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Small-class teaching has seemed to become one of the trends of education reforms worldwide as professional associations and school boards struggle to provide quality education. Many countries have implemented small-class teaching for many years. And therefore it has become a challenging activity for teachers to teach in small classes. This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of small-class teaching, planning and skills needed for group management, small class discussion techniques and strategies of what to do when things go wrong in group sessions.  相似文献   

当P为退化的幂等矩阵时,我们利用矩阵的秩的性质、分块矩阵的初等变换,以及群逆存在的充分必要条件,讨论了形如M=(P P+PP p 0)和M=(p p P+PP 0)(其中P为方阵)的两类分块矩阵群逆的存在性.接着,利用初等变换和矩阵1逆的求法,根据矩阵群逆与矩阵3次幂的1逆的关系,最终给出上述两类分块矩阵群逆的一般表示式,并以例子加以说明.  相似文献   

从我校2017—2018学年第一学期大学物理(近代物理)期末考试中抽出一个合堂班、一个实验班试卷,统计每道题的得分率进行对比,发现只要把握好规律、方法,无论大、小班进行教学改革都能取得积极效果,更多的学生会从中受益。文章介绍如何将小班教学改革取得的经验延伸于合堂大班教学实践中。  相似文献   

How to Tackle the Problems in Large Classes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对大班英语教学环境的分析,介绍了三种大班英语授课的方法及具体措施.这些方法是多年英语教学经验的总结,主要通过师生互动、创设语言学习环境和教学管理相结合的模式,提高大班英语授课的教学效果.  相似文献   

传统的学校体育课均围绕在班级授课制的框架内进行调试“组装”。大体育课,正是实事求是地吸收复式教学的理念精华,并紧紧地把握当今体育教学的本质特点及其时代背景,而提出来的新一种体育教学组织形式。  相似文献   

随着近年来我国教育事业的蓬勃发展,大学招生人数逐年增长,大学英语大班教学已然成为现实,由此引发了诸多问题。在当前大班英语教学过程中存在三个方面的问题:大班教学影响成员间(特别是教师与学生)的情感联系;学生间的个体差异大,教师和学生、学生和学生间一致性较差;由于班级太大,教师个人能力有限,学生的学习基本处于"丛林法则"的状态中,程度好的学生越来越好,程度稍差的学生可能会越来越差。积极心理学融入课堂是提升英语大班教学的有效方法与手段,具体策略有四点:教师要在教育教学中感召学生,并培养学生的积极品质和美德;激发学生的兴趣并给学生创造体验成功的机会;提升学生课外学习的积极性,创设英语第二学习课堂;设立多样化的学生成绩评价系统。  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the extent to which a policy existed regarding the evaluation by a team of evaluators from the Center for Study of Evaluation of Instructional Programs of thirteen teachers participating in an experimental mathematics program at three Demonstration Math Centers in three junior high schools located in culturally disadvantaged areas of a large Southern California district. The investigators used a modified form of the Judgment Analysis (JAN) technique to capture the policy. Results of the study indicate that the subset of predictor variables identified as teacher characteristics contributed significantly to the group policy while another subset of predictor variables which were essentially pupil characteristics failed to make a significant contribution to the policy expressed by the evaluators.  相似文献   

写作教学是大学英语教学中一项重要内容,但在大班中实行写作训练困难重重,时间和精力的投入与成效不成正比。本文从大班教学中存在的问题出发,分析了“写长法”的优势,并通过实际教学实践探讨“以写促学”在大班条件下的实施方案和注意事项。  相似文献   

该文通过运用组合数学中整数分拆的知识,结合有限Abelian群的基本结构定理,给出了有限阶Abelian群的同构类的计算公式,使得对于所给的任意有限阶Abelian群,都可以通过该公式计算出它的同构群的种类,最后,作者把该方法在计算机上实现,尤其是当阶数取得很大并且已超越人脑计算时,这将使计算更加容易和便利.  相似文献   

Based on reviews by Glass, Cahen, Smith, and Filby (1982) and the Educational Research Service (1978), Cooper (this issue) concludes that substantial reductions in class size can have important effects on low-achieving students in the early grades. This article critiques these reviews and summarizes the findings of experimental studies that compared the achievement levels of elementary school students in larger classes to classes with no more than 20 students. Even in studies that made such substantial reductions, achievement differences were slight, averaging only 13% of a standard deviation. Not until class size approaches one is there evidence of meaningful effects. Based on this and other evidence, it is suggested that Chapter 1 programs provide one-to-one tutoring in reading rather than providing small-group pullouts or reducing overall class size.  相似文献   

小班化教学凸现了新课程理念所倡导的人文性管理,个性化成才。在小班化教学当中,如何利用小班人少之优势,在时间与空间上进行教学组织形式的重组,使得教学活动中的“共性”教育与“个性”教育更加相得益彰,从而实现最优化教育,这是小班教学的关键。文章结合学校英语小班化教学实践,简述了英语小班化教学的教学策略、课堂模式及优势所在,并提出了问题反思及在未来几年中将要进行的探索实践。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高考不断扩招,大学英语教学班级趋向大班化,使得教师很难去完成大量的作文批改,而且大量的研究表明,指出作文中的每个错误并不能有效地提高英语的写作能力.因此,怎样有效地在有限的时间内进行有效的写作教学是教师关心的一个问题.这篇文章介绍了一种通过写作前指导、分项打分的评分方法,再加上优秀作文评讲法来促进写作教学.实践证明这种操作是有效的.  相似文献   

The potential of new technologies that have been developed to support greater teacher effectiveness has increased, but, teachers/lecturers at higher education institutions do not use such technology enough in developing new methods of instruction. This is possibly because of the frustration experienced in slow equipment delivery and setting it up each time they want to use it. Too often, hardware and facility improvements are funded without the resources necessary to help lecturers make significant changes in courseware and teaching methods. There is too much reluctance on the part of lecturers to use instructional media as a way of improving teaching and learning. It is further acknowledged by this paper that, today, the diversification of technologies makes it possible to reach a new stage, making the integration of these new media essentials: the Internet, cyberspace, multimedia, hypermedia, and so on. The current width of this evolution, undoubtedly, calls for an urgent response to the problems raised by the use of educational media. Moreover, the particular characteristics of these new media, the digital whole, addresses new questions such as: what teaching scenarios are relevant and innovating? What is the impact of these media on methodologies and the organization of the learning and teaching institution? L’éducation des médias éducatifs dans l’enseignement supérieur. Les nouvelles technologies ont été développées pour soutenir une plus grande efficacité des enseignants mais l'on constate que ceux-ci ne s'appuient pas suffisamment sur ces technologies pour développer de nouvelles méthodes et de nouveaux usages pédagogiques. Trop souvent le hardware et les services sont financés sans que le soient aussi les mesures d'accompagnement susceptibles d'entraîner chez les enseignants des modifications significatives dans leurs méthodes d'enseignement. Il y a donc une certaine résistance de leur part À utiliser les nouveaux médias éducatifs afin de développer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. L'évolution des médias actuels fait surgir de nombreuses questions telles que : quels sont les scénarios pédagogiques pertinents et innovatifs ? Quel est l'impact de ces médias sur les méthodologies, sur l'organisation des apprentissages et des systèmes de formation. Die Integration pädagogischer Medien in der höheren Bildung. Neue Technologien wurden entwickelt, um die Effektivität in der Bildung zu unterstützen. Man stellt jedoch fest, dass Lehrkräfte an höheren Bildungsinstitutionen diese Technologien nicht genügend einsetzen, um neue pädagogische Methoden zu entwickeln. Finanzielle Mittel für Hardware und weitere Einrichtungen werden häufig bereitgestellt, jedoch ohne die notwendigen Ressourcen, die den Lehrkräften bei der signifikanten Veränderung ihrer Lehrmethoden helfen sollen. Es existiert somit eine gewisse Abneigung seitens der Lehrkräfte, die neuen Medien zur Verbesserung ihrer Unterrichtsqualität einzusetzen. Die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der neuen Medien werfen somit Fragen wie diese auf : Welche Bildungsszenarien sind relevant und innovativ ? Welche Auswirkungen haben diese Medien auf die Methodik und die Bildungsinstitutionen ?  相似文献   

It is widely admitted that teaching English to a large class has certain disadvantages over a small class. But in many schools even universities in China, large class teaching is still a common practice. English teachers in many universities in China often have a lot of teaching difficulties and problems. Therefore, it is necessary for those teachers to understand the main principles and learn Some basic strategies for large class English teaching in order to improve their teaching. This paper aims to suggest some guidelines for large class EFL teachers.  相似文献   

高校扩招使大学英语教学出现了大班课型,大学英语阅读大班课的教学改革表明:教师要改变教学观念,并对其进行全方位的培训;学生要充分发挥其学习主体的积极主动性;学校要更新教学条件和手段;大班课型的教学效果同样可以得到保证。  相似文献   

Beyond Traditional Tenure By Richard P. Chait and Andrew T. Ford San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1982, 291 pages, index, $16.95. Reviewed by Robert L. Spaeth  相似文献   

自1999年回归以后,澳门就把实施小班化教学作为提高中、小学校教育质量的关键要素。8年来,澳门特区政府采取多种有力措施推进小班化教学。本文对澳门小班教学政策的制定和实施过程、主要实施特点以及存在的问题进行了探讨,特别是对澳门在扩大教育资源和减少班级人数上进行的努力以及目前施行小班教学中存在的问题进行了分析。这对内地正在兴起的小班化教学有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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