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五四时期,傅斯年的思想世界异常丰富,有不少关于人生问题的讨论。这些论述是在近代中国心灵秩序危机的背景下产生的,反映了傅斯年寻求确定性的思维取向,也展示了他生命的前半期的生活、思想与精神历程。五四运动之前,傅斯年经历了"小孩子"到"弄潮儿"再到"夜猫"的身份转换,并开始探索人生观以解决社会问题与人生问题;但因五四运动的刺激,他的人生观出现了"自然与人生"的危机,因而他决定赴欧留学,研究心理学以寻求"真我",但终无果而逐渐回到了历史学的实证研究中。在寻求过程中,傅斯年从构建个人、社会与历史的秩序到"改造自己",从信仰到怀疑再寻求,终未跳脱科学实证论的笼罩。他以科学实证论为确定性,却难以安顿人生,这构成了他生命的矛盾,也表征了五四时代知识人的心灵秩序危机。  相似文献   

It is likely that counselor trainees will be exposed to suicidal clients and subsequently face personal dilemmas, stress, and feelings of incompetence. Ethical guidelines mandate that supervisors have procedures to assist supervisees in such times. Currently, the literature does not provide a framework for providing such supervision. This article presents a theory‐grounded model to assist the supervision of supervisees working with suicidal clients.  相似文献   

The article brings into question the issue of regional network strategies aiming at implementing structures of lifelong learning in the local context, the so‐called learning communities. Facing a broad diversity in their implementation all over Europe, one can observe on the other hand much less effort to discuss conceptual frameworks that deal explicitly with this subject as a whole. Yet it seems essential to categorise these colourful patterns of practice and to identify key issues—notably with regards to the aspect of lifelong learning—to develop the discourse further and to render it adaptive to international debate.

For this purpose the paper draws attention to three instrumental case studies of learning communities (a Norwegian one, an English one and a German one) that were conducted within an exploratory research strategy. Designed as a between‐method triangulation, the case studies represent a mixed qualitative‐quantitative approach by means of an anonymous questionnaire and half‐standardised interviews. The members of the network and its key stakeholders from the meta‐level were investigated just as the local framework itself. Hence, the study intends not only to demonstrate exemplarily the European variety of learning communities, their origins and leading structures, but also to propose a further structuring of the topic by introducing a typology of learning communities. This eventually opens up controversial issues about lifelong learning strategies in general; for example the question, if these strategies will possibly rather widen already existing structures of inequality and exclusion than raising participation in lifelong learning.  相似文献   

This article describes the CREST (Creative Resources Enriching Student Talents) program's creative arts model for gifted elementary school students. Using Type I, II, and III activities adapted from Renzulli's enrichment triad model, courses in the visual and performing arts using community resources and artists are scheduled to broaden and enhance each child's creativity. The process encompasses both the gifted and talented students for whom art studies are a growth experience. Identification, goals, planning, curriculum design, and management are explained, and evidence of successful Type III projects are documented.  相似文献   

This article examines an extended argument about density among a small, multi-graded, middle school class of 10 studeWnts. The argument is examined from several perspectives with the primary focus on (a) the argument as an example of a chaotic and complex system, (b) the emerging development of understandings, and (c) the underlying cognitive structures affecting the students' understandings. Student talk during the class sessions were audio and videotape recorded. Each group of 3 or 4 students was individually audio recorded. A single video recorder was used to capture excerpts of each group's dialogue, as well as intergroup dialogue. The argument began after students predicted which of an assortment of different objects would or would not float. The specific case of a block of ebony initiated the argument and acted as the initial attractor, which developed into 2 opposing assertions: 1 side proposing that the pressure on a larger volume of water affects the density and the other side proposing that the molecules of water cannot be compressed. Extensive conceptual development occurred as the argument progressed with a variety of bifurcation points leading to new but related conceptual themes and higher levels of complexity. Several underlying structures, which have been referred to as interpretive frameworks (Bloom, 1992a) and p-prims (diSessa, 1993), played a central role in the development of both understandings and the argument itself. Such interpretive frameworks included (a) uniformity of molecular size and weight across different substances, (b) directionality of pressure, (c) external forces (e.g., gravity) affect pressure, (d) pressure affects density, and (e) surface area affects action of external forces on pressure.  相似文献   

从伦理学意义上讲,人始于脑生之后(即受精卵发育10周时脑功能启动之后),终于脑死之时。伦理学意义上的人的特点是拥有感受性,感受性的存在是其享有完整的道德地位以及人们可以对他进行道德评价的前提条件。这样,以脑生/脑死,换句话说以感受性的存在与否为标准,人就可以分成两类:一是生前之人和死后之人,二是普通的人(亦可称为伦理人)。生前之人和死后之人尽管也是人,但因不具备感知能力而难以享有与普通的人同等的道德地位。在发生权益冲突之时,生前之人与死后之人要让位于拥有感受性、因而享有更高道德地位的普通人(伦理人)。这一点不仅为堕胎,而且也为治疗性克隆提供了重要理据。  相似文献   

This article probes how philosophical structures are immanent in empirical work and how philosophy might be understood when it is within the precincts of science. My interest is in both opening philosophy to disruption by a science that knows itself as inside history and opening science to the costs of its inability to tolerate the necessary lack in any determinism. Against the more typical focus on how philosophy provides the reason of science, here the task is to rethink the relation between empirical work and philosophy in a way that posits an engagement with not knowing as an ethical and political move. The goal of such a project is a double(d) science that works the necessary tensions that structure contemporary social science as fertile ground for the production of new practices where theoretical complexities are used as tools to make a material difference in terms of “what works” in the public interest.  相似文献   

与普通话声母相对照,沦州方言中声母的主要问题是:平翘音相混;有尖音;有齿间音;声母n舌尖后移;辅音r被元音i替代;零声母音节加声母。对以上各条详述分析,找出规律,以利于沦州人正确、方便.高效地学好普通话。  相似文献   

This commentary on Robert May's paper points to his varying uses of the term "voices." At times, he speaks of the conflict of "voices" within the individual. At other times, he speaks of the conflict of "voices" within the institution. And still further, he seems to be referring to the difference in "voices" connected with different professional identifications. Keeping the focus exclusively on the conflict of "voices" within the individual, this paper will also address issues similar to those raised by May. From this author's perspective, May appears to establish the "psychotherapeutic voice" as the ideal from which we inevitably, and unfortunately, must depart. Preferring the term "roles" to "voices," I attempt to question the psychotherapeutic ideal, and suggest that we in "college mental health" work harder at defining our multiple roles and tasks so that activities outside of the psychotherapeutic are not felt as threats to or betrayals of our basic ideals.  相似文献   

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