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针对目前中学课外阅读中质低、量少、低效的现状,本文主要从教师的角度探讨如何提高中学课外阅读的质量、效率。首先,教师要以身作则,培养学生的阅读兴趣;其次,师生一起制定学期阅读计划,实现学生自我监督和教师适当指导相结合;最后,教师要协调校内外各种教育资源,教育关系,为学生的课外阅读创造一个良好的大环境。  相似文献   

阅读,为学生成长奠定坚实基础。学校通过优化校园文化环境,营造浓郁读书氛围;开展多样读书活动,培养浓厚阅读兴趣;建立评比激励机制,促进读书活动深入;发挥家校互动作用,共享亲子阅读乐趣,让学生"有兴趣读、有好书读、有时间读、有能力读",引领学生走进书香的世界,做有根的人。  相似文献   

随着农村中小学布局调整政策实施的深入推进,我国各地撤销了大量规模较小的村校或教学点。农村学校撤点并校后,大批的中小学生转到乡镇中心学校读书,从而引发了农村地区家庭陪读的风潮。研究以贵州省K县H乡中心小学为个案,通过对西部山区农村家庭陪读现象进行实地调查。全面分析陪读对儿童成长的影响。  相似文献   

诵读技能是语文学习中的一项基本要求,而就目前高校学生的实际状况来看,除了个别的诵读爱好者外,绝大多数学生的诵读技能并未达标.造成这一结果的重要原因就是学生在高中学段没有进行有效的诵读训练.换言之,诵读教学没有在学生高中学习中占有一席之地.随着应用型人才的社会需求不断增加,诵读教学在学生素质养成中的作用日渐突出,对学生未...  相似文献   

数学阅读是数学学习的一项重要技能,探讨影响数学阅读的因素对指导数学阅读教学具有重要作用.研究结果表明:个体的CPFS结构和阅读自我监控能力与数学阅读成绩之间有密切联系;数学阅读成绩高分组与低分组的被试,在CPFS结构和阅读自我监控能力方面都存在显著性差异;个体CPFS结构和数学阅读自我监控能力对数学阅读成绩有显著影响,其中,个体CPFS结构对数学阅读成绩的影响更大;个体CPFS结构与阅读自我监控能力在数学阅读中有独立的作用,二者没有显著性相关,但可以相互补偿.  相似文献   

现代阅读理论认为,阅读是读者与作者进行思维交流的过程。因此,高中英语阅读课的教学除了要继续加强学生对语法、语义的理解外,还应有意识地运用相关的阅读理论来指导学生进行阅读,建立正确的阅读图式,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。作者阐述了图式理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用。  相似文献   

王洪玲 《培训与研究》2006,23(6):87-88,115
近年来的研究发现,在我国有语文阅读障碍的中学生越来越多,笔者试图从主观和客观两个角度出发,来分析和阐释中学生语文阅读障碍问题成因的复杂性,揭示其成因不仅来自于学生本身,也是学校、社会、家庭多方面因素影响的结果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate gender differences in the relationship between reading ability, frequency of reading and attitudes and beliefs relating to reading and school. Two hundred and thirty‐two 10‐year‐old children (117 male) completed a reading comprehension test and a questionnaire exploring the following areas: frequency of reading, attitude to reading, attitude to school, competency beliefs and perceived academic support (from peers and teacher). Overall, girls had better reading comprehension, read more frequently and had a more positive attitude to reading and school. However, smaller gender differences were found in reading ability than in attitudes and frequency of reading. Indeed, effect sizes for gender differences in reading were found to be small in this and other studies. Reading ability correlated with both boys' and girls' reading frequency and competency beliefs; however, only boys' reading ability was associated with their attitude to reading and school. Notably, gender differences were found predominantly in the relationship between factors, rather than solely in the factors themselves. Previous research has neglected to study these relationships, and has focused instead on the gender differences found in individual factors. Conclusions are made regarding the applicability of these findings to the school situation.  相似文献   

The reading achievement of deaf children may be low not only as a result of factors related to the hearing loss, such as a lag in language development. Environmental factors such as the quantity and quality of reading instruction, for example, may also cause low reading achievement. This study looked at the amount of time spent reading and the types of teacher interactions during reading instruction in classrooms at a school for deaf children and associated satellite classes in New Zealand. It was found that the deaf children spent very low levels of time engaged in reading and were subjected to teacher interactions that may inhibit the development of meaning-based reading skills. The quantity and quality of reading instruction for deaf children may differ from that experienced by most hearing children in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Text reading fluency – the ability to read quickly, accurately and with a natural intonation – has been proposed as a predictor of reading comprehension. In the current study, we examined the role of oral text reading fluency, defined as text reading rate and text reading prosody, as a contributor to reading comprehension outcomes in addition to decoding efficiency and language comprehension. One hundred and six Dutch primary school children from fourth grade participated in this study and were assessed on decoding efficiency, vocabulary, syntactic ability, reading fluency performance and reading comprehension skills. Regression analysis showed that text reading prosody, not text reading rate, explained additional variance in reading comprehension performance when decoding efficiency and language comprehension were controlled for. This result suggests that the inclusion of text reading prosody as an aspect of text reading fluency is justified and that a natural intonation is associated with better comprehension of what is read.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a longitudinal study dealing with the development of literacy in young children. A total of 163 children were first tested during their last year in kindergarten using a variety of tasks that tapped phonological processing, memory capacity, early literacy, and intelligence. Children’s word decoding, reading comprehension, and spelling skills were assessed in elementary school several years later. As a main result, all of the predictor domains had a significant impact on the acquisition of literacy in elementary school, although the contribution of each domain differed as a function of the criterion measure. An attempt to identify children-at-risk using a kindergarten screening test provided encouraging results. Nonetheless, it was shown that whereas group predictions of reading and spelling performance can be quite accurate, the individual prognosis of school problems is far from perfect.  相似文献   

Children's early literacy experiences are critical, yet it remains unclear whether memories of early reading instruction continue to be associated with reading habits into adulthood. We examined the association between recollections of reading experiences and present-day reading habits in an adult population. University students responded in writing to three open-ended prompts asking about their memories of reading during early childhood, elementary school and high school. They also completed two questionnaires inquiring about reading enjoyment and frequency in elementary school and high school. For the concurrent measures of reading, participants described their current reading habits in an open-ended prompt and completed an author recognition test. Results showed positive links between favourable memories of reading during elementary and high school years and present-day reading habits. Conversely, unfavourable memories during high school were associated with unenthusiastic present-day reading habits. We found that reading instruction in school forms long-lasting memories, and these memories are linked in meaningful ways with print exposure during adulthood.  相似文献   

"文本解读个性化"是小学语文阅读教学理应坚守的一种观念,秉持的一种策略,追寻的一种理想。然而在践行中,由于教学的"作秀"对学生的误导,应试的"功利"对学生的戕伤,"文本解读个性化"的目标、过程、结果都出现了一定程度的"失真"。让教学成为一种真诚的对话,让考试成为一种真实的应答,是其"归真"的必由之路。  相似文献   

A sample of 169 German children were tested in general verbal ability, verbal memory span, phonological awareness, lexical access speed and accuracy, and letter knowledge in preschool. These tests were used as independent measures predicting performance on second grade reading comprehension, word discrimination, and word decoding speed. Tests of verbal ability, memory capacity, and phonological awareness were also given over a year later in elementary school. After determining that the influence of verbal ability, memory capacity, and phonological awareness on reading comprehension was comparable when measured in preschool and elementary school, the effects of all preschool measures on the three dependent reading measures were assessed. These analyses revealed differential main effects and interactions for the three dependent measures. However, a significant three-way interaction among lexical access, memory capacity, and phonological awareness was found for all three reading measures. These results indicate that the interaction and subsequent effects of these linguistic skills precedes and influences reading acquisition. This is contrary to the view that these skills interact as a result of reading experience. The implications of these results, as well as comparisons of conducting such studies with German rather than English speaking children are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prospective relationships between reading performance and reading habits among Finnish children during the first and second grades of primary school. One hundred and ninety‐five children were examined twice during their first primary school year and once during the spring term of Grade 2. The results showed, first, that children's reading skills predicted their reading habits: the more competent in reading children were at the end of Grade 1, the more likely they were to engage in out‐of‐school reading one year later. Second, reading habits also predicted reading skills: the amount of out‐of‐school reading at the end of Grade 1 contributed to the development of word recognition skills.  相似文献   

通过测试、问卷调查和访谈等方法对农村初中学生英语阅读策略训练和阅读能力发展的相关关系进行了实证研究。结果表明:阅读策略训练与阅读能力发展显著正相关;情感策略能显著促进阅读能力发展、而元认知和认知策略则不能,这几者之间存在一定关系模式;策略水平、性别和阅读题型都显著影响阅读能力发展;教师可通过培养自主阅读、提高英语水平和进行显性策略教学等方式促进学生的阅读能力发展。  相似文献   

当前初中生的课外阅读状况不容乐观,本文从课外阅读兴趣、阅读动机、课外读物的来源、课外阅读的内容、课外阅读的时间与数量等方面对初中生的课外阅读状况进行了调查研究,并提出了对策和建议.  相似文献   

This experimental study reports findings on the effects from a year-long reading intervention providing daily, 50-minute sessions to middle-school students with identified learning disabilities (n = 65) compared with similar students who did not receive the reading intervention (n = 55). All students continued to receive their special education services as provided by the school. Results indicated statistically significant findings favoring the treatment group for sight word reading fluency following intervention. Small effects were found for phonemic decoding fluency and passage comprehension. No other statistically significant differences were noted between groups. The findings suggest that while gains on word reading fluency resulted from the additional reading treatment, accelerating the reading performance of students identified with learning disabilities may be unlikely to result from a one-year, daily intervention provided to students in groups of 10-15.  相似文献   

Student reading skills are below grade level in many schools and professionals are constantly searching for new ideas to enhance reading curricula. To address this problem in one elementary school, a parent/school reading programme was implemented. Parents were encouraged to increase the amount of time spent reading with their children at home and the school provided easily accessible reading materials, suggestions for encouraging reading at home, prizes and special activities. Programme participants demonstrated a higher increase in reading rate and accuracy than the matched peers. Prior to implementation and at the end of the reading programme, parents and students who chose to participate in the programme reported positive attitudes toward reading together. Implications of these results are discussed and an emphasis is placed on expanding research in the area.  相似文献   

The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate the developmental antecedents of reading performance and its subcomponents from the beginning of the first year to the end of the second year of primary school. One‐hundred‐and‐fourteen seven‐year‐old Finnish‐speaking children were tested on reading‐related skills during their first week of school using a test battery designed for school entrants. Following this they were examined six times on word reading and reading comprehension skills. The results showed that the reading‐related variables predicting reading performance varied according to the phase of reading development. Moreover, partially different antecedents predicted word reading and reading comprehension. Word reading was associated with letter knowledge and listening comprehension, whereas initial word reading skill and listening comprehension were highly associated with the development of reading comprehension. The results support the development of reading instructional methods that take into account these differences in the components of reading performance and their development.  相似文献   

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