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As critical study of adapted texts moves away from a focus on fidelity to explore questions of adaptive practice, picturebook to film adaptation offers unique opportunities to redirect discourse related to the value of adaptive changes. Because feature-length films made from children’s picturebooks require filmmakers to add substantial content, they open discussion of how adaptive changes engage key ideas related to children’s literature more broadly, including dual audience, didacticism, and aetonormativity. This essay explores how these concepts transform in picturebook to movie adaptation, drawing on two family films made from iconic picturebook source texts—Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax (1971) and Chris Van Allsburg’s Jumanji (1981)—to posit that added content foregrounds adult presence within the story and participation in viewership far more than in the films’ picturebook counterparts, positioning adults as learners while at the same time reinforcing adult/child hierarchies.  相似文献   

“abit”与“alittle”用法之异同李燕霞这两个词组从意义上讲都有“一点儿”的意思;从词性上讲little是形容词,bit是名词;用法上,两者有时是同义词可以互换,有时却是反义词,意思正好相反。现将它们的用法归纳如下:1)两者都有名词的功能.在...  相似文献   

在浩瀚的词海中 ,我小得可怜 ,几乎没有人看得起我 ,更不把我这小不点放在眼里 ,人们仅仅把我当成一个字母 ;其实 ,我叫不定代词 ,与数词one同源 ,相当于汉语的“一” ,但不强调数目概念 ,用在单数可数名字前 ,泛指某一人或物中的任何一个 ,我 (a)用于以辅音读音开头的词前 ,我还有一个同胞姐妹an是用在以元音读音开头的词前。如 :achairahouse ,  anhour,anapple 一、类别用法1、用在可数的单数名词前 ,表示一类人或事物中的任何一个。Achildneedslove 孩子都需要爱。Ahorseisausefulanimal 马是有用的动物。2、用在不可数名词前 ,具体…  相似文献   

Women consistently remain underrepresented in senior academic roles within the academy worldwide. Academics increasingly require research funding to conduct research, leading to publications, both of which can then be used for promotion applications. This article explores fourteen academic women's experiences of the research funding process in New Zealand, to provide insights into one aspect of why this inequity continues. The findings identify institutional, personal, and funding issues that impact on women's application behaviour. Addressing these may assist in developing women's careers as academics and provides us with a more in-depth understanding of the issues than have previously been gleamed from large quantitative studies.  相似文献   

Hi,everyone!今天我给大家介绍两个朋友,他们是a和an。同学们对a和an一定不会陌生,单数可数名词前总少不了他们俩的身影。你们在学习他们的过程中是不是  相似文献   

a little与a bit都有“一点”的意思。但在具体的运用中,两者既有相同点,又有不同之处。一、相同点: 1)两者都可作程度副词,修饰形容词或副词,可替换使用。如: I am a little/a bit hungry.我有点饿了。  相似文献   

1.两者都可以作名词用,这时两者意义和用法相同。例如: I know a little(a bit) about Mary.我对玛丽了解一点儿。2.两者都可以作副词,用来修饰形容词(原级或比较级)或动词。例如: She is feeling a bit (a little) better than yesterday.她感觉比  相似文献   

在不等式和有关函数最值的问题中,常常由于混淆“y≥a”与“y_(min)=a”而产生错误。下面兹举两例。  相似文献   

This paper examines a Special Issue of Educational Studies in Mathematics comprising research reports centred on Peircian semiotics in mathematics education, written by some of the major authors in the area. The paper is targeted at inspecting how subjectivity is understood, or implied, in those reports. It seeks to delineate how the conceptions of subjectivity suggested are defined as a result of their being a function of the domain within which the authors reflexively situate themselves. The paper first considers how such understandings shape concepts of mathematics, students and teachers. It then explores how the research domain is understood by the authors as suggested through their implied positioning in relation to teachers, teacher educators, researchers and other potential readers.
Tony BrownEmail:

<正> 一元二次方程的判别式及根与系数的关系是初中数学中的重点内容之一,同学们在应用时,常常忽视方程ax2+bx+c=0的“a”与“△”,错误有以下几种情况:  相似文献   

《牛津小学英语》教材中经常会出现“Do a survey”这一板块。它的意图主要是通过调查问答的方式,锻炼学生的听说能力,以及在实际活动中运用所学语言知识搜集与分析信息的能力。这个环节如果运用或操作不当,效果往往会适得其反。我在平时的教学实践中,发现此环节有这样一些“宜”与“忌”。  相似文献   

二次根式 a中的 a具有非负性 ,灵活运用这一属性能够巧妙地解决二次根式的计算求值等问题 .现列举实例 ,进行介绍 .一、化简例 1 化简 - a3 - a2 - 1a =.解 :由 - a3≥ 0 ,且 a≠ 0知 :a <0 ,∴原式 =- a - a + a - a =0 .二、计算例 2 计算 a 16 a + 3a3 - 12 a2 4a.解 :由 a3 ≥ 0且 a≠ 0知 :a >0 ,∴原式 =4 a a + 3a a - a a=6 a a .例 3 计算 2 0 0 1- a + a - 2 0 0 1+2 0 0 1a + a2 0 0 1.解 :由 2 0 0 1- a≥ 0 ,且 a - 2 0 0 1≥ 0 ,知 :a =2 0 0 1,当 a =2 0 0 1时 ,原式 =2 0 0 1+ 1=2 0 0 2 .三、求值例 4 已知实数 a满足 …  相似文献   

由李荫华教授主编的《大学英语》(修订本)精读第三册,Unit Three,Vocabulary Ⅳ,第2个句子为:Yunnan Province,in southwest China,has avariety of ethnic minority groups.(云南省在中国的西南部,拥有多种的少数民族。)在这一结构中,名词“variety(N~1)”不是作为中心词被 of 后的名词词组“enthnic minoritygroups(N~2)”所修饰,而是 N~2作为中心成分被 of前的 N~1所修饰。这种结构的特点是:1.N~1显示一定的特征——或人或物,或大或小,或美或丑,或外表或内在等。如:an angel of a woman(天使般的女子)  相似文献   

过去分词作定语时一般应放在名词前,如:the risen sun,boiled water,fallen leaves,a lost child以及skilled workers等等。但有些过去分词能放在名词后作后置定语。现将这些常见的过去分词列举如下,供同学们学习时参考。  相似文献   

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