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从1955年2月创刊至今,《华中师范大学学报》已走过50年风雨历程,曾三度停刊,又三度复刊,从最初的文理合刊发展为文理分刊,从半年刊发展到双月刊(人文社会科学版)或季刊(自然科学版),学校在发展,学报也在不断成长壮大。人文社会科学版50年共发表论文3757篇,其中有不少著名学者的专题论文和中青年作者的获奖论文,推动了学术发展和社会进步,也展示了"忠诚、博雅、朴实、刚毅"的华师精神,彰显了百年老校的文化品位和学术品格。在湖北省历届期刊评比中,人文社会科学版均获省优秀期刊称号,并获湖北省出版佳作奖。在国家新闻出版署的期刊评比中,人文社会科学版被评为"双效期刊",进入中国期刊方阵。在中国人文社科学报学会两次期刊评比中,人文社会科学版蝉联"全国双十佳社科学报"。所有这些成绩的取得,离不开学校领导的重视,离不开新老作者的支持,离不开广大读者的关爱,也离不开几代学报人的艰苦努力。值此50年刊庆之际,我们约请部分学校领导、新老作者和前任主编发表感言,以(纟食)读者,并志纪念。  相似文献   

译文:玛丽和玛莉安走进冰激凌屋,在屋里发现了一个有10个大书架的图书室。“哇,玛丽。多好的房子啊!有这么多的书!',玛莉安高兴地叫道。接着,她从第一个书架上取出一本书,书名叫《许愿岛的历史》。玛莉安对这本书产生了兴趣,她一翻就翻到了第1295页……  相似文献   

自然自然地、自在地生成了人,同时生成了人的认识,人的认识本质上便也是自然的.面对自然的先在性和历久性,人之存在具有后在性和短暂性,这决定了人的认识具有“求之不得”性.虽然人的意识不过是存在生成历史中的异化,然而,自然自在的和谐包含着人的“求之不得”的认识,是自然自在生成的和谐认识的必然性.而这一切又都源于存在的种子性——存在以其种子性生成其历史.世界的存在无非是由最微小的部分构成的,是由这追求着和谐的不和谐而构成的大和谐--正因如此,“求之不得”获得了当下的意义,然而也只是当下的意义.  相似文献   

In two studies, we probed children's beliefs about wishing. In Study 1, we gathered initial data on 50 3- to 6-year-old children's concepts of wishing and beliefs about its efficacy, with both a semistructured interview and a variety of tasks. Results revealed considerable knowledge about wishing in young children, along with an age-related decrease in beliefs about its efficacy. Parents were not found to encourage differently the beliefs of children at different ages, nor were they found to begin actively discouraging such beliefs at any particular age. A moderate relation was found between environmental supports for wishing and children's beliefs in its efficacy. In Study 2, we continued to probe these issues and also address the nature of the broader conceptual context in which children situate their beliefs about wishing. Participants were 92 3- to 6-year-old children. Results of this study suggest that children may reconcile beliefs in the efficacy of wishing with knowledge about everyday mental-physical relations by situating these beliefs more within their emerging beliefs about magic than within their theories of mind.  相似文献   

愿"Z+Z"智能教育平台与新课程一同成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着新一轮课程的改革,初中数学课在教学内容的呈现方式、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式和师生的互动方式上都发生了重大的变革,为了实现这一变革,教学中急需一个教学平台来改进我们的教学手段,提高的我们的教学质量,由中科院院士张景中教授主持开发的"Z Z"智能教育平台*正是满足了我们的需要.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the re-traditionalisation of ‘wishing for dragon children’ creates difficulties for China’s current education reforms and informs the disquiet expressed by Chinese-Australians about Australian education. We develop this argument around three key propositions. First, we explore Confucianism and the civil service examination system in ancient China to situate the expectation of ‘wishing for dragon children’ historically. Second, we show that processes of re-traditionalisation exercise considerable vitality in modern China. They were used by Chinese Communist authorities for political control, and they now interrupt the de-traditionalising ‘Quality Education’ reforms. Third, we show that the re-traditionalisation of diasporic Chinese-Australians is evident in their negotiations with Australian education around their desires for ‘dragon children’. Parental ‘wishing for dragon children’ hinders or deflects China’s education reforms and subtly affects education in Australia. How to understand, judge and act on the problems of re-traditionalisation and de-traditionalisation remain significant concerns for educational research.  相似文献   

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