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This paper explores possible important relationships and sympathies between Amartya Sen’s Capabilities Approach framework for understanding the human condition and the educational ideas of John Dewey and Paolo Freire. All three focus on the importance of democratic values in a fair, well-functioning society, while Sen and Freire especially explore the difficulties and possibilities of oppressed populations. Sen suggests that all humans have a right to choice in determining their life trajectories and should be provided with the tools that allow them to flourish. Both education and democratic values play important roles in creating the types of context that allow individuals and communities to recognize a wide array of human capabilities. We suggest here that the theories of Dewey and Freire offer avenues through educational processes for developing these contexts for expanded human capability. Dewey suggests an educational approach that stresses democratic values and the ability and willingness of individuals to reach out towards new possibilities. Freire stresses the idea of praxis playing a central role in education—a focus on the cycle of everyday action, reflection, and re-creation of action that leads to productive changes in life trajectories. We argue that Sen, Dewey, and Freire together help to offer a new way of understanding education in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

The Trolley Problem as defined in this paper is a series, or continuation, of increasingly difficult ethical riddles successfully implemented in a classroom environment to spur complex, critical thinking and dialogue. The activity is designed upon the scenario of a runaway train with different and challenging choices, segueing neatly into group discussions of ethics while limiting potential disruptions or controversies. It fits nicely with multiple standards, goals and/or outcomes and can be accommodated to multiple grade levels and courses. It is a powerful, yet easily implemented classroom exercise for educators to develop higher order thinking and dialogue for their students.  相似文献   

初期词遭到当时理论界普遍贬斥,持论坚持的是正统的论立场。面对词本的离经叛道,这一立场陷于空洞的两难之地。本试图通过分析贬词说的化参照系统,梳理这一词论的内在指涉。  相似文献   

While theorizing in distinctly different times, distinctly different cultures, and under distinctly different circumstances, notable philosophical similarities can be drawn between John Dewey and Paulo Freire. This article focuses on two major themes evident in a sample of each philosopher's major works, democracy and experience, and draws theoretical comparisons between the way each philosopher approaches these concepts in terms of definition and application to educational and social practice. The author suggests that, despite some paradigmatic differences, the fundamental definitions and uses of these concepts expressed by both philosophers are largely comparable and complementary.  相似文献   

全国高师音乐教育专业教育、教学改革的势头喜人,但是困难不少。其瓶颈在于缺少指导性的教育、教学纲领和有些高师领导层认识不足、行动不力,以及没有本专业的有效督促检查而形成了各行其是,良莠不分、一盘散沙的现象。故及时制定出指导性计划纲领,疏通瓶颈,统一思想;提高认识,加快步伐;及时总结经验,适时督导验收,使高师音乐教育专业教育、教学改革顺利地驶上健康发展的快车道。  相似文献   

量化式评价曾经对推动中国的学术发展起到过积极的作用。但是量化自然地导致了“重 量轻质”现象,而这种现象渐渐从隐患演化成学术功利化。功利化是对学术的一种异化,是中国学术 评价改革的难题。本文分析了学术功利化的危害,分析了开展学术评价的必要性和量化式评价的意 义及局限;探讨了我国学术评价的标准和去除量化式评价导致功利化的改革途径。指出必须充分发 挥学术共同体的主体作用,依靠个人学术诚信和同行评价来排除非学术因素的干扰,确保评价程序 的公开、公平和公正;要引导学人以学为道、学以求真,为学术创新尽心尽力,为公正的学术评价尽 心尽力。学界身体力行、做到这些是破解学术评价难题的唯一出路。  相似文献   

“赞同与否”是教育改革社会基础的“基本标识”,“多大比例的赞同”决定着教育改革社会基础的“广度”,“多大程度的赞同”影响到教育改革社会基础的“强度”,“为什么赞同”关系到教育改革社会基础的“纯度”,“谁赞同”则涉及到教育改革社会基础中的“关键人群”.只有全面了解所有这些因素,才能切实把握教育改革人心向背的具体状况,准确判断教育改革社会基础的成熟程度,从而为教育改革的决策提供较为可靠的民意依据.  相似文献   

李俊 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(3):121-128
20世纪80年代以来,美国职业教育为提升质量、改善形象,采取了改变就业属性、构建贯通渠道、加强与劳动力市场的相关性等多项举措,但仍面临社会认可度低、经济回报相对有限、学生中断学业比例较高和企业参与积极性不高等诸多困难。这背后有经济、社会和教育三方面的原因。经济方面,去技能化的产业发展渊源和金融化的经济发展路径使得美国的产业对多数劳动者的知识技能要求不高,因而参与职业教育的积极性不足。社会方面,中等收入阶层萎缩、社会不平等加剧和阶级结构固化使得适合职业教育毕业生的工作岗位减少,职业教育的实际收益以及人们选择职业教育的意愿因而降低。教育方面,受制于基础教育的问题,高等职业教育的许多学生面临严重的学习困难,难以完成学业,在毕业后又背负起沉重的经济负担,进一步影响了职业教育的收益。三方面因素的相互作用共同带来了美国职业教育乃至社会变革的困境。  相似文献   

特许学校运动是发端于20世纪90年代的一项美国教育改革运动,旨在通过市场机制来促进公立教育改革.特许学校已成为美国联邦政府推进公立教育改革的重要政策抓手.新上任的特朗普总统将包括特许学校在内的学校选择设定为其最优先的教育事项.特许学校在本质上仍然属于公立学校.其关键特征是将公共资金支持和私人管理相结合,通过以"责任"换取"自治",特许学校获得改革创新的空间,从而引发整个公立教育系统形成健康的竞争环境,并最终促成教育的公平与优秀.  相似文献   

法国教育体系具有三大特色:大学与大学校的双轨制、理论教学至上和免费教育.与这些特色对应的教育理念根植于法国社会较为"特殊"的文化价值观,即法国教育体系同时脱胎于旧制度等级社会的"贵族情结"和继承于大革命共和体制的平等原则.近现代法国教育体系的形成和发展就是在两种对立的文化价值观此消彼长的动态平衡中实现的.在这一进程中,法国社会赋予了其教育难以完成的使命——通过一个等级分化的结构去实现社会平等.这决定了法国教育很难为了满足相对多变的社会需求而做出背离其传统文化的根本性改革.  相似文献   

Education is a key theme in a number of Hermann Hesse’s novels and short stories. This paper focuses on Hesse’s last and longest fictional work, The Glass Bead Game, and analyses the transformation of Joseph Knecht, the central character, in the light of Paulo Freire’s theory of education. It is argued that over time Knecht develops a critical consciousness, becoming less certain of his certainties, more aware of his own incompleteness, and increasingly convinced of the importance of teaching. Dialogue plays a pivotal role in the development of Knecht’s critical awakening and his understanding of himself and his vocation as a human being. The paper discusses the relationship between conscientisation and contemplation, considers the significance of death as a theme in the novel, and reflects on some of the educational implications arising from Hesse’s work.  相似文献   

社会调查课程具有方法性、综合性、实践性等特点,是提升学生专业核心能力的重要法宝。通过研究发现,当前社会调查课程实验教学上存在着教学单向化明显、理论化色彩浓厚以及孤立化特征突出等问题。鉴于此,社会调查实验教学改革应以建构主义为切入点,落实"学生本位"的教学理念,并借助"微助教"等网络技术支持实现在线教学,以任务驱动模式分解教学内容实施研究性教学模式。同时,将其运用到社会调查的案例讨论、情境模拟、实地调研、数据分析软件应用以及调查报告撰写与阅读等不同的教学模块之中。由此得出社会调查实验教学改革探索的未来方向:一是更新教学观念以建立完善实验教学体系;二是增强教师队伍的实验能力与素养,以促进师生良性互动;三是提升教学方法,以探索社会实践、专业学习与社会调查的有机结合;四是改变课程考核比重与形式,以鼓励研究性学习和个性化培养。  相似文献   

“素质教育”作为20世纪末开始的中国教育改革的重点,进入21世纪初,被新一轮的课程改革推向了高潮。由于“素质教育”所提倡的教育主张与杜威教育理论之间所应对问题的相似,决定了它们两者间探索教育规律侧重点具有某种类似。而从作为实施“素质教育”核心的新课程改革看杜威课程论,它们之间在所要解决的问题、达到的目标、具体课程的设置、安排等方面是否也存在着某些相似之处?如果有,面对类似的问题,杜威是怎样设法去解决的?最终取得了怎样的结果?新课程改革中应该如何看待杜威课程论的意义所在?有关这些问题的探讨与分析.对于已进入全面实施阶段的新课程改革无疑具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, concerns regarding runaway college tuition and student loan debt have risen to the forefront of the public consciousness, undermining confidence in the value of a college degree. Ironically, the very issue that is now causing such alarm—high tuition—has been a signature feature of the financial model intentionally employed by the vast majority of smaller private colleges and universities in the United States, including members of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). In the “high-price–high-aid” model, postsecondary institutions mark up their “sticker price” (meaning the publicized cost of attending per year) and then offset the tuition hike with sizable discounts that take the form of institutional grants marketed as scholarships. This article examines the institutional benefits and unintended consequences of tuition discounting, giving special attention to effects within the evangelical Christian segment of the private sector of American higher education. The article concludes by offering a set of principles for reforming tuition pricing and financial aid practices at Christian colleges and universities.  相似文献   

沈伟 《教师发展研究》2020,4(1):116-124
杜威的若干思想为发展乡村教师、改良社会提供了有益的视角,理解其关于教师发展的思想,必须超越单纯的技术论。在杜威的社会改良思想中,教师应促进适当的社会生活的形成,教师的培养应以中小学为中心,中小学是检验和证明教育原则的实验室。这一思想经陶行知的发展,成为中国乡土社会培养具有“农夫的身手、科学的头脑和改造社会的精神”的教师之有力途径,并进一步在美国服务学习中实现未来教师课程学习与国民责任的统一。鉴于此,需以科学精神与科学方法培养具有探究品质的乡村教师,这蕴含着发展乡村师资、改进乡土社会的承诺。  相似文献   

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