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中国写意人物画正经历着从传统模式向现代模式的重大转变 ,如何把握传统与现代的关系、训练与创造的关系、写实与写意的关系、理念与生活的关系 ,本文对此作了思考。  相似文献   

In order to ensure that we will be able to complete the historic task of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) by the end of the century, and do so in a way that meets the quantitative as well as qualitative goals we have set for ourselves, we have, in the last several years, dedicated ourselves, under the leadership of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, to concretize the preeminent position of "popularizing NYCE" as the "most important of all the things that are important" in the realm of educational work. We have adopted powerful measures to grasp firmly the most key links and have done a down-to-earth job in promoting the work of "popularizing NYCE," and have accomplished relatively significant results.  相似文献   

旨在改变教育现实的教育学研究植根于实践的最好办法,就是解决教育实践中的重大问题,并从教育重大问题求解中提炼出解决时代教育问题的教育理论,以形成改变现实教育学的创生点.再通过进一步抽象概括,将其上升为教育学学科建设中的问题,进而针对学科建设问题,建构改变现实的教育学.就改变中国教育现实的教育学研究而言,则应从当下中国教育的现实处境出发,深切体会实践者对当前素质教育问题痛彻心扉的感受,将他们的思想和真实情感与研究者的理性思考结合起来,形成透彻理解当下素质教育实践的新理论,然后应用这样的理论解决当前素质教育实践问题,借助实践检验中创生的理论基点建构改变中国现实的教育学.  相似文献   

新《公司法》明确了股东知情权的司法救济渠道,使股东知情权诉讼有了具体的法律依据,但仍存在不足。分析股东知情权诉讼中原告资格、被告资格、诉讼请求范围、起诉前置条件、适用程序等实务问题,并提出具体的处理意见,以期进一步完善股东知情权制度,使股东知情权保护得到全面的保障和实现。  相似文献   

广播电视大学自创办以来主要是办高职高专教育,实践教学体系的建立与完善是电大实现应用型专门人才培养目标的重要保证.目前的主要问题是传统观念影响较深,实践教学地位较低:资金、设施投入不足;"双师型"师资缺乏:实践教学管理相放:教学计划缺乏高职高专特色等.解决问题的主要对策包括提高思想认识;建立完整的实践教学体系;加强"双师型"师资队伍建设;加强实践教学基地建设;围绕高职高专培养目标制定科学的教学计划;教材建设要准确定位等.  相似文献   

高职院校创业教育的目标定位与实践要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校应将创业教育的目标定位于培育创业型人才,包括实体创业人才和岗位创业人才。在此基础上,选择适当教育内容,确定合适教育形式,培养或聘请必要教师,采取合理评价手段,积极营造校园创业文化,并结合新的改革实践对原有创业教育资源进行调整和完善。  相似文献   

当前,无论在理念还是实践中,对高校党外知识分子的政治引领与使命要求还有一定差距,进一步从理论上深刻认识和全面把握党外知识分子政治引领的内涵、重要性以及实践路径非常必要。本研究拟梳理目前理论界针对党外知识分子政治引领问题的研究成果,研究加强高校党外知识分子政治引领的理论逻辑与实践要义。  相似文献   

结合地学专业特点加强“测量学“野外实习环节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯敏 《中国地质教育》2005,14(3):92-93,96
本文通过对非专业测量学野外实践教学的内容、方法的研究,提出了实践教学改革的必要性,认为要根据专业特点安排实习内容,并完善实习基地建设,达到学以致用的目的.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课研究型教学模式探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
开展研究型教学,对于实现思想政治理论课教学目的与功能、提高教学实效性具有重要意义。而思想政治理论课研究型教学模式的构建,既需要转变教育观念、创新教学方法,又必须改进教学管理方式和教学评价机制。  相似文献   

《建设产教融合型企业实施办法(试行)》是新时期国家为深化职业教育改革,推动产教融合、校企合作而出台的一份纲领性文件。建设产教融合型企业具有深远价值和意义,以此为抓手能够有效破解职业教育产教脱节难题,补齐职业教育短板和产业创新短板。现阶段,我国产教融合型企业建设的各项工作正处于起步阶段,为了保障产教融合型企业建设的有序推进,不仅要深刻理解产教融合型企业建设的现实要义和动因,还需要牢牢抓住产教融合型企业建设的关键性问题,即产教融合型企业的遴选标准量化、评价标准和评价机制构建以及激励政策的完善与落实。  相似文献   

“化归”刍论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着数学教学方法论的深入研究及其在数学研究与数学中日益广泛的应用,关于“化归”的议论很多,研究化归,既要挖掘它的独特性,也要探讨其积极方面与消极方面。在教学中,要发现和发扬化归过程中的创新因素,对“化不归”情形要进行深刻反思。  相似文献   

Amid today's acute competition on the international scene, universities are a major factor affecting a country's key competitive ability. Thus creating and running world-class universities should be one of the strategic foci of building up a country. Other than such mandatory requirements as having world-class teaching abilities and research results and powerful material and technical foundations, world-class universities must also lay particular emphasis on providing a relaxed and lively academic environment and on encouraging a scientific spirit of exploring and searching for the truth. Universities in developing nations must bring about "leaping" advances in terms of educational ideas, operating strategies, personnel systems, and administrative regimes and must be good at referencing the experience of other countries in advancing higher education, form a wide field of vision, and vigorously participate in international academic competition if they are to reach first-class world standards.  相似文献   

越来越多的国民在拥有了私家车的同时,也正经历着越来越多的烦恼,特别是因车辆发生交通事故后,在索赔问题上与保险公司发生的纠纷也呈现出越来越多的趋势.试就因车辆买卖未及时办理权属变更手续及未告知保险公司办理批改手续等几方面的问题作一探讨,以期能对解决这类纠纷有所裨益.  相似文献   

十一届三中全会前后,在事关党和国家的前途与命运的重大历史转折关头,邓小平领导全党既反“左”,又反右,对科学评价毛泽东和毛泽东思想作出了无与伦比的重大历史性贡献。他科学评价毛泽东和毛泽东思想的立场、观点和方法,对我们党以科学的态度对待马克思主义,对待党的历史和党的领袖,具有特别重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   




现在越来越多的学校开始关注学习者的需求,更有甚者还提出了“学生和家长是我们的上帝”。但是,有多少管理者曾想过教师也是学校的顾客呢?学校是提供教育服务的机构。机构要有效运作的话,学校就必须激发起教师的积极性和工作热情,最终达到让学生、家长乃至整个社会满意的目的。那么学校首先得向教师提供令他们满意的服务,为其创造适合其成长的专业生活环境。从这种意义上来说,不仅学生、家长是顾客,教师也是学校的顾客。这是一种新型的顾客观。一、新顾客观的内涵根据这种新顾客观,我们可以将“顾客”进行分级,如下表所示:教育的顾客这种顾…  相似文献   

The literature on teacher uncertainty suggests that it is a significant and perhaps inherent feature of teaching. Yet there is disagreement about the effects of these uncertainties on teachers as well as about the ways that teachers should regard them. Recognition of uncertainties can be viewed alternatively as a liability or an asset to effective teaching. Findings from the literature on uncertainties in teaching are summarized and analyzed, including explanations in the research about what accounts for and contributes to uncertainties. Recommendations for research and professional development are provided.  相似文献   

High-School Students' Attitudes Regarding Procedural Abstraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the last decade a new computer science curriculum has been taught in Israeli high schools. This curriculum introduces CS concepts and problem-solving methods independently of specific computers and programming languages, along with the practical implementation of those concepts and methods encountered in actual programming languages. The advanced study unit of the curriculum, Software Design, introduces the students to various aspects of software systems design through the use of abstract data types (ADTs). One main goal of the unit is to develop abstract thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. More specifically, the unit presents principles such as procedural abstraction, data abstraction, information hiding, modularity, efficiency, and reuse of code.We present the results of a preliminary study whose aim was to assess students' attitudes regarding procedural abstraction. The research population consisted of high-school students who attended the Software Design course (beginners), and a control group of undergraduate CS students (advanced). The results of the study clearly indicated a significant difference between the attitudes of the two groups. We found that the advanced students preferred algorithms that were formulated to some extent with high-level abstraction; however, they encountered a cognitive barrier when dealing with algorithms that they had evaluated as too abstract for them. However, beginners felt more comfortable with algorithms with low-level abstraction. Nevertheless they showed open-mindedness toward some degree of procedural abstraction. The results of the study were used to design scaffolding problem-solving tools for algorithm development, utilizing procedural abstraction techniques that can be adapted to various student populations (Haberman, B. (2002) SIGCSE Bulletin, 34(4), 60–64).  相似文献   

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