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通过对文献1求关键路径算法的分析,本文提出新的求解思路,采用同步计算比较模式代替原始的单步方式,克服了原始算法中存在的步骤繁琐问题,减少了求解步骤.同时省略原算法中的D、S矩阵,减少数据存储单元,节省空间,改进后的算法计算过程更加简单、有效.  相似文献   

俗话说 ,“旁观者清” ,此话一点不假。一份杂志的编辑、记者往往根据自己的思维定势编辑出版刊物 ,却很难找出存在的问题和不足 ,甚至不容易找到修正的方向。相反 ,读者作为“局外人” ,他们心里的那杆“秤” ,倒能称出你这份杂志的份量 ,能判别你的优劣所在 ,为你提供改进杂志质量的参考意见。本期的“编读往来”是《教育发展研究》杂志社一些热心读者在本刊召开的两次座谈会上的发言。我们认为 ,他们所谈的在一定程度上代表了相当一部分读者的心声。他们提出的批评 ,我们只有老老实实地接受 ,并努力予以改进 ;他们提出的建议 ,我们更应该仔细考虑 ,融入办刊实践。下面是部分参加座谈会读者的发言纪要。  相似文献   

于洪地 《丹东师专学报》2002,24(1):34-35,33
影响我国劳动力就业的因素:自然资源、人口增长、旧体制、资金短、劳动力素质的制约.  相似文献   

Mentoring theory and practice has evolved significantly during the past 40 years. Early mentoring models were characterized by the top-down flow of information and benefits to the protégé. This framework was reconceptualized as a reciprocal model when scholars realized mentoring was a mutually beneficial process. Recently, in response to rapidly changing organizational and social environments, scholars have explored other models of mentoring such as developmental networks. However, as we, the authors, reflect on our own experience of an informal mentoring process in an academic context we find existing models inadequately describe our experience. The model that best fits our story is a complex adaptive systems (CAS) perspective of the mentoring relationship, and we offer this lens to reconfigure current models.  相似文献   

Recent research on children's sport participation motives is examined to provide insight about potential sources of stress in organized youth sports. It is concluded that affiliation, skill development, success and status, excitement, and fitness represent the most important general motive factors for young athletes. A four-stage model of stress is outlined, extant empirical literature on stress in youth sports is briefly reviewed within this framework, and implications of these findings with regard to the stressfulness of athletic competition for children are discussed. It is proposed that future stress research in youth sports examine coach-player and parent-player interactions, the antecedents of competitive trait anxiety, other sources of stress in addition to performance-and success-related demands, and the role of participation motivation as a moderator variable in players' responses to various stressors. The need for research with younger children and participants in individual sports also is addressed.  相似文献   

我们得承认.这个专题.怎么说呢.通常散发着雄性激素的气味。说实话,汽车、飞机、武器和机器人这些东西,男孩往往比女孩更加喜欢。所以.本月我们决定让《科技酷品》多些女性色彩。是的.我们本期主题是化妆品。想用最好的化妆品打扮、烫卷、抹粉么?那么试试我们的指南吧!男孩们.我们知道你们可能会觉得这篇有些无聊,但往好处说,想想看化妆之后女孩们该有多漂亮吧。  相似文献   


冯阿信 《音乐世界》2010,(19):70-71
小栗旬有过马不停蹄的忙碌巅峰,一年有5部影视作品,花泽类的翩翩风采实在让他风光无限,忙过了头紧接着却是急转直下一蹶不振的低谷,终日打不起精神。虽然有朋友在身边守候,可是还是要靠自己豁然开朗,洞察到忙碌的意义,寻找自己最渴望的东西。初秋时节,小栗旬将和自己的两个好朋友一起出演日剧《兽医杜立德》,找寻人类生存的终极意义。  相似文献   

最近罢工潮席卷英国,导火索便是经济衰退引起的裁员和削减雇员工资,今年全球经济仍没有真正好转,还有再次探底的可能。在这种情形下,圣诞节又该怎么过呢?本文作者认为经济危机也许限制了人们对圣诞的方式,但却未尝不是一件好事。  相似文献   

Chinese painter Lai Dongmin took a step back to look anew at his works. . . All art enthusiasts know that one of the best ways to fully appreciate and understand the message of a painting is to step back further and further while you view its differing perspectives, especially if the work is  相似文献   

下面是一座城市的街道图,看起来很热闹哦!但是你仔细看看就会发现有许多错误。你能指出其中的12处错误吗?  相似文献   

大学第一年,对每个学生来说都是新鲜的。刚进入校园时,伴随着快乐情绪的,也有一些迷茫,究竟大学生涯如何度过?让我们看看美国大学生是如何解决这一问题的。  相似文献   

Finding our way     
Conclusion The guidelines presented here are based on my experience as a classroom teacher and a staff development coordinator for technology, and upon my study of the literature regarding the use of technology for instruction. I do not present these guidelines as a recipe for success in integrating the use of computers into instruction, nor as an exhaustive list of what must be done for integration to occur. To do so would be an oversimplification of a complex issue. There are many difficult decisions that schools need to make, and I offer these guidelines as a means for drawing upon the experience of those of us who are in the process of integrating technology into instruction. Even those of us who are heavily involved in this work feel as though we are just finding our way. I hope that what I have shared in this article will help others to find their way as well. He has taught math, science, and computer programming at the secondary level in the North Syracuse (New York) School District for the past nine years. During 1999–2000 school year, he coordinated the district’s staff development program for technology in addition to his teaching duties  相似文献   

一双泥糊般的9码战靴.作为第二次世界大战后期的丁艺品,在德围的Hurtgen森林被发现,当时的战役充满血腥,美国的死伤者达到31000人。去年跟着靴子同时被发现的还有两名士兵的残骸。核对死者身份的任务就落在JPAC的身上了,JPAC成立于2003年.任务是帮助五角大楼寻找失踪的军人,包括84711名陆兵、飞行员、水兵和海军陆战队队员,他们从二战之后就一直没有踪迹。  相似文献   

Finding the Way     
初到国外某地,必须学会问路,首先要学会怎么开口。为了表示礼貌,开口时首先要说Excuse me。例如:Excuse me,where exactly is the nearest hotel?Excuse me,can you tell us the way from here to the police station?  相似文献   


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