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Home. Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, Kick back and just be yourself. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home. And for most people in America, home should be.above all,comfortable.  相似文献   

楼先生有一个黄枕头。一只乌鸦想要这个黄枕头。但是楼先生靠在枕头上。 乌鸦敲了一下窗户。楼先生打开窗户。没有人!只见对面的乌鸦排成排!  相似文献   

许多学者认为"三足乌"起源于远古时期的太阳崇拜和图腾崇拜,即源于《山海经》中的"阳乌载日"神话,其实不然。从考古学和文献学角度论证最初之阳乌并非"三足","三足乌"是汉代儒学与阴阳术数相结合的产物。  相似文献   

1993年出土于江苏连云港尹湾汉墓的《神乌赋》,是西汉最早的一篇民间寓言故事俗赋,寓意极其丰富,不仅具有影射现实的社会意义,还具有鲜明的伦理思想倾向:一是以乌意象蕴涵伦理教义的"孝";二是体现着重教化的伦理思想;三是体现的"三纲五常"思想。这一创作倾向不仅是独尊儒术之社会大环境的产物,还在于《神乌赋》出土的墓主人所生活的东海郡的特殊文化背景。  相似文献   

楚辞中的乌鸦意象三题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乌鸦意象是中国文学中一种重要的禽鸟意象,本文重点分析了楚辞中的乌鸦意象,指出楚辞中的乌鸦意象,恰好分属于现实、历史、神话三个层次,说明楚辞中的乌鸦意象明显受到了<诗经>文化的影响,同时又表现出鲜明的楚文化特色.  相似文献   

This article critique reflects on “Standards for a New Century: Educating U.S. Students to Compete in the Global Economy,” which was published in 2009 in the Carnegie Reporter, a publication of The Carnegie Corporation of New York. The article, written by Carnegie staff writer Karen Theroux, explained the need for Common Core State Standards, one of the Obama administration's educational reforms. This critique analyzes Theroux's article from the perspective of an educational researcher and evaluates Theroux's responsible use of research while informing readers about the Common Core State Standards reform. By analyzing four major concerns, this critique illustrates the author's misuse of research, therefore, informing readers about the reform in a biased manner.  相似文献   

塔特.休斯(1998年过逝的当今英国桂冠诗人)以其诗作中的系列动物意象著称于英国诗坛,其第四部诗集《乌鸦》通过乌鸦这一独特形象集中而系统地展现了西人对传统、宗教、文明的审视与寻求出路的心路历程。  相似文献   

乌鸦以其独特的文化意蕴成为中国古典诗歌中一种奇特的美学意象。中国古典诗歌中的乌鸦意象从类型上可分为世俗意象、历史意象和神话意象;从审美情趣上,可分为“兆悲”和“兆喜”两大类,这主要是由于乌鸦其自身的复杂性以及人们审美情趣的变化造成的。  相似文献   

九丹在《乌鸦》中塑造的中国“小龙女”形象给人留下了深刻的印象。从“小龙女”这个新妓女形象入手,探讨不同新旧妓女形象的独特之处,从而揭示出在经济高速发展、女权运动取得巨大成就的今天,女性为争取自身的真正解放所面临的不仅是经济、政治上的不平等,更要正视自己,从精神上认识自己,驱除父权制思想的影响,获得自我思考的空间。只有这样,女性才能真正获得做人的权利。  相似文献   

在现代社会中,人们对于乌鸦的态度发生极大转变,乌鸦经历了神鸟、孝鸟和不祥之鸟的转变历程,其身份地位由祥瑞神圣的代表一层层地消减为灾祸的预言家。一只小小的乌鸦却代表了人们思想上的流变,它依靠神性来确定地位,成为阳精的化身,当民众的自我意识苏醒过后,又逐渐成为不祥的象征。人们根据时代条件的转变不断地赋予乌鸦各种身份,又随着人们认知的不断深入,"去神性"成为人们最直观思想的表现方式。  相似文献   

This presidential lecture to the American Educational Studies Association argues that school lunch matters as education, not merely as management, especially within the ethically challenging contexts of the New Jim Crow (with its school-to-prison pipeline) and the Anthropocene—both wicked problems. The educational significance of children's foodways, school food, and school lunch has deep roots in early modern, as well as high modern thought, and within the past decade a new educational studies scholarship on school lunch has emerged concurrently with Michelle Obama's leadership for National School Lunch Program reforms. This study invites a wide range of educational studies scholarship by mapping school lunch matters that might frame new curriculum theorizing with the purpose of developing leaders' ethical responses to both the school-to-prison pipeline and the environmental crisis. This conceptual frame focuses a prospectus for educational creativity on school lunch's health matters, choice matters, table matters, earth matters, aesthetics matters, kitchen matters, community matters, service matters, and study matters.  相似文献   

探讨了乌鸦从神鸟到万人唾弃的不祥之鸟的文化底蕴及其转变原因,提出乌日合一是鸟图腾与日图腾的整合结果,乌鸦的不详色彩是语言美感和审美观念整合的结果的观点。  相似文献   

自古以来,中国古代先民就怀着对自然的崇拜和敬畏之情,将与他们生活息息相关的自然生灵作为精神寄托和崇拜对象,并作为纹饰记载在他们创造的器物上。太阳崇拜与乌灵崇拜,是人类社会最早的两大崇拜,而且太阳崇拜几乎跟乌灵崇拜融为一体。陕西华县泉护村仰韶文化遗址出土的鸟纹彩陶中,有一个形象为日与乌组合的纹饰颇为引人注目,乌是鸟的一种,这也与中国的一部分神话故事中的情节相吻合。这一纹样是太阳崇拜的一种表现。对于类似彩陶纹样的研究,能体现彼时彼地人类某种观念、精神和情感。  相似文献   

Why Do Cocks Crow? Children’s Concepts About Birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research into children’s ideas showed that children’s interpretations of natural phenomena often differ from those of scientists. The aim of our study was to identify children’s ideas of various age classes (7/8–14/15) about birds. A questionnaire with 31 multiple choice and open ended questions and eight photographs were administered to 495 children from 10 elementary schools in Slovakia. Children’s ideas were examined in six dimensions (bird classification, food, senses, communication, migration and breeding including parental care). We found several misconceptions, some of them with both anthropomorphical and teleological reasoning of the children about birds within each dimension. In general, misconceptions were more frequently found in younger children, but several misconceptions were similarly distributed across all age classes.  相似文献   

《远离尘嚣》是英国著名作家哈代的成名作,作者对自然风貌的描写和人物形象的刻画使小说获得了极大的成功.从生态女性主义视角来解读小说,力图消除父权制的二元对立局面,倡导要在人与人、人与自然界、女性与自然界之间建立一种和谐发展、互相依存的关系.  相似文献   

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