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I used to 1)peep through my window.There I could see the busy road,the 2)vendors selling a variety of things.My 3)caretaker used to tell me the names of things.  相似文献   

每一天数字都在变化,途经这里车上的人们的兴致与日俱增。我妻子终于在超过预产期后的第十四天进了产房,第二天清晨我们的女儿出生了。5:30分我离开医院时,在清晨静静  相似文献   

片名:创:战纪(Tron Legacy)导演:约瑟夫·科金斯基(Joseph Kosinski)主演:加内特·赫德兰(Garrett Hedlund)奥利维亚·王尔德(Olivia Wilde)杰夫·布里吉斯(Jeff Bridges)类型:动作冒险科幻《创:战纪》是迪斯尼斥资3亿美元打造的3D科幻动作巨制。《创:战纪》采用了与《阿凡达》相同的第二代电脑技术,可以把你带进影片营造的电子网络虚拟世界,这将又是一场革命性的视觉盛宴。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which criminal justice and criminology Ph.D. students are exposed to contemporary biological and genetic findings associated with aggression and violence. Drawing on multiple sources of information, we find little evidence showing that Ph.D. students are exposed to any biological research on crime and offending. We examine the consequences for this “trained incompetence” and offer suggestions for remedying this deficiency.

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. (John Stuart Mill)  相似文献   

从文化遗产、奥林匹克教育的内涵和内容入手,分析奥林匹克教育遗产的内涵,在此基础上尝试建立一套奥林匹克教育遗产的分类体系,并对可能形成的具有中国特点的奥林匹克教育遗产进行初步分析,以期能够促进北京奥林匹克教育工作更有效地开展,为国际社会留下珍贵的奥林匹克教育财富.  相似文献   

This article explores the findings of a small research study that asked writers to describe a meaningful, personal incident using first narrative and then poetic forms. The poetry raised many anxieties about writing, including the revelations of subjectivity and the risks in sharing such work with a group. To understand some of the complexities of these responses, the researchers thought of writing as an ecology with interdependent systems influencing the writing. Rereading the research texts, they traced some of those systems that affect students' writing and understanding of poetry.  相似文献   

迪尔凯姆对法律功能的分析开创了法社会学的功能主义传统,法律的功能体现了其所处社会的需要,即法律的功能与其原因具有内在的统一性。因此,功能主义是法社会学的重要分析范式,且仍有待于进一步研究和发展。  相似文献   

A Living Legacy     
Of increasing interest to educational researchers is the process of learning to teach and the role that teacher education plays. The teacher-socialization program of research has provided the most inclusive theoretical structure for such investigation. Unfortunately, this program has been discouraging. The outcomes indicate (a) a survival-oriented approach to teaching of the preservice student and (b) limited positive influence of teacher education on this development. Fortunately, evidence has emerged that poses a more encouraging, progressive view. This evidence stems from classroom research on the development of preservice students' perspectives on teaching. The purpose of this article is to review the outcomes from this literature and to identify possible implications for physical education teacher education (PETE). This paper focuses on four dimensions: (a) an overview of the construct of teacher perspectives, (b) the characteristics of the more progressive perspectives of the teacher education students, (c) the features of the teacher education program that influence those perspectives, and (d) possible implications for PETE. A caveat is included in this latter section that cautions generalizing outcomes from research in the classroom areas to physical education.  相似文献   

基于奇点理论中的映射芽的左右等价关系,本文对等变分歧问题引入一种新的等价关系,提出了多参数等变分歧问题的开折关于该等价关系的无穷小稳定性的新概念,给出了多参数等变分歧问题的开折是无穷小稳定的充分必要条件.  相似文献   

在语义规则上,"发展"一词蕴涵着在伦理上更好的价值取向,它并非表示与价值无涉的、杂乱无章的变化。因此,正是"发展"自身而非其它附加因素使得人类社会的发展实践具有伦理规范与价值色彩。"发展"自身所固有的价值色彩为人类的当下存在打开了未来性的向度,它引领人们先行进入到未来,去为当下的发展实践做积极的道德原则勾勒,并以此原则来统摄当下的发展实践。在具体发展实践中,主体性之人能够基于其理性慎思在多种可能性中做出自己的合情、合意、合理的选择,该选择赋予了人类的自由、价值与尊严。  相似文献   

This paper draws upon interviews with eight headteachers in ‘Northern LEA’, and examines (a) how the heads perceived their role in relation to the current period of rapid educational change, and (b) how they sought to cope with the increasingly difficult demands which they faced. The consequences of the current situation are considered in relation to a qualitative understanding of ‘high performance’ which recognises the situational complexity of the school as an organisation.

The heads made use of many sources of support; the most important were a network of informal contacts with other headteachers and an increase in the involvement of senior management team colleagues in the stresses and responsibilities of management. The paper concludes that despite the efforts of the heads themselves, the consequences of resource cuts and the Education Reform Act 1988 are likely to make the achievement and management of high performance increasingly difficult.  相似文献   

Utopianism and Education: The Legacy of Thomas More   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
'At the beginning, with Thomas More, utopia sets out an agenda for the modern world. Today, five hundred years later, what are the uses of utopia?' (Kumar, 1991, p. 85). This paper provides an answer to this question by examining More's utopian 'method' which, it is suggested, offers a model way of thinking imaginatively and prospectively about the form and content of social reform in general and educational change in particular.  相似文献   

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