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随着计算机技术的发展,在项目开发过程中,不断的需要开发一些大型、复杂的软件,如果在开发过程中,做好记录程序运行状态的日志,并及时对这些日志进行统计,将大大提高系统的开发效率。文章给出了TRACE日志统计程序设计,并给出了单进程的运行界面。同时为了让程序适用于云平台,文章还给出了自动部署设计程序。  相似文献   

英语学习日志是指学生以英语日记的方式记录与他们的学习,生活、情感等有关的一种英语学习活动,是一种有效的语言输出方式,对促进学生的英语学习有着潜移默化的重要作用,在大学英语教学中有积极的意义。在英语学习日志促进教学这一教学活动中,英语教师要发挥民主性、充分利用与学生交流情感的机会、利用学习日志对学生的学习进行合理引导、重视英语学习日志,从而提高大学英语教学质量。  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to model pauses extracted from writing keystroke logs as a way of characterizing the processes students use in essay composition. Low‐level timing data were modeled, the interkey interval and its subtype, the intraword duration, thought to reflect processes associated with keyboarding skills and composition fluency. Heavy‐tailed probability distributions (lognormal and stable distributions) were fit to individual students' data. Both density functions fit reasonably well, and estimated parameters were found to be robust across prompts designed to assess student proficiency for the same writing purpose. In addition, estimated parameters for both density functions were statistically significantly associated with human essay scores after accounting for total time spent writing the essay, a result consistent with cognitive theory on the role of low‐level processes in writing.  相似文献   

教师的专业化发展,需要教师对日常的教育行为不断地总结与反思.在目前高中教师普遍具有较大工作负担和心里压力的情况下,一方面既要让教师的反思行为变得简便易操作,又要在一个宽松有趣的环境下实施;另一方面其反思的内容要能真实反映教育有效性原则.  相似文献   

阐述了动态取证的特点,基于基本的数据挖掘算法,结合约束属性的限制,设计了一种改进的WWW日志的动态取证模型,并且用程序进行了简单的实现。实践证明,该方法提高了对WWW日志的挖掘效率和准确率,为案情提供了有效线索。  相似文献   

本文用于实现一种基于Windows主机日志的取证分析方法.提出了基于Event ID分类模型的冗余数据清理技术、基于FP_Growth的日志分析算法PFP_Growth、基于模拟攻击的格式化规则匹配方法以及基于规则库与属性跟踪的场景重构方法.经过实验证明了PFP_Growth算法在日志分析方面的高效性和重构方法的有效性.  相似文献   

在人生的路口,你会做出怎样的选择?千万要记住:不要选择锴误的路,否则,当青春已逝时,再痛心疾首,后悔遗憾,只是徒劳无益的。  相似文献   

~~两兄弟@支振彪 @喻江云  相似文献   

快速高效获取图像语义是基于语义的图像检索系统实现的关键,也是当前研究的热点.该文提出了一种利用检索系统的用户点击记录学习图像语义的方法,通过对用户检索时反馈日志的分析获得图像的语义标注并对标注信息加以改善.实验证明该方法对于图像语义的学习具有较好的效果.  相似文献   

文章探讨了二则与武器相关的经验定律,分别是1、多管因子与火箭炮效能定律和2、装甲车辆的抭毁定律。显然,它们具有一定的、可供参考的实用价值。  相似文献   

系统日志,是一种记录系统运行过程中出现的系统告警、提示和报错的文档。该文档信息对于维护系统正常运行起着重要作用,通过对不同日志内容的分析,可以对当前系统运行状态正常与否做出客观判断。尤其是当系统出现故障时,正确地分析系统日志可以有效而迅速地判断出故障点,对快速恢复电子邮局系统起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

近读《艺概注稿》《苏辙集》二书,发现其中字词句间有错讹。鉴于二书具有很高的文献学术价值,故列举其错讹,供再版时参考。  相似文献   

The provision of a professional development programme for distance tutors can be problematic because of the need for flexibility to cater for a variety of working practices, or to overcome the hurdles imposed by geographical remoteness. At the UK Open University, online networks are widely in use for teaching and learning, and we are actively exploring their potential for professional development. This paper describes the Supporting Open Learners in A Changing Environment project, which has piloted a reflective approach to professional development using a log to structure reflection, which is then shared with others in a computer conference. Our evaluation of tutors’ perspectives of the project indicated that all participants found the experience stimulating and helpful for identifying and sharing issues of student support, although some found the process unexpectedly time consuming. We believe there is considerable potential for such an approach to networked reflection among distance tutors, provided the issue of tutor time can be addressed.  相似文献   

本文对著名的外森比克不等式及芬斯列尔——哈德维尔不等式给出了简捷的三角证明.  相似文献   

从文本出发,解读了“知识分子写作”代表诗人西川和“下半身”盟主沈浩波的同名诗歌《一个人老了》。通过对这两首诗歌的比较,结合知识分子诗人和民间诗人的论争来探讨这两首诗之间的内在联系,并由此为例浅探知识分子写作和民间写作在当今诗坛各有诟病的原因。  相似文献   


Twenty six primary school headteachers in the Midlands of England were interviewed about headteacher appraisal at a point when all of them had been appraised at least once and when in most cases they had been involved in the appraisal of other heads. One set of questions related to the benefits heads perceived that they had received from the headteacher appraisal process. The majority of heads did perceive such benefits and this article explores the nature of these claimed benefits. They included the opportunity to reflect on one or two longer term developmental issues, as opposed to the normal headteacher routine of crisis management on a number of fronts simultaneously; the chance to have a second opinion on their managerial practice; the feeling that someone was observing their work with care and could give praise when due; the possibility of making comparisons with the practice of other heads. Some heads felt they gained more benefits from being an appraiser of other heads than from being appraised themselves. Some of the arrangements for headteacher appraisal had involved more mutuality than the government had originally envisaged, but it is argued that this may have also brought about some unanticipated benefits.  相似文献   

In keeping with the increasing importance of technology, the "war of words" between those born in the 1980s and those born in the 1990s has been largely fought through online videos, blogs, and Internet forums. This article also reveals how each new generation is eager to take its place at the center stage and how young generations reaching maturity are reluctant to abandon their pride of place.  相似文献   

工具书、中学语文课本将“惊涛”解为使人震惊的波涛;“惊”不应是说人,而应是修饰“涛”的,可解为汹涌(凶猛)的波涛。中学语文课本中陆游《过小孤山大孤山)的“有俊鹘抟水禽,掠江东南去,甚可壮也”在释词断句上不妥,应改断为“有俊鹘抟,水禽掠江东南去,甚可壮也”,这样,解释起来才文从字顺理通,也符合文章的语言艺术风格。  相似文献   

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