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One of Canada’s greatest public intellectuals, George Grant (1918–1988) studied history as an undergraduate, focusing on concepts and themes rather than minutiae. That same intellectual disposition surfaced later at Oxford, where he had gone on a Rhodes scholarship to study law. Returning to Oxford after the war, he left law to study theology, earning extra money by writing historical articles on Canada for Chambers’ Encyclopedia. Even after becoming the most prominent Canadian philosopher of his time, Grant maintained he always thought like an historian. Reactivating the historical thinking of George Grant can encourage ‘becoming historical’.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the pedagogical value of teaching a criminal justice history course through the use of major motion pictures. He examines the past use of film in academia, specifically the criminal justice academy, and highlights the gap in the literature associating historical films with criminal justice history. The article then proceeds to discuss the manner in which Hollywood often portrays history and include criminal justice history, and presents an example through the Steven Spielberg movie Amistad. The article also describes the author’s experience in creating and teaching a criminal justice history films course.  相似文献   

Europe’s objectives of economic growth and job creation require large numbers of professionals who are willing and able to innovate and rise above themselves. In this article, a concept of excellence is developed that can be broadly applied in professional higher education. This concept of excellence derives from three concepts which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche developed in The Gay Science (2001/1887): self-transcendence, self-control and self-styling. By starting with Nietzsche’s radical thoughts, the author aims to grasp the probabilities and challenges of preparing all students for their professional future. Several proposals for educational practice are outlined based on this perspective of ‘excellence for all’.  相似文献   

In his 2001 article ‘Teaching to Lie and Obey: Nietzsche on Education’, Stefan Ramaekers defends Nietzsche's concept of perspectivism against the charge that it is relativistic. He argues that perspectivism is not relativistic because it denies the dichotomy between the ‘true’ world and the ‘seeming’ world, a dichotomy central to claims to relativism. While Ramaekers' article is correct in denying relativistic interpretations of perspectivism it does not go far enough in this direction. In fact, the way Ramaekers makes his case may actually encourage the charge of relativism, especially when it comes to his appropriation of perspectivism for education. This article proposes to pick up where Ramaekers left off. It will argue that Nietzsche's denial of the opposition between the ‘true’ world and the ‘seeming’ world opens up the possibility for the reestablishment of truth, albeit in a modified form. After examining Nietzsche's modified ‘realist’ epistemology, the paper will explore the implications of it for his philosophy of education. It will be argued that Nietzsche's educational philosophy is founded on his concept of perspectivism in so far as he demands that students be rigorously inculcated into a pedagogical framework that teaches students to discriminate between ‘true’ and ‘false’ perspectives. This framework is essential for the development of an intellectually robust and life‐affirming culture.  相似文献   


Building on the author’s previous work on Australian national cinema and schooling, this article explores the representation of the female primary school teacher in the television mini-series entitled Marion (Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1974). Using narrative analysis, it argues that this representation is disruptive of patriarchal gender relations, demonstrating ‘hyper-linear history’ where an exemplary relationship is created between the disrupted gender relations in school leadership in Australia caused by the Second World War and the ongoing disruption of gender relations occasioned by the second-wave women’s movement in the 1970s. This mini-series shows how history, gender and representation are mobilised to create a unique cinematic historical argument about the gendered nature of Australian primary school teaching. Finally, the article reflects briefly on the situatedness of this reading out of the Global South.  相似文献   

This author responds to Sternberg (2017) and his article, “ACCEL: A New Model for Identifying the Gifted,” published in his special issue of the Roeper Review focused on “wisdom in a changing world.” Wisdom is evident throughout Sternberg’s essay as he invites readers to consider the relevance of his ACCEL (Active Concerned Citizenship and Ethical Leadership) model in the context of its relationship to gifted individuals and the pressing need for change in society. The spiritual concept of wisdom and humanistic educational theory is implicit throughout this review. The author considers elements of the model’s utility and implementation in light of his experience in the field as a veteran educator and consultant, his own research relating to self-efficacy of teachers’ teaching critical thinking, the Kaleidoscope Project, and its similarities to his own Chandelier methodology.  相似文献   

白寿彝先生在《史记》研究方面取得的成就可以归纳为4个方面:以全面、贯通的史识,注重《史记》的思想性研究;从历史文献学和编纂学的角度,探讨《史记》在编纂体例上的创新和体裁上的综合运用;注重《史记》的表现手法及其在历史文学上所取得的巨大成就,善于吸取前人的研究成果并发扬光大;坚持以唯物史观为指导,勇于突破僵化思想,运用科学的理论方法进行研究。白寿彝先生的《史记》研究在20世纪50—60年代的学术界占有突出地位,是建国后我国"史记学"发展所取得的重要成果,至今仍具有重大意义。  相似文献   


Human beings tend to forget, especially when they suffer; they hope to overcome the pain of trauma to live a peaceful and happy life. The futurist attitude that can be articulated as ‘Move towards the future and let bygones be bygones’ may be related to injustice and social crisis. The aim of this paper is to explore the ethics of memory and forgetting regarding the place. This paper addresses three observations about memory and forgetting in current Taiwan and unearths the hidden connection with an ‘unsolved’ traumatic event in history. As the author examines, the unsolvedness is profoundly impacting people’s liability to forget and thereby causes the societal crisis, and the ‘Ghost Island’ is tabbed. Based on the above, the author claims the significance of the education of just memory and the implying ethics of memory – which is the very key to bring the wounded to peace, restoration, and forgiveness and to expel and pacify the spectre of the island.  相似文献   

阿Q和他的“精神胜利法”是我们大家都熟悉的.他利用其惯用的“自欺”、“忘却”、“容忍”等精神胜利法让自己获得心理上的平衡.实际上,从心理学的角度来看,阿Q的精神胜利法就是心理学上讲的心理防卫机制,是我们每个人在遇到烦恼时都会使用的方法.  相似文献   

This essay explores the educational implications of the thought of Michel de Montaigne and Friedrich Nietzsche on the subject of memory. It explores the sorts of cultural memory practices that Nietzsche has called ‘mnemotechnics’, that is, the aspects of memory use that allow human beings to live life more fully. Nietzsche and Montaigne's work is explored because their work offers a different, and much more philosophically oriented, perspective on memory than is commonly discussed when educators speak of memory. Nietzsche and Montaigne show how remembering and forgetting might be understood more thoroughly and deployed with more finesse. The case is made that such deployments, such mnemotechnics, have great relevance for enhancing the agency of students.  相似文献   

Feminist historians have long argued that women have been absent from history, and recovering their position in the historical discourse has been one of the main projects of academic feminism for the last 40 years. But while women’s marginal position as historical subjects has been recognized and addressed their actual contribution to the historiographical operation is still a grey area that needs further research and exploration. Narratives are at the heart of how women have attempted to write history and it is this marginalized area that I address in this paper by focusing on Maud Gonne’s controversial autobiography, Servant of the Queen, as well as on moments of her correspondence with her life-long friend William Butler Yeats. Gonne’s auto/biographical narratives are read as discursive effects of fierce power relations at play, but are also theorized as recorded processes wherein Gonne as the author of her political story emerges from the margins of knowledge production and actively inserts herself in the discourses of Irish history.  相似文献   


Inspired by a new teaching initiative that involved a redesign of conventional classroom spaces at the University of Auckland’s Epsom Campus, this article considers the relationship between architecture, the built environment and education. It characterises the teaching space of the Epsom Campus as the embodiment of educational policy following its inception in the early 1970s. Heralded as a modernist work of architecture juxtaposing material and textural combinations, the Epsom Campus emerged as a metaphorical vanguard of teaching pedagogy that stood as a symbol of a more progressive and culturally inclusive style of education. With consideration for a different kind of architectural space and pedagogy at the city-based business school, the article extends an understanding of spatiality and learning, and argues the structural architectonics of the teaching space and the built environment confer their own pedagogical value. By drawing on the critical stance of Nietzsche’s genealogical methodology for reading history, strands of historical discourse and ‘vibrant materialities’ are considered so that the ‘built pedagogy’ of both contexts can be activated and explored.  相似文献   

This article examines a group of five ink, pen and wash drawings produced by the Anglo‐Swiss artist Henry Fuseli in the mid‐eighteenth century in Zurich. The drawings were produced for a Narrenbuch (Book of Fools) uniting visual images of folly with humorous slogans. The drawings are significant in that they imitate sixteenth‐century print culture and pedagogic literary genres based around the figure of the fool by humanist writers such as Sebastian Brant and Erasmus. The article argues that Fuseli’s conception of the Narrenbuch was a criticism of the ascetic methods of teaching employed at the Carolinum Collegium where he was training to become a Reformist Minister before he later became a well‐known artist in Britain. Furthermore, it argues that the Narrenbuch was also supposed to function as a type of male conduct book, thereby revealing the significant contribution Fuseli’s early works made to visual modes of instruction. By showing the extent to which Fuseli’s early drawings borrow from historical precedents and attitudes of Zurich intellectuals, the artist’s role as pedagogue is considered. By using Fuseli as a case study, the article suggests that artists often do more than “just” produce works of a didactic nature; rather their working methods, formalistic concerns and intellectual environment can all contribute to the potential pedagogic implications of their works.  相似文献   

詹姆逊的后现代马克思主义意识形态理论的归宿是“历史阐释的意识形态”。他首先探讨了历史主义的困境,奠定了“历史阐释”的方法论基础;其次,批判了解决这一困境的四种传统方法:物研究,存在历史主义,结构类型学,尼采式反历史主义;最后,提出了其“马克思主义”的解决方法,既克服主体困境,也克服客体困境。总之,我们只能通过本来接触历史,后现代马克思主义是一种绝对历史主义。  相似文献   

Ludwig Wittgenstein was a reclusive and enigmatic philosopher, writing his most significant work off campus in remote locations. He also held a chair in the Philosophy Department at Cambridge, and is one of the university’s most recognized even if, as Ray Monk says (1990, 401), ‘reluctant professors’ of philosophy. Paradoxically, although Wittgenstein often showed contempt for the atmosphere at Cambridge and for academic philosophy in particular, it is hard to conceive of him making his significant contributions without considerable support from his academic colleagues, his research fellowship and later teaching career at Cambridge. It is this conflicted relationship we explore, between the revolutionary thinker and his base within an educational institution. Starting from a brief biographical sketch of Wittgenstein’s academic life at Cambridge, including his involvement as a student and faculty member in the Moral Sciences Club, we look at how he reconceived the role of philosophy throughout this period of creative antagonism. Throughout his work, from the early Tractatus to his ‘Lecture of Ethics’, and again later in his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein drew a boundary between empirical science and philosophy: the latter defined as an investigation of language and the limits of meaning. Seldom at home at the university, he was also at odds with his chosen field, offering a therapeutic approach that allows readers ‘to stop doing philosophy when they want to’ (PI §132). We conclude our investigation of Wittgenstein’s relationship with the university and academic philosophy with insights from Pierre Hadot on philosophical inquiry as a vital part of the bios, a form of life that is the life-blood of academia. Hadot offers insights on Wittgenstein’s self-limiting narratives as a crucial aspect of what makes universities such important and enduring institutions, in spite of the vitriolic criticism they draw from iconic members like Wittgenstein.  相似文献   

This article offers analysis and critique of John Ogbu’s last ethnography, titled Black American students in an affluent suburb, in which he described a set of community forces contributing to the academic disengagement of African American youth. Its purposes are threefold: first, to briefly layout Ogbu’s findings; second, to compare these to findings emerging from the author’s current research on school factors that promote and impede success in school for working‐class and migrant students of Mexican descent; and third, to point to ways in which Ogbu, by his almost singular attention to the role of community forces, discounted the power of school factors – both as barriers to achievement and as forces for promoting school engagement and academic success. The article concludes with a discussion of the policy implications that flow from Ogbu’s analysis, as well as the author’s research.  相似文献   

Although not a well-known figure either in educational or South Carolina history, John Eldred Swearingen had a profound impact on the schools of the Palmetto State. Guiding the schools to transition from 19th-century academies to 20th-century schools, Swearingen held office from 1907–1922. During these years, Swearingen oversaw unprecedented legislation impacting attendance, funding, and curriculum. Swearingen's stance on African American education was unlike many of his contemporaries—he used a variety of methods to improve education and raiseconsciousness amongst his White politician counterparts.

All of these facts would make him a worthy subject of biographical study; however, that he achieved all these things while blind makes his life and career all the more worthy. Almost as overlooked as Swearingen's contributions to South Carolina is the role the state played in the Brown v. Board of Education decision via the Briggs v. Eliott case. Drawing from Swearingen's own words, the papers of his contemporaries, and both legal and historical analysis of the involved legal cases to present an overview of both Swearingen and Briggs, this article argues that without Swearingen's visionary leadership—or if he had not been undone politically—the road to Briggs would have been quite different—if it existed at all.  相似文献   

作者倡导扭转从中原看边疆的思维取向,主张从边疆发现历史,并对游牧社会不同于农耕社会的深层结构进行分析,认为游牧社会的经济和政治都极不稳定,其大起大落的关键原因在于牲畜繁衍与粮食作物生产机制存在着本质差异.这种生产机制的差异导致游牧和农耕两种社会类型不同的时空观念乃至法律结构.作者还从空间入手开展思考,对中国历史疆域法律地位加以探讨,强调疆域法律问题的研究最终目的在于阐明疆域的法律特性和法律地位.疆域法律地位的研究不同于边界研究,“中国历史上的疆域”的概念也不同于“中国历史疆域”的概念.关于中国历史疆域的“标准论”和“结果论”两种观点,只要厘清各自的操作概念和分歧点,就不会为此产生不必要的争论.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that the author of ‘The integration‐segregation debate: some sociological considerations’ ("BJSE, 6 (1)) fails to provide an adequate justification for not considering the contribution of the interactionist/interpretive paradigm to research, policy and practice in special education. His definition of the term ‘explanation’ is queried, and some consequences of ignoring this paradigm are spelt out. A critical examination of its historical influence would have enriched his own materialist account which, as it stands, fails to engage with progressive thinking in the area. It is suggested that the fault stems partly from the influence of a paradigmatic mentality.  相似文献   

以“三统、三正”的循环论,论定董仲舒“天不变,道亦不变”之形而上学的天道观与历史观,是错误的。董子的社会历史哲学是“继乱世者其道变”的不断更化的历史观;一切论定董仲舒的历史观为循环论者,实际上都有意或无意地回避了他对“汤武革命”的肯定;其历史哲学方法论是“举往以明来”;是“治国者以积贤为道”的政治论。概括起来即是:依照“三统、三道”不断更化的辩证进步的社会历史观。  相似文献   

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