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In recent years, NHS Ambulance Trusts throughout the UK have consistently failed to achieve their response time targets for both actual and potential life-threatening calls. To avoid a media and public outcry, the NHS response has been to change the basic parameters upon which the response time targets are calculated. An action learning study, which considered patient experience from initial response to outcome, concluded that the ambulance service must move away from the nearest crew response model to one which provides a defined multi-organisational service to specific categories of need. A key issue with the learning sets, which were made up of front-line crews, was understanding the Trust-wide picture and where acceptable new procedures could provide economic benefits to the Trust, benefits to the patients and help achieve the response time targets. A simulation model driven by parameters agreed by the action learning sets provided proof that new procedures would generate the required benefits. The learning sets also identified that the public should adjust their expectations to understanding that an immediate front-line ambulance response would only be despatched in life-threatening cases, but there would be alternative slower responses for all other cases.  相似文献   

我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊及其深层次原因剖析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对我国中小学心理教师的角色模糊现象及其体制的原因进行了理论探讨。心理教师的角色模糊主要表现为心理教师与管理者、与德育教师及与普通教师的混淆。造成这一混淆的根本原因在于心理健康教育在德育和管理框架内运作,缺少与特殊教育的联系,现存殊教育范围的狭窄及其与主流教育的脱节等。解决混淆的根本途径在于深化目前的德育与管理体制的改革,在特殊教育框架内,以特殊儿童的服务为核心,重新整合心理健康教育资源,使心理辅导与心理测评发挥其应有作用。  相似文献   

秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦汉时期的始傅、始役、终役的年龄问题是研究秦汉时期赋税制度的重要问题,史家历来观点不一。本文认为:秦朝为十五岁始傅、始役,不满十五岁者,只要身高超过六尺五寸者,也在始役范围之内;有爵男子五十六免,无爵男子六十免。而汉代始傅情况可分为三个阶段:即汉初,袭秦制十五始傅;汉景帝二年,为二十始傅;汉昭帝时,变为二十三始傅。汉朝男子一般均为五十六岁老免,无爵、犯罪夺爵除外。但也有例外,因政治、经济、军事形势的需要,封建统治者会将始傅、始役的年龄提前,或将终役、老免的年龄推迟。  相似文献   

Prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, successive presidents and officials at the Board of Education made it clear that they believed there were three types of children in Britain - those who needed nursery schools to rescue them from degradation, those for whom a less expensive nursery class would do the job adequately and those who would be better off staying home with mother. However, by the time the 1944 Education Act was framed, national policy towards pre-school provision had undergone a major transformation: nursery schools could provide the best start in life for everyone, should be available for every child from three to five and, crucially, should be the only form of childcare provision available. This change of direction was initiated by the government's inspectorate, and heavily promoted by members of the civil service. Professional bodies, such as the Nursery School Association and teaching unions, had very little influence over the decision-making process. The needs of working mothers, who were likely to be adversely affected by the closure of wartime childcare facilities, were inadequately considered. Local Education Authorities, who generally favoured nursery classes, were, however, able to wring a last-minute compromise from central government so that classes could be provided where schools were “inexpedient”. The fact that the new policy had been written in such isolation, without consideration for potential users, and had been messily hamstrung at the last moment meant that it was never implemented and must ultimately be considered a failure.  相似文献   

Competition for a chance to take the civil service examinations began, if we may be allowed to exaggerate only a little, even before birth. On the back of many a lady's copper mirror the five-character formula, "Five Sons Pass the Examinations," expressed her heart's desire to bear five successful sons. Girls, since they could not take the examinations and become officials but merely ran up dowry expenses, were no asset to a family; a man who had no sons was considered to be childless. People said that thieves warned each other not to enter a household with five or more girls because there would be nothing to steal in it. The luckless parents of girls hoped to make up for such misfortune in the generation of their grandchildren by sending their daughters into marriage equipped with those auspicious mirrors.  相似文献   

提高高校图书馆期刊服务工作质量之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章结合本馆利用特色期刊资源为读者服务的实际,从服务方式的转变、服务内容的多样化及馆员素质的提高等几个方面,阐述了提高图书馆期刊服务工作质量的具体措施。  相似文献   

学习是人类永恒的主题,在知识经济时代,学习能力是人类生存、发展所要具备的首要能力,图书馆与学习型社会有内在的联系,因此图书馆要积极主动为创建学习型社会服务。  相似文献   

In 2012, the City University of New York undertook to examine whether online tutoring would be helpful to remedial algebra students. The research study was done in the spring 2012 semester at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). The research question was two-fold: (a) Does online tutoring help improve pass rates among remedial algebra students? and (b) Do remedial algebra students find that online tutoring is helpful? A random sample of eight sections of Elementary Algebra was chosen from the 112 sections of that course offered in the spring semester. This amounted to a total of 195 students in the research sections, with 2,521 remaining students in the control (nontreatment) sections. All students in the eight treatment sections were given access to the Brainfuse online tutoring system. Midterm scores, final exam scores, and opinion surveys were collected. An overwhelming proportion of those who used the service found it helpful (94.7%) and would recommend it to a friend (100.0%). However, the pass rates in the study were nearly the same for the treatment and control groups, and a logistic regression analysis, comparing two statistically matched cohorts, showed no significant differences. One issue was that the sample of those who chose to use the service was small. Also, many of those who needed the most help were not the ones who used the service. It may be that in terms of improving pass rates, outreach and counseling for students could be more efficacious than simply offering a tutoring service.  相似文献   

Designing desktop publishing courses around a model of service familiar In the U.S.—the pro bono publico tradition of professional gratis service—would broaden students’ professional horizons in addition to meeting growing demands for service learning. Such courses would mate volunteerism with the democratic spirit of desktop publishing, a technological platform that provides a means for unrepresented voices to be heard and read. One community project is outlined.  相似文献   

在智慧校园中,服务融合门户的概念随着校园信息门户的演变发展而被提出,但目前还没有形成统一的定义。文章首先介绍了服务融合门户所处的阶段及其定位;随后,文章梳理了服务融合门户的主要内容,包括用户授权、数据融合、消息融合、资源融合、资讯融合和服务融合;最后,文章以河海大学为例,设计了智慧校园中服务融合门户的功能,并提出了实现这些功能所需的支撑技术。河海大学服务融合门户的建设实践表明:服务融合门户依托"以用户为中心"的理念进行功能设计,能满足智慧校园信息门户服务师生的多元需求,可为高校智慧校园建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Recent national changes in ‘Early Years’ policy are likely to have major impact on the practice and profession of educational psychology. In this paper, implications at the individual, service and systemic levels are examined and practice examples given of how an Educational Psychology Service (EPS) might rise to the new challenges these major changes engender. The paper concludes that in order to maintain a clear overview of the continuing developments and demands in this area and to ensure that there is a co-ordinated response, the ‘Early Years’ should increasingly become recognised as an area for a Senior Specialist educational psychologist (EP). This EP would be charged with the responsibility for drawing up the service development plan for the Early Years and at the same time ensuring that the opportunities offered by the ongoing developments in this area are capitalised upon.  相似文献   


This paper explores the appropriateness of using mystery customer programmes in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK.


The main aim of the paper is to examine potential advantages and disadvantages of mystery customer programmes within HEIs, and to identify any issues that would need to be successfully resolved were they to be integrated into current quality assurance methods.

Sources of evidence

The main sources of evidence employed in this paper include a review of the extant literature and a small empirical survey of staff from a university business school.

Main argument

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to using mystery customers in HE; however, mystery students could indeed be used to monitor large sections of university processes and services. For this to happen, a large number of operational issues would need to be resolved, including the development of standards of service for staff, recruitment of students, confidentiality, information utilization, the unions, costs and staff resistance.


The use of mystery students in HE today would appear to be a long way off; however, it may have a place, alongside peer observation and feedback questionnaires, to appraise service quality at the point of delivery. For this to happen, university management would need to develop a set of metrics to evaluate all aspects of service performance.  相似文献   


The “2014 Chinese University Faculty Survey” found that: University faculty in China are young, recent recipients of their academic degrees, and have a high level of inbreeding within academia; there is a high percentage of doctoral degree holders; a large proportion are from villages and towns, and have parents with low-level education and employment; overall they feel high levels of work pressure as well as job satisfaction. They work on average 45?hours a week and are paid nearly RMB 110,000 yuan per year. One third of them live in “policy apartments,” one third have no overseas experience, and one fifth would not choose the academic profession again if they had the chance. They would prefer a teaching to research ratio of 2:8, but their actual work ratio for teaching, research, and service is 4:4.5:1.5. Three conclusions may be drawn from the results of the survey: the academic profession is highly equitable, but would benefit from people from more diverse backgrounds joining; there is a high threshold for entering the profession but opportunities for advancement need to be improved; it is a highly specialized profession that places a high demand on academic excellence.  相似文献   

私立教育对穷人是可行的,私立学校大部分是面向穷人的,能够为穷人提供优于公立学校服务的。赢利动机是教育开办商创建第一所学校的重要促动因素。私立学校的利润目前不可能过高,如果利润过高,市场的矫正机制将会抑制这种情况。赢利动机能够潜在地使学校和学校服务的对象受益。  相似文献   

Little is known about the way in which variations in service quality influence outcomes when youth are clients of more than one service system. This article reports on a study of 1,210 adolescents (aged 13–17 years), half were concurrent clients of two or more services and half were not involved in two or more services. Youth completed a self-report questionnaire administered by a trained interviewer. It was hypothesized that youth reporting two positive service experiences would report lower risks, higher resilience, and better outcomes than youth reporting inconsistent or two negative service experiences and that their resilience, risks, and outcomes would be similar to those of youth not involved in two or more services. MANCOVA was used to determine the relationship among service quality and resilience, risk, and outcomes with four covariates that assessed family and neighborhood environments, history of abuse and neglect, and chronic need. Results indicate that service quality had an effect on resilience, risks, and outcomes. These relationships were mediated quite strongly by the influence of the risks youth faced in their neighborhoods and to a lesser extent by the other three covariates. Of the three dependent variables, risk appeared to be the most consistently influenced by all the covariates, and it also differentiated service experience groups. Results point to the importance of services developing strategies to effectively address risks confronted by youth and also to ensure that when more than one service is involved with youth, consistency in service delivery is achieved.  相似文献   

官方公共服务与南宋西湖旅游   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西湖风景区旅游活动提供公共服务是南宋临安官府行政职能内容之一,独具地域特色。官方公共服务是西湖风景区旅娉活动必不可少的条件。但在传统时代。官方公共服务终究不能摆脱统治层的利益指向控制而独立自由地为民众的利益服务,其结果是官方公共服务限制着民众旅游活动的顺利进行。  相似文献   

为破解当前学前教育事业发展中"入园难入团贵"的难题,我国一些地方政府结合政府职能转变的时代要求,已经采取或准备采取政府购买服务的策略.为保证这一策略的可行性与有效性,有必要充分了解这一策略产生的背景、运行机制及其可能产生的弊端,才能避免盲目简单照搬.西方政府是在福利支出日渐超过经济发展水平的背景下,为削减庞大的福利支出而采取这一策略的.强调政府也有可能失败的公共选择理论、强调尊重和保护社会组织独立性的委托代理理论、强调由多元化的主体来提供公共服务的治理理论是西方政府产生和发展购买行为的直接理论基础.一般来说,西方政府主要向非营利组织购买服务,并主要集中在卫生、社会服务、教育科研等领域,购买的方式多样化,同时按照法律法规对提供公共服务的社会组织进行质量监控.在此过程中,政府一方面不能随意弱化自己直接提供公共服务的职能,不能用购买服务完全取代自己应尽的责任,另一方面要充分尊重和保护社会组织的独立性,防止它们准政府化、失去效率、偏离组织宗旨等.政府购买服务作为一种政府干预手段有其局限性,如果政府仅仅依靠这一手段,有可能产生事与愿违的消极后果.  相似文献   

与各类大型活动相配套的礼仪服务工作非常重要,在一定程度上决定着活动举办的成功与否,第十一届全运会礼仪服务的实践充分证明了这一点。一个成功的大型活动礼仪组织培训模式,在培训目标、组织原则、运作流程、培训内容、保障措施等方面要综合考量,统筹策划。首先,培训过程要贯彻理论学习与实践操作、技能训练与素质拓展相结舍的原则。培训的内容则应该包括理论知识培训、基本礼仪培训和专业礼仪培训三个主要部分。其次,现场礼仪服务要做到准确无误,因为现场失误是无法补救的,完美无缺的现场服务依赖于高效科学的组织调度,前期严格苛刻的培训和反复彩排。本文结合作者亲身经历的全运会礼仪志愿者服务的培训和组织工作,尝试对构建大型活动礼仪服务的组织和培训模式进行论述。  相似文献   

A key role in the development of inclusive practices in schools and classrooms is that of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO), a role that has changed most radically since the introduction of the Code of Practice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Through interviews with SENCOs in primary and post‐primary schools in Northern Ireland, the present study sought to examine the extent to which they created inclusive environments. Specifically, it investigated the scope and main challenges of their work, the support received and how far initial teacher education and in‐service training underpin inclusion and, thereby, the SENCO’s role. The findings showed that the responsibilities, skills and attributes expected of the SENCO were numerous and that it was a core position, yet carried a substantial teaching load, that the role was strongly managerial and that there was fragmented support in practical terms. Despite expectations that the SENCO would initiate and implement improved inclusive strategies, many significant obstacles persisted and progress could be slow considering, for example, teacher knowledge of, and attitudes towards, special needs. A much sharper focus is needed on all phases of the teacher education continuum as they impact on inclusive cultures at whole‐school and classroom level. The SENCOs identified their own perceptions of key factors to make inclusion work.  相似文献   

档案资源已经成为与能源、材料资源同等重要的资源.目前,我们在档案资源的管理与开发利用过程中,低效、重复、浪费现象严重.只有统筹规划,标准先行,抓好基础管理,提高开发利用的水平,充分发挥档案资源服务社会的作用,才利于建设节约型社会.  相似文献   

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