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In this paper, I utilise key postcolonial perspectives on multiculturalism and boundaries to reconsider some of science education's scholarship on cultural diversity in order to extend the discourses and methodologies of science education. I begin with a brief overview of postcolonialism that argues its ability to offer theoretical insights to help revise science education's philosophical frameworks in the face of the newly intercivilisational encounters of contemporaneity. I then describe the constructs of multiculturalism, and borders and ‘border thinking’ (after ) that become useful to develop postcolonial readings as an active methodology of critique able to intervene and develops more revealing interpretations of some of science education's scholarship and differentiated experiences. As the focus of these interventions, I have selected ) ‘Defining “Science” in a Multicultural World: Implications for science education’ and ) ‘Multiculturalism, Universalism and Science Education: In search of common ground’ from the ongoing discussion on multiculturalism and cultural diversity within the journal Science Education. Finally, I conclude this paper with some general comments regarding postcolonialism and the science education scholarship on cultural diversity.  相似文献   

Certain segments of science are becoming increasingly commercialized. This article discusses the commercialization of academic science and its impact on various aspects of science. It also aims to provide an introduction to the articles in this special issue. I briefly describe the major factors that led to this phenomenon, situate it in the context of the changing social regime of science and give a thumbnail sketch of its costs and benefits. I close with a general discussion of how the topic of commercialization of academic science is relevant to science education.  相似文献   

科学与人作为人类认识、把握世界的两大思想维度,缺一不可。从近代开始,科学与人之间发生了严重冲突,新世纪展现出两种化交融的前景。从社会历史背景、科学自身发展、新知识经济的知识观几个方面,都显示出科学与人从冲突走向交融的必然趋势。这一趋势将促使科学教育与人教育的融合。  相似文献   

物理与学前科学教育活动指导课程整合优化要对准幼师专业特点,对接幼儿园科学教育活动的需求,全面优化幼师物理课程,提高物理教学实效;注重发挥科学教育活动指导课的衔接作用;加强任课理科教师幼师专业化。从这三方面探讨学前教育专业科学课程中最关键的两门课程物理和学前科学教育活动指导的整合优化的策略,以促进幼师生科学教育素养的形成和教育教学能力的提高。  相似文献   

Like many readers of this journal, I have long been an advocate of having science students introduced to philosophy of science. In particular, influenced by the Philosophy for Children movement founded by Matthew Lipman, I have advocated such an introduction as early as possible and have championed early secondary school as an appropriate place. Further, mainstream science curricula in a number of countries have, for some time now, supported such introductions (albeit of a more limited sort) under the banner of introducing students to the “Nature of Science”. In this paper, I explore a case against such introductions, partly in role as “Devil’s Advocate” and partly exploring genuine qualms that have come to disturb me. Generally speaking, my judgement is that no justification is available in terms of benefit to the individual or to society of sufficient weight to outweigh the loss of freedom of choice involved in such forced learning. One possible exception is a minimalist and intellectually passive “Nature of Science” introduction to some uncontroversial philosophical views about science. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the Seventh International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg and subsequently published in its proceedings (see my 2003). I am grateful to those who engaged in discussion of the paper upon its presentation. I am also grateful to the advice of this journal’s anonymous referees.  相似文献   

建构主义给科学课堂带来了什么   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当今世界的科学教育改革中,建构主义已经成为指导科学教学的主要理论.本文阐述了建构主义学习理论对科学教育各方面的影响,并对其在实际教学中的重要作用进行了分析.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 years a new research area, science education research, has arisen and undergone singular development worldwide. In the specific case of Brazil, research in science education first appeared systematically 40 years ago, as a consequence of an overall renovation in the field of science education. This evolution was also related to the political events taking place in the country. We will use the theoretical work of Rene Kaës on the development of groups and institutions as a basis for our discussion of the most important aspects that have helped the area of science education research develop into an institution and kept it operating as such. The growth of this area of research can be divided into three phases: The first was related to its beginning and early configurations; the second consisted of a process of consolidation of this institution; and the third consists of more recent developments, characterised by a multiplicity of research lines and corresponding challenges to be faced. In particular, we will analyse the special contributions to this study gleaned from the field known as the history and philosophy of science.  相似文献   


The concept of science capital has a growing influence in science education research for understanding young people’s science trajectories. Popularised in the UK, this paper aims to extend and evaluate the applicability of science capital in the context of China by drawing on PISA2015. More specifically, we make use of existing items in the PISA2015 survey as a proxy for operationalising the construct of science capital to explore the science career aspirations and attainments of 15-year-old Chinese and UK students (n?=?23,998). Our findings indicate that science capital has more explanatory power for understanding UK students’ science career aspirations than for Chinese students, where science attainment seems most important. We raise the potential challenge for Chinese students to convert their science capital into scientific self-efficacy and science career aspirations as we highlight the importance of recognising cultural and national differences in operationalising science capital.  相似文献   

科学教育强调学生理解科学的本质,而不仅仅是知识,这是因为科学与社会之间的联系越来越紧密,凸显了将科学看作了解世界的方式在认识论上的重要性。出于个体认识论的需要、科学研究的认识论特征以及科学外行与科学家在认知劳力上的区分,科学教育的目标转向受教育个体未来的社会行动,应培育学生建立对科学的信任和维护科学的认识论权威。为实现这种目标,科学教育应从理解科学的本质转向理解真实的科学实践的本质,在科学教育中呈现真实的而非理想化的科学实践,采纳基于科学哲学模型和理论的实用主义进路。科学哲学对科学实践的新近研究,虽然可以提供理论基础,但应该与科学教育进行建设性对话,更加关注非科学家理解科学的模式,将哲学模型转化为适合学生认知水平和需要、符合教学情境的教学资源。  相似文献   

科学教育的人文价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨科学教育的人文价值功能问题,近几年受到普遍的关注。本文试图结合科学教育理念,对科学人文的价值内涵做出更完整、更有针对性的阐释。  相似文献   

谈邓小平科技思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从科技先导、科技开放、科技创新、科教一体思想四个方面阐述邓小平科技思想对社会主义现代化的指导作用。  相似文献   

科学教育与人文教育的矛盾是近代以来我国教育的一对基本矛盾.杜威的实用主义教育思想与赫钦斯的永恒主义教育思想,对于科学教育与人文教育有不同的侧重,他们分别从经验主义与理性主义的视角,系统而深入地探讨了科学教育与人文教育的统一与融通.实用主义与永恒主义教育思想具有互补性,需要在立足传统的基础上借鉴二者,从而真正促进科学教育与人文教育的统一与融通.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study of middle school science teachers explored the relationship between effective science instruction, as defined by the National Science Education Standards (NRC in National science education standards. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1996), and student achievement in science. Eleven teachers participated in a three year study of teacher effectiveness, determined by the LSC Classroom Observation Protocol (Horizon Research, Inc. in Local Systemic Change Classroom Observation Protocol. May 1, 2002) and student achievement, which was assessed using the Discovery Inquiry Test in Science. Findings in this study revealed the positive impact that effective science teachers have on student learning, eliminating achievement gaps between White and Non-White students. Case studies of three teachers, both effective and ineffective explore the beliefs and experiences that influence teachers to change, or not to change practice. This study provides justification for teaching science effectively to narrow achievement gaps in science and provides insight to stakeholders in science education as to how to support teachers in becoming more effective, through addressing existing teacher beliefs and providing experiences that challenge those beliefs.  相似文献   

幼儿园科学教育作为针对幼儿实施的科学启蒙教育,不应采取唯科学知识至上的价值取向,而应追求求真、扬善、达美的完美统一.其中求真是最基本的科学精神与态度,教师不仅要保证所传授知识的准确性,更应给予幼儿科学探究的机会,耐心等待幼儿自己解决遇到的科学问题,鼓励和支持幼儿因坚持自己的主张而增加的探究过程,而且在科学活动的设计上要全面考虑活动本身的探究价值,能够真正激发幼儿的探究需要;扬善是最重要的科学内核与价值追求,科学只有用于善的目的才能真正造福人类.幼儿科学教育必须渗透情感教育,努力培养幼儿热爱自然、善待生命、关爱环境的情感与意识;达美是科学追求的自在自为境界,幼儿科学教育必须融合审美教育,让幼儿在审美愉悦中更深刻地体验到生命与自然的美好,更坚定地维护科学扬善的价值追求与求真的精神态度.  相似文献   

A college science education instructor tells his students he rejects evolution. What should we think? The scene unfolds in one of the largest urban centers in the world. If we are surprised, why? Expanding on Federica Raia’s (2012) first-hand experience with this scenario, I broaden her discussion by considering the complexity of science education in a secular age. Enjoining Raia within the framework of Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age, I task the science education community to consider the broad strokes of science, religious faith, and the complexity of modernity in its evolving, hybridized forms. Building upon anthropological approaches to science education research, I articulate a framework to more fully account for who, globally, is a Creationist, and what this means for our views of ethically responsive science education.  相似文献   

Computers and simulations represent an undeniable aspect of daily scientific life, the use of simulations being comparable to the introduction of the microscope and the telescope, in the development of knowledge. In science education, simulations have been proposed for over three decades as useful tools to improve the conceptual understanding of students and the development of scientific capabilities. However, various epistemological aspects that relate to simulations have received little attention. Although the absence of this discussion is due to various factors, among which the relatively recent interest in the analysis of longstanding epistemological questions concerning the use of simulations, the inclusion of this discussion on the research agenda in science education appears relevant, if we wish to educate scientifically literate students in a vision of the nature of science closer to the work conducted by researchers today. In this paper we review some contemporary thoughts emerging from philosophy of science about simulations in science and set out questions that we consider of relevance for discussion in science education, in particular related with model-based learning and experimental work.  相似文献   

This paper discusses influences and concerns of the application of information technology (IT) in the Arab World. The paper argues that IT can influence the four elements of curriculum. Goals that are related to higher order thinking and problem solving abilities will gain much significance, while goals that are related to lower order thinking will gain much less significance. Science education goals will have to contain a goal that indicates the importance of preparing scientifically and technologically literate citizens. Content will have to match changes in goals. Rather than enforcing heavy content, more emphasis will be given to IT skills as well as to integrating technology in the science laboratory. Pedagogy will be more student-centered. Students will be held responsible for their own learning. Assessment will be facilitated by technology, where both process and content will be equally important. This paper discusses several concerns that are related to the application of IT in science education in the Arab World. Some of these concerns are: ignorance of incorporating the positive aspects of the Arab culture; Arab World view; language difficulties; high cost of IT hardware and software; and the use of IT to find information rather than make meaning (education). This paper recommends that successful implementation of IT in science education is a major professional challenge to Arab science educators. To meet this challenge effectively in science education, both of its promises and our concerns should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

科学的本质在于探究,幼儿园科学探究活动对幼儿创新意识的培养具有重要意义。在幼儿园科学教育中,一方面要提高幼儿教师自身的创造精神,塑造"创造型教师"的新形象;另一方面要给予幼儿语言表达与动手操作的机会,促进幼儿创新意识的发展。  相似文献   

中国科学教育的问题、困境与发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国科学教育经过了百年的发展历程,逐步形成了自己的优势和特色,但在发展中也存在许多问题。本文在对中国科学教育发展的问题与困境进行深刻剖析的基础上,探讨了中国科学教育未来发展的策略问题。  相似文献   

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