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强化德育的地位是世界各国教育的趋势。为进一步加强我国德育的育人功能,增强学校德育的有效性,需要从树立尊重学生个性的健全人格教育理念、建立分层递进的德育目标、建构重视实践认知的德育教育模式、实现德育途径在学校、家庭、社会、自然上的"四位一体"等四大方面入手,进行学校德育的改革,在实现社会合力的教育模式和教育途径的基础上,使学校德育真正实现培养健全人格、净化心灵、强化意志力和行动力、陶冶情操、升华品质的目标。  相似文献   

网络时代的出现使大学生的思想和行为表现出一些与以往不同的特征,高校的马克思主义哲学课程因此凸现一系列问题,如教育对象价值观多元化,教师权威受挑战,教学内容较陈旧,手段单一等。教学改革应遵循方向性、疏导性、主体性的原则,具体对策包括提高教师素质、丰富充实和及时更新教学内容、引进现代教学手段、建立相关网站或栏目及加强对学生网络行为的引导和教育。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情给学校教育带来深远影响,随着疫情形势持续向好,越来越多的学校已经分类分批、错时错峰返校复课,我国疫情也进入了“外防输入、内防反弹”的阶段,这意味着我国将率先进入后疫情时代。后疫情时代对学校教育带来诸多新挑战和新要求,同时也带来新机遇,学校教育变革的必要性和紧迫性再一次凸显。未来,学校教育将走向线上与线下混融共生教学,将走向家校合作共育,将更注重对生命健康的教育。学校教育面对疫情影响的挑战、变革转型趋势前瞻性的探索和分析,以期为我国后疫情时代学校教育的变革和发展提供相关启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a comparison of two research approaches of the study of the reflective practice in two different modes of tele‐guidance of the school practicum. The results of two studies were contrasted encouraging the dialogue between researchers coming from different research paradigms. Although the researchers in the two studies shared some perspectives on educational practices and student teachers’ reflection, the studies resulted in two different reports on student teachers’ reflection. Ontological, epistemological and methodological beliefs in both studies are related to a rationalistic and a naturalistic paradigm informing the two research sites. Researchers’ voices in both studies have been interacting, changing and developing but the differences in beliefs between the two sites seem to have contributed to the different analyses and results.  相似文献   


The authors sought to determine if an urban school district's effort to fundamentally change teaching, assessment, and intervention practices increased student achievement and decreased achievement variation among classrooms in 11 high schools. They examined Grade 11 mathematics achievement data from the 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 Kentucky Core Content Test. The sample consisted of 2,451 students in 11 high schools that implemented an initiative called Project Proficiency. The study used hierarchical linear modeling to determine if changes in instructional practices yielded academic gains, while controlling for individual and school socioeconomic status (SES) and prior student achievement. The analysis revealed that Project Proficiency had a significant impact on state mathematics achievement and reduced classroom variation by 55% in the final model, as opposed to 16% in the control group. Results also indicated that a school's SES had a greater influence on student achievement than an individual student's SES.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,美国基础教育改革的重要特征之一就是越来越严格地推行问责制。问责制对美国的学校领导者提出了新的要求和挑战,极大地推动了美国学校领导发展的变革。这些变革主要包括:确立新的学校领导标准;提高入学标准;实施实践性教学策略;建立强有力的实习制度;大力发展在职学习。  相似文献   

Student mobility is a topic that frequently surfaces in discussions about the problems of urban schooling. Surprisingly, it tends to fade from the agenda as discussion turns toward reform initiatives and school restructuring. Student movement, however, penetrates the essential activity of schools--the interaction of teachers and students around learning. Using data from Chicago public elementary schools, I first describe the extent of urban school instability. Many schools, in fact, do not have a stable cohort of students whose progress they can track over time. Second, I explore the causes of this high level of instability, connected both to residential mobility and to more school-related reasons. Distinctive patterns emerge that reveal clusters of schools that are closely tied by the students they exchange from year to year. Third, given this context, I examine the impact of mobility on students, schools, and urban education more generally. Recent school reform efforts that center on promoting greater local school autonomy implicitly assume that students will attend a specific school consistently enough that the school can "make a difference" in their achievement. In the unstable urban context, however, even improving schools lose their accomplishments as students transfer, and mobile students forfeit the benefit of continuity of school services. Thus, not only does mobility impact individual students who are changing schools, it has deep (though often hidden) consequences for the schools these students attend and for the systemic changes intended by local school reform.  相似文献   

在众多盲教育工作者期盼的目光中,《盲校义务教育课程设置实验方案》(以下简称新方案)于2007年2月终于正式颁布执行了。作为一线的教师,我们在兴奋之余,更多的是细细研读与思考。新方案在培养目标、课程结构、课程设置等方面较现行的教学计划均发生了较大的调整和变化,它充分考虑了社会的发展和残疾儿童的各种特殊需要,具有鲜明的时代感,这势必催生盲校教学的一场嬗变。  相似文献   

教材更新不仅是高校为适应高等教育发展所提出的内在要求,同时也是社会、时代的发展等外部环境的迫切需要。建立健全教材更新机制是一个复杂的系统工程,文章从宏观、微观不同角度对教材更新机制进行了一定的研究和探索,其中分析和论述了机制的结构模式和各部分职能,以及有关机制运行时的关键环节。  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a study of learning, race, and equity in an urban high school organized around specialized learning academies, we examine the ways in which the design, framing, construction, and organization of learning spaces deeply influences the types of access to rigorous learning that students experience. We draw on the notion of racialized learning pathways to examine access to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning spaces and the ways in which decisions about engaging these learning settings are bound up in notions of race, racial identity, gender, and belonging. We also take up the questions of how researchers and educators can intentionally design for positive racialization toward more inclusive school organization and classrooms. This article contributes to understanding of (a) how learning and identity development are mediated by broader processes of racialization tied to schooling organization and access structures and (b) how racial and gender inequities in STEM can be both reproduced and contested in large urban schools serving racially and socioeconomically diverse students. We contribute to the literature on equity and access in STEM by attending to the racialization processes that we argue are always at work in urban schools, particularly so in schools that are organized into pathways demarcated along racialized lines.  相似文献   

The American system of higher education is under attack from critics who charge that universities and faculty have disengaged from teaching and abandoned basic relationships with communities. There is continuing need for development of insight and knowledgeable responses to these criticisms and challenges. The urban universities in America have an opportunity to demonstrate the characteristics claimed to be missing from higher education. A discussion of the urban university as an institution in partnership with the community is provided together with recommendations for reform in scholarship, curriculum, teaching, and service.  相似文献   

图书馆建设是学校建设的一个重要组成部分,也是师生获取知识信息和进行素质教育的一个重要场所。随着信息时代的到来,中学图书馆必须适应新形势。尤其是在素质教育中的地位,对信息资源的利用以及图书管理员的素质等方面必须充分重视,加快建设和发展,为培养符合新世纪要求的高素质人才作贡献。  相似文献   

校本课程的特色与学校更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校更新是指学校在原有基础上朝着积极的方向变化,包括学生、教师和学校的发展。通过校本课程的开发,可以满足学生的需要,锻炼教师的专业能力,彰显学校的办学特色,达到促进学校更新的目的。有特色的校本课程是具有针对性、独特性、适切性的课程。校本课程特色形成的机制是:基于学校,联系社区;以教师为主体,实现多方力量的协商对话;将课程开发、实施、评价融入同一过程之中;完善校本课程开发的保障系统。以校本课程的开发实施促进学校更新的基本主张是:在共建课程文化的过程中推动学校的更新,以特色课程的实施为轴心彰显学校特色。  相似文献   

传统物理习题教育由于脱离物理现象原貌而不利于学生的思维发散和科学研究能力的培养,而原始物理问题的提出可有效解决这些问题。通过对原始物理问题教学的探索,激发学生学习物理的兴趣,了解物理与生活的紧密之处,从而发散思维,提高科学研究能力。  相似文献   

The pace of educational reform has been increasing significantly at the global level and teachers have significant roles to play in such reform movements. This paper compares the beginning teacher identity of primary teacher trainees in Trinidad and Tobago with the concept of the teacher that seems to underpin present reform initiatives. Beginning teacher identity, explored through the use of a questionnaire and interviews, is portrayed as images and metaphors. It seems to encapsulate the missionary ideology of teaching and the notion of child-centred pedagogy, with the classroom as the centre of interaction between pupil and teacher. The reforms, on the other hand, look to teachers to support, as well, the decentralisation effort that calls for collaboration with the community, and the promotion of continuous assessment practices that calls for collaboration across grade levels in the school. Both the community focus and the school focus are likely to pose problems for beginning teachers who maintain a classroom focus. The paper highlights the need for reform efforts to take into account the gaps between existing teacher identity images and those envisioned for the reformed system.  相似文献   

Research on restructuring in education has focused mainly on the early stages of organizational and curriculum change. Whether the changes introduced through restructuring endure, and whether they result in long‐term benefits for students and teachers remains in question. This paper argues that the dynamics of ‘institutionalization’ and ‘renewal’ drawn from prior research on the implementation of educational innovations applies to changes wrought through restructuring, as well. The argument is presented in light of past research on institutionalization and a longitudinal case study of a restructured high school.  相似文献   

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