是提高学生英语应用能力的有效方法。通过对宁波大学外语学院同伴教学活动研究,结果表明:学生在参加同伴教学活动后,英语技能和交际能力有了提高,学习英语的自信心也增强了。因此,同伴教学活动不仅能有效提高学生的英语学习能力、交际能力,还有利于学生的情感发展。  相似文献   

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