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魏晋是道家思想在社会生活中发生巨大作用的时代 ,其发展阶段是 :建安年代是道家人生哲学挣脱外在束缚 ,追求人生真实的内容迅速扩展的时期 ,以曹丕、曹植为代表的邺下文人集团以此为指导 ,开始了一种全新的生活方式 ,对于思想的解放、人生的深刻认识和道家人生哲学的扩展起到了重要作用 ,是道家人生哲学走进生活的一个必然的阶段。魏晋之际的竹林时代是道家人生哲学在理论上获得重大发展的时期 ,正是在这一时代 ,道家的人生哲学获得了较深刻的理解和实践 ,道家学说成了竹林士人不二的选择 ,成了士人的人生指南 ,而在对道家人生哲学的理解和实践中又呈现出了多样性。至东晋 ,随着郭象等人内圣外王思想的普遍认同 ,士人对道家人生哲学的理解和实践趋于一致 ,人生被切入到审美的意境  相似文献   


In traditional Chinese philosophy, silence occupies a pivotal position by not being merely treated as the absence of speech, but also as the transcendence of it. Silence in early Confucianism implies the timing, subjects and issues to which one should not teach and talk about, and in depth it also refers to the manifestation of utmost sincerity rooted in the nature of both human and Heaven. For early philosophical Daoism, silence nicely represents the ineffable nature and spontaneous status of the Dao, the mother of myriad things and the principle by which they were ordered. The Daoist enthusiastically proclaims teaching without the use of words and governance without unreasonable interference. The Daoist silence is also based on the clear realization of the inescapable deviation amongst words, thought and truth, and such stance was further stressed by Zen Buddhism which reveals in nature the sunyata (emptiness) of all existences and thus enlightens the way of direct perception beyond words. In result, silence comes as a significant pedagogical method and an ideal realm to be reached; it implies not only silence in speech but also stillness in action and limpidity in mind. It also suggests that in the pursuit of true meaning the preoccupied goals and methods should be finally rested on silence, only by which can genuine perception emerge naturally. Silence in traditional Chinese philosophy has inspired abundant negative–like yet positive–targeting discourses and practices; a comprehensive discussion on them can deepen our understanding of the nature of knowledge, learning and teaching.  相似文献   

图像处理技术和相应的软件(photoshop)的出现,满足了人们的创作渴望,也顺应了社会发展的需求。对于计算机系的学生,除了拥有扎实的操作基本功之外,还要具备较强的艺术欣赏能力和创造能力。学好《图像处理》课,也为自己开拓了一条就业之路。  相似文献   

图像处理技术和相应的软件(photoshop)的出现,满足了人们的创作渴望,也顺应了社会发展的需求。对于计算机系的学生,除了拥有扎实的操作基本功之外,还要具备较强的艺术欣赏能力和创造能力。学好《图像处理》课,也为自己开拓了一条就业之路。  相似文献   

Therapy is usually described as an indoor activity, centring on verbal dialogue between therapist and client(s). Based on a qualitative study conducted with a group of children with learning difficulties, this article presents a way in which therapy can take place creatively in nature, which serves not only as a therapeutic setting but also as a non‐verbal medium and partner in the process. Using participants' voices to highlight the programme's protocol and impacts, the article presents elements from the innovative framework of nature therapy, offering practitioners concepts and methods that can be incorporated into their practice.  相似文献   

从人性的解蔽与整合角度来看,《金瓶梅》作者的人性观具体体现在自然性的揭启、德性的警示和理性的回归、人性的二元张力关系与整合趋向、人道主义关怀四个层面,其“回归理性与德性”的思想倾向尤其突出,可见《金瓶梅》作者有全面的并不偏颇的人性观。  相似文献   

中国传统哲学的特质及其创造性转化的新契机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从“传统”的关键词入手,分析了中国传统哲学在现代性中蕴涵的意义。通过比照西哲学概念框架结构的异同,强调了中国传统哲学创造性转换的重要性和可能性,即在吸收融合西方哲学、马克思主义哲学的精华,反省儒释道和宋明理学的基础之上,对中国哲学的传统,进行新的阐释、发展和创造性的转化。作从以下不同的祝角讨论了中国哲学的三个显的特质:中国哲学的创化日新,生生不已;相依相待,整体和谐;事实与价值的连接,语言与超语言的贯通。作认为,这些原创性的智慧是全人类极其宝贵的思想传统和思想来源。  相似文献   

万寿宫历史渊源考--金元真大道教宫观在山西的孤例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西省高平市上董峰村万寿宫,因当地民间人格神马仙姑而建,当地人又称之为马仙姑庙。自蒙古太宗十二年(1240年)至今,绵延七百余载,增修补建代不乏人。本文通过对庙内遗存至今的19通碑刻的研究,大致勾勒出了万寿宫的变迁史,并对万寿宫的宗教功能转化及派系源流作了必要的的梳理与考证,进而揭示出该庙与金元时期盛极一时的真大道教派之间的关系,指出了万寿宫是至今为止在山西发现的真大道教宫观的惟一遗存。  相似文献   


This study consists of two interdependent parts. First we categorise the environmental philosophies prevalent amongst environmentalists in India by comparing the way the environmental crisis is understood and what its causes and solutions are thought to be. In the second part, we use this categorisation for a case study of three high school science teachers in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Our aim is to find out what environmental philosophies underlay their teaching. In order to do this, we collected data by interviewing the teachers, observing their classrooms, and studying their textbooks. We then looked through our data for indications of the environmental philosophies found in part 1. Although the interviews showed some signs of Gandhian, Appropriate Technology, Eco-marxist, and other philosophies, in the classrooms the teachers adhered mainly to Ecological Modernisation and Eco-capitalist philosophies, and rarely expressed their own opinions. Despite progressive policy statements, the teaching was mainly textbook based, neglecting to consider systemic causes or solutions. One of the most significant findings was the prevalence of an idealist faith in a ‘Balance of Nature’ which was trusted to rectify upsets caused by human immorality.  相似文献   


This paper looks at a specific set of corporate images, namely photographs of apprentices of the Luxembourg steel conglomerate ARBED, and analyses how young workers are depicted in these images. The paper draws on a collection of 2251 glass-plate negatives (re)presenting ARBED’s industrial cosmos, including its vocational school the Institut Emile Metz. The roughly 160 images of apprentices contained in the collection put on display the apprentices’ bodies and a variety of activities in different contexts. The images’ contents testify to the institute’s programmatic hybridity and the constant (re-)mix of formal and semi-formal learning activities intended to educate natural, urban, mobile and communal men and future workers. Our focus is on Boy Scouts’ activities in a variety of different environments, which have functioned as a liminal space for educating a workers’ elite, mitigating the risks of industrialisation and fostering social harmony and cultural belonging.  相似文献   

人性灵:教育的人性论——解读涂又光教育思想之人性论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人生而蕴含灵性的潜能,随着人在社会生活中的正常成长、接受教育和自觉努力,灵性的潜能就会在不同人的心里不同程度地发育、生长。人性灵指人拥有丰富、微妙、敏感的精神状态,这体现在四个方面:灵动的意识生成独立的认识和体验,主动的意向形成能动的存在趋向,健全的自我促成自为、生成的生命形态,敞开的灵明引导超越的精神向度。教育应以性灵说为人性论,以发展人性为任务,通过和谐并进、相得益彰地发展人的知情意,促进灵性的充分敞开,促成人的全面发展。  相似文献   

"新干涉主义"是近年来西方流行的一种以捍卫人道主义为名,用武力干涉他国内政的政策和行径。"新干涉主义"的理论基础是"人权高于主权",其目的是在全世界维护和推行西方的"民主"和价值观,建立由西方主宰的世界秩序。由于"新干涉主义"违背国际法基本准则,破坏国际集体安全机制,粗暴践踏别国主权,因而遭到了国际社会特别是发展中国家的坚决抵制。  相似文献   

Examination of data from several mathematics education research projects has led the author to postulate a form of mathematical reasoning that learners engage in spontaneously and that is not inherently inductive or deductive. Transformational reasoning is generated through the learner's inquiry into how a mathematical system works. This sense of how it works may lead to a sense of understanding that may not be provided by inductive and deductive reasoning.  相似文献   

哲学与宗教争夺欧洲思想统治权的斗争构成西方思想史的基本问题.黑格尔力图通过以哲学改造基督教的策略建立哲学的统治.尼采则通过哲学生活的重建、建立一种全新的自然哲学文化确立哲学的统治.他们的哲学策略都预设了自然的可变性,从而陷入历史主义的困境.  相似文献   

国际关系学是一门年轻的社会科学学科 ,其知识体系和研究方法中存在很多不足之处 ,因此该学科目前尚处于“前科学阶段” ,相对于其他比较成熟的社会学科 ,其科学性更容易受到人们的质疑。中国国际关系学界对该学科的科学性认同水平较低 ,是导致研究水平难以提高的主要原因。正确认识国际关系学的科学性 ,加强科学研究方法的学习和创新 ,才能改变中国国际关系学的落后现状 ,使之更加专业化、科学化。  相似文献   

This study explored whether early childhood preservice teachers' concerns about teaching nature of science (NOS) and their intellectual levels influenced whether and how they taught NOS at the preschool and primary (K‐3) levels. We used videotaped classroom observations and lesson plans to determine the science instructional practices at the preschool and primary levels, and to track whether and how preservice teachers emphasized NOS. We used the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SOCQ) pre‐ and postinternship to determine concerns about NOS instruction, and the Learning Context Questionnaire (LCQ) to determine intellectual levels. We found that neither concerns about teaching NOS nor intellectual level were related to whether and how the preservice teachers emphasized NOS; however, we found that all preservice early childhood teachers began their internships with NOS concern profiles of “worried.” Two preservice teachers' NOS concerns profiles changed as a result of their internships; one to “cooperator” and one to “cooperator/improver.” These two preservice teachers had cooperating teachers who were aware of NOS and implemented it in their own science instruction. The main factors that hindered or facilitated teaching NOS for these preservice teachers were the influence of the cooperating teacher and the use of the science curriculum. The preservice teacher with the cooperating teacher who understood and emphasized NOS herself and showed her how to modify the curriculum to include NOS, was able to explicitly teach NOS to her students. Those in classrooms whose cooperating teachers did not provide support for NOS instruction were unable to emphasize NOS. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:213–233, 2010  相似文献   

可持续发展思想是当今时代的旗帜和灵魂,可持续发展之路是世界和中国的唯一选择。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法收集广西猫儿山国家级自然保护区有关游客职业、收入、性别、年龄、客源地等市场结构特征数据,以及游客获知渠道、旅游动机、感知分析等行为特征数据,然后采用统计模型与定量分析方法对收集到的数据进行分析处理,探讨了猫儿山自然保护区国内游客市场结构及行为特征,并以此提出以市场为导向进行旅游产品开发、充分利用事件营销等拓展猫儿山自然保护区旅游市场的措施。  相似文献   

海明威在短篇小说中表现出复杂自然观.在西方文化二元对立思想,尤其是基督教文化的人类中心主义思想影响下,海明威短篇小说体现出典型的人与自然二元对立和人类征服自然的人类中心主义思想.此外,海明威还时常把自然建构成具有人格魅力的人类对手,用来反衬他的“硬汉人物”形象.海明威在短篇小说中还表现出消极和积极两种层次的生态主义思想.  相似文献   

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