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The author describes how her perspectives as a teacher educator and as a parent were extended and enriched as her daughter entered school and learned to read. She highlights the importance of prioritizing love in her engagement with her child's teachers and in her professional thinking and actions as a teacher educator.  相似文献   

This research study examined faculty members' reaction to criticisms about the quality and design of teacher preparation programs at schools and colleges of education. The researchers found that there is confusion among teacher preparation professionals about their programs and research. The study also showed that, in general, teacher educators are resistant to change.  相似文献   

What can preservice teachers tell us about the impact of culture on literacy? Participants responded to an open-ended survey asking, “How do you think your culture influences what you read and write?” Three themes emerged in their answers: family influence, self-exploration through literacy, and the cultural politics of literacy. Further examination led to three premises about literacy. Findings highlight the importance of students’ literacy history and provide means for teachers to reframe their instruction, based on student voice.  相似文献   

This paper argues that constructivism is a needed educational reform that will succeed only when three types of readiness are in place: teacher, curricular, and societal. The failure of constructivism and other reform movements can he attributed to the fact that these three forms of readiness were never in alignment. The author contends that technological innovation may have sufficient impetus to encourage the three types of readiness. Nonetheless, reform will be truly successful only if it incorporates a constructivist philosophy of education.  相似文献   

This article describes the reading instructional program that first-graders in an urban school located in a large, Midwestern city received as a result of a grant initiative. Various assessments of the children's reading revealed some important areas for reading success were missing. As a result, suggestions were shared with the school staff to balance the first-grade reading curriculum. However, one confounding variable prevented the teachers’ ability to change their instruction.  相似文献   

Through a leadership for learning approach, a school–university partnership in a large, urban district was able to recruit, develop, and retain new and existing school leaders. Two cohorts of new leaders were trained while existing leaders enhanced their skills through professional development. Data indicated that the school–university partnership increased the overall percentage of new district leaders by over 19 percent, and met or exceeded all seven of its established targets for leadership development and sustainability.  相似文献   

教师专业发展学校:探索、经验与启示   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
教师专业发展学校是实现教师职前培养与在职培训一体化的一种新的探索。它在认可中小学校对于学生发展的价值的基础上,强调学校也是教师发展的场所。教师专业发展学校不仅促进了实习教师的专业成长和中小学生的发展,而且也为大学教师和中小学在职教师提供了对话的平台。专业发展学校的发展历程为我们提供了许多有益的启示:实习教师的“临床实践”是其完成教师角色转变的必经之路;教师教育必须与学校教育改革实践紧密结合;教育理论与教育实践的沟通必须在理论主体与实践主体的“对话”中实现。  相似文献   

Since PreK–12 student achievement is the primary focus of schools, all teachers are called to serve as teachers leaders and improve learning on their campuses. Rather than waiting until they have gained experience, teachers can begin acquiring the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of teacher leaders during their preservice programs. Drawing upon published literature, this synthesis paper recommends reflection, service learning, and involvement in university-level student professional organizations as ways to prepare preservice teachers to become teacher leaders.  相似文献   

教师专业化与本科学历小学教师的培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业化是师范教育改革与发展的时代潮流。本科小学教育专业纳入高等教育体系后,必须以教师专业化为目标,思考在高等教育背景下如何培养适应基础教育发展需要的新型的专业化的本科学历的小学教师。  相似文献   


Research-based instruction is necessary to support students’ reading development, and professional development (PD) is a critical avenue to ensuring high-quality instructional practices. To date, there has been no comprehensive review focused on the effects of teacher PD on student reading achievement. As such, the purpose of the present meta-analysis was to examine the impact of teacher PD on reading outcomes for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. A secondary aim was to determine whether study, program, or participant characteristics were potential moderators of these effects. A comprehensive search of published and unpublished research between 1975 and 2017 resulted in 28 studies that met prescribed criteria. Results indicate that teacher PD has a moderate and significant, positive average effect on reading achievement. However, moderator analyses did not explain the variance in the effects of PD on student outcomes. Primarily, studies represented typically-developing students in the elementary grades, with only three studies including middle school students and four studies including reading outcomes of students with or at-risk for reading disabilities. Recommendations for improved study designs that allow for more in-depth investigation of the characteristics of effective PD and mechanisms of change in student outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research study of 28 literacy teacher educators (LTE) in four countries: Canada, the USA, England and Australia. It identifies three main forms of professional development: informal, formal and communities of practice and four spheres of knowledge: research; pedagogy of higher education; literacy and literacy teaching; and current school district and government initiatives. The study reveals the sheer scale of knowledge required to be an effective LTE and demonstrates how participants used the three forms of professional development to enhance their knowledge in each sphere. It concludes that the professional development of teacher educators is not conducted systematically; rather, it is quite ad hoc with much of it occurring through learning while doing. All had to construct their own programmes for professional development, which added yet another layer to their responsibilities.  相似文献   

Today's technology-based society and the vast influx of new information make leadership development a necessity. Many of the world's finest and most successful leaders have trusted mentors. Mentoring has emerged as a means to cultivate the leadership skills of current and future leaders. Mentoring has a rich history and harbors immense learning potential, which is supported by the theories and concepts of prominent researchers and philosophers such as Vygotsky, Rogoff, and Bruner. Mentors take on various roles and, like chameleons, transform their roles to fit the needs of their mentees, including becoming coaches, supporters, counselors, educators, and sponsors. The benefits of both mentors and mentees are extensive, ranging from increased self-esteem, awareness, insight, and professional skills to reduction of stress. While the benefits to mentoring are immense, personal and societal constraints such as time, incompatibility, and inadequate training show that engaging in mentoring takes immense time, effort, and commitment in order to obtain the desired results.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中、后期,一场被称为“教师研究”的教育实验运动席卷美国,学校教师(K-12)成为课堂教学研究的主体,这一教育实验运动的成效尤见于语言教学领域。联系到目前我国中学英语教学研究的现状,身处一线的教师虽掌握着课堂教学的第一手资料,却由于缺少学科理论上的指导和研究手段上的训练而无法成为教学研究的主体。教师研究对中学英语教师的职业发展和英语教学效能的提高具有着十分重要的意义,因此在我们的师范教育课程设置中应增强旨在提高师范生和在职培训教师的研究能力的研究型培养模式。  相似文献   

This article examines how one educator embraced Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) while using drama to scaffold learning about Dr. Seuss's The Lorax for first-grade students. This learning event is interpreted with reference to the ZPD and the New London Group's pedagogy of -multiliteracies. The author asserts the importance of considering both old and new pedagogical -theories when approaching present practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a two-year research project aimed at developing a teacher professional development (TPD) model in Indonesia. New government policies in this nation, its archipelagic nature, vast numbers of teachers and scarcity of support resources present a unique challenge to TPD. A needs assessment was conducted to identify teachers’ professional needs. Based on the results of this assessment, a dual-mode TPD that combines face-to-face sessions and online sessions was developed. Participation in face-to-face sessions was relatively high but the participation rate in online sessions was very low. Incentives, teachers’ autonomy as professional learners, ICT skills and infrastructure are important considerations when designing TPD in Indonesia. This study and an analysis of TPD policy allow us to suggest future directions for TPD in Indonesia.  相似文献   

论特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展策略   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
从分析特殊教育学校师资队伍中存在问题入手,探索了特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展的方法:“以人为本”的理念;提出了关于特殊教育学校师资队伍专业化发展的观点:建立完善的人才制度,改革评价与激励教师的制度,把发展学校的目标与发展教师的个人目标有机地结合起来,营造和谐校园,缓解教师的压力等较“人性化”的观点。  相似文献   

The Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS) were created to stimulate discussion around the leadership responsibilities teachers assume in schools. This study used the TLMS to gauge the self-reported leadership responsibilities of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs). The NBCTs reported engaging in all domains of the TLMS, most frequently with Domain 1: Fostering a collaborative culture to support educator development and student learning, and least frequently with Domain 7: Advocating for student learning and the profession.  相似文献   

As state legislatures and noneducation agents become increasingly involved in regulating the preparation of teachers, the long-term consequences of the resulting policies—which prioritize economic efficiency over investments in the cultivation of a stable, professionalized workforce—are of concern. This article uses insights from political economy to examine the model of teacher preparation that derives from these sources, with particular attention devoted to Indiana's Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability.  相似文献   

教师专业化是现代教育发展的必然结果,是进一步完善教师资格制度的主要依据。作为教师专业化的重要维度,教师资格制度对于优化教师队伍、提高教师综合素养、促进教师专业发展具有极为重要而深远的意义。但是,随着教师专业化时代的到来,目前我国中小学教师资格制度在专业知识、专业技能、专业情意的规定上还存有诸多隐忧,无以满足教师专业化发展的时代诉求。为此,确立非师范生教育理论知识的课程标准或学分要求、规定教育实习的时间及其评价标准、实行教师资格定期认证制度、就成为完善教师资格制度,促进教师专业化发展的必由路径。  相似文献   

Producing high-quality teachers should be a shared goal and a shared endeavor -between those who prepare teachers in universities and those who support teachers’ learning in schools. Yet, teacher education has been portrayed more as a dichotomy than a continuum of lifelong learning, beginning with the preservice teacher and continuing throughout an inservice teacher's career. When schools and universities work together, especially in professional development school -contexts, this goal can be actualized.  相似文献   

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