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This paper first focuses on a brief evaluation of the teacher-centered and the learner-centered methodologies and the relevant result and the necessily for changing. Secondly,it represents the practical ways of teaching based on the learner-cen-tered approach in classrooms to show how students' initiative is given .Thirdly , it presents the guidance for fellow teachers and students in group activities .The author of the paper believes that getting students started is the initial step towards active learning and fruitful teaching. It is proposed that efforts made to get students involved should focus not only on forms of activities but also on their contents , skill integration and establishing cooperative relationships between teachers and students or among students.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify beliefs about teaching and patterns of instruction valued and emphasized by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty in higher education in the USA. Drawing on the notion that effective teaching is student-centered rather than teacher-centered and must include a balance of knowledge-, learner-, community-, and assessment-centered learning environments; we use qualitative interview data to explore how faculty's reported beliefs about teaching are associated with their consideration of these four types of environments. Findings indicated that although a range of beliefs about teaching emerged, most were firmly located in knowledge-centered learning environments, with little or no focus on the remaining three learning environments. Furthermore, even patterns of instruction that were heavily student-centered were situated within a knowledge-centered learning framework. We argue that for student-centered instruction to be truly successful, faculty must consider all four learning environments in crafting and facilitating the classroom environment.  相似文献   

The reform of English teaching has become a hot topic recently.This article is going to discuss the role of one of the affective factors-teacher-student relationship in English teaching.Two questionnaires are designed in order to find out the current relationship between English teachers and students in college English classes and the imperfect relationship is revealed by the analysis.Then several suggestions about how to establish the new equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship are presented.  相似文献   

现在的教育强调教师是教的主体,学生是学的主体。在同为主体的教学活动中,教师该如何准确区分与适度把握二者之间的界限,教师在实践中常常踌躇不决、难以决定。从孩子的自我形成的视点论述“以教师为中心的教育”与“以儿童为中心的教育”的内涵和价值,并对教师该如何适度把握教师主体性与儿童主体性之间的平衡提出了尝试的方法。  相似文献   

刍议以学生为中心的高校外语教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在过去二十多年里,高校外语教学不仅在教学理论方面,而且在教学实践上都发生了惊人的变化,学生学习质量及综合运用语言的能力不断得到提高。但在外语教学取得可喜成绩的同时,我国高校外语教学中还存在需要改进之处。章在分析了目前我国高校外语教学现状之后指出,要想根本改变高校外语教学的现状,我们必须从教学理念上进行转变,要从以教师为中心的教学模式向以学生为中心的教学模式转变,把培养人才及培养学生获得如何学习的方法当作我们教学的首要任务。  相似文献   

随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,国家强力推进经济结构调整,社会对人才培养提出了更高要求,高校“回归本科教育”刻不容缓。作者在新西兰访学期间深入了解了新西兰高等教育的现状,并分析了其与中国高等教育的差异。新西兰高等教育践行“以学生为中心”的教育理念,同时注重“授人以渔”;教育不仅在于传授知识,更注重培养学生的独立学习能力、批判性思考能力及解决问题的能力。我国高校要回归本科教育,就应该坚持符合时代要求的教育理念,切实转为“以学生为中心”,引导学生培养各方面的能力。  相似文献   

李星 《巢湖学院学报》2004,6(3):167-169,171
随着目前中国对外交流范围的进一步扩大,社会各行业对各类人才的英语知识与能力提出了更高的要求.但以往以教师为中心的教学模式阻碍了学生学习的积极性何主动性,并同时忽略了对学生语言运用能力的培养.本文以培养学生的学习兴趣和英语实际运用能力为教学目的,通过实际的教学经验,对如何利用交际教学法以构建新型的精读课堂教学模式进行了简单的描述,并提了采用交际教学法教学的同时应需要解决那些问题.  相似文献   

在批判极端构建主义下的学生中心论极端化的同时,对教师和学生中心论的理论追溯,指出片面强调以学生或者教师为"中心"的误区。从实际教学出发,客观分析两者局限性和适用性,批驳"中心"的非此即彼的怪圈。根据后方法具体情境原则及参量,综合我国国情,提出灵活与弹性地运用非平行更迭的"中心"的策略。  相似文献   

Student-centered learning has been conceived as a Western export to the East and the developing world in the last few decades. Philosophers of education often associate student-centered learning with frameworks related to meeting the needs of individual pupils: from Deweyan experiential learning, to the ‘pedagogy of the oppressed’ and other social justice orientations. Yet student-centered learning has also become, in the era of neoliberal education, a jingoistic advertisement for practices and ideologies which can be seen to lead to a global devaluation of the educational profession, and the bolstering of the view of the student as a customer. In this article, I want to disentangle these views and explore some limitations of either model of student-centered learning. To add context, I consider education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) today, which provides an extreme example of the risks involved with prioritizing student’s self-identified needs and interests above all else, as in an idealized or exaggerated student-centered concept. I conclude with brief comments on amending the philosophical concept of student-centered learning to be useful in diverse contexts today.  相似文献   

How do we know when students have learned? is an important question. By way of a narrative example of a classroom lesson, the Essentialist philosophy is described. This philosophy is teacher-directed and lacks any inherent requirement for student understanding. Rather, a teacher delivers the required information, and students absorb then give back what was delivered. Five missing characteristics of learning—understanding, thinking, problems, questions, and feedback—from the narrative classroom are briefly discussed, and a student-centered philosophy is presented, which has the ability to support and sustain learning that is rich, substantial, and meaningful.  相似文献   

大学文化是育人为本的文化,基于提升学生学习在高等教育中的核心价值地位,大学文化的关注点必须更加聚焦于学生学习.以提升学生学习为出发点的研究视角,是一个离大学文化的育人内涵最为切近的角度.调查表明,大学文化建设在提升学生学习方面,已经取得了一定成果,促进了大学育人目标的实现.但其中呈现出来的问题,需要我们进一步面向教育本身,把提升学生学习放到大学文化建设中应有的重要位置,强调提升学生学习的大学文化新理念.  相似文献   

结合职业技术学校课堂教学实践,阐述了培养和激发学生的学习动机所采取的方式和方法。  相似文献   

教育作为一种关涉人的生存与发展的活动,以使人有知识、有能力、有感知幸福的素养作为自己的初衷。基础教育中长期存在的师本教育,从教学目的、内容、方法、评价、师生关系等方面剥夺了学生感知幸福的权利和机会。因此,我们需要转向生本教育的视角,以奠定学生能够幸福学习、幸福生活和幸福成长的基石。  相似文献   

论哲学与教育的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文站在马克思主义哲学立场 ,对哲学与教育的关系特别是哲学与教育哲学的关系进行了探讨。作者认为 ,哲学作为世界观和方法论 ,对人类的教育实践活动产生着重要影响 ,并且这种影响是通过教育哲学的转化才得以实现的。因此 ,当代中国教育的改革和发展 ,必须重视教育哲学研究 ,通过教育哲学的理性思考 ,为教育改革提供基础理论支撑  相似文献   

高等工程教育是培养科技创新工程人才的重要阵地。文章分析了当前高等工程教育面临的机遇与挑战,提出了提高问题解决能力,促进学生主动学习,以及突破课堂界限的“以学生为中心”的教学理念,并对以学生为中心的教学方式进行了探讨,主要方式为发现式教学的理论授课形式、问题驱动的翻转课堂教学模式和任务牵引的实践操作课程设置。  相似文献   

数学教育研究应当以教育学、心理学、社会学的原理为基托,自觉接受哲学的宏观指导,充分利用信息论、控制论、系统论等新兴学科提供的新思想、新方法,以数学思维和规律的研究为核心进行,这是数学教育研究的科学化之路。  相似文献   

大学英语教学不仅要传授专业知识,更要培养学生应用知识的实际能力。实践证明,行之有效的方法就是使用“以学生为中心”的英语教学法。英语教师要与时俱进,适应并促进这种教学中心的转变。  相似文献   

BTEC课程模式对践行高职教育理念的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国高职教育理念已逐渐向“以就业为导向,以学生为中心,以能力为本位”的方向转变.但是,在实践过程当中还没有找到比较有效的方式使这一理念得以有效的贯彻和落实.本文通过对BTEC课程模式的研究,从课程模式开发、课程体系构建、课程内容规定、教学方法、考核手段、教学质量监控体系6个方面分析了它对于践行我国高职教育理念的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

身体哲学强调了身体的主体性地位,肯定了身体在获取知识过程中的作用。身体与文化存在着互动关系,身体塑造了我们的身份和意义,在整个认识过程中具有逻辑上的优先性。艺术与身体之间存在着紧密而复杂的关系,这种紧密关联性为当前的艺术教育提供了很多有益的启示。在艺术教育的过程中,既要充分发挥身体的主体性作用,又要引导学生意识到身体对艺术作品的影响。基于身体与文化之间的互动关系,提供多样化的艺术表达方式,在艺术教育中提升身体意识和自我认同。基于身体哲学关于身体和心灵之间的相互关联性,发挥艺术教育的心理治疗作用,促进受教育者的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

国内外关于数学教育哲学的研究已经取得了不少开创性的成果.有鉴于哲学思考对于数学教育的重要性,在哲学上从不同视角对数学教育哲学加以定义是有益的.通过对数学教育哲学学科特征的揭示,可以进一步凸现数学教育哲学的研究对象,并为进一步开展数学教育的研究奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

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