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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Alistair Ross, Curriculum: construction and critique
E.C. Wragg, G.S. Haynes. C.M. Wragg, R.P. Chamberlin, Failing Teachers?
C. Winch, Education, Work and Social Capital: Towards a New Conception of Vocational Education
Carol Vincent, Including Parents.
Theo Co, (ed), Combating Educational Disadvantage.
Celeste M. Brody, Kasi Allen Fuller, Penny Poplin Gosetti, Susan Randles Moscato, Nancy G. Nagel, Glenellen Pace and Patricia Schmuck, Gender Consciousness and Privilege
H.Altrichter and J.Elliott (eds), Images of Educational Change
David Scott (ed), Curriculum and Assessment.
Sue McGinty (ed), The Politics and Machinations of Education Research: International Case Studies
Frank Coffield (ed), Differing Visions of a Learning Society
Binns, T and Fisher, C (eds), Issues in Geography Teaching
James Arthur and Robert Phillips (eds), Issues in History Teaching
Paul Clarke, Learning Schools, Learning Systems  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Geoff Lindsay and David Thompson (eds), Values into Practice in Special Education
Luanna H. Meyer, Hyun-Sook Park, Marquita Grenor-Sheyer, Ilene S. Schwartz and Beth Harry (eds), Making Friends, the Influences of Culture and Development
Robert Phillips, History Teaching, Nationhood and the State: a Study in Educational Politics
Ian Stronach and Maggie MacLure, Educational Research Undone: the Postmodern Embrace
Jane Kenway and Sue Willis with Jill Blackmore and Leonie Rennie, Answering Back: Girls, Boys and Feminism in Schools
William A. Corsaro, The Sociology of Childhood
Graham Haydon, Teaching about Values: a New Approach
Sally Tomlinson (ed), Education 14–19: Critical Perspectives
Andy Hargreaves and Roy Evans (eds), Beyond Educational Reform: Bringing Teachers Back In
Joe Kincheloe and Shirley Steinberg, Changing Multiculturalism
Cedric Cullingford (ed), The Politics of Primary Education
K. Kennedy (ed), Citizenship Education and the Modern State
Bill Atweh, Stephen Kemmis and Patricia Weeks, Action Research in Practice: Partnerships for Social Justice in Education
David Galloway, Colin Rogers, Derrick Armstrong and Elizabeth Leo, Motivating the Difficult to Teach
Richard Smith and Paul Standish (eds), Teaching Right and Wrong: Moral Education in the Balance
Brian Sutton-Smith, The Ambiguity of Play  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Ronald Barnett and Anne Griffin (eds), The End of Knowledge in Higher Education
Donald McIntyre (ed), Teacher Education Research in a New Context, The Oxford Internship Scheme
Alan C. Kerckhoff, Ken Fogeiman, David Crook and David Reader, Going Comprehensive in England and Wales, A Study of Uneven Change
Paul Dowling, The Sociology of Mathematics Education: Mathematical Myths/Pedagogic Texts
Gary Thomas, David Walker and Julie Webb, The Making of the Inclusive School
Joan Stephenson, Lorraine Ling, Eva Burman and Maxine Cooper, Values in Education
Pat Sikes and Fazai Rizvi (eds), Researching Race and Social Justice in Education: Essays in Honour of Barry Troyna
David Hartley, Re-Schooling Society
Paul Black, Testing: Friend or Foe? Theory and Practice of Assessment and Testing
The Hillcole Group, Rethinking Education and Democracy: A Socialist Alternative for the Twenty-first Century
Peter Woods, Bob Jeffrey, Geoff Troman and Mari Boyle, Restructuring Schools, Reconstructing Teachers
Carol Hayden, Children Excluded from Primary School
Roger Crombie White, Curiculum Innovation: A Celebration of Classroom Practice
Audrey Osler, The Education and Careers of Black Teachers: Changing Identities, Changing Lives
Leonard Bickman and Debra J. Rog (eds), Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods
Tom Douglas, Change, Intervention and Consequence: An Exploration of the Process of Intended Change
Tony Edwards, Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon, Frank Hardman, Roy Haywood and Nick Meagher, Separate but Equal? A Levels and GNVQs  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Ian Copeland, The Making of the Backward Pupil in England, 1870–1914
Harry Daniels and Philip Garner (eds), Inclusive Education: World Year Book of Education 1999
David Corson, Changing Education for Diversity
A. Mackinnon, I. Elgqvist-Saltzman and A. Prentice (eds), Education into the 21st Century: Dangerous Terrain for Women?
Peter Sutherland (ed), Adult Learning – a Reader
Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish, Thinking Again: Education After Postmodernism
David Carr (ed), Education, Knowledge and Truth
Frank Coffield (ed), Why's the Beer Always Stronger up North? Studies of Lifelong Learning in Europe
Colin Richards, Neil Simco and Sam Twiselton (eds), Primary Teacher Education, High Status? High Standards?
Megan Crawford, Richard Edwards and Lesley Kydd (eds), Taking Issue: Debates in Guidance and Counselling in Learning
M. Woodhead, D. Faulkner and K. Littleton, Making Sense of Social Development
Jack Demaine (ed), Education Policy and Contemporary Politics
Sandra Acker, The Realities of Teachers' Work: Never a Dull Moment
John Holford, Peter Jarvis and Colin Griffin, (eds), International Perspectives on Lifelong Learning  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of intensive interaction during interactive play between a preschool boy with autism and his teacher and, as a consequence, improve the social interaction between the boy and a non-autistic girl in an inclusive class in Greece. A single subject ABA design was applied. Observed variables included changes in the frequency of initiations and responses of the two children. Results indicated significant improvement and post-training maintenance in the social interaction of the two children. Discussion of results in light of known research in autism is highlighted and implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper explores the connections between physical education (PE), sport, nationalism and citizenship in Wales, focusing upon how recent education policies relating to PE and sport are implicated in the cultural production of ideational differences between and among the peoples of Wales and England. The analysis suggests that tendencies towards narrow, conservative, cultural restorationist ideals, as evident in Wales as they are in England, may obstruct progress towards more innovative and progressive ideals in the curriculum of PE.  相似文献   

The shift from a centralized to a decentralized school system can be seen as a solution to an uncertain problem. Through analysing the displacements in the concept of equivalence within Sweden’s decentralized school system, this study illustrates how the meaning of the concept of equivalence shifts over time, from a more collective target achievement for the educational system as a whole to a more individually interpreted goal‐fulfilment.  相似文献   

从教育事业发展、教育政策学科发展和教育政策制订本身出发,对教育政策空间的理论研究是非常必要的;教育政策空间产生的原因是由于教育政策价值取向多元性、不确定性和外溢性所决定的。教育政策空间要求教育政策的主体必须做到有效的政策知识学习和抓住教育政策的有效时机。  相似文献   

社会政策是工业化时代社会问题的直接产物,它随着新的社会问题的出现和社会实践的发展不断地进行着相应的变化和调整。以社会政策及其发展理路为基本视角,对理解我国民族教育政策具有诸多启示。  相似文献   

The sets out the intentions of the Labour Government for its third term. Where necessary, its provisions will be subject to legislation in 2005. This article argues that the Five‐year strategy, like much education policy since 1997, ignores important reasons for inequality of educational outcome in urban areas. Moreover, it may make matters worse. And its prime emphasis on school improvement measures will ensure that staff will be blamed if their schools falter.  相似文献   

以《中国教育报》、《中国青年报》和"搜狐网站教育论坛"三家媒体关于"教育乱收费"及治理政策的报道为案例,对政策议题在媒介中展现的话语形态进行框架分析,发现教育政策相关群体的媒介分布格局及接近权呈现出差异;不同类型媒介反映教育政策议题时的话语特征存在着系统性修辞基调差异;政策动员、政策论辩与诉求表达三种话语形态分别在平面媒介与网络媒介中得以展现。教育政策的媒介话语空间呈现出多元性,在成为政策信息传播通道的同时,也在一定程度上构成了公共意见领域。政策话语与媒介话语的沟通及网络进入媒介后的影响,尚待深入探讨。  相似文献   

公共管理是从20世纪80年代各国政府改革实践和传统公共行政的发展中演化过来的一种新的公共事务管理范式。本文在论述该范式特点的基础上,结合我国目前教育行政及教育发展的实际情况,指出教育行政应该以实现公共教育利益和公众满意为目标,尝试利用市场机制以多种方式提供教育;同时要学习企业的管理模式和技术,提高自身的管理服务水平;借助社会和第三部门的力量;加强制度和教育法制建设,规范教育行政和市场行为,从而提高公共教育管理的能力。  相似文献   

我国现行高等教育成本分担政策评议   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国近年实施的高等教育成本分担政策,对高等教育大发展发挥了重要作用,功不可没。当前社会中存在的对高等教育成本分担政策的责难在于一种受剥夺的社会情绪。这种情绪产生于国家、社会、个体之间权利与义务的不平衡,学费偏高与学校经费浪费的对比,学费上涨过快与困难学生资助制度实施的滞后。应正确理解高等教育成本分担理论,采取切实措施消除这一政策实施过程中的负效应,继续发挥其促进高等教育发展的功能,以保证我国高等教育事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

对教育行政执法的界定模糊,加剧了权力运行的强弱两极化格局:在狭义层面,执法主体单一、行为种类有限、执法范畴狭隘导致教育法律的实施效果相对有限;而在广义层面,管制任务宽泛、程序制约粗疏、裁量空间扩张又使得执法权行使的自主性有所彰显。欲消解这种强弱两极化的表象,既要坚持广义的教育行政执法概念,更要将多元执法主体和行为纳入行政法规体系,与行政法治的基本理念、原则、制度相衔接,还应当兼顾法律实施的一般性与教育法调整对象的特殊性,实现刚性执法与柔性执法、协同执法与相对集中执法权、硬法规范与软法规范的结合,充分发挥不同执法体制机制在教育治理中的制度价值。  相似文献   

在经济危机的特殊背景下,奥巴马政府推出力度更大的教育改革计划,即所谓巧借救市推教改。奥巴马的教育新政主要是想通过向各州拨付教育救济款,推行教育部长邓肯在芝加哥领导学校重建时期的改革思路,促使各州在兼顾教育机会均等的同时,大力提高美国学校的教育质量,缔造所谓学生成绩世界一流的美国教育。奥巴马政府的教育新政符合美国近十年来政治传统及经济发展的需要,但同时有一个明显的缺陷是推行缺乏法律的强制性,它并未像布什政府时期那样成为一项单独的教育法案。  相似文献   


This paper discusses some problems with the field of educational studies and considers the role of post‐structuralist theory in shifting the study of education away from a ‘technical rationalist’ approach (as evidenced in the case of much research on educational management and school effectiveness) towards an ‘intellectual intelligence’ stance that stresses contingency, disidentification and risk‐taking.  相似文献   

西方教育管理理论的后现代观念与主张   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
西方教育管理后现代理论思潮孕育于西方后现代主义哲学理念和思想中,于20世纪80年代首先在美国教育管理学界兴起,成为当代西方盛行的一种教育管理思潮。从后现代教育管理理论所推崇的价值观、组织观、学科观和方法观等方面,可以较为全面地揭示其与传统教育管理理论不同的观念和主张。  相似文献   

本文通过比较分析国内外教育行政学体系,探讨了我国教育行政、教育行政学及其研究对象的基本理论问题。并在此基础上尝试构建了符合我国特色的教育行政学体系。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

Student foundational knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is formed in their elementary education. Paradoxically, many elementary teachers have constrained background knowledge, confidence, and efficacy for teaching STEM that may hamper student STEM learning. The association between teacher preparation to teach STEM and student achievement in STEM motivated the authors' professional development program. The authors created and implemented a professional development program to address K–5 teacher confidence for, attitudes toward, knowledge of, and efficacy for teaching inquiry-based STEM. Using data from 2 independent cohorts the authors found significant and consistent increases in pre- to postinstitute assessments of teacher confidence, efficacy, and perceptions of STEM. Further, they found increased participant attention toward linking STEM curriculum and instruction to learning standards. Implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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