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No Child Left Behind (NCLB) dictates students in Grades 3, 5, and 8 pass state tests to be promoted. Accordingly, most state education codes require students to pass reading and math exams for promotion. The majority of those who fail, however, appear to be promoted anyway. This article addresses core questions concerning the paradigm under which NCLB operates, what it means to promote or retain a student, and the consequences of these actions.  相似文献   

A number of studies has shown excellent recognition memory for pictures when participants are asked to remember what has been presented. This study explored unpractised memory for the English 5 note-an everyday item containing a great deal of pictorial information. Forty participants were asked to study a copy of the etching of the Rocket locomotive from the reverse side of the note. Of the participants 75% claimed never to have seen the image before, and were confident in their judgements. Further, participants were confident that experimenter claims about bank-note details were wrong. Results point to both dramatic memory failure, and to misrepresentations in memory. They provide a vivid demonstration of the failure of passive learning to encode information reliably, and the need for active learner engagement for effective recall.  相似文献   

朱熹与陆九渊相知相交30年(1162-1192),在理学上互为论敌,在私交上互为诤友。如何处理这种亦敌亦友的关系?两位大儒给后世留下了宝贵的经验教训。为洞悉朱、陆之间的微妙关系与是非曲直,从中获取有益的借鉴,特作叙考。  相似文献   

Evidence‐based policy requires sophisticated modelling and reasoning about complex social data. The current UK statistics curricula do not equip tomorrow's citizens to understand such reasoning. We advocate radical curriculum reform, designed to require students to reason from complex data.  相似文献   

怨恨:鲁迅研究的新判断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来鲁迅研究一直囿于“传统”与“反传统”的论争与停滞和重复阶段。实际上,“怨恨”是21世纪鲁迅研究的新判断,因为怨恨来自于传统力量的强大,怨恨来自于现代文化价值与传统文化价值之间的矛盾,怨恨来自于现代性本身的内部矛盾,怨恨是鲁迅文化反思的现代性体验。  相似文献   

This qualitative case study focuses on 80 urban minority high school students enrolled in 2 California Career Academies, paying close attention to the cultural and institutional processes that impact their achievement. This study argues that, despite urban inequality, the Career Academy model fosters optimism among low-income minority students. However, students' experiences differ within each academy context. Some Career Academy structures are able to promote positive student relations, whereas others simply reflect the status quo. This phenomenon is primarily due to an uneven recruitment process, the resulting student population of each academy, and the differing Career Academy cultures and institutional mechanisms. This article suggests that Career Academies constitute a potentially successful school reform strategy, despite their limitations.  相似文献   

商业银行在经营管理和内部控制上存在着诸多缺陷和薄弱环节,有些问题屡禁不止、屡查屡犯,这种棘手现象一直困扰着各级管理人员,其折射出的问题根源,应引起高度重视,本文对问题的成因分析及管理对策进行了论述。  相似文献   

In science, gravity refers to the universal force of attraction acting on and between all matter. No one on earth can escape the force of gravity. In a similar vein, the stringent requirements of publications, research grants, and research output in the academic world can be metaphorically described as “academic gravity,” the force of which pushes university academics to struggle and strive in pursuit of excellence just to survive in the changing landscape of higher education governed by neo-liberalism and managerialism. This article describes the journey of a junior academic staff member in an Asian university as he coped with various difficulties in establishing a collaborative culture in his department (i.e., the Faculty of Education). Working with a senior colleague (Sunshine-mother hereafter) in the same department, Author 1 began to recognize the importance of collegial collaboration in teacher education generally and in his academic life specifically. However, although he tried his utmost to develop a culture of collaboration amongst his colleagues, he struggled to cope with the tension and stress exerted by academic gravity (i.e., publication production and the pursuit of tenure). Drawing on data collected from a teaching development project and adopting a reflective autobiographic approach, this article delineates the collaborative relationship between Author 1 and Sunshine-mother, exemplifying the important roles that coaching and a free rein (i.e., weightlessness) play in the development of junior teacher-educators under the strong pressure of academic gravity.  相似文献   

The restructuring of the Australian labour market decreased demand for low‐skilled workers and increased demand for highly skilled workers and professionals further strengthening the relationship between educational and occupational attainment. To satisfy the demand for highly educated workers, the government reorganised the higher education sector increasing the number of universities and trebling the number of places for domestic undergraduate students. Analysing data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, this paper examines the association between parents' education and the likelihood of graduating from university for six birth cohorts of Australians. Overall, the findings suggest that although the expansion of the higher education sector in Australia provided alternative pathways into university, differences in educational attainment, on both quantitative and qualitative dimensions, persist.  相似文献   

Toby McMahon
The paper researches the practice of social promotion, where students who fail due to a lack of comprehension of grade level material are promoted along with their classmates who passed. Student and parent interviews, student surveys, and data from students’ graduation records are used to determine that social promotion does not improve the students’ education, instead students who are socially promoted are more likely to dropout of high school, less likely to graduate high school on time or at all, and the alternative practices are needed if students are to be successful and graduate high school.  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争环境下,企业营销能否创新,是企业成败的关键,优质的产品和优秀的服务是企业在市场上立脚的根本,而个性化的优秀企业化是企业的灵魂和核心,成为消费识别企业和产品的主要标志。  相似文献   

The Fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward grand objectives and tasks for the socialist modernization constructions to be carried over to the next century. It also made an overall strategic plan for vigorously developing the country through science and technology. To realize these objectives and accomplish these tasks, we need to promote the overall reform and development of education and upgrade the quality and innovative ability of our entire nation. We therefore have made this vitalization plan.  相似文献   

针对大多数AutoCAD 2000操作手册及教材介绍的尺寸公差标注方法使用起来不方便、效率较低等不足,提出另几种尺寸公差标注技巧.  相似文献   

《白衣女人》中的几个女性形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对小说《白衣女人》中女性形象的性格特征进行分析,揭示造成她们不同性格的真正原因:不管她们生活在怎样性质的社会———父权制、母系、父系等等,她们都处于从属的地位,只能做一个"无我"的人,这就是为什么身兼两种性格想保持人格独立的玛丽安选择终生不嫁,而软弱、病态的劳拉惨遭陷害的原因了。  相似文献   

In memoriam     
《Child abuse & neglect》1984,8(3):273-274

In retrospect     
《Distance Education》1986,7(1):164-168

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