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Learning is high on the political agenda for post-compulsory education and training in England. Official discourses about learning assume a predominantly individualist stance, despite the development of theoretical models that stress the contextual and situated nature of learning. In a study following 50 young people through further education over 4 years, it became apparent that the institutional culture of the colleges had a significant impact upon students' dispositions towards their learning. In this paper, we explore the nature and significance of this impact in a case-study sixth form college: an under-researched sector of educational provision. This is followed by a brief discussion of the implications of our analysis for issues of access, widening participation and inequality in relation to current proposals to reform age 16-19 educational provision in England. We conclude by identifying some of the questions about the fine-grained nature of that college culture that our data does not permit us to address directly.  相似文献   

本文分析了英国第六学级的历史演变过程,力求探寻第六学级变革的一些基本规律,旨在透过这些规律,为我国的普通高中教育改革提供一些建议。  相似文献   

Racial and ethnic minority group members are now recognizing the need for relevant counseling services. Many counselor education programs, however, have not addressed this issue. While some counselor educators support the need for innovative counselor training programs for those who expect to work in pluralistic settings, others believe that traditional programs can meet the needs of all populations. This article describes why counselor training incorporating the needs of racial and ethnic minorities is needed and provides four models: (a) the separate course model; (b) the area of concentration model; (c) the interdisciplinary model; and (d) the integration model, which may be used in program development and implementation.  相似文献   

英国第六学级是英国中等教育的第二阶段,相当于我国高中时期。英国实行11年(5-16岁)义务教育,5-11岁为小学;中学分两个阶段:11-16岁为中学第一阶段,由于16岁时义务教育结束,此阶段又可称为“义务教育阶段”:16-18岁为中学第二阶  相似文献   

This article aims to explore and understand tutor and student perceptions of the role of the tutor in a large Sixth Form College. It examines whether these perceptions are the same and looks at whether the needs of the student are being met within the college. The tutorial structure within the college is described and the unique role of tutors in a further education setting is identified. The findings reveal how students perceive the tutors to have a wide range of roles, which are primarily focused on supporting and promoting learning. It also describes how, despite the acknowledgement of students for the need of emotional support and the recognition and willingness of tutors to fulfil this role, there is a gap in meeting the students' needs. The reasons for this are explored and shown to be a consequence of time constraints and the underlying relationship between students and their tutor.  相似文献   

本文通过对母子公司个别会计报表有关内部交易业务的项目对照分析,寻找一条编制合并会计报表抵销分录更易掌握和理解的方法。  相似文献   

This article discusses, contextualises and locates in contemporary theory, an autobiographical case study of an artist‐teacher in the ‘learning community’ of a Sixth Form College art department. It reflects on the educational potential of enabling teachers of art and their students to investigate issues of culture and identity through engaging with contemporary art practice. It seeks to explore the extent to which exposure to contemporary art practices (and in the second year sixth form, textiles‐based, cases discussed) creates a more conceptual approach to student project work, which can act as a catalyst to develop students' understanding of issues‐based practice. The discussion of the selected pieces is located within a feminist paradigm that foregrounds the body and gender theories. This article elucidates how a conceptual approach to working, as opposed to a more traditional skills‐based approach, can act as a vehicle for moving students towards becoming self‐motivated artists and, in the case studies described, take their practice beyond that which is normally achieved within the constraints of timed, exam‐based work.  相似文献   

浅谈中国传统绘画的形式美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国传统绘画的美学体系建构上,形式美是一个非常重要的环节。也由此导引着一切绘画元素的组成体制,形成带有鲜明民族特色的绘画风格。  相似文献   

二战后,英国一些学校开始开设通识教育科(General Studies),20世纪90年代以来,通识教育科已成为英国中六年级(Sixth Form)学生参加高级程度会考时热选的科目之一。英国的通识教育科的性质与科目设计具有两方面特征:其一,在科目设计上,以思考能力为核心,注重学生从多角度认识问题,并理解基本知识范畴之间的关系;其二,科目设计主要与资格与课程管理局、考试中心相关,前者设计基本的科目标准,后者发展出较为具体的科目细则及考试方案。  相似文献   

如果建立了质的研究范式就可以建立起中国高等教育管理学科的体系。院校研究本质上是一种质的研究范式,其特征是对中国高等院校进行质的研究。院校研究与中国高等教育管理研究范式就建立起了一种交集:质的研究范式。院校研究是中国高等教育管理研究范式转型的可能选择之一。院校研究有可能推动中国高等教育管理学的学科的发展。  相似文献   

从意大利佛罗伦萨的复式账簿算起到现在,财务报告的发展至少经历了六百多年的历史。在财务报告浩瀚的发展历史中,由最初的不统一的格式发展到现在相对固定的格式,财务报表的各个列报项目在逐步完善。然而,现行财务报告的格式逐步完善之后,由此又产生了一系列的问题,文章从引入XBRL(eXtensible Business Repor-ting Language)的角度对现阶段财务报告体系问题的解决以及未来的发展方向做出探讨,期望从中得到一些有意义的启示。  相似文献   

客家传统文化精神的现代形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,客家传统文化精神从整体上发生着一种经典式的变化:传统精髓的一脉相承依然我故,汇融时代因素的发展蜕变耐人寻味;悄然失落的观念淡化着民系文化特征;适时顺变的“新客家”,历史性的成为中国现代化进程中人文事象的载体。这种变化模式似乎象征着人类传统文化精神走向现代社会的某种必然。  相似文献   

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