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New teachers have usually had little or no preparation for teaching the gifted students they will all encounter. Undergraduate education programs are crowded, and courses in special education do not usually focus on students who are academically advanced. The authors present ten suggestions for weaving information on gifted students into a variety of experiences, including other education courses, separate workshops or short courses, and opportunities outside the classroom. These suggestions can help prepare teachers for a type of diversity that is often overlooked.  相似文献   

Most studies of curricular diversity have focused on the effects of participation in diversity courses on student outcomes. Though the results have been positive, these studies have used limited measures of curricular diversity and there is a great need for a complimentary body of research demonstrating what faculty and what types of courses are more likely to include diversity. This study relies on 12 diversity inclusivity items derived from a comprehensive model of how diversity is included into a course to investigate how much diversity is being included in collegiate courses and what predicts diversity inclusivity, as measured by two scales: diverse grounding and inclusive learning. The results, based on 7,101 responses from faculty participating in the 2007 Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, suggest that most faculty are including diversity in their courses in some way, but that women and faculty of color tend to include diversity to a greater extent than their colleagues. Also, courses taught in the soft fields are more likely to be inclusive of diversity.  相似文献   


In the United States, colleges and universities have recently increased attention to diversity of faculty, staff, and student populations. Among the manifestations of the diversity movement are calls for modifications of general education courses to include coverage of cultural or human diversity. At the University at Albany, one of the first human diversity courses was offered by the School of Criminal Justice. The authors review the objectives of the course, the teaching materials selected, and students' reactions to the first offering of the course. Among the most troubling reactions was students' resistance to history, to explorations of context of criminal justice practice, and to examination of current discriminatory policy and practice.  相似文献   

To move diversity from the periphery of counselor preparation to its core requires effort beyond the 1 or 2 “special” courses that have been the mainstay of multicultural counselor education (T. E. Midgette & S. S. Meggert, 1991). The authors describe the processes and outcomes of a systemic reimagining of Auburn University's counselor education doctoral program, as well as community agency and school counseling master's‐degree programs that incorporate diversity as a core value. The development of diversity‐supportive department policies and procedures, curricular and cocurricular changes, and environmental considerations are discussed and evaluated.  相似文献   

Using first-person accounts of classroom experiences, five professors examine the intersection of social foundations and borderland theory and their efforts to move students through resistance to understanding and affirmation of sociocultural diversity. The authors present this paper in two parts, the first providing examples of using a borderland approach within the classroom and the second providing illustrations moving these borderland strategies beyond the classroom. In each case, authors show the interwoven nature of pedagogy, identity, knowledge, and experience as they work to connect theory and practice. All of the institutions represented have majority white populations, and many do not reflect the diversity of the communities in which they are situated. The need for borderland practices in social foundations courses is urgent in these areas. These pedagogical reflections, although not meant to be recipes for success, provide examples of practices that can serve to meet the growing demands from schools and communities for culturally competent, socially aware teacher–leaders, and reaffirm the critical importance of social foundations in teacher education.  相似文献   

This article is a summary of comprehensive units on gender and sexuality diversity that the authors have used in teacher education courses in undergraduate and graduate social foundations of education classes over several years. The course lesson plan includes a five‐part analysis of the following categories: biological sex; gender identity/sexual identity; gender roles; sexual behavior; and sexual orientation. The authors have experienced much success and positive student evaluation by using this approach. This is true even in religiously and politically conservative universities. The authors introduce the complexity of biology, gender roles, and gender identity, before addressing human sexuality. This helps to diffuse many stereotypes and misconceptions in the initial lessons.  相似文献   

This article explores Australian pre-service teachers' beliefs about and attitudes towards diversity. Building on Garmon's [Garmon, M. A. (2004). Changing preservice teachers' attitudes/beliefs about diversity: what are the critical factors? Journal of Teacher Education, 55(3), 201–213] argument that there are three dispositional factors that influence students' likelihood of developing multicultural awareness and sensitivity in teacher education programmes, the authors explore the relationship between such dispositions as exhibited in students' autoethnographic work. In so doing, the authors posit that these dispositions may be hierarchically developed: beginning from ‘self-awareness/self-reflectiveness’; moving towards ‘openness’; and finally a ‘commitment to social justice’. After exploring the nature of this hierarchical development through the in-depth investigation of six representative student accounts, the paper concludes by discussing the implications for teacher education, including the necessity to adjust our expectations of changing the dispositions of pre-service teachers in discrete, short courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how moral reasoning develops for 236 students enrolled in either a diversity course or a management course. These courses were compared based on the level of diversity inclusion and type of pedagogy employed in the classroom. We used causal modelling to compare the two types of courses, controlling for the effects of demographic (i.e., race, gender), curricular (i.e., previous course-related diversity learning) and pedagogical (i.e., active learning) covariates. Results showed that students enrolled in the diversity course demonstrated higher levels of moral reasoning than students enrolled in the management course. In addition, results show that previous diversity courses as well as current enrolment in a diversity course contributed to moral reasoning gains. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of personal storytelling about social identity-related experiences in two diversity courses that were informed by social justice education pedagogies with a focus on race/ethnicity and racism. The two courses included racially diverse groups of students in two undergraduate diversity courses at two Northeast universities (a social diversity and oppression course, and a race/ethnicity intergroup dialogue course). Participants describe a variety of learning outcomes after listening to personal stories. Findings also indicate that students across identities value storytelling, describing it as engaging, enjoyable, and integral to their learning. This underscores the value and impact of face-to-face, synchronous learning as a valid, transformative, and critical educational method in diversity courses.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines emotion themes reflected in student evaluations from required diversity courses at a predominantly white, US public university. We analyze two years of student evaluations for 29 instructors. Situated by the work of Acker, Jaggar, and Hochschild, we find contradictory themes of perceived instructional bias and the value of diversity lessons. Student evaluations result in systematic disadvantage for minority instructors that may be heightened for female instructors of color. Non-minority instructors (both male and female) gain privileges by avoiding dealing with diversity directly which is reflected in student evaluations through the process of “ducking diversity”. The organizational structure of required diversity courses marginalizes the scholarship and emotion work of minority instructors and inherently reproduces the very inequalities they are designed to combat.  相似文献   

文章从以学评教的内涵和课堂教学评价指标体系建构出发, 综合了有效教学的相关理论依据,紧密结合数学学科特点,围绕学生有效学习行为的针对性、能动性、多样性、选择性这四个维度,建立了“以学评教”的课堂教学评价指标体系,并对以学评教的意义做了分析。力图通过改变教学评价方式促进课堂教学观念的转变,尊重学生个体差异,努力实现学生全体发展和全面发展。  相似文献   

Although most research investigating diversity courses focuses on attitudes toward racial minorities and women, these courses may also influence student attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. The current study assessed student awareness of heterosexual privilege, prejudice against lesbians and gay men, and support for same-sex marriage. Students (N = 143) in a general diversity course completed identical surveys during the first and last weeks of the semester. Participants in diversity courses exhibited increased heterosexual privilege awareness and support for same-sex marriage, as well as less prejudice against lesbians and gay men, during the last week of the semester compared to pretest levels.  相似文献   

采用文献分析法,对学科前沿课的内涵、作用、影响因素以及其在国外一流大学的实施情况进行分析研究。搜索外文数据库和世界一流高校网站公开信息中“学科前沿课”以及和学科前沿课概念相接近的专业研讨课程、先端课程和交叉课程等,定位13所国外高校研究生学科前沿课类课程和项目计划,分析其实施流程特征,具体包括培养目标、授课内容、课程组织形式;学时、师资和教学方法等信息,形成普遍性和规律性认识。在深入分析其前沿性课程的组织形式、课程设计、教学方法以及影响因素等基础上,提出国内开展学科前沿课的通用建议。  相似文献   

Diversity and inclusivity in higher education and health care have gained prominence in recent years and this means that institutions’ educational programmes need to incorporate teaching and learning that is responsive to diversity. This paper reports findings from a diversity teaching and learning mapping project. The aim of the mapping project was to map out when and how the various themes on diversity in all course curricula are addressed in a university’s School of Nursing. The project adopted the following methodologies: documentary reviews of curriculum documents, handbooks and timetables, followed by qualitative interviews with module leaders and teachers. The documentary reviews provided a map of where diversity teaching and learning tended to occur and the interviews yielded six major themes central to diversity: definition, importance, confidence, challenges, resources and future implications.

The results suggest that mapping does provide an important way of comparing courses and highlighting aspects which need attention. The results provide directions for curriculum development teams to ensure that diversity issues are transparently addressed in all courses in the School of Nursing. Furthermore, the insights derived from the findings steered the project team to develop Web CT resources on some of the diversity themes such as an introduction to diversity and inclusivity, spirituality, ethnicity and diversity. Plans are in place to develop further diversity teaching and learning resources in the light of findings which will be used in staff development programmes.  相似文献   

This study of 434 students enrolled at seven southern California community colleges investigated student learning experiences in courses with multicultural and diversity content. Student perceptions of (a) what was learned in courses with multicultural and diversity content, (b) feelings about themselves when learning these types of content, (c) the values learned, (d) the amount of learning achieved, (e) feelings about the teacher, and (f) desire for more courses with multicultural and diversity content were identified. Some research has demonstrated that community colleges are doing very little to provide multicultural educational experiences for students. However, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of community college students' experiences with multicultural and diversity education. Results of this study indicated that community college students desire courses with multicultural and diversity content. Students' learning experiences are enriched when courses contain these types of content. Although women and members of minority groups are most desirous of multicultural and diversity content, White male students need the experiences. The values taught in these courses seem to enhance the understanding of differences. Although learning about gays and lesbians is problematic for some, students do want to learn more about diversity than what frequently is associated with ''culture.'' Along with multicultural content, information concerning gender, sexual orientation, ageism, classism, and disabilities should be infused into college curricula.  相似文献   

Conclusion There are strong indications that the courses developed under the Teacher Preparation Project at Utah State University are providing new dimensions to the education of prospective science teachers and liberal art students who select a science emphasis at the undergraduate level. To date, the courses have institutional support in both staffing and funding that should keep them in place in the coming years. Clearly, the project made adjustments along the way, learning from early mistakes, and building team rapport and commitment required to bring about the completion of the project. Certain issues have been raised and resolved to some extent. Mixing liberal arts majors with secondary science teaching majors appears to be good for the integrative course, bringing diversity of background and viewpoint into the class. The kinds of teaching behaviors in evidence in these classes require high expectations for student performance but also a willingness on the part of the professor to stand back and let the student explore or to allow a discussion to run. This is clearly a more facilitative and less directive teaching role than is expected for most undergraduate courses. Finally, one can expect to get mixed reactions from students, positive about their newfound independence but, for some at least, a lack of tolerance for ambiguity and some discomfort at having a new (and sometimes threatening) set of grading procedures thrust upon them. In the USU Teacher Preparation Project, these decisions have charted a course of action for the future-a course derived from cognitive psychology principles requiring growth on the part of both faculty and students. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. TPE-8850642). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations exprtessed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Arab-Palestinian minority in Israel, one-fifth of the country's population, has been underrepresented in Israeli institutions of higher education since the establishment of the state. This article focuses on the authors’ shared aim of promoting diversity and multiculturalism in institutions of higher education in Israel. It first introduces Arab marginalisation within Israeli society as a whole. Subsequently, it offers a critical overview of existing data and research on the challenges faced by young Arab-Palestinians in higher education institutions in Israel. Based on this indispensable analysis, which clearly shows the numerous obstacles that await Arab-Palestinians on their path to graduation, the article goes on to suggest some required changes. Presenting some useful policy transformations and courses of action, it subsequently introduces multicultural academia as a better conceptual and practical framework for achieving inclusive education.  相似文献   


The current study reports outcomes of a professional development model intended to strengthen faculty members’ cultural competence and skills for teaching about diversity and inclusion. Creating Inclusive Communities (CIC) was developed collaboratively by faculty from across social science disciplines based on a theoretical framework emphasizing learning principles, critical consciousness, and White racial identity development. This study examined the outcomes of the model on student cultural competence based on pre-post survey analysis. Findings indicate that students perceived a benefit from course activities related to race pedagogy and showed statistically significant results in two of three courses. These findings indicate that the infusion of an inclusive model, including in courses not directly related to diversity topics, has potential benefits to students. Additionally, the impact is strengthened through a more integrated approach over the course of the semester.  相似文献   

公共选修课是高校课程体系中的重要组成部分,随着教育改革的进一步深化,为使学科体系向着综合化、现代化方向发展,形成弹性多样的课程模式,公共选修课的比重有所增加,因此公共选修课的开设状况也越来越受到人们的关注。但在公共选修课的建设过程中不可避免地存在许多问题,如开课数量不足、学生选课目的不明确等等。鉴于此,从学生、教师、学校管理等多个角度进行调查分析,在此基础上,对公共选修课的建设提出积极的意见和建议,以期发挥公共选修课所应承担的职能,全面推进大学生素质教育。  相似文献   

This study used empirical data to investigate College of Education faculty’s perceptions, beliefs, and commitment to diversity. A 44-item survey composed of Likert scale-type questions about characteristics, experiences, perspectives, and personal commitments to addressing diversity issues together with demographic questions, was administered to 116 COE faculty from four urban universities. A MANOVA where the independent variables were the demographic data and the dependent variables were five subscales (importance of diversity, training for pre-service teachers, college support, teaching diversity in courses, and issues of racial sensitivity) identified four statistically significant factors in faculty’s beliefs regarding the importance of diversity. The study found no support for a relationship between the faculty’s beliefs about the importance of teaching diversity and their teaching practices.Lynn A. Smolen is a Professor in the Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies, The University of Akron and has received her Ph.D. from the University of Florida. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in reading, ESL methods, and diversity issues. Her areas of interest in research are diversity issues, multicultural literature, and the reading development of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Susan Colville-Hall, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies, The University of Akron and has received her Ph.D. from the Ohio State University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Diversity/Multicultural Education, Instructional and Management Practices and Techniques for Teaching Foreign Languages. Her research areas are foreign language acquisition, teacher education, and diversity issues. She is also involved in international education. Xin Liang is an Assistant professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership, The University of Akron and has received her Ph.D. from the University of North Dakota. She teaches research methods, statistics, classroom assessment and program evaluation. Her research interests are school effectiveness, research methods and evaluation. Suzanne Mac Donald is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership, The University of Akron and has received her Ed.D. from the University of Hawaii. Suzanne Mac Donald’s specialty is Social Foundations of Education with emphasis in Educational Anthropology. She teaches social foundations, diversity issues, and qualitative research. Her research interests currently focus on teacher education and its role in addressing urban and cultural/multicultural issues in schooling, and in the context of international knowledge dissemination of pedagogy.  相似文献   

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