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波普尔科学哲学思想的诠释学维度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
波普尔的科学哲学思想通过对"理论先于观察"、"理论渗透于观察"之必然性和合理性的强调,将理解者的主观性和个体性引入了科学的理解过程,使之成为科学活动展开的前提条件,这与海德格尔对理解"前结构"的关注、伽达默尔对理解中"先入之见"合法性的强调,异曲同工;通过对"问题→猜想(理论)→批评(反驳或证伪)→新问题"这一模式的揭示和诠释,波普尔触及并推进了科学理解中的"诠释学循环"问题.  相似文献   

科学主义把科学视为纯粹客观的,特雷西则认为科学具有无可置疑的诠释性,这种诠释是通过语言途径来达到的,特雷西以科学具有诠释学性质来批判传统的客观主义科学观,自有其积极的意义,然而,对科学的诠释性理解不能也不应彻底否定科学的客观性。  相似文献   

近年来出现的以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展取向实际上是一种基于教师(个体或群体)自身经验的发展取向。经验取向之经验观应实现科学经验观向诠释学经验观的转换,以校本教研为核心制度的校本发展才能真正达到发展教师的目的。  相似文献   

The paper describes and illustrates the potential of using pictorial artistic images in supporting teaching scientific concepts and the nature of science. In the first part, the case of Giotto’s fresco of stigmatization of St. Francis is described within the interpretation of relationship between the figures as between an object and its mirror image. Educational implications of this case study are suggested. The second part presents several pictorial images that can be used in classroom teaching of science for facilitation of hermeneutic discussion in science classes addressing the nature of scientific knowledge changed in the course of history.  相似文献   

在传统学者那里,自然科学和人文科学有着明显的界限。有学者就认为,人文主义与科学主义的对立、不相容的后果是客体与主体、自然与社会、世界文化的两分和隔离。而解释学就是最根本的关于人文学科的特征,然而近几十年来,一些先锋派学者都主张自然科学与人文科学的融合,特别是最近的关于在自然科学领域发现有最具人文特质的解释学的维度,这无疑更让科学与人文多了融合的理由。  相似文献   

生成性教学的实践策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解释学框架下教学是多极循环互动的过程,本质属性是生成性。因此,生成性教学的本质是在多极互动中转变经验而不是传递经验。其策略为:有效提问,促进师生互动;追问原因:让"理由"看得见,促进学生的前结构与学习内容的互动;认知学徒:让老师的思维"看"得见,促进教师理解与讲授的互动;让学生相互的教:促进学生之间的有效互动;"程序化"自我提问清单:让学生自己促进自己的前结构与内容的互动。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider the relevance of the view of cognitive existentialism to a multi-gendered picture of science education. I am opposing both the search for a particular feminist standpoint epistemology and the reduction of philosophy of science to cultural studies of scientific practices as championed by supporters of postmodern political feminism. In drawing on the theory of gender plurality and the conception of dynamic objectivity, the paper suggests a way of treating the nexus between the construction of gender within the interrelatedness of scientific practices and the constitution of particular objects of inquiry. At stake is the notion of characteristic hermeneutic situation which proves to be helpful in designing a multi-gendered pedagogy as well.
Dimitri Jordan GinevEmail:

文本与意义的关系问题作为中国马克思主义解释史的基本问题,不仅有着极为深刻的历史依据与现实依据,而且有着符合其自身发展要求的客观依据;中国马克思主义解释史的基本问题总的来说有两个极为重要的理论维度,体现为文本与意义之间共时性的和历时性的理解张力以及文本与意义之间的实践张力;马克思的实践释义学为我们缓解理解张力与实践张力指明了正确的方向。  相似文献   

Most scientific endeavors require science process skills such as data interpretation, problem solving, experimental design, scientific writing, oral communication, collaborative work, and critical analysis of primary literature. These are the fundamental skills upon which the conceptual framework of scientific expertise is built. Unfortunately, most college science departments lack a formalized curriculum for teaching undergraduates science process skills. However, evidence strongly suggests that explicitly teaching undergraduates skills early in their education may enhance their understanding of science content. Our research reveals that faculty overwhelming support teaching undergraduates science process skills but typically do not spend enough time teaching skills due to the perceived need to cover content. To encourage faculty to address this issue, we provide our pedagogical philosophies, methods, and materials for teaching science process skills to freshman pursuing life science majors. We build upon previous work, showing student learning gains in both reading primary literature and scientific writing, and share student perspectives about a course where teaching the process of science, not content, was the focus. We recommend a wider implementation of courses that teach undergraduates science process skills early in their studies with the goals of improving student success and retention in the sciences and enhancing general science literacy.  相似文献   

科学探究教学模式的反思与批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁维新 《教育学报》2006,2(4):13-17,30
目前由于人们对探究教学模式的认识存在着简单化倾向,对科学教学产生了负面的影响。主要表现在以下几个方面:囿于经验主义科学观,不能反映科学的本质;把科学教学过程简单等同于科学研究过程,不能反映科学教学过程的本质;强调做科学,忽视学科学,不利于对概念的深层理解;教学操作方法单一化与模式化,不利于学生理解科学的本质。  相似文献   

基于设计的研究是一种在真实的自然情境下,综合运用多种研究方法进行教学干预、迭代循环的形成性研究过程。采用这一研究范式对小学科学教学过程进行研究,构建了一个小学生自主探究的游戏化教学系统,并将其应用于具体的教学实践。通过对系统应用效果的分析、评价和总结,认为利用设计研究的方法,将多媒体技术和科学教学整合,极大地提高了小学生的科学探究能力和学习效果。  相似文献   

李清良新近发表的文章认为:钱锺书的"诠释循环"对西方诠释学虽有所借鉴,但更多的是"不谋而合"、"不期而同"的"冥契暗合",这种"借鉴"只是"提法"即命名上的,至于实质内容,则是钱锺书从自己的学术旨趣学术经历出发而形成的,与西方诠释学没有直接关系,而且钱锺书"并不像某些研究者所说的非常熟悉西方阐释学"。因此无论从钱锺书对西方诠释学的了解程度进行反面印证,还是从他自己的学术旨趣学术经历作正面推论,都不能证明钱锺书自己形成了"诠释循环"方法。钱锺书的"诠释循环"是他有意识地借鉴西方诠释学理论发展中国传统诠释方法的结果。  相似文献   

文本通过现象描述分析的方式,探究了孩子们日常生活中表扬体验的意义特征。分析认为,表扬是孩子们渴望的体验。渴望表扬与他们渴望被看见(存在)、被肯定(认可)、被重视(地位)、被关爱(亲密)等自我体验及人际体验直接联系在一起。理解表扬体验的这些面相,有助于我们把握表扬的本质特征,有助于提升我们的教育实践智慧。  相似文献   

In a western educational context that evidences a decrease in the use of the Bible, this research uses qualitative data to offer insights into how children encounter the creation narratives of Genesis I–III. In order to comment on the meaning‐making interpretative process that children employ at different key stages of development, the insights of hermeneutic phenomenology and of developmental psychology are used. At each of the British educational Key Stages 2, 3 and 4, children's perspectives are given, alongside a hermeneutical commentary.  相似文献   

作为一种研究意义理解和阐释的理论,阐释学的历史由来已久。与此同时,阐释学翻译观则致力于从哲学层面解释和理解翻译现象。文章通过对阐释学理论的相关梳理,发掘其对翻译研究带来的启示。  相似文献   

It is now five years since the introduction of the current National Curriculum for English in England; it is just over 50 years since the Dartmouth Conference drew together American and English educationalists. This paper reports on a hermeneutic study that presents voices from the field of English teaching in England. It asks questions of today’s statutory instruments in the light of approaches highlighted at Dartmouth, with a focus on writing. It illustrates the challenges faced by English teachers from an examination-focused system, but suggests that ultimately the tradition exemplified by Dartmouth, which promotes creative pedagogies and the potential of writing to develop students’ personal and social growth, survives. It concludes that it is important to promote creative approaches in English classrooms of today and education policy of tomorrow.  相似文献   

现代解释学的出现是二十世纪思想界的一个重要事件,它的产生对20世纪60年代以后的西方美学产生了深远的影响。本对现代解释学的两上重要人物伽达默尔和赫什的解释学美学思想,从艺术本理解、解释的历史性问题以及艺术语言观三个方面作一比较,找出他们解释角度的差异。  相似文献   

医学统计学在科学研究中的重要性不容忽视。为培养本科生的医学科研素养,提升他们科学的统计思维和解决科研实际问题的能力,在医学统计学本科生课程教学中,有必要结合科研训练的课程。文章在分析医学统计学教学现状的基础上,提出了医学统计学结合科研训练教学的新模式,并结合实际教学经验就教学内容、教学模式、考核方式的改革提出了具体的思路和实践方法。希望通过加强对本科生的科研训练,提升他们的科研意识和科研创新能力。  相似文献   

两位诠释学爱好者和研究者之间的通信中所讨论的问题,对于诠释学研习而言,是非常重要的带有普遍性的问题,通信双方的探讨也是深入和富有启发意义的。现征得两位通信者的同意,予以发表。  相似文献   

The role of analogy in learning has been extensively researched in science education. The core purpose of the use of analogy as a strategy deployed in teaching is that of developing understanding of abstract phenomena from concrete reference. Whilst such an objective is desirable, it is predicated on the assumption that there is an agreed interpretation of the particular phenomena under scrutiny to which all subscribe. This paper argues that such a position is untenable and that the research enterprise should shift focus from determining the effectiveness of analogy in cognitive transfer from base to target domains towards the recognition of the role of analogy in generating engagement in the learning process. In such a paradigm, meaning in science for both learner and teacher is derived from discourse rather than being independent of it. The discussion draws on hermeneutic philosophy to provide a theoretical framework to illustrate the implications for teacher subject and pedagogical knowledge.  相似文献   

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