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This study examines how an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning creates teachable moments that can foster conceptual understanding in students, and how teachers capitalize upon these moments. Six elementary school teachers were videotaped as they implemented an integrated inquiry-based science and literacy curriculum in their classrooms. In this curriculum, science inquiry implies that students search for evidence in order to make and revise explanations based on the evidence found and through critical and logical thinking. Furthermore, the curriculum material is designed to address science key concepts multiple times through multiple modalities (do it, say it, read it, write it). Two types of teachable moments were identified: planned and spontaneous. Results suggest that the consolidation phases of inquiry, when students reinforce new knowledge and connect their empirical findings to theory, can be considered as planned teachable moments. These are phases of inquiry during which the teacher should expect, and be prepared for, student utterances that create opportunities to further student learning. Spontaneous teachable moments are instances when the teacher must choose to either follow the pace of the curriculum or adapt to the students’ need. One implication of the study is that more teacher support is required in terms of how to plan for and effectively utilize the consolidation phases of inquiry.  相似文献   




2005年3月,奥斯卡,这个标志着世界电影最高荣誉的颁奖典礼,在几家欢喜几家愁的气氛中成功落下了帷幕。我们对谁获奖已经非常清楚了,但或许还会漏掉一些值得谈论、有趣的小细节。在这里,我们挑选了5个颁奖过程中最值得讨论的片段给大家,供作茶余饭后的"谈资"。  相似文献   

1991:Michael’s Most Amazing Move In Game 2 of the 1991 NBA Finals against the Lakers.Michael Jordan made a spectacular(引人入胜的)move thatseemed even more unbelievable every time it was replayed.1992:Magic Stars in the Magic Kingdom Affer retiring because of contracting the HIV virus inNovember,1991,Magic Johnson was voted a starter for theAll-Star Game and then won MVP(最优秀选手)honors.  相似文献   

《大国烟云》是中国第一部书写张之洞办铁厂的长篇历史小说,在价值评判上表现出明确的变革取向,对张之洞及其事业的追随者进行了褒扬,通过聚焦式叙事,融真实性与虚构性、传奇性为一炉,反映了中国近现代钢铁工业史的一段艰难历程。  相似文献   

The medical profession has for almost a century employed various types of “Rounds” as pedagogical tools to engage physicians, physicians‐in‐training, and their health care teams in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients. More recently, this validated paradigm of medical rounds (MR) has been extended to the field of education, where it is being used as an effective strategy for administrators to better understand their own domain. There are four distinct types of MR which can be further analyzed to find commonalities and parallels with the domain of education. The four types of MR are (1) Morning Rounds, (2) Chart Rounds, (3) Grand Rounds, and (4) Ongoing Collaborations—each have unique pedagogical characteristics and serve different functions. They are, however, unified by common threads of dynamic and interpersonal interactions wherein teacher (physician) and learner (physician‐in‐training) share learning and fluidly exchange roles in the pedagogy. MR models supplant the now outmoded theory of the “empty vessel” and corroborate the concept of the teaching brain. A formal analysis of MR underscores its ongoing utility in education both for its pedagogical innovations and for the Interactive and inherently human attributes that are required between teacher and learner for its efficacy.  相似文献   

吸引我们一集接一集地追下去的除了四位女主角轮番的时装表演,还有那一句句入木三分的对白——Carrie的悲观自省,Samantha的尖酸刻薄,Charlotte的乐观纯真,Miranda的理性执着,还有更多……  相似文献   

论述了电多极矩与取矩点选择的关系,给出了其与取矩点无关条件的证明。  相似文献   

<正>我们往往用记忆来衡量生活。最快乐或最震惊的、最激动或最紧张的、最有趣或最艰苦的,从一个到下一个里程碑的奋斗,在我们脑海中最为突出。这些是我们不遗余力地去做、去计划、去效力、去付出的事情。广告鼓励我们去尝试用尽可能多的体验填满生活。当重要的时刻到来时,我们用智能手机拍照,上传到社交媒体甚至日志,或者告诉我们的朋友和孩子。这些事情我们能记住很多年,但是在这些事情间隙里的其他事情都被  相似文献   


Service learning combines community service with academic learning. Students learn and develop critical thinking through active participation in organized service experiences. The purpose of this study was to describe the growth of 94 nursing students' critical thinking through service-learning experiences. Results revealed two major themes: development of both professional and community perspectives. Outcomes of the study provide a framework for developing service-learning experiences across the curriculum.  相似文献   

This article shows how the use of factorial moments provides a simple, consistent yet elegant approach to finding the mean and variance of standard discrete probability distributions.  相似文献   

Rick  Steves  朴宁 《英语沙龙》2009,(1):52-55
锡耶纳似乎是每个意大利鉴赏家所钟爱的城市。该城不仅有众多可赏之处,其本身就是一道风景。手捧一杯冰激凌,加入晚间散步的人流中,最后来到锡耶纳壮丽的、由红砖砌成的主广场。倚柱而立,落日的余辉抚弄着石头和天空,两者的色彩随之变幻不定。黄昏时分,天空幻化为宝蓝色的穹顶,恰如高高擎着它的中世纪塔楼一般夺目辉煌,初涉诗坛者玩味着这一奇妙的时刻。  相似文献   

利用古典Szasz算子和Baskakov算子给出了新的混合Szasz-Baskakov型算子的表达式及其各阶矩,所给出的新算子包含了古典Szasz算子和Baskakov算子,其各阶矩推广了已知Szasz算子和Baskakov算子各阶矩的结果.  相似文献   

利用滤波器,研究了在高密度离散小波变换下消失距的框架函数;由多带小波与多小波的设计启示,推导出小波的应用与算法的关系,并进一步研究在不同消失距个数作用下的紧框架.  相似文献   

7月21日,“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机最后一次着陆,完成了前往国际空间站的最后一次任务,美国航天局30年的载人太空探索就此落下帷幕。而航天史上发生的那些大事件,却将为人们永远铭记。  相似文献   

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