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教师是其自身专业成长的主体。但长期以来,幼儿园教师们似乎在专家、学者的帮助中迷失了自我,也养成了“等待”的陋习。那么,如何发挥受训教师的主体性,使他们既能主动地向专家、学者和同仁们寻找支持,更能自觉地反思自己的教育实践,有思地吸纳和借鉴他人的意见,进而逐步由实践者成长为研究者?这是幼儿园教师培训中需要重点思考的问题。本期“教师成长”栏目的前4篇文章介绍了在幼儿园教师培训中引入案例教学的思路,并展示了一些幼儿园的有益尝试,希望能对回答前面所提的问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

教师教育中的案例教学:理念、案例与研究批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究从国内案例教学思辨研究存在的诸多不足出发,简要对比了不同学科案例教学的理念,突出了案例教学的学科问题意识、学科理念的深化作用,澄清了案例教学的重心在于案例而非教学。教师教育中的案例教学在于提高教师的专业性,研究通过一个教育学案例教学的案例分析,展示了上述结论,并解释了案例是事例加专业分析的案例概念。研究在批判国内已有研究不足的基础上,主张通过专业研究人员与一线教师共同参与的实证研究或行动研究来开发教学案例。  相似文献   

Case Study,Case Records and Multimedia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

学习者中心的技术设计:理念、方法与案例   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
随着教育范式总体朝向“以学为基点”的革命性转变,教育设计的重心开始从传统的支持“教”转向支持“学”。以往,教育技术研究者对“学习者中心设计”的讨论集中在总体的教学设计层面,而在具体的技术设计层面关注较少。学习者中心的技术设计基于学习科学研究,重点关注“技术支持的逼真学习环境设计以及其中帮助学习者跨越专长知识鸿沟的支架设计”。国际教育领域正在兴起的“设计研究”为促进学习者中心技术设计的持续革新提供了新的研究范式,而Model-It作为学习者中心技术设计的成功案例,为我们提供了有益的设计参考。  相似文献   

公共管理专业人才培养源于能力本位与参与理念的二元契合性,参与式教学塑造了教学主体的公共精神和公共理性,提升了公共人才的服务能力和服务水平。将案例引入到公共管理的教学实践中,要对案例进行筛选,并通过教学案例的评介和分析,不断提升教学主体的综合能力。反观既往案例教学的实践,要协调好案例本身的因果关系、变量的互补论证、案例更新与置换等三重逻辑的平衡。  相似文献   

In his retrospective essay, Seymour Fox (1997 Fox, S. and with Novak, W. 1997. Vision at the heart: Lessons from Camp Ramah on the power of ideas in shaping educational institutions, New York: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education and Mandel Institute.  [Google Scholar]) identified “vision” as the essential element that shaped the Ramah camp system. I will take a critical look at Fox's main claims:
  • A particular model of vision was essential to the development of Camp Ramah, and

  • That model of vision should guide contemporary Jewish educators in creating Jewish educational excellence.

I will draw upon historical accounts and theories of organizational leadership and change to question Fox's first claim about the history of Camp Ramah and to offer an alternative model of vision to guide future leaders of Jewish camps.  相似文献   

案例选择是案例教学的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
案例教学作为现代应用学科教学中一种不可替代的方法,它的主要功能是培养学生实际解决问题的能力,要取得这样的教学效果,需依照一定的要求及原则选择相应的案例,提高案例的质量和适应性,这已成为案例教学的关键点之一。  相似文献   

世纪之初的广东省教师教育承担着学历达标和学历提升双重任务,网络的发展以及现代远程教育试点的推进,为广东省教师教育的发展提供了不竭动力。文章以广东省为个案,介绍了广东省开展“利用网络提升教师学历工程”的概况、取得的成绩,以及实践所依据的理念,为全国教师教育的改革发展提供了一个较好的范式。  相似文献   

系统化教育改革是政策制定者提出的新概念。澳大利亚维多利亚州为系统化教育改革提供了实践范例,其以自我管理学校创建为核心,由自主管理、问责、统一课程以及教师和校长的能力建设为支柱的改革,具有的互为支柱且目标一致的制度框架、治理结构变革与教学质量改进的协同等特点,为其世界一流的学校教育系统建设提供了制度基础。  相似文献   

以深圳"山寨机"为例,分析了山寨机出现的经济原因、政策原因、技术原因、价格原因、产业链原因、产品推出速度原因、外观设计原因、功能原因、利益链重构原因,指出了"山寨化"的深层次根源在于中国产业的"三元化",分析了"山寨机"面临的市场困境、价格困境、技术困境、信任困境、品牌困境、生存困境,并在此基础上提出山寨厂商、行业协会、政府部门应各负其责、营造更好产业成长环境的未来出路。  相似文献   

案例教学法——《行政法学》教学改革的新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国法学专业教育教学改革的深入,行政法学教学出现了一些问题,而这些问题的解决迫切需要深化教学改革,更新教学理念。案例教学法作为实用主义哲学在教学法上的具体体现,其不但是解决目前行政法学教学与实践脱节的有效措施和方法,而且更是理论联系实际方法在行政法学教学中的集中体现。  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the politeness strategies used by technical communicators and designers in group settings, particularly in the decision-making, collaborative meetings of a real-world, naturally occurring group. This study explores the degree to which members of a well-established group linguistically express concern for their fellow collaborators and how that concern may be affected by the type and imminence of their deadlines.  相似文献   


The history and current state of Chinese teaching in Australia has largely been determined by two key factors: first, the country’s policy on languages, and in particular its policy regarding foreign language education; and second, its immigrants and overseas students from Chinese-speaking countries and regions. Beginning in the 1980s, Chinese teaching gained powerful support under Australia’s official language policy, and the number of people studying Chinese has continuously grown. At the same time, it is worth noting that the majority of those learning Chinese are students of Chinese descent. The questions of how to design courses, prepare teaching materials, grade examinations, and train qualified teachers in response to this situation merit careful consideration.  相似文献   

Brian O'Toole 《Prospects》1995,25(2):320-324


Case studies have been a central methodology employed by scholars working in the rhetoric of science and technical communication. However, concerns have been raised about how cases are constructed and collected, and what they convey. The authors reflect on how rhetoricians of science and technical communication researchers can – and do – construct a variety of case-based mixed-methods studies in ways that may make our research more portable and durable without undercutting the important and central role of case-based analysis.  相似文献   

Reading aloud to infants continues to be the focus of controversy between educators, researchers, and health care professionals. This article will provide insight into what research says about reading aloud to infants as well as the results of a case study of a six-month-old infant who has been read aloud to in utero to the present time. The results of this case study confirm that parents and caregivers reading aloud to infants is necessary in developing literacy skills that are paramount to book awareness, print awareness, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension, all of which are stepping stones to learning to read and write.  相似文献   

随着课程改革的持续深化,课程群建设已成为学校课程系统设计的热点。从设计原则上看,综合课程群需要体现时序性、统整性、衔接性与发展性;从外显特征上看,综合课程群关注的是主题逻辑,一般由系列活动或者模块组成;从功能体现上看,综合课程群建设致力解决课程碎片化、割裂化与松散化问题,通过提取共同要素或者以主题为线索,将彼此分散的课程进行有机整合;从设计类型上看,综合课程群建设主要包括作为国家课程的综合实践活动课程的综合化建设,地方课程、校本课程间的优化整合与体系化建构,以及基于校本课程的聚类建设。学科课程群与综合课程群如同DNA的双螺旋,彼此衔接,共同促进。  相似文献   

This article reviews literature on emotions within communication settings and proposes that emotions serve as motivations to accomplish social action; these motivations also serve as opportunities to negotiate agency within unfamiliar workplace settings. To exemplify the way this process develops, the author presents a case study of a technical communication intern as she works full-time for a German sales and distribution company. Through reflective self-narratives, the intern describes specific emotions she experiences as she adjusts to this German workplace. These emotions connect directly to decisions the student makes that help her negotiate agency from a “powerless” position, resulting in effective workplace relationships and a competent persona.  相似文献   

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